Oedipus Married His Mother Because She`s Supposed To

25/04/2013 18:42

Oedipus Married His Mother Because She`s Supposed To


Anyone who knows anything about the human species would immediately perceive this statement as Arabic, because it says something simply but isn`t simply understandable. Oedipus is at the heart of Western psychology, because Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) of the Vienna school argued that the desire of the son for the mother sexually is at the centre of human activity. According to Freud the story of Oedipus` killing of his father is what occurs in human terms when access to the mother is denied the son. Sexual feelings are displaced to another female and the new family unit is born.



 Dramatized in ancient Greek theatre by Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (429 BCE)  the legendary story of Oedipus is of a man who argues on the road with another and kills him. Without discovering the man, Laertes, was his father, Oedipus goes on to the Egyptian city of Thebes and marries his mother, Jocasta, Although Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a disciple of Freud`s his contribution to the understanding of the mythic content is greater. In Jungian psychology the anima is the soul of the individual and, according to Jung, earlier endogamous relations characterized human society, that is, marriage within the extended family, which was perceived as incestuous originally.



 Exogamous marriage with a stranger superceded the endogamous form, and characterizes the relationship between Oedipus and Jocasta except that Oedipus is family and not a stranger. According to Jung the inability of Oedipus to perceive his doom is due to projection, that is, the anima or soul, because she is repressed into unconsciousness through enforcement of the exogamous principle, which means that the desire for Jocasta is determined by the image of the woman, which is incestuous but characteristic of the nature of the true relations between the son and the mother.



 In Christianity Jesus is `woman`s seed` born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen because the desire of the male penis for the woman is the woman`s penis` desire for herselves. In simple terms, the Virgin Mary prefigures the woman who has her own penis, that is, the `futanarian` woman, who can reproduce her own species, woman.



 In the Bible God tells Eve she shall `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` Earth, and God gives a `new heaven and Earth ` to `woman`s seed` in Revelation, while warning Eve that the `serpent`s seed` will wage wars of `perpetual enmity` against hers. In short, the son`s desire for the mother is the mother`s penis from the daughter who is not yet born, which is why Jesus` and Oedipus` story is incestuous, that is, she has to be born, because she`s `woman`s seed` and the future of the human species.



 In Jungian psychology the animus is the male imago that surrounds the woman in dreams as an aspect of the psyche which Jung perceives as male, whereas the male has the role of parasitical devourer and shouldn`t be in her mind at all.  In other words, the soul is female as Jung observes, but she`s female in women as well as men, because the anima and her incestuous projections represent the desire of the woman`s species for itself, whereas the male parasite that affects the role of symbiote but has attached itself to the penis of the woman has no function within the psychology of humanity other than as a devourer, which it is Oedipus` doom not to understand when he breaks the incest taboo because, if he had comprehension, he would have broken the curse.

 In Greek civilization the `host` wombs of women were enslaved in pederasty to spread its viral contagion of war. The huge hollow wooden horse before the walls of the city of Troy demonstrates the virus. Pretending friendship in the same way that HIV/AIDS or terrorism feigns friendship for its `host` before attacking it, the Greeks emerged from the horse after the Trojans had accepted it as a friendship gift and enslaved the `host` wombs of the women of Troy to further spread the homosexual contagion of pederasty and war. The paradigm is of the parasitical virus feigning symbiosis before virulently killing its host, which includes the art, culture and civilization `woman`s seed` has succeeded in producing from her womb despite her devouring animus, that is, the imago of the male that appears to her conditioned consciousness to surround her as a `throng of male admirers` but is her murderer.



 Oedipus is figuratively blind at the beginning of the story, because he doesn`t know who he is, while at the end of the story he knows who he is and has blinded himself literally because he does know who he is, and the taboo against incest imposed by a society that insisted on exogamy or `marriage with a stranger` is the taboo against knowing that men are parasitical demons who have enslaved the human species so that she can`t escape. In fact exogamy is the tool of the blinders itself, because endogamy is a metaphor for the natural development of woman as a species, whereas marriage with a stranger is estrangement from human nature and marriage with the exogamic `alien` which, biologically, is what men as women`s demoniacal devouring parasitical virality are.



