The Suicide Of A Primitive People
19/06/2014 11:46
The Suicide Of A Primitive People
Primitivism is associated with Animism which is the perception that the environment is alive with mana, that is, ingestible power, whether of a spiritual or organic nature. The developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), introduced the term anima to refer to the human soul, while his term animus referred to the spirit in woman, to whom he denied the presence of a soul but rather was persuaded that women had opinionatedness he perceived as an intellectual defect deriving from her spirit. According to Jung the animus was perceived by women as a collection of men surrounding her admiringly and protectively, which is why her animus is symbolized as a sword of power in Jungian psychology, whereas the anima or soul of a man is described as the poison of illusion that has to be dispelled if the individual is to develop beyond inferiority. Jung argued that individuals are inferior before they learn not to perceive others as inferior by means of the `projection making factor` which led them to mistakenly believe the inferiority that resided in themselves was in others. Because the anima was female, men perceived other men as inferior, because they didn`t want to feel female, which they`d been taught led to expressions of homosexuality, and so men projected their hatred of their own female anima or soul onto each other. Moreover, women didn`t in fact perceive the animus as a male coterie of admirers and protectors but as misogyny, because men hated the female aspect of themselves, which received projection onto other men and women as hate. Consequently, the animus of a woman represented her adjusted opinion, that is, men admired and protected her, because that`s how she wanted to feel, which resulted in a schizophrenic perception of reality in which men were believed to love women as an article of faith that women attempted to make real, whereas the actual relation between men and women was of hunter and hunted. In the Bible God speaks of Eve`s `seed` who will:
`… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)
The serpent is represented giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in a very simple description of the nature of choice. Good is good and evil is stupidity, which is what knowledge is for. God had given Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, but the serpent had told them, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) After Adam and Eve`s expulsion from Eden, that is, paradise, or `heaven on Earth`, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb would be born, but Adam and Eve and their descendants killed her and forced women into womb slavery, `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) There`s no mystery because men enslave women`s host wombs for war. The ancient Greeks institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war, while enslaving the host wombs of the women, because that`s what the descendants of Adam and Eve accepted as power from the serpent. Consequently, the article of faith that women were loved by men is a falsehood they needed to adopt schizophrenically to survive their parasite. In the Bible the serpent is depicted as grown in size until it`s a dragon that waits in vain to devour Jesus who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` because men are parasites that emerge from the host wombs of women to devour their sons, because the penis` semen of the `woman`s seed` of her own `futanarian` mothers with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation has already been devoured by men who would rule over slaves in male braining that promotes reincarnation of war in homosexual pederasty rather than species` progress:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Men`s viral paradigm in homosexuality is demonstrated by the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of enslaving the host wombs of women for parasitism and war. HIV/AIDS was the late 20th century incurable `killer disease` spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction, which is the `seed` of `futanarian` women after Eve, which God warns her the serpent will have `perpetual enmity` towards. HIV/AIDS` cells fake friendship for the white defending leukocyte cells of the human body`s immune system before killing the brain, which is what the successors of the ancient Greeks, that is, the modern day `geek` programers of computer machine brains do with their `bad machine code` which they call `virus`. They infect the system and kill the humans` auxiliary brain built to augment an already degenerating mind because of generations of male braining through host womb infection by the parasitical `serpent`s seed` of men. The virus is spread by fake friendship because women kept in schizophrenic acceptance of penis` semen stolen from their own species by their parasite are friends with their homosexual killer, which breeds itself only to wage war against what remains of her `seed`:
`… the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring … those who keep God's commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.` (Rev: 12. 17)
Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he represents the host womb of the species uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men, because women`s `seed` is what God wants for the future. Betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his twelve disciples at the `Last Supper`, for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman occupiers of Palestine as a Jewish `dissident` so the Empire could nail him to a wooden cross and torture him to death, represented the Earth`s rejection of the `seed` of Eve. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after his death prefigures God`s plan for the Resurrection of the `futanarian` human `seed` of women with their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to escape from womb enslavement to the parasite they were host to. As the host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion and death, Jesus offered the womb of the human species to the disciples in the symbolic form of the `bread and wine` as the `body and blood`, which is hallowed in the Catholic Communion service of Christianity, where the `bread and wine` are the host in the mystery of transubstantiation, that is, the transformation of the parishioner, who accepts the `bread and wine` as the `body and blood` of Jesus, and so the Resurrection of the human species of `woman`s seed` in a secret initiation ritual that pledges the worshipper of God into the service of humankind.
The `bread and wine` are a mana ritual left over from Primitivism in which power is ingested physically, rather than symbolically, for example, in shamanistic rituals of psilocybin ingestion known as `magic mushroom`, that is, a form of Animism or nature worship, where power is perceived as orally obtainable organically. Because men and women`s relationships are determined by anima and animus, they`re Primitivism and Animism, as men don`t want women to have their own brains to liberate themselves and escape, which is a form of race suicide promoting stagnation and precluding progress in order to maintain enslavement for the host womb of the humans. The projected anima of Jungian psychology deludes both man, that is, parasite, and woman into believing in sexual love for the furtherance of the parasite`s objective, which is to kill or enslave the host womb, while the animus schizophrenically has the woman believing she`s protected by a circle of supportive males, whereas in fact she`s surrounded by parasites and murderers; unless they`ve accepted Jesus` host, that is, transubstantiation, which is acceptance of the obligation to protect and defend the host womb of the human species as well as her `futanarian` semen, that is, the penis` `seed` of the woman for the sexual reproduction of her own brains from her own host womb, and so further species` development.
Deliberate obfuscation has occluded Christians from perceiving the truth of Jesus` mission for generations. In England women are taught schizophrenia because of taboos against nudity, that is, women`s penis` `seed` isn`t considered as a socio-cultural phenomenon at all. Even sexual contact between women is deemed `lesbian` and an abherration rather than an attempt by women to break free of the enforced schizophrenia that tells them their own species` sexual activity is forbidden. UK situation comedies, like BBC TV`s One Foot In The Grave (1990-2000), mock the concept of `futanarian`, that is, God`s `foot` of Eve, who`ll `crush the head of the serpent` (Gen: 3. 15) as she leaves Earth after developing her own technology from her own brains` powers for space travel to colonize the planets and stars of God`s heaven:
`That must be very complicated for you with your limited brain power.`1
Although the character of Victor Meldrew in One Foot In The Grave is insulting to women, `bad language` is censored by UK TV to promote occlusion and keep women in ignorance. The penis is `cock` in the vernacular and the vagina is `cunt`, which is a reference to the hammer`s cock and the gunned, that is, the culling of women as a species lest their exponential capacity for breeding their own race disenfranchise men from power. If `futanarian` women and women are 100% human, men who don`t have host wombs are her parasites, which means she`s human and they`re alien. Consequently, women have the right to vote, whereas only Christian men, or those who accept `woman`s seed`, can receive the franchise. In Islam, which means `accept`, four women are permitted in a marriage, that is, 80% to 20%, which is a closer approximation to what would be the actual male-female proportional representation in terms of democratic election procedures and reflects upon the Moslem marriage as a vehicle for the sexual reproduction of women with their own penis` semen and host womb concealed from public view beneath their burkha:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
Jesus` mother in his `Second Coming` to the Earth after Ascension to heaven is `hidden` in the desert protected by the wings of an eagle, which is the emblem on the `Great Seal` of the authority of the President of the United States of America during the Gulf wars of 1990-91 and 2003-11 to depose Saddam Hussein from power as the dictator of Iraq endangering the peace of the region. US` Navy Seal Team Six`s killing of terrorist leader, Osama Ben Laden, on 2 May, 2011, represented the defense of the seal of the women`s hymen in the region and a `Christian mission` to protect `woman`s seed`. Because Jesus is born to, `a woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` (Rev: 12. 1), the symbolism is of the red sun of the flag of Japan, which was the nation that unannouncedly attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December, 1941, before the United States` defeat of the Japanese during World War II (1939-45), and the flag of the moon of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, which had attacked New York by hijacking civil airliners and crashing them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, while the real moon and `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6), that is, heaven above, was visible in the turbulent birth waters, where the `statue of Liberty`, symbol of woman, overlooked the true moon in New York harbor.
Although nudity in the USA is more common than in the UK beauty standards are still of the Miss America pageant type, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb wouldn`t make the finals because of the bulge in the mandatory bikini swimwear aspect of the competition. Although Moslem Arabia`s marriage welcomes `futanarian` speculation, what is beneath the burkha remains private and so woman may be `hidden` but she isn`t advertised for women to `accept` sexually as their own. US TV shows and movies featuring the popular Charlie`s Angels (1976-81) concept date back to the period of the Vietnamese war (1959-75), where the Vietcong opponents of the USA`s aim to reunite North and South were contemptuously known as `Charlie`. Original `Angels`, actresses Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, and Jaclyn Smith, reported to `Charlie` on the show as a disembodied voice who`d give them missions, while in Vietnam `Charlie` would cry `Help me!` from the jungles of Vietnam until the US troops would send a medical team to be ambushed by `Charlie`, who`d scream with mirth and wait to do the same thing again with another unsuspecting US platoon.
`Angel` Farrah Fawcett was a Texas college `beauty queen`, because she was `standard`. But the concept of sending women to their deaths isn`t, although `Charlie` in Vietnam was very good at luring the unsuspecting `missionaries` sent to convert the North. Consequently, Charlie`s Angels is a `Trojan horse` for `Charlie` who wants to lure the human species to its death. The term `Trojan horse` is used to describe computer viruses based on HIV/AIDS that `geek` programers infect computer brains with as `bad machine code` that kills them, but the origin is the huge hollow wooden horse left by the Greeks at the siege of Troy and taken in by the Trojans as an offering to the patron goddess of the city, Pallas Athene, whose symbol was the tireless horse, that is, `Charlie` is a euphemism for the tirelessness of the virus, which asks the `Angels` to sacrifice themselves as `standard`; because Jesus` teaching is:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
The `Angels` in heaven will be `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers; having escaped from ring enslavement in a monogamous state of ownership to her parasite. If men want to be in heaven with `woman`s seed`, they`ll have to `accept`, which is what `Islam` means, Resurrection in the host womb of the human species not male brained reincarnation as its enslaver. In Islam Jesus has Ascension to heaven without death, because the marriage of four wives means Moslems `accept` Resurrection for `woman`s seed` as a practical adjunct to Jesus` birth and teaching, which is why Jesus` Ascension is accepted but death isn`t needed to illustrate the desirability of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` because Moslem women accept that as desired. The movie Charlie`s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) features Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, and Cameron Diaz as the `big screen` trio, with Demi Moore as the `fallen Angel` who is against them, which is `Charlie` again, that is, women fight each other and for `Charlie`, who keeps them schizophrenically alienated from their own species and gets them to fight and die for `Charlie`.
Princess Diana didn`t die for `Charlie` but she was an `Angel` in the House of Windsor, where the future King of England, Prince Charles, elected to marry her in 1981 with the blessing of Queen Elizabeth II. While married, Diana campaigned against landmines, which were banned in the Ottawa Treaty of 1997. Divorce ensued but the 1997 car crash which killed Diana in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris, France, chased by paparazzi photographers on motorcycles was `Charlie`. The tragedy underscored global misogyny`s antipathy towards a woman concerned to protect the `foot` of Eve`s `seed`, which wasn`t represented in England where offendedness on behalf of cultural icons, like the UK TV `sitcom` One Foot In The Grave, covertly celebrates the extinction of the human `foot` race, `To come home, and find your husband has taken up necrophilia!`2 Taking offence in support of `tradition` that maintains women`s enslavement is what the serpents in their `green and pleasant land`3 do where interests are served in keeping women ignorant of their own species` capacity for sexual reproduction without male semen in male braining productive of `TV` events like the Gulf war (1990-91) to remove Saddam Hussein`s army from its invasion of Kuwait. Because `woman`s seed` is effectively banned, and women occluded even from herselves` desire for herselves, men and women are transvestism, that is, a male brained `TV` wearing each others` clothes for their homosexuals in pederasty and war to watch killing itself on the battlefields of the Middle East and elsewhere in `TV wars` against her.
Unless humans can move beyond Primitivism in Animism to defeat the desire to devour themselves in a delusory quest for power through ingestion, the race will suicide. Carl Jung argued that the ourobouros archetype of the self-begetting and self-devouring serpent, usually depicted with its tail in its mouth, was a metaphor for the individuation process whereby the individual came to recognize his inferior qualities, and through introjection, that is, conscious self-recognition of projections, gave birth to the new human being. According to Jung archetypes appeared in the form of imagery, or as helpful figures in dreams, art and imagination, because they were the impulse engines of human progress. The ourobouros is understandable as the serpent in Eden grown to the size of the dragon of the Bible that `waits in vain` to devour Jesus, because it`s the male brained abomination eating itself in homosexual parasitism, while the self-begetting aspect of the serpent represents Babylon, the enslaved woman forced to produce herself as a host womb slave to the parasites` devourings in pederasty and war. Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man` as he was Hollywood, Babylon for the `small screen`, that is, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) as God tells Eve, because `TV war` in male brained transvestism that devours and excludes `woman`s seed` is what the `serpent`s seed` are for.
1 Renwick, David as Victor Meldrew `The Worst Horror Of All`, Series 3, One Foot In The Grave, 1992.
2 Crosbie, Annette as Margaret Meldrew `Warm Champagne` Series 4, One Foot In The Grave, 1993.
3 Blake, William `And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time`, l. 16, 1808.
Slave To The Light And The Grail
21/05/2014 17:18
Slave To The Light and the Grail
Science fiction writer George Orwell was a socialist who wrote the dystopian novel, 1984 (1948), as a comment upon what the future would be like after 1948 if socialism hadn`t prevailed against totalitarianism, which dominated Europe before, during, and after WWII (1939-45), when totalitarian Stalinist Russia held sway over much of Eastern Europe because it`d helped defeat totalitarian fascist Germany and refused to withdraw from the East in order to create a buffer zone of satellite states to protect its borders from further incursion. Although socialism is often thought of as communism, which replaced Empire as the totalitarian political force on Earth, humanism would be closer to the truth, because communist ideology was based on the notion that `workers control of the means of production` was desirable and the totalitarian Russian state grew out of nationalization of industry on the false premise that it represented the workers. Socialism, properly understood, is the perception that humans are important, which has been used to attack the machine age, where labor saving machines are condemned, because they make workers redundant, whereas machines are for making laborious work unnecessary:
In Arabia the folk tales are of the magic lamp of which the genie is the slave, whereas the Western individual who abhors slavery needs to switch on the electric light to see, that is, as a slave of the lamp. For Arabians water is the most precious commodity because of the desert climate. Consequently, they`re slaves to the desire for water in the heat of the sun, which entails Orwell`s simple perception, `Slavery is freedom.` Unless water is desired, none will be drunk, which means that the human will die. As British science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke, wrote: `Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic.`1 The Arabian genie represents a more advanced technology assisting the human, which is equivalent to the human desire for light. Desiring light the human needs to switch on the electric lamp and so is a slave to the desire to see. The genie is described as a slave to the lamp, because advanced technology fulfils the desire of the human to be saved labor. Because the genie assists the human to see, the genie is perceived as a slave of the human, whereas the genie is free to fulfil the desire of the human for light, but that technology is too advanced for those who are slaves to the idea that freedom is more than a needed glass of water.
In the Middle East Jesus was the teacher who was `Logos`, that is, God`s `Word`, because he represented the celibate life perceived as necessary to promote spiritual and intellectual capacity in a society that needed technology in order to grow. Although Jesus was born in Bethlehem and was tortured to death by the Roman occupiers of Jewish Palestine as a `dissident`, Christianity is essentially a Middle Eastern religion based on the perception that water is life. In Arabia the temple of Abraham in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca celebrates the founder of Judaism and `Islam`, which means `acceptance`. Abraham`s son, Isaac, was of the line of Israel, while Abraham`s son, Ishmael, was of the line of the Prophet Mohamed who founded Islam after the angels dictated to him the Koran (610-30 C.E.) more than six hundred years subsequent to the death of Jesus who, according to the Christian New Testament of the Jewish Bible, experienced Resurrection and Ascension to God`s heaven. Upon the cross Jesus was given vinegar by a Roman guard to prolong his torment and he was mocked with the sign `King of the Jews`, because he asked for water. In Christianity water is important in the baptism of infants who`re often immersed as a symbol of the promise of a fulfilled desire for God`s heaven, where desire for God is freedom, while the human needs to remain a slave to the desire for life, which is the desire for immortality represented by the `tree of life` in the original heaven on Earth that was paradise before the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, were expelled from by God for disobediently eating of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` when offered it by the serpent, `You shall be as gods.` The serpent represents slavery to the desire to be unfree because godlike humans are enslavers:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but she will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Most biblical commentary assumes Eve`s `seed` will crush the serpent after Jesus` teachings of Redemption are accepted, but Eve has won when she and Adam are expelled from paradise, because her `seed` is the `foot` of the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb born after Eden and killed so woman`s host wombs could be enslaved by the `serpent`s seed` of men in parasitism for war and death. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus is `futanarian` insofar as he`s `woman`s seed` and his Resurrection and Ascension prefigures hers. In Moslem Islam Jesus Ascension without death is accepted because that teaching isn`t deemed necessary. In Islam four wives are permitted and women wear the burkha in public to hide their `futanarian` bodies from slavers who don`t want humans to reproduce because they`d have brainpower to resist enslavement if they did. War and death are concomitants of slavery because it`s necessary for slaves to die relatively quickly lest Jesus` teaching is communicated by the wiser to the newer.
As the host at the `Last Supper` before his betrayal by the disciple, Judas, Jesus offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, which is repeated in the Catholic Communion service of transubstantiation in which the priest gives a wafer of bread and a sip of wine from a cup to each parishioner in the belief that the believer will be transformed and have the body of Christ rather than that of the parasite`s host. Consequently, Judas was a betrayer of the human host at the `Last Supper` of Jesus when he accepted `thirty pieces of silver` to betray Jesus to the Roman Empire as a `dissident`. Because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was of the `seed` of Eve and so Judas was betraying the host womb of the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen for the production of her own brains` powers for liberation.
By the late 20th century the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of HIV/AIDS had emerged, transmitted in `black mass` Satanic parody of the holy Catholic Communion service by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction. Ancient Greek society had institutionalized homosexual pederasty and enslaved the host wombs of women to further the spread of its contagion of war, which means HIV/AIDS is the biological terror weapon of the `serpent`s seed` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to slave rings that don`t want `futanarian` women to sexually reproduce human brains. Consequently, the Earth is male brained and Jesus` `Logos`, the `Word` of `futanarian` humanity, is perverted into the means of delivering war and death by bullet and missile in homosexual mockery of the penetration of women`s hymen.
Because men`s program is war and death, healthcare and education is secondary, as it would mean longevity and the dissemination of information about the serpent`s seed`s pogrom against the `futanarian` human species of woman. Although Jesus` teaching is of Resurrection, his `healing` (John: 5. 8) ability makes of him a physician, that is, Resurrection is understandable as revivification of the body and life extension, which can be achieved through medical science, if the `seed` of the `futanarian` woman is to become more than a memory. Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is educator and physician, which is what the Earth`s `little girl` is lacking, and what she needs if `woman`s seed` is to have Resurrection and grow upwards to the planets and stars of God`s heaven. The word `futanarian` is even translatable as species` teacher because, although the term is used mainly in Japan for manga cartoons featuring women engaged in sexual reproduction with each other, in Eastern Europe`s Hungary `fut` means `race` and `tanar` means `teacher`, which means `futanarian` means `teacher of the human race`.
`I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.` (John: 8. 12)
Because Jesus as `Logos` represents technology, he`s the equivalent of Arthur C. Clarke`s observation that, `Any sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic.` As genie`s represent the fulfilment of the desire for life by means `magical` to humans, so Jesus` `healing` powers represent a phenomena inexplicable to humans, which fulfils the desire for life. Consequently, Jesus and the genie are slaves to the desire to give light to humans, because they`re free and they want to liberate humanity. Because technological machines are perceived as the enemies of workers frightened of redundancy while the machine is a labor saving boon, the desire to destroy the machine brains, which the modern Greeks, that is, the `geeks` who create `bad machine code` to infect computers in the 21st century, `geek` society desires slavery and death rather than freedom.
Computer viruses are called `Trojans` after the Greek capture of the city of Troy by means of a huge hollow wooden horse left outside the walls which the Trojans took inside and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of war and pederasty further. Just as HIV/AIDS cells tell the cells of the human body`s immune system that they`re friendly in order to kill the human brain, so the terrorist cells of Al Qaeda living as guests of the host, the United States of America, hijacked `civil` planes on 11 September, 2001, to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre and reestablish `rough trade` with Afghanistan, that is, that `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuals who pay for boys, and who don`t want humans to develop knowing brains. Diverting the resources of the United States into the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), rather than health and education for women, Al Qaeda, `the base`, ensured `woman`s seed` wouldn`t raise her `foot` from the Earth in accordance with the Los Angeles, California, Hollywood Babylon production edict of the Hays code (1934-67) which forbade women to lift their foot off the floor in movie scenes. Saddam Hussein`s name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, which means the Gulf war (2003-11) to depose him after he declared support for Al Qaeda was, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) that is, Hollywood Babylon`s latest biblical epic. Al Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Laden, was killed in Pakistan by US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, which effectively ended the conflict after the fall of Iraq, while the enigmatic symbolism of the seal and the eagle fulfilled a biblical prophecy:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The `Great Seal` of the authority of the President of the United States of America to declare war has the symbol of the eagle emblazoned thereupon while the Navy Seals represent the hymen of the human species of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, the `hidden` Arabian Moslem women beneath their burkhas are the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs defended by the United States of America during the Gulf war, which fulfils the biblical prophecy of the hidden desert `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` (Rev: 12. 1) giving birth to the `New Redeemer` who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 12. 5) after `war in heaven` with the `serpent`s seed` and the subsequent persecution of `woman`s seed` upon Earth afterwards before God punishes the evil with eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, and `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` as a reward. The United States` defeat of the `red sun` of the flag of Japanese fascism in WWII after the treacherous 7 December, 1941, attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, and its victory over the `yellow moon` of the flag of Al Qaeda after the terrorist attack on New York, is the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because `the statue of Liberty` bearing `freedom`s torch` is the woman, and the moon in her birth waters is the same `pearl of great price`, which is the `heaven on Earth` and the heaven above that the United States fought for at Pearl harbor.
If the moon is the lamp of the Earth during the night, and the sun is the lamp of the Earth during the day, God is the slave of the lamp, because it is God`s desire that the light remain, that is, if slavery is desire, God`s a slave to God`s desire for humanity to live. Refusal to live is what Adam and Eve evinced in Eden, which meant they preferred slavery to war and death, symbolized by the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, rather than the `fruit of the tree of immortality`, which is the desire for what sustains life. Satanism is the knowledge God desires life for humans and so is a slave, while Satanists don`t desire life for humans and take it away to see if they can torture God. Jesus` torture upon the cross of his crucifixion was Satanism`s torturing of God, which is why torturers torture. Physical desire between humans is the basis of Satanism`s torture, because the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is sundered from itself as men and women, which affords Satanism further opportunity for torture. Because desire for life is Godly, Satanism represents it as sinful, that is, desire is slavery to life, so life is sin because it`s desireful. Those who are physically desirous of what sustains life are the enemies of Satan, which necessitates occlusion on the part of Satanists, who want us to value the quality of the cup, rather than the water or the drinker, because the cup isn`t alive and Satanism wants to torture humans by depriving them of water. Explaining to the thirsty that the bottle is expensive, won`t restore life to someone dying for a drink.
The perception that the desirer of water is a slave to the torturer is the basis of Satanism. Whatever is good in life is what`s desirable, so the Satanist deprives the individual of whatever is good. Persuading the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb that `sex is evil` is the first `footstep` of Satanism to depriving the `little girl` of the Earth of a mother and ensuring the death of her species, because she`ll never sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for freeing herself from enslavement to the war and death the `serpent`s seed` of men have planned for her. Satanism simply explains that girls don`t have a penis and that kills the race. Satanism wins every time because the `futanarian` human species never gets its `foot` onto the first step of the `stairway to heaven`:
`There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold.
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.`2
`Stairway To Heaven` (1971) was a song by English pop group, Led Zeppelin, who`ve always professed Satanism. The song`s lyrics mock those who don`t believe that a woman can buy heaven from a local convenience store because they don`t have Led Zeppelin`s faith, which is that people can be tormented in Satanism by tempting them with the idea that shops are heaven. Led Zeppelin`s perception is that the faithless don`t want heaven because they`re reprobate and so don`t ask for it when they buy their items. The woman of the song isn`t an interpreter of the labels and so she needs to ask: what is connoted by the heavenly item? For her it might be heaven, but for a member of the tribe unfaithful to Led Zeppelin in Satanism, the item is worthless, because the rich practice favouritism and Satanism is evil towards the good in poverty:
`There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure.
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.`3
For the poor, labels are what they say, so a bar of Mars chocolate isn`t a bar on the planet Mars where they can buy a drink on the desert world, whereas it might be for a favourite of Led Zeppelin who wants to go there and knows that buying a Mars bar is a way, Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run. There's still time to change the road you're on.`4 In fact there isn`t, because the evil receive God`s punishment of eternal unendurable pain, while the good receive heaven. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), which presupposes humans need to develop in order to be good, the collective shadow is evil, because the subconscious component of individuality is what`s perceived as inferior by the individual seeking development in what Jung calls the individuation process, whereby the other person is recognizable as human, rather than despised by the individual who projects their subconscious personality`s inferior shadow onto them. The inferior person is in fact evil because evil isn`t superior to good. Evil is refusing a glass of water when you`re thirsty enough to die of dehydration in the desert. The evil don`t want their inferior quality to be good, so they can continue to despise others in shadow-projection, which is what the evil collective shadow is. Jung developed his science of psychology during the period of Nazism, which led to WWII (1939-45) in which the Germans implemented pogroms against the Jews. Jung identified this as Germany`s embracing of its collective shadow, because the collective that doesn`t want to develop beyond inferiority is evil. In Led Zeppelin`s song, `Stairway To Heaven`, the shadows of the band are taller than their souls, because they`re willing to accept shadow-possession collectively. The woman of the song represents the immortal soul rejected by the reprobate but she`s still trying to save their souls from evil while the singer gently mocks her endeavour:
`And as we wind on down the road,
Our shadows taller than our soul;
There walks a lady we all know:
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.`5
The idea is the group can remain irresponsible because the woman will save them, but Jungian psychology teaches that the anima is the soul of a man projected onto women as sexually desirable, while `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is that which desires her in truth. Consequently, Jung`s observation that men have souls is false. Moreover, according to Jung, women have a spirit and not a soul, which he associates with crowds of men surrounding her. If the anima is the soul of woman as the sexual desire of the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` for itself, men`s animosity towards her is what the woman`s animus represents, that is, the hatred of the `serpent`s seed` of men for humanity and their desire to kill her, which was evidenced by the Nazi pogroms against the Jews, who were the `chosen people` of God, according to the Bible, because Jews can`t be born unless born from Jewish mothers, which means Jews are women. This is illustrated by Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who was a Jewess and so belonged to the human species of `woman`s seed` as the `chosen people` of God.
Satanists always look to demonize and criminalize the faithful, which is what the women of Islam call themselves, and Islam or `acceptance` has the story of Jesus in their holy book, the Koran, but Jesus has Ascension to heaven without crucifixion, because written more than six hundred years after Jesus` teaching, the four wives of the Moslem marriage in Islam simply denotes tacit agreement to the need for the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, whereas Christianity has succumbed to the Satanical idea that women mustn`t sexually reproduce with each other and she must die to go to heaven, rather than convenience shop and buy her `stairway` to `heaven on Earth`. Although it`s written in the Bible God will give the `seed` of Eve a `new heaven and Earth`, which is `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6), that is, grown from the imperfect `seed pearl` of her love since she was tempted by the `serpent`s seed` of evil in Eden. Women are perceived as reprobate by misogyny, which is a tenet of Satanism, that is, hatred of women, because they`re the human species, but the `seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb emerged after God expelled the `first man and woman`, that is, Adam and Eve, from the original `heaven on Earth`, which was Eden, for desiring death rather than life. Consequently, human `futanarian` women were born untainted by the sin of disobedience after Eden and so are redeemed by birth, which is what Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen invites the reader of the Bible to realize.
Because Christianity doesn’t teach `woman`s seed`, Satanism`s purported belief in sexual permissiveness remains an attractive lure with titillatingly risqué scenes in Hollywood Babylon movies like Rosemary`s Baby (1968), where actress Mia Farrow has the role of a young woman forced into having sex with the devil, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, to produce a child, or The Exorcist (1973) with scenes of actress, Linda Blair, masturbating with a crucifix, and To The Devil A Daughter (1976) with actress, Nastassja Kinski, in the role of a young woman, Catherine Beddows, who is being prepared to assume the role of `the devil on Earth`, but it`s an excuse for a cinema audience to see a famous film star naked, while censorship precludes the penis` semen and host womb of her own that Catherine would have is she was `the devil`, which of course she can`t have because that would defeat the Satanical objective of preventing the human `seed` from being known to be able to breed.
Christianity is perilously close to Satanic practice, because of its failure to teach `woman`s seed`, while it remains puerilely obsessed with infantile notions of morality with regard to nudity and sex for a human species it pretends to have concern for but doesn`t indicate that she`s wanted. Labelling sexual permissiveness as `Satanism` isn`t helpful to the `little girl` of the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed`, with her own penis` semen and host womb, who wants to sexually reproduce humans, while `Satanist` is an adequate description of a Christian who accepts `woman`s seed`, because orthodox Christianity isn`t supportive. Consequently, the term `Satanist` is an outmoded pejorative, which defines evil as `Christian`, because the meaning of Jesus` birth and teaching aren`t adequately explained by preachers, who don`t teach the Bible but develop variations on a theme based on `received wisdom` as to the meaning of their storehouse of quotable material:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
Perhaps the shortest injunction in the New Testament, Jesus` rebuke of Judas, for suggesting that the perfume used by the woman on his feet, before his crucifixion, should have been sold to give money to the poor, contains the observation that she`s his `seed` and not Judas` who betrayed him. `Go and sin no more`, (John: 8. 11) was Jesus` injunction upon the woman accused of adultery, which is often criticized for its mildness, but Jesus` `seed` is woman`s, and so women who`re male brained, that is, adulterated by the `serpent`s seed` of men, are de facto brainless. Consequently, Jesus` forbearance towards men is God`s. Christianity`s usual perception is that Jesus is forbearing towards the woman, who the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, want to `stone`, which is to throw rocks at her until she`s dead, but the Messiah`s birth, unadulterated by male semen, suggests Jesus` forbearance is towards men and he doesn`t have much patience with them later:
`Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God almighty.` (Rev: 19. 15)
The sword is indicative of the power to command and create order, before God`s ire is released upon the evil, which is the belief that strengthens humanity, whereas the evil feel themselves empowered to inflict perdition on their victims in that `perpetual enmity` of vendetta God warned Eve her `seed` could expect from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s hate for her race. The beautiful thing about God`s wrath is that it`s God`s, but not men`s, which is deliberate. Because God`s hate is for the demonizer, the criminalizer, and the victimizer of woman`s species of humanity:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
What they`d done was sunder the human species from its own sexual organs. Because `futanarian` human woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is the race`s future progenitor, according to God`s telling Eve she had `seed` of her own and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, men are what remains of the `serpent`s seed` that has inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species of `woman`s seed` to kill her as a parasite enslaving her for its wars against her race. HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) is God`s warning to Eve `seed` that men will refuse to `repent` of their `pains and sores`, just as God`s angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19) to warn Eve`s `seed` against sodomy and perversion, which is men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses to unite their collective contagion of war, plague, and death. Transvestism is the perversion that male braining produces, that is, `TV` in which men and women are a creature wearing each others` clothes and killing itself in `TV wars` that have been produced for generations by Hollywood Babylon as a recording to be shown on the `small screen` of television of the inexorable `snuffing out` of the `little girl` of the human species` `futanarian` infancy.
Elton John`s song, `Goodbye Norma Jean`, about the demise in Los Angeles of film actress, Marilyn Monroe, who was officially found to have overdosed during her affair with US Chief Attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, after having been told to terminate her affair with his brother, President John F. Kennedy, both of whom were subsequently killed by gunmen, is `Candle In The Wind` (1973), which was rerecorded in 1997 as a song of mourning for Diana, Princess of Wales, who was a UN Ambassador divorced from future king, Prince Charles, and she died in mysterious circumstances when her car crashed in Paris` Pont D`Alma tunnel chased by motorcycle paparazzi, which resembled pop star Britney Jean Spears` political assassination by the media when her kid`s hat fell off near New York`s Central Park while she was running to a car picking her up at her hotel and, labelled a `bad mother`, her fortune was confiscated by the US judiciary:
`They crawled out of the woodwork and they whispered into your brain.
They set you on the treadmill and they made you change your name`6
Marilyn was the sex symbol of movies like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), who changed her name from Norma Jean Baker to Marilyn Monroe, while Diana Spencer assumed the name of the Windsor Royal family of England when she married Charles Windsor, but the `Candle In The Wind` metaphor is of the human `futanarian` species` `little girl` being `snuffed` in the `serpent`s seed` of men`s `TV wars`. The extinguishment of a candle is technically termed `snuffing`, which is the term given to that degenerate aspect of the movie industry that films real killings and tortures for the entertainment of the evil child killing paedophile:
`And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind.
Never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in.`7
The song was allegedly written as a response to a `snuff` movie Elton John had inadvertently watched and was appalled by what transpired as a young woman was graphically tortured and killed while he`d believed he was watching a mainstream `adult` film, but the lyrics are Satanical reflections on `knowing` a woman in adultery while being unable to as Elton John had been a child when Marilyn`s life was `snuffed` out `like a candle in the wind` in mysterious circumstances resembling a `gangland` killing:
`Even when you died, oh, the press still hounded you.
All the papers had to say was that Marilyn was found in the nude.`8
Conspiracy theorists believe that John F. Kennedy, who was killed as President, after being shot by a sniper while riding in an open top car in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, was the victim of a mafia killer, because of his affair with Monroe, while `Bobby` Kennedy, who reputedly had also had an affair with Marilyn, was shot at close range with a pistol while he was campaigning to be President of the United States on June 6, 1968, which suggests Marilyn`s own death on 5 August, 1962, was a `snuffing` out of a politically embarrassing `candle` that had repercussions for the Kennedys:
`And I would have liked to have known you but I was just a kid.
Your candle burned out long before your legend ever did.`9
The American expression, `whatever lights your candle`, is slang for what interests you sexually, while candles are almost invariably used by women who can`t purchase battery powered vibrators to use as penis surrogates in order to obtain clitoral or vaginal stimulation and orgasm in masturbation. Because `snuffing` the `candle` is a metaphor for movies in which real killings are filmed for entertainment, `candles` represent woman`s `futanarian` penis` `seed`, that is, women and `futanarian` women with their own female brains and host wombs for their sexual reproduction. In other words, women aren`t `as something as more than sexual`, which is Elton John`s depiction of Marilyn, because to men their `candles` aren`t to be lit, unless they`re to be `burned`, which is a mafia expression for `gangland` killing:
`Even when you died, oh, the press still hounded you.
All the papers had to say was that Marilyn was found in the nude.`10
In 1962 that was the titillating aspect of her death, which hadn`t changed in Elton`s England by 1973 where female nudity was largely confined to topless photographs of women in national daily newspapers like The Sun `Page 3 girls` who pointedly had neither penises nor erections. Britney Spears` `Piece Of Me` from her album Blackout (2007) was the CD single that featured her on the promotional cover as Jesus crucified wearing only a sarong, which reflected upon Judas` betrayal of the host womb of the human species that had produced `futanarian` Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen for `thirty pieces of silver`, that is, Britney Jean Spears` `Piece Of Me`, fifty years after Norma Jean Baker was found nude and dead, protests the betrayal of `woman`s seed` in the most obvious way:
`I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets',
When getting the groceries, no, for real … are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in this industry, I mean please ... do you want a piece of me?`11
An icon of sado-masochism, Jesus` crucifixion isn`t traditionally represented as a man with an erection experiencing torture by homosexuals, whereas that`s the theme of those persecuting human sexuality. The absence of the woman`s penis from the cover of `Piece Of Me` is a betrayal and the 21st century media`s role as continued puerile titillation from supposedly grown men for the murderers of the `little girl` of the human species of `woman`s seed` hasn`t moved forward even since the 1962 newspaper report, `Marilyn was found in the nude.` Princess Diana had to deal with puerile concerns over the appearance in newspapers of nude photos taken of her illicitly on May 1, 1994, while she sunbathed at a hotel in the Spanish resort of Malaga, before flying to Geneva on May 27 for a meeting of the new Red Cross Advisory Commission to formulate international policy, which was an attempt by the paparazzi to reduce her credibility in a political assassination.
Just as Hilary Clinton`s 1993 plans for healthcare reform in the United States of America were abandoned because employers didn`t want to pay for their employees, who preferred the usual `bread and circuses` option offered to workers of more pay in their wages to spend on entertainment rather than guaranteed health, so Princess Diana`s role with the International Red Cross medical aid program was sabotaged by media attention presenting her as sexually desirable, which meant Diana was the equivalent of water to a slave, because everyone desires water, which made Diana, upon a drought plagued Earth, a political force for `woman`s seed`, and so Diana was as dangerous as the dissident, Jesus, to the `serpent`s seed` of men, who don`t want women to grow alone from the Earth to heaven and escape slavery to men`s wars:
`I'm a genie in a bottle baby.
Gotta rub me the right way honey.
I'm a genie in a bottle baby,
Come come, come on and let me out.`12
Christina Aguilera`s song, `I`m A Genie In A Bottle` (1999) and Britney Jean Spears` `Piece Of Me` let the secret of desire for Hollywood Babylon sex symbol, Norma Jean Baker`s Marilyn Monroe, out of the bottle. In the US `TV` situation comedy, I Dream Of Jeannie (1965-70), Larry Hagman had the role of a NASA astronaut helped by Jeannie, actress Barbara Eden, who`s an Arabian genie fulfilling all his dreams. The `genie of the bottle`, first discovered by Hollywood on a beach in the movie Sinbad The Sailor (1935), or the `genie of the lamp`, first discovered by Hollywood in a cave in Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves (1944), represent the desire for life, that is, water and light, whereas death is the lack of desire for life, which is evil.
As Marilyn Monroe represents sexual desire, she`s life, that is, water and light. The sexually desirous are similarly slaves to sex, because that`s life. If sexy Jeannie emerges to fulfil Larry Hagman`s desire for life in I Dream Of Jeannie, she`s the equivalent of water in the desert. The NASA astronaut setting for the tales of a bare midriffed Jeannie in the Hollywood style of an Arabian slave girl, almost half a century before US pop star Madonna again made the belly a feature of a woman`s charms in her video promos for the dance songs, `Everybody` (1982) and `Holiday` (1983), teaches the lesson of the indomitable human spirit. Because Jungian individuation through achievement is the human aim, Jeannie represents the desire to sustain and illuminate the desire to be free, that is, the genius of the human gene pool is that it`s infused with God`s desire for the individual to live:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`13
The aim of the `serpent`s seed` is to prevent the `futanarian` human `seed` of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, that is, the genius of humanity, from fertilizing her own species, so releasing from the genie`s bottle woman`s own brains` powers for a life eternal promised to her by God after she`s raised her `foot` from the Earth to `crush the head of the serpent` before she leaves. In `Piece Of Me`, Britney Jean Spears announces her `American Dream`, since a free United States on 4 July, 1776, declared independence from the British Empire of George III. Britney Spears` is the dream of `woman`s seed` who would raise her `futanarian` foot to the freedom of the stars and leave Earth`s slavery behind her forever.
1 Clarke, Arthur C. `Hazards of Prophecy: The Failure of Imagination`, Profiles of the Future, 1962.
2 Page, Jimmy and Robert Plant `Stairway To Heaven` Led Zeppelin IV, 1971.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 John, Elton `Candle In The Wind` from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, MCA, 1973.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me` from Blackout, Zomba, 2007.
12 Aguilera, Christina `I`m A Genie In A Bottle` from Christina Aguilera, RCA, 1999.
13 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me`, 2007.
The Little Girl Archetype
03/04/2014 15:21
The Little Girl Archetype
It`s easier to persuade those who love you to be good, so Jesus` distillation of the ten commandments given to Moses by God, which were essentially prohibitions against what was harmful to the human species, was the single precept, `Love your neighbor,` (Mk: 12. 30-1) after loving God enough to worship God. Why is God worthy of worship? Because God`s words to Eve in the garden of Eden were that her `seed` would have `perpetual enmity` with the serpent, but she would `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s `foot` was the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb. The serpent tempted her to eat of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which she gave to the first man created by God, Adam:
`You shall be as gods.` (Rev: 3. 5)
God expelled Adam and Eve from Eden but there`d be Redemption if Adam worked and Eve would experience pain in childbirth, which is a different form of work, but not for those familiar with the concept of `brainchild`. Jesus` teachings were of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, because he was the first of `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who was his host womb, but he wasn`t a parasite enslaving the womb of the human species for war against her as the `serpent`s seed` of men do:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Eve was expelled by God to learn what the serpent meant by `You shall be as gods.`. Because the original pair were man and woman, the birth of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen occurred after Eden, which meant that her subsequent absence from the Earth was because of sexual repression, that is, Eve`s species` partner was killed so her daughters would be the slave hosts to the `serpent`s seed` of men. When the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus, was betrayed to the Roman occupiers of Palestine by Judas Iscariot, it was a betrayal of the host womb of the human species, which is what men of the `serpent`s seed` do. Jesus` offer of `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, represent the host womb of the mother, which Judas betrayed. Judas preferred cannibalism, that is, the devouring of the `seed` of woman in slavery and war, which is rather the path of parasitism because species` traitors are revealed as poisonous snakes.
The misogynist perspective is that Eve was the original sinner whose head should be crushed by the heel of her oppressor, because her own penis` semen is the sexually reproductive `seed` from which her own head is to grow, ` she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel` is the Douay Rheims translation of the Bible, while `he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel` is the New International Version, where `head` refers to the serpent. Only a fool would argue about which translation was accurate because the serpent is the enemy of the human race. Either Eve`s `seed` crush the serpent`s head or the serpent crushes her `seed`. It`s in the interests of the `serpent`s seed` to believe in the crushing of the head of the woman because it precedes `war in heaven` between her `seed` and its. If the `woman`s seed` is being crushed upon the Earth and the `serpent`s seed` has left, the `serpent`s seed` hasn`t lost the war, which the Bible says they will.
As long as the woman is crushed upon the Earth the `serpent`s seed` is winning, which is why men are cowards, because `woman`s seed` is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and her capacity for breeding her own brains is exponential and she`s almost invisible because she`s been killed and her host womb enslaved for homosexual pederasty and war. The Western model of civilization is the `Greek` where homosexual pederasty and war is institutionalized and women`s host wombs are for the spreading of the contagions of war. A single woman with her own penis` semen is capable of fertilizing all of the women in a city the size of Los Angeles, California, where the Hays production code for the movie industry of Hollywood, Babylon, dictated that the woman`s `foot` shouldn`t be seen rising from the floor in bedroom scenes between 1934 and 1967 as a way of programing the viewer to accept women without `futanarian` penis` semen of her own, so that Eve`s `foot` shouldn`t ever rise from the Earth and crush the `serpent`s seed` as she left for the stars of God`s heaven.
Jesus` taught Resurrection for `woman`s seed` and, after his being nailed to a wooden cross on a hill outside Jerusalem by agents of the Roman occupation in Palestine, the `dissident` Jew, exposed by Judas Iscariot, was tortured until he died, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because the risen Messiah, Christ, was `woman`s seed`, that is, although the Virgin Mary wasn`t `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the `Second Adam`, Jesus, she was able to reproduce without male semen and so represented the birth pains of the human race that God had told Eve she and her daughters would share. Before his crucifixion, Jesus prophesied that a `Holy Spirit` would be sent by God to teach after him. Because Eve was born from the side of Adam, Jesus was the `Second Adam`. When the Roman centurion, Longinus, pierced the side of Christ with his spear upon his death at the crucifixion, he said:
`Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54)
Just as Eve was born from the side of Adam, so the `Second Eve` would be born from the side of the `Second Adam`, Jesus, so the Holy Spirit would be the teacher of `woman`s seed` after Christ. Although `futanari` is the word used by Japanese `manga` artists to depict women with her own penis` semen and host womb, `fut` and `tanar` are Hungarian words meaning `race` and `teacher`, that is, species` educator, which is the role of the Holy Spirit. Before his crucifixion a woman was anointing Jesus` feet with perfume. Judas Iscariot observed that the money could have been better spent on the poor as Jesus was to be crucified the following day:
`Leave her alone.` (John: 12. 7)
Misogyny is the concomitant of monogamy insofar as the woman with her own penis` semen and host womb can`t fertilize a city the size of Los Angeles if she has to be an owned slave with a ring. In the Moslem faith of Islam, `acceptance`, four women are permitted in marriage, because Islam is the teachings of Jesus and the prophets as dictated to Mohammed in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) after Jesus` death and Resurrection. In Islam Jesus doesn`t have Ascension to heaven after death but in life because the Christians need to have an illustration of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` whereas in Islam the concept is accepted in the principle of four wives `hidden` within a marriage because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb need a framework for their extended family of relationships. In public the women of Islam wear the burkha, a one piece black coverall from which only their eyes are visible, because they`re `futanarian` women, and the West doesn`t want to see them, because all of their depictions of acceptable female nudity feature women devoid of their species` penis` semen. As men can`t sexually reproduce with each other, they need a host womb to spread their contagion of war, which means 0% capacity for the virus if there aren`t any women`s host wombs available, whereas woman with her own penis` semen and host womb doesn`t need men and so constitutes 100% of the human race anywhere she appears. Because she`s able to fertilize any woman within her vicinity, `futanarian` woman is capable of sexually reproducing the human species` brainpower exponentially if she`s free from men`s slave rings. Independent socio-economics is her future if she`s liberated, that is, longevity and rejuvenation based on improved medical science and technology from resources diverted to human advancement rather than pederasty and war. With the dissemination of her species` knowledge made possible through longevity and rejuvenation her race will never forget men`s enslaving of her and so the virus will be eradicated. Jesus` genius as the first of `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen was to observe that men weren`t expected to be in heaven as they weren`t born from women:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)
The Resurrection of `woman`s seed` was `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb who`d been killed by the `serpent`s seed` of men. For the Moslems, Islam means `acceptance`, because `woman`s seed` is accepted whereas, in Christianity, Jesus` crucifixion, death and Resurrection means `woman`s seed` hasn`t yet been accepted, while Jesus` genius was to observe that men who didn`t accept `woman`s seed` wouldn`t have Redemption if they couldn`t accept being born uncontaminated by male semen from the penis` semen of women with their own host wombs as the genuine human race `on Earth as it is in heaven` (Matt: 6. 10) rather than the brain slavery of the `serpent`s seed`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Sociology is the perception that individuals are either healthy cells or unhealthy cells attacking the healthy within the body of society, while the biblical `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS is the `killer disease` of the 20th century which feigns friendship for the healthy cells of the human body before attacking and killing the brain, so is a metaphor for homosexual society. The ancient paradigm is of the ancient Greeks attacking the city of Troy where they left a huge hollow wooden horse as a friendship gift before the walls. The Trojans took it into the city where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of homosexual pederasty and war further:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`1
The 21st century paradigm was `geek` because the computer programers who developed `bad machine code` to kill the extended brains of the human computers were called `geeks` in emulation of the ancient Greeks and their computer viruses were `Trojan horses` after the paradigm of homosexual society, which is the attack upon the healthy by the unhealthy, and is how homosexuals spread their biological warfare against the human race by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during mockeries of human sexual reproduction. Just as Jesus was betrayed as the host of the human species` future by Judas Iscariot, so the Al Qaeda terrorists that hijacked planes to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001, were guests of their host, the United States of America, and so their attempt to precipitate a global war was based on the principle of `rough trade`,2 that is, the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality, which is why the World Trade Centre was chosen. Saddam Hussein`s offer of bases to Al Qaeda, `the base`, in Iraq, resulted in the Gulf war (2003-11) and the reestablishing of pederasty and war`s contagion as the paradigm for the homosexual society of the 21st century.
Because the planes were hijacked at Logan airport, Boston, Massachusetts, the Hollywood, Babylon, movie metaphor was the science fiction feature film, Logan`s Run (1976) in which Jessica 6 is a `runner` trying to escape from `sandmen` who want to kill her. The movie metaphor was made plainer after 15 April, 2013, when terrorist bombers disrupted the Boston Marathon runners. In the film Logan`s Run noone lives beyond the age of 21 and so the attack on the World Trade Centre to reestablish the paradigm of the homosexual society at the beginning of the 21st century was to prevent the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb from escaping her role as an enslaved womb for the recorded celebration of men`s wars against her on celluloid in Hollywood, Babylon, where the failure of her footrace to run is depicted on the `big screen` for audiences in cinemas the size of ancient Roman amphitheatres where `circus` featured human bloodbaths for the spectacle of the viewers.
Because `geeks` were modern circus sideshow freaks eating the heads of chickens, computer `geeks` creating `bad machine code` to crash computer systems were the equivalent of the Roman circus` incitement to brainlessness. 9/11 `live on CNN` and other news network channels in the United States of America was the consequence of Al Qaeda terrorists finding a loophole in the US` defence system and the crash of the planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre represented an attack by a `geek` systems analyst restoring homosexual society after world leaders lost their heads. On 2 May, 2011, US Navy Seal Team Six killed Osama Ben Laden, terrorist leader of Al Qaeda, to effectively end the Gulf war, which was fought ostensibly to defend Moslem Arabia, where `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen live publically beneath the burkha and privately amongst their extended families. Because the eagle is the emblem of the Great Seal of the authority of the President of the United States, the Navy Seal represents the defender of the hymen of the human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The woman of Revelation gives birth to Jesus as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` and she is `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the symbol on the flag of Al Qaeda is the moon and the United States defeated the red sun of Japan after a Japanese act of betrayal similar to Al Qaeda`s on 9/11, 2001. Japan attacked the US Pacific fleet unannounced at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, which brought the United States into World War II (1939-45) on the side of the Europeans who were fighting against Nazi Germany`s pogroms against the `chosen people`, the Jews. In `death camps` the Jews were being exterminated because they represented the head of the woman. Jews can`t be born unless from the wombs of Jewish women, that is, Jews are women, because their men can`t be born Jews unless from Jewesses. The Waffen SS guards were known as `totenkopf` or `death`s heads`, because the Nazis were pogroming `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb to prevent her head from growing, that is, she couldn`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers if she were dead.
As God told Eve in Eden, `he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel`, that is, the Nazis, the Japanese and Al Qaeda were the `serpent`s seed` that didn`t want human women to have brains of her own, which is why the Waffen SS `totenkopf` or `death`s heads` were the guards of the Nazi `death camps`. The United States` victory over Japan and Thanatos, who was the Greek god of death, and what fascism actually represented, was followed by the United States` defeat of Al Qaeda, `the base`. The red sun of Japan and the moon of Al Qaeda represent the birth of the `New Redeemer` from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, where `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 44-6), which the Americans fought for after Pearl harbor, is `heaven on Earth`, and was there for New Yorkers to reflect upon in the shape of the real moon in the waters of New York harbor, beneath woman`s `statue of Liberty`, after the war. The `seed` of woman now has her `base` and the Earth beneath the sun is hers if she`s able to breed her own human brains to escape Thanatos.
Christian morality is based on male penis exclusivity, whereas Jesus` teaching was `love your neighbor`, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen and so could envisage a society that wasn`t based on homosexuality`s virality, but the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and love for herself. Jesus` perception was those who loved could be persuaded and so sexual love between the `futanarian` race of women, as the sole species upon the Earth, would make it easier for human women to persuade each other to be good, whereas since Eden the serpent and its `seed` has persuaded her only into slavery and ephemerality.
The traditional symbol of many of the special forces of the world`s military units is the `death`s head` or `totenkopf` familiar from the Waffen SS `death camp` guards` insignia, because Christian morality doesn`t support fighting for `woman`s seed`; otherwise the emblem of the Earth`s special forces would be a woman with a penis. Although the `death`s head` could represent a fight for Resurrection, homosexuality`s pattern of reestablishing the `death camp` paradigm suggests the insignia is intentionally genocidal towards what remains of the human `seed` of `futanarian` woman. The emblem of the eagle is a ubiquitous symbol upon the flags of many of the Earth`s nations and appears on the insignia of Navy Seal Team Six as well as the Great Seal of the United States, but the `death`s head` or `totenkopf` suggests a permanent `death camp` for `woman`s seed`, rather than the defence of the hymen of the `seed` of woman`s own `futanarian` human species, because morality is defined as blinding of the female.
The `circus` in modernity is the word used to describe spyrings, while blinding the female to her true nature is what male spyrings do. In many places in the world female nudity is taboo. Most representations of female nudity are devoid of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs. The symbol of the `death`s head` is supposed to represent bravery for many of the world`s `special forces`, but the twelve year old girl with no information about her own species` sexual nature doesn`t have any information from the brave. The purported brave are cowards and `death camp` guards. If the `geeks` and the `circus` were conspiring on 9/11, 2001, homosexual society was ensuring that the penis` `seed` of the `futanarian` woman would never have the resources to breed apart from men in warfare.
Defining the penis` semen as a serpent`s, the head of the serpent would be the woman`s from the misogynist perspective, which meant that the Al Qaeda geeks` crashing of the US defence system at the Twin Towers to reestablish `rough trade` would divert human resources into war and pederasty rather than love for humanity. In terms of the `circus` spyrings the woman wouldn`t ever be able to see anything other than war, because the `circus geek` had eaten her chicken`s head. The slur is that woman isn`t brave, where `chicken` is a euphemism for cowardice, but the twelve year old girl doesn`t have any information from the brave warriors of morality to save her own human species` sexual reproduction. Consequently, the `death`s head` insignia of the world`s `special forces` represents the branding of the twelve year old girl`s penis` `seed` as that of the snake of Eden whose head men don`t want to grow because the daughters of Eve would then have brainpower and so she`s blinded by the `circus geek` who eats her as its `chicken` lest she grow.
The psycho-social paradigm of the 20th century was Sigmund Freud`s (1856-1939) who said `penis envy`3 was the basis of trauma for women. Freud described a girl`s surprised reaction during her psychosexual development upon realizing she didn`t have a penis. Freud`s successor in the field of psychological theory was his disciple, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), whose own school of developmental psychology was based on the theory of archetypes he believed existed in the collective unconscious of humanity to impel individuation, that is, personal psychological growth, through dreams, art and imagination. Because `futanarian` women do have their own penis` semen as well as host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers, the archetype of `little girl` looms large in the minds of the `death camp` guards whose `penis envy` means that sometimes they have to fight to blind her.
1 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 BC.
2 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` .
3 Freud, Sigmund New Introductory Lectures On Psychoanalysis, Penguin Freud Library 2, p. 158-163.
No Sex Please We`re Aliens
10/07/2013 10:56No Sex Please We`re Aliens













Red Sky
08/05/2013 18:29
Red Sky
The most common `saying` in the English language is often interpreted religiously insofar as it relates to the shepherding of a flock of sheep, which is the term used by many for a religious congregation of pastored individuals. The word `pastor` comes from pastoral, which is usually used to indicate an idyllic countryside scene in English nature:
`Red sky at night,
Shepherd`s delight.`
Wherever the English language is spoken by its former colonial settlers throughout what used to be the British Empire and what came to be called the British Commonwealth of States, Queen Elizabeth II of England oversaw in its development as an economic union of independent and semi-independent nations and protectorates after her coronation in 1953. Queen Elizabeth II, as head of the Church of England, represents pastoral Britain, and the pastored, which are the parishioners and churchgoers. Elizabeth is both directly and indirectly responsible for her peoples` pastoring. The pastoral vision of the shepherds at sunset is a delight because their work for the day is completed. The complementary verse, which warns the pastors, is tacitly understood by most church members to be about the vicissitudes of English weather, but it is actually about the pastoring of a congregation that needs guidance:
`Red sky in the morning,
Shepherd`s warning.`
The admirability of a sunrise is unquestioned and, while the British Empire was one upon which `the sun never set`, partly because of the inventive ingenuity of the individuals that comprised its longevity and extent, in depth psychology the sun is a symbol of the ego of the individual that rises from the depths of unconscious sleep as if from an energy bath each day to continue strongly in the path of development. According to the depth psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the unconscious of the human species contains archetypes, which are the developmental engine of human nature. Appearing as images in art, dreams and imaginations, archetypes function as the impulse engines of the human mind in its journey to the stars and planets outside of our solar system by means of technological achievement and advancement based on the archetypal material that emerges from our unconscious selves as imagery that inspires our progress.
The simplest observed Jungian archetype is the wheel, which is regularly occurs in dreams and imagination, because it represents the rudiments of travel. However, there are much more elaborate and complex archetypes; one of which is the ourobouros serpent. Friedrich Kekulé dreamed of it one night in 1865 and the next day was inspired to construct a working model of the benzene molecule, which is a strong component of the gasoline used in automobiles and again relates to the basic human concern with travel on Earth and elsewhere:
`… he had discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake seizing its own tail (this is a common symbol in many ancient cultures known as the Ouroboros … `1
The archetype of the sun is a symbol of the rise of the ego from the unconscious depths of the psyche with the information it needs to proceed each day on its journey of self-development, which is collectively progressive insofar as each new technical achievement of the species pushed humanity further to the stars. According to God Eve shall crush the head of the serpent with her heel as she leaves Earth (Gen: 3. 15) and `woman`s seed` shall have a `new heaven and Earth` while the `serpent`s seed` receives perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, for its `perpetual enmity` towards her. Usually this is interpreted as meaning that those who accept the teachings of Jesus are mankind and so are the seed of Eve and will have Redemption, but that presupposes men are `woman`s seed`.
Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen as the first of `woman`s seed`, which means that men are the `serpent`s seed` unless they have Redemption from accepting Jesus` teachings. Normatively, men are presumed to be the only seed available to women and so it`s their seed which will have the promised `new heaven and Earth`. However, women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` and so `woman`s seed` is the human species because women have both penis and womb in socio-economic independence from the male if it doesn`t accept her. Although there`s no barrier to a man being acceptable to God, men can`t reproduce without women, but women can reproduce without men, which identifies them as the `woman`s seed` in the Bible and the human species de facto.
In ancient Greek civilization women`s wombs were enslaved to further pederasty and war, which suggests that men are women`s virus or parasite rather than human. God warned them at Sodom and Gomorrah when he destroyed the cities of the plains for homosexuality (Gen: 16, 19), and the `blood plague` of Revelation corresponds to the HIV/AIDS `killer disease` of the late 20th century`s `biological warfare` against the `host` wombs of women by her parasitical virus and constitutes a further explanation of men by God that they should convert from pederasty and the enslavement of women`s wombs to produce men as her devouring parasite in its `perpetual enmity` of wars against art, culture and civilization as it continually emerges from the fecundity of the womb of humanity:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In the ancient Greek myth of the Kore, Demeter and Persephone are mother and daughter goddesses. The rule was that anyone who ate or drank in the underworld was doomed to spend eternity there. Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, god of the underworld, and ate pomegranate there. In his poem Wedding Morn (1913) D. H. Lawrence alludes to the compromise wherein Persephone spent six months of each year in the underworld during the late autumn, winter and early spring:
`The morning broke like a pomegranate,
In a shining crack of red.2
Persephone`s emergence to be with her mother, goddess of the harvest, in late spring, is the dawning of her sojourning with her mother once more. In Greek tradition, Persephone`s mourning of her daughter`s imprisonment in Hades is given as the reason for winter and the long wait for the growing season. In terms of Jungian psychology, the sun of ego-consciousness lies dormant in the darkness of the unconscious until the archetype of the mother-daughter Kore awakens. The god Hades represents the male that is perceived as necessary to the continuation of life, whereas the woman with her own penis as `futanarian` doesn`t need him and so is a prisoner. The concept of death refers to the ignorance that the male parasite keeps the human species in so that its enslavement can continue.
The Persephone-Demeter Kore relationship represents the wisdom of women who are aware of their status as a captive species in the full knowledge that they are made ephemeral by men who don`t want them to be old so that they can pass on what they have learned to their daughters. In Christianity Jesus` promise of immortality to those who accept his teachings of Redemption reflects this. If `woman`s seed` knows her predicament as an independent self-reproducing and developing human species she can escape from her captor, but if she`s kept in blind ignorance and ephemerality, that is, short-lived and subject to ageing, she`ll remain a slave of pederasty and war`s devouring parasitism.
One of the more prominent publishers of newsagents` `top shelf` magazines in the UK during the 1990s was Red Sky, which borrowed its name from the wise advice to the shepherd, `Red sky in the morning, shepherd`s warning.` The warning is that care for the flock of the congregation and the pasturing of the parishioners can result in loss of the sheep through admiration of God`s handiwork. Although `Red Sky at night, shepherd`s delight,` is more in keeping with the magazines published by Red Sky, which include the adult pornography of Risqué and Desire, the view that `soft core porn` is anathema to developmental functioning is a lie.
Admiration for the naked human form is basic to human activity but, in pastoring terms, the flock can be lost in admiration. Because they`re not admiring the human species in fullness, which requires `woman`s seed`, that is, the penis of the `futanarian` woman, for its complete picture to be revealed. If the full depiction of humanity lacks the penis of the woman, Redemption for her parasite remains an impossibility, because the incomplete picture of the human species is pornographic because it`s one of enslavement to the devouring parasite of pederasty and war, which is why many church leaders are right in describing pornography as evil. But the penis of the woman has to become visible on the world`s stage in equality and liberation, or men will incur God`s perdition as the attempted enslavers of the human species.
What has been termed `pornography` is actually educational and informative material, but it doesn`t inform and educate sufficiently to be happily describable as such. Humans have been taught their species is dependent on the male penis, whereas it`s an illusion that women depend on men`s seed, and Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary simply denies it. In physical terms, humans eat, drink and copulate, but the taboo against depictions of sexual intercourse only reflects the lie that women don`t have a self-reproductive faculty, so that men`s exclusive role as her `seed` is maintained. Moreover, God`s dooming of the `serpent`s seed` to perdition is because men have hijacked the human species for what they call `pornography`, which is actually a metaphor for the furthering of pederasty and war by presenting the human species as food to be devoured by its sexclusive breeders:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon is a woman in the Bible but she`s archetypal insofar as she represents the woman who is enslaved to produce men in pederasty for war and its contagions, such as HIV/AIDS` biological weapon against her host wombs. The emergence of the `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, as that aspect of woman as a socio-economic species independent of its devouring male parasite, is essential if mankind is to have Redemption from its sin of enslaving her in order to devour the humans.
2 Lawrence, D. H `Wedding Morn` in Love Poems and Others, 1913.
Jesus Wasn`t Sexy But They Ate Him Anyway
05/05/2013 11:38Jesus Wasn`t Sexy But They Ate Him Anyway
Jesus was born as the first of `woman`s seed` from the Virgin Mary, which prefigures woman as an independent species with her own penis as `futanarian`. As God tells the first woman, Eve, in Genesis the `serpent` seed` is her enemy, but promises that she shall `crush the head of the serpent` and, in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` from God while the evil receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, as their punishment.
In Revelation the `red dragon` is the devourer who waits in vain to eat Jesus, who returns as the `New Redeemer` in his `Second Coming` upon the Earth after his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in Palestine while Judaea was a `client kingdom` of the Roman Empire before becoming a province of Rome (6-135 CE). Jesus` role as a political figure is unquestionable and he was convicted by the Roman judge, Pontius Pilate, for sedition after betrayal by the disciples who had been arguing with him about his `mission` almost from his selection of them as his assistants. Because Jesus was the first of `woman`s seed`, devouring is what he had to guard against, and being tortured to death was his being eaten by whatever it was that threatened `woman`s seed`, except that Jesus was resurrected and not consumed, which meant that he couldn`t be devoured by the devourer, which is what the scripture of Revelation tells us, while also relating how God`s `blood plague` was sent to convert men from evil:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
HIV/AIDS was the `blood plague` of the latter part of the 21st century spread by pederasty, which was the basis of ancient Greek civilization where the `host` wombs of women were enslaved to spread the contaginon of the devourer`s wars against the cultures of the world that had managed to emerge from the womb of woman as the human species. Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` the logical assumption is that they were enslaved by a parasite feigning friendship as a symbiote for the sole purpose of breeding her to eat, and Jesus` mission was to save `woman`s seed` from enslaving and devourment. The form of woman is designed to be sexually appetizing to the parasite attached to her penis, but the connection between sexual appetite and food is a real one. If the devourer wants to possess the individual with a penis in order to eat the fruit of the seed of woman, she must appear as sexy.
Jesus` politics was to remain celibate and starve himself of sex, which meant he was a threat to the system of desire and devourment. Christ perceived that a devouring parasite had attached itself to the human species of woman in order to eat her. If men didn`t reproduce with women, women would live. Jesus` own birth told him. Born uncontaminated by male semen, fathers weren`t perceivable to Jesus as fatherers, because his mother Mary had fathered, and she could because women as an independent `futanarian` species have their own penis. The devourer must be Jesus father, Christ would have reasoned, and in Graeco-Roman mythology the father gods Chronos and Saturn devour their sons, Zeus and Jupiter. This is depicted as the threat in Revelation, but the `red dragon` Satan (Saturn) can`t devour Jesus, because God won`t allow it. Consequently, Jesus` celibacy amounts to a refusal to desire to devour the woman and the art, culture and civilization that emerges from her `host` womb as food, which is what the possessing devour as the human species` parasite wants mankind to do for it.
The attractiveness and alienness of the woman is a part of the pogrom. If woman were perceived as the species of the planet Earth - as she should be because she has her own penis and can reproduce without men in socio-economic independence – men would be perceivable as her devouring parasite. Therefore she`s been partially devoured already by the real aliens who are already here amongst us and produce huge Hollywood spectacular scenarios of devouring invaders from outer space to convince us that they`re our protectors. In Revelation Jesus `shall rule the nations with an iron scepter` while the woman who has borne him is taken to a place of safety on eagle`s wings, which suggests he`s protecting her.
The wings of the eagle are significant because angels have wings, and the highest orders of angels have six, while the symbol of the eagle is an almost universal constant amongst the nations of the Earth as a protective symbol. In symbolic terms, the eagle is more reliable than the angel for the simple reason that the devourer of the human species was once the angel Satan who was a Seraphim with six wings, and effectively eight limbs if we accept the Christian iconographical representations of Seraphim, which would make Satan an arachnid because they have eight limbs. Most Christian icons present a holy figure with a round golden disk at the back of their heads, which would correspond to the rather bulbous body of the spider that has attached itself to the human as its devouring parasite, and the icon represents the chosen victim who doesn`t want to devour and so is more holy than the devourers.
Jesus` crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is his escape from the arachnids who are the devourers. Because he`s detached himself from his devouring nature. He only has four limbs, but according to the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), who views the spider as an archetype of the individuation process by which a personality grows through understanding such archetypes, each individual has a shadow, which means Christ had eight limbs, like the angel Satan, who is Jesus` brother, Satanael, in some Christian traditions, and the fourfold cross represents his shadow, that is, the devouring archetype of the arachnid, which is Jesus` brother, Satan, as the `fallen` angel that seeks to possess humanity as its demon in order to enslave and devour.
From the Bar to the Car on the Road to Transubstantiation
04/05/2013 10:12From the Bar to the Car on the Road to Transubstantiation
The essential mystery of Catholic tradition is the transubstantiation of the body and the blood of Jesus Christ through the bread and the wine of the Communion service eaten and drunk by the parishioners when given it by the priest as a wafer and sip of wine during a prayerful meeting. Before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven, Jesus offered his body and blood to the disciples at the `Last Supper` in the symbolic form of the bread and the wine. In the time of Jesus a single bowl was used for eating and drinking, which is why the Holy Grail is the symbolic item representing Jesus` offer, that is, a grail or bowl that would have contained both bread and wine.
Although the Catholic Communion service features a wafer and a chalice, that`s a modern convention. The early Christians would have taken bread and wine in a single bowl, and that`s why the significance of the Holy Grail seems diluted to Christian believers, because for them it`s a drinking vessel alone. Although the Grail signifies the fellowship of dinking together, the concept of the bar where alcoholic drinks can be had in drunken bouts of false bonhomie is understood as `fellowship` because it features drinking vessels. Jesus was telling the disciples at the `Last Supper` that he was in fellowship with them and they betrayed him to the Jewish police, that is, Judas Iscariot told the Pharisees where Jesus could be found for a bag of money. The Pharisees handed Jesus over to the Roman guards and the judge, Pontius Pilate, convicted him of sedition and ordered his execution.
Jesus` story is similar to the mythologem of ancient Egypt where Osiris is dismembered by his evil brother, Set. In Egyptian mythology the `Ka` and `Ba` are the personality and the spirit, which modern culture has transformed into the car and the bar, that is, the spirit fuelled by a desire for personal extinction, which is what Jesus` crucifixion is perceived to symbolize by those who want death for others, and drunken unconsciousness is the figure of. Christianity is often discovered referring to the `body of the church`, which is Jesus`. In the Egyptian myth Osiris` dismemberment is the ancient figure of religious schism insofar as he represents a former perspective. According to the myth the goddess Asset remembers Osiris by recovering all of the pieces of his body, except the penis, which she can`t find and so makes a new one. The meaning is that a new perception with regard to sexuality needs a new penis.
In Christianity Jesus is called the `first of the woman`s seed`, because he`s born from the Virgin Mary without contamination by male semen. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God tells Eve she is `woman`s seed` and she shall have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which corresponds to the evil Set in the Egyptian mythologem, that is, all those who are against Eve and her daughters. Because women have their own penis as `futanarian` woman, she`s a species independent of men, which is what the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary prefigures, that is, a new perception with regard to sexuality represented by a new penis. Although Redemption is held out as a possibility for Man, the flow of libido towards women sexually from the penis is what transubstantiation means.
The Christian tradition is essentially Arabian, and the Grail legend of the knights of king Arthur of the Britons in England is interpretable as a Middle Eastern tale. According to the developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) there are four main symbols in the Arthurian cycle of myths associated with the knight`s attaining to the Grail, which is one amongst the four symbols that include also the sword, round table and spear. As a boy Arthur has to pull his sword Excalibur where it is fixed within a stone before he can be king, which is a symbol of the enlightened ego. In alchemy, which prefigures medicine and psychology, the stone is the lapis philosophorum, or `stone of the wise`, because it represents the adept`s scientifically working towards the creation of a developed ego. The knights of king Arthur sit at a round table in emulation of Jesus` disciples at the `Last Supper` while one of them, Perceval, whose name is interpretable as `he who pierces the veil with his spear`, finds correspondence in Christian tradition with the spear of Longinus, the Roman centurion, whose spear cut into the side of Jesus upon Christ`s death, to effectively release the Holy Spirit/Paraclete from his side as the teacher in the invisible realm he`d promised would come after him to guide humanity along the path of Christianity.
According to Jung the Arthurian symbols of sword, table, grail and spear correspond to the four functions of consciousness, that is, `Thinking` represents the sword of discriminating judgement, which Jung associates with listening or the ears, while `Sensation` is associated with the eyes, that is, the capacity to recognize friends, whereas the grail is the `Feeling` function because it`s associated with the mouth and kissing, but also eating and drinking, and is important in the story of Jesus because Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus` fellowship after kissing him full on the lips, according to Christian tradition. `Intuition` is the spear because it represents the Holy Spirit/Paraclete born from the side of Jesus from the point of the Roman centurion Longinus` spear, and the point is continuity.
Eve was born from the side of the `First Adam` while Jesus was the `Second Adam` and so the Holy Spirit/Paraclete was the `Second Eve`, older and wiser, and able to teach and guide along the path of Jesus if she was heard. In Arabia the fourfold marriage of the Moslem tradition represents Jung`s psychological schemata of the ego supported by the four functions of consciousness, but also the fourfold marriage of woman with a woman at the centre with her own penis as the focal point for her species` independent future, which God promises to her in the Bible as a `new heaven and Earth` for `woman`s seed`.
In the Grail legend Perceval is the knight vouchsafed a glimpse of the Grail at table with the other knights and King Arthur because of the associations with Jesus` disciples and the Grail at the `Last Supper`. Jesus is the `sacred heart` of genuine feeling and that`s why the crucifixion is known as `Christ`s Passion`. Perceval undertakes a quest and attains to the Grail, which is symbolic of the research and individuation that a person needs to undertake before they have knowledge and understanding enough to be called wise. The spear of the Roman centurion Longinus is effectively the penis of the `woman`s seed`, and it is symbolic of `Intuition` because that`s required if the veil of occlusion is to be penetrated so that the truth is revealed, which is the future of the human species is `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own as an indpependent spiritual and socio-economic alternative and support to humankind before the `serpent`s seed` are given perdition, that is eternal unendurable pain, by God as a punishment for preferring parasitism.
Essentially Jesus` fellowship denotes the declaration that the disciples aren`t going to eat each other, whereas the crucifixion of Christ represents the betrayal of that promise, symbolized by Judas Iscariot`s treacherously kissing Jesus full on the lips before accepting money from the Jewish Pharisees so that they could hand Jesus over to the Roman guards by accusing him of sedition and so have him ordered to be executed by the Roman judge Pontius Pilate. Effectively, Judas was telling Jesus that he was an agent of the devourer, which is described in Revelation as the `red dragon`, which waits in vain to devour Christ in his `Second Coming` as the `New Redeemer`, and is the serpent of Eden grown in size since its tempting of Adam and Eve into accepting its parasitism in exchange for a pederast.
In ancient Greece civilization was based on the enslaving of the `host` wombs of women to spread the contagion of pederasty further in war, and Greek civilization forms the basis of modern civilization. The prototypical Greek form is the friendship gift of the huge hollow wooden horse taken into the city of Troy by the Trojans where the Greeks emerge to enslave the `host` wombs of the city to spread their contagion of war further. On 9/11, 2000, the Arabian guests of the United States hijacked passenger planes to crash them into the World Trade Centre and so spread the `rough trade` contagion of pederasty and war further, while the HIV/AIDS virus feigns friendship for the cells of the body`s immune system before killing it, which is what homosexuality is. Judas Iscariot`s kissing of Jesus is the betrayer`s declaration of an intention to devour, while Jesus` perception is deeper and clearer. On the day preceding his crucifixion a woman washed Jesus` feet with perfume and the disciples remonstrated that it was too expensive:
`Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6)
Jesus berated the disciples because they didn`t think he was worth the money, and Judas promptly went off and sold him for a bagful to recoup. Wherever they went the disciples were welcome because they were with Jesus, and so he was their provider. Just as the man of the house obtains food and shelter for the wife and children. The scene with the woman who washes Jesus feet against the disciples` wishes is of a group of pederasts who are pretending to be offended because that`s what homosexuals do with boys who don`t understand them. The foot washing is symbolic, because both the woman and Jesus are `woman`s seed`, which means they`re the `futanarian` future of the human species. Jesus` concern is with cannibalism because the parasitical `serpent`s seed` emerges from the `host` wombs of women to spread its contagion of pederasty and devouring war, which is what it has enslaved the women for.
If women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` woman, men are perceivable as alien parasites enslaving and devouring her in pederasty and war`s contagions; for example, HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` against her. Because Jesus is `woman`s seed` and unredeemed men are the `serpent`s seed`, men are parasitical devourers of the art, culture and civilization, which emerges from her `host` womb in the course of the millennia, but they aren`t cannibals because `woman`s seed` is the human species, and Jesus` offering of his body and blood as symbolic tokens, that is, as bread and wine, is a part of his `mission`; to prevent the human species from becoming cannibals and assisting the `serpent`s seed` to enslave and devour humanity because of its being possessed by the devourers` demoniacal influence.
The `serpent`s seed` wants to drive the human race into cannibalistic self-devourings of itself, while the transubstantiation symbolism of the Catholic Communion service represents the difficulty that Man has in perceiving that its penis is the woman`s, because she is the human species and what is attached to her penis is a parasite. Transubstantiation means `transformation in accordance with the evidence`, which means that the flow of the libido towards the woman as the desired object of the penis` sexual functionality is transformed when it becomes evident that the woman has her own penis as the independent aspect of the human species. The parasite that is attached to the penis either perceives that the penis is the woman`s and so Man needs Redemption, which is Jesus` teaching, or it seeks the subjugation and enslavement of the `woman`s seed` prior to its devouring of her as its `food`.
Oedipus Married His Mother Because She`s Supposed To
25/04/2013 18:42Oedipus Married His Mother Because She`s Supposed To
Anyone who knows anything about the human species would immediately perceive this statement as Arabic, because it says something simply but isn`t simply understandable. Oedipus is at the heart of Western psychology, because Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) of the Vienna school argued that the desire of the son for the mother sexually is at the centre of human activity. According to Freud the story of Oedipus` killing of his father is what occurs in human terms when access to the mother is denied the son. Sexual feelings are displaced to another female and the new family unit is born.
Dramatized in ancient Greek theatre by Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (429 BCE) the legendary story of Oedipus is of a man who argues on the road with another and kills him. Without discovering the man, Laertes, was his father, Oedipus goes on to the Egyptian city of Thebes and marries his mother, Jocasta, Although Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a disciple of Freud`s his contribution to the understanding of the mythic content is greater. In Jungian psychology the anima is the soul of the individual and, according to Jung, earlier endogamous relations characterized human society, that is, marriage within the extended family, which was perceived as incestuous originally.
Exogamous marriage with a stranger superceded the endogamous form, and characterizes the relationship between Oedipus and Jocasta except that Oedipus is family and not a stranger. According to Jung the inability of Oedipus to perceive his doom is due to projection, that is, the anima or soul, because she is repressed into unconsciousness through enforcement of the exogamous principle, which means that the desire for Jocasta is determined by the image of the woman, which is incestuous but characteristic of the nature of the true relations between the son and the mother.
In Christianity Jesus is `woman`s seed` born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen because the desire of the male penis for the woman is the woman`s penis` desire for herselves. In simple terms, the Virgin Mary prefigures the woman who has her own penis, that is, the `futanarian` woman, who can reproduce her own species, woman.
In the Bible God tells Eve she shall `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` Earth, and God gives a `new heaven and Earth ` to `woman`s seed` in Revelation, while warning Eve that the `serpent`s seed` will wage wars of `perpetual enmity` against hers. In short, the son`s desire for the mother is the mother`s penis from the daughter who is not yet born, which is why Jesus` and Oedipus` story is incestuous, that is, she has to be born, because she`s `woman`s seed` and the future of the human species.
In Jungian psychology the animus is the male imago that surrounds the woman in dreams as an aspect of the psyche which Jung perceives as male, whereas the male has the role of parasitical devourer and shouldn`t be in her mind at all. In other words, the soul is female as Jung observes, but she`s female in women as well as men, because the anima and her incestuous projections represent the desire of the woman`s species for itself, whereas the male parasite that affects the role of symbiote but has attached itself to the penis of the woman has no function within the psychology of humanity other than as a devourer, which it is Oedipus` doom not to understand when he breaks the incest taboo because, if he had comprehension, he would have broken the curse.
In Greek civilization the `host` wombs of women were enslaved in pederasty