The Genie of the Bush
The Genie of the Bush
According to the Koran, God created the djinn or genies from flame that does not burn, which is very different from the perdition promised the evil by God and is eternal unendurable pain described as `fire that burns but does not consume`.
When Moses received word from God in the Book of Exodus[3:1–22] that Moses was to lead the Jews to a `land of milk and honey`, the words came from a burning bush. In Eastern Christianity, the flame Moses saw was the light of God`s `Uncreated Energies`, which means the energies of God that are yet to be used in creation. T. S. Eliot`s concept of the `objective correlative` says that, without an object the imagination cannot flow towards what is to be created:
Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves
Waited for rain, while the black clouds
Gathered far distant over Himavant.
The jungle crouched, humped in silence.
Then spoke the thunder
Jesus is the `objective correlative` from which Western civilization and culture flows. Similarly, in the story of the `burning bush`, the `objective correlative` is the bush, and the Uncreated Energies` are what is to be created, and what is being flowed towards, from the bush as the `objective correlative`.
God is described as speaking from the bush, which accords with Plato`s notion of diegesis and mimesis, as the basis of understanding Eliot`s notion of the `objective correlative`, which Eliot uses in his poem The Wasteland - and elsewhere - to restore the flow of creation by means of the inspiration of the `Uncreated Energies`. God`s name YHWH means `who blows`, because the inspiration of creation is the spirit of God which, with Moses, is the law of God, and that`s why the Shekinah, a female spirit, resides within the Ark of the Covenant containing the law Moses later received from God. She is what inspires, and inspiration is the `breath of God` that, in the New Testament, is called the Holy Spirit. In simple terms, God is inspiring Moses and the bush is the `objective correlative` used for the inspiring.
With Moses it`s about the law, because he isn`t wise and has to obey God, which is wisdom from Moses` point of view; so long as he`s obedient. In the Koran Moses meets Khidr, the `green one`, who is wise, and shows Moses what Moses can`t understand because Moses isn`t wise. Khidr rebuilds a wall to conceal treasure, kills someone, and knock a hole in a boat so that he can`t be followed by `pirates`. Moses doesn`t understand and says so. Khidr refuses to teach Moses, because Moses is a `pirate`. Moses` companion, Joshua, invaded Canaan and the city of Jericho, where the `walls came tumbling down`, and were rebuilt. Because the `treasure` wasn`t to be found there; it was to be found in Bethlehem where Jesus was born from the virgin, Mary.
The Unburnt Bush prefigures the virgin birth of Jesus by Mary, who is viewed as having borne God without suffering. An `angel` appears in the bush, with God, as the Logos of God, the Angel of Great Counsel (Counsellor, Almighty God), which is interesting and usefully instructive because the angels of Satan, Shaitan in the Koran, are expected to receive the pain of eternal burning fire for rebelling against God. Moreover, according to the Koran, djinn have the ability to transport, which suggests that the angel of the `burning bush` is God`s `transporter` and is a djinn. The bush appears in flames but isn`t consumed, which is how the djinn are said to be born; from cold flame.
Because the virgin Mary is a type of `burning bush`, the symbolism suggests that both Mary and Jesus were djinn, or djinn inspired, and that the feminine spirit of God, the Shekinah, which becomes the Holy Spirit in the New Testament, is also djinn, or djinn inspired. Because the Bible ends, in Revelation, with the `hidden` woman sowing her `seed` amongst the stars, where she defeats Satan, and is given a new heaven and Earth to dwell in forever, while the evil receive perdition, she`s woman as a species with her own penis, that is futanarian woman, and represents fulfillment of `God`s Plan` by means of the correctly induced flow of the `Uncreated Energies` of God, which began with the virgin Mary, as the `God bearer`. In other words, the angels, djinn, God, the `Uncreated Energies` of God, and Woman as a reproducing species without a man, in the form of the Virgin Mary, are all present in the non-consuming `burning bush`, and Moses has to do as he`s told instead of blaming God`s angels and Satan; or he and the other men will receive unendurable eternal pain, symbolized as fire that burns forever and is unquenchable: as punishment from the omnipotent good God.
Moses is the type of the man who obeys God because he`s forced to. From Moses` point of view God is Satan when God makes Moses do what he doesn`t want to do; just as the Nazis were Satan to the Jews because the Nazis made the Jews do what they didn`t want to do. The Jews were used to obeying the law, but as Khidr, in the Koran points out, Moses has to obey the law, or he`s a `pirate`. In other words, he`s Satan if he doesn`t obey the law of God, but he isn`t; because he does. Moses is wise because he obeys the law of God, but Khidr is wise because he has obeyed the law of God. In other words, the Jews obeyed God but weren`t wise; and they should have been wise to the Nazis. It`s `show and tell`. If you`re told it`s evil, don`t invite them to show you what they mean because you`re obedient to God`s laws and are a `student`.
The `objective correlative` of the 20th century was the gas chamber. Noone was interested in what it meant. But the demons wanted to demonstrate it for you. God`s laws are not educative; they`re for obedience. Khidr has learnt because of them; not from them. Laws are laws; they`re not for disciples.
Jesus, the `fish`, taught `love thy neighbor` as the distillation of the Commandments, and said that the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit as the continuator of Jesus` teachings, would teach after Jesus. Revelation shows that the `Uncreated Energies` of God flow towards Woman as a species with her own penis, in fulfillment of Jesus` teaching, `love thy neighbor`. The spirit of God, the Shekinah, the Holy Spirit, the angels of God, and the geniuses of God (genies, or djinn), are Woman because she`s God`s:
`You shall be as ... [God`s].` (Gen: 3.5)
Khidr appears to Moses after Joshua loses the `fish` by the Red Sea that he`d been keeping for Moses` supper, which means that Khidr (Sura 18), and Jesus, the `fish`, in Christian symbolism, are aspects of the wisdom of God. Jesus` education is that of the cross. If the gas chamber is the `objective correlative` of the 20th century, the cross was the `objective correlative` of the 3rd century C.E., and the meaning is the same. Don`t let men show you what they mean; only obey God and hope to receive wisdom.
If women are a species with her own penis, and loving thy neighbor is because, in Christian terms, a man is a woman, then men who want to continue using women as a `host womb` for themselves as a parasite rather than let her leave for the stars, are faggots who prefer each other. Consequently, eternal unendurable pain in fire that burns is their destiny. In Genesis Eve is described as having to give birth in pain; as a reminder of her accepting of evil. The hope was wisdom would compensate her for the loss of Eden and, in Revelation, her `seed` leaves Earth for heaven.
Mary gives birth to Jesus in flame that doesn`t burn, according to the `burning bush` as Mary analogy, which means that Jesus was born as the djinn are, and so Mary prefigures birth without pain, that is, Woman and djinn`s forgiveness by God. In other words, Mary is the `objective correlative` of Woman and djinn, whereas Jesus` crucifixion is the `objective correlative` of men, who explain that Jesus shouldn`t be, which is what their `objective correlatives` are for; crucifixes, guns, missiles, etc.
Khidr`s solution is not to give men any inkling of `treasure`, but to say `Close Sesame`, as he did when rebuilding the wall, and kill them if they`re evil. If the pirates pursue, Khidr disables their transport, and escapes.
In the Arabian tale `Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves`, from 1001 Nights, an analogy of The Cave Sura (18) in which Khidr`s story appears, Ali`s brother Cassim forgets the password to a cave where thieves keep their treasure and is caught, tortured and murdered. In Jesus` story the `hidden treasure` is the knowledge, in Revelation, that women are God`s species with her own penis. Ali Baba has the wisdom of Khidr, insofar as he doesn`t forget the password to the cave, and conceals the treasure and his knowledge of the thieves, which is analogous to the woman of the Earth remaining `hidden`, as she is in the Bible, until Revelation, when she escapes, like Khidr, who doesn`t want to teach Moses because Moses is a `pirate` in spirit, which is why Moses can`t understand, and so Khidr leaves Moses too.
The woman in the abiyah is analogous to the `hidden` treasure, and Arabia is most often criticized for making women wear the one piece coverall that hides her, but the practice does find biblical correspondence in the idea of the `hidden` woman of the Earth that constitutes the Earth`s `treasure`. In other words, Khidr is running towards women and away from men, in terms of the flow of `Uncreated Energies`, and the women in the abiyah are prisoners unless they`re `hidden`, as Paradise or Jennah, is supposed to be `hidden` on Earth, in Islam, while being all about us. The truth is that Arabian men are imprisoning women in `caves`, because they don`t want her to develop and leave.
In `Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves`, Ali Baba reseals the cave or, Khidr-like, `rebuilds the wall` to conceal the `treasure` and, keeping his own counsel, that is, the inspirational `Counsellor` as `tutelary` Holy Spirit, remains wise and leaves; so not inviting the disaster of being discovered by the thieves who steal others` treasure, which is why an Arabian man keeps his wife in her abiyah; so that she isn`t a temptation to thieves. In simple terms, a woman represents the `tutelary spirit`, but a man perceives her as `treasure` and, lest they assist a piratical Moses to wisdom, they`ll keep her `hidden` and silent.
In the Bible Moses doesn`t want to be the leader. God made the mouth, God tells Moses, and so is qualified to decide who can and cannot speak, but sends Aaron as the `mouth piece` of Moses:
Obeying the law is enough, but those who don`t obey have to be commanded, which is what Jesus is able to do in Revelation when `out of his mouth came a sharp sword`. The sword is an `objective correlative` for Commandment. In Exodus Aaron disobeys God`s Commandment not to make false gods:
`He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool.` (32.4)
The `objective correlative` is the `Criterion` given to Moses and Aaron by God. The name Aaron means `mountain`, and the mountain where Moses received the law is Horeb, which means `burning mountain`, whereas Sinai, which is also given as the name of the mountain whence God spoke to Moses and where Moses received the law, is derived from seneh, the word for the bush burning with the light of God`s `Uncreated Energies`. Moses and Aaron`s leadership derives from the Covenant with God for the Promised Land of `milk and honey`, which is the `Criterion` as `objective correlative` but Moses and Aaron`s ability to command disappears when they try to command God`s `chosen people` who, ironically, are women as a species with a penis of her own, who isn`t yet present and correct, and so men`s desire to worship `animally` is, symbolically, an expression of their will that she not be born, whatever `Criterion` God gave Moses and Aaron.
Mt. Horeb means `mountain of the sun`, whereas Mt. Sinai derives from `Sin`, and means `mountain of the moon`, which is symbolically exact because, from the law of God, that`s designed to deny sin and, later, in the New Testament, Jesus` Resurrection depicts forgiveness from sin as dependant on acceptance of the word of God, and the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, emerges the `New Redeemer` of Revelation, born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who protects the `hidden` woman of the Earth until she`s ready to leave.
Responsible for Woman`s imprisonment, those refusing to let her out of her bondage, correspond to the Egyptians` preventing Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea to receive the law from `burning bush` mountain, and the `green light` to proceed in search of God`s promised `land of milk and honey`. What isn`t clear until the Bible`s denouement is that milk is from the woman`s breast, and honey is from her penis, that is, the `hidden` woman of Revelation for whom God has reserved heaven is God`s `chosen people`, and she`s futanarian.
Just as Jesus was the `objective correlative` in the 3rd century C.E. from which everything flowed, so George W. Bush was the `objective correlative` from which all flowed at the beginning of the 21st century, and was biblical insofar as the President of the United States of America found spiritual correspondence with the `burning bush` of Deuteronomy that represented the law of God that, first in the person of the father, George Bush Snr., denied Kuwait to Saddam Hussein`s invading army and, later, in the person of George Jnr., removed Saddam Hussein as the Iraqi President in Baghdad.