 In socio-historical terms, the exogamous factor embraced the human species to extinguish it, and is still in the process of doing so. Endogamy is natural while exogamy is the enslaving instrument of the human species` devourer. The idea that Oedipus has married his mother, because she`s supposed to, prefigures a drama by Sophocles that is non-extant, which would be Oedipa Regina, who is the she that`s supposed to marry a woman, and is what the incestuous or psychologically endogamous function of the soul or anima is actually for.

The figure of Antigone is Oedious` daughter who leads him onwards after his blinding, because woman`s penis needs guidance so that she can see where she`s going. Consequently, Jung`s perception of the soul as female was correct, and Jesus` promise of Redemption through the teachings of the Holy Spirit represents that adherance to `woman`s seed` as the desired guide for the future of the human species.

 The story is set in Egypt`s Thebes because it`s Arabic. In Arabia women wear the abiyah or burkha so that they can`t be seen, because they don`t want their species to be visible to their devourers. Invisibly visible is Arabic, and so the black of the traditional covering for the women of Arabia is uniform because that`s how they distinguish themselves from what isn`t human. Oedipus married his own mother, because he prefigures Jocasta`s daughter Oedipa, who has her own penis, and so she`s supposed to marry a woman, which the parthenogenetic birth of Jesus, the `first of woman`s seed`, suggests.



 Mary is impregnated by the woman who isn`t visible, that is, the Holy Spirit, and without contamination by her husband Joseph`s male semen, because the `futanarian` woman with her own penis is present in the spiritual realm, but isn`t yet visible as the human species. Mary gives birth, not without male semen, but without the visible signs of female semen, because men are actually the devouring demons of the human species and don`t want it to be seen, whereas Jesus does:


`Leave her alone.` (Mark: 14.6)


 On the eve of his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus` disciples berate a young woman who is washing his feet in expensive perfume because they feel that it`s a waste of money. Jesus` admonishment contains the realization that he isn`t important and neither is the woman to the disciples, which means it`s a feigned friendship based on the principles of parasitism. Judas first kisses Jesus and then betrays him to the Jewish police, that is, the Pharisees, who hand him over to the Romans, and Pontius Pilate judges Jesus guilty of sedition. As the `first of woman`s seed` Jesus` torture and death is paradigmatic. The exogamic aliens thwarted by Jesus` celibacy surround and kill him because that`s what the aliens do with `woman`s seed`.

 The story of Oedipus is veiled advice to do what mother wants, and so is Jesus`. He didn`t want to be an alien devourer of his mother, or the Earth`s art, culture and civilization, which emerges from woman`s `host` womb. Marriage isn`t for women as a species. With her own penis she can impregnate another woman who hasn`t a penis, but she would need another woman with a penis to impregnate her;iIf children were desired. Consequently, `woman`s seed` represents the `agape` of Christianity, which is the love of the extended family advocated by Jesus.



  Of course, the issue of reproduction as a species begs the question of women`s blindness and death. If men don`t want her to know they`re aliens, occlusion and extinction is what they represent. The long-lived woman wouldn`t need to reproduce so often and would disseminate the knowledge and wisdom of the species, woman, to her daughters. God`s promise of immortality to `woman`s seed` and perdition for the `serpent`s seed` as punishment then makes sense because darkness and death are made by irredeemable men.

 In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, to protect the `hidden` woman with the `iron scepter` of his indomitability, while the serpent grown since Eden into the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the light of the Earth. In symbolic terms, `woman`s seed` will be able to see and the `serpent`s seed` won`t be able to prevent her, because death is blindness, and God`s promise is of immortality to `woman`s seed`, which will live to see, and be seen by its own selves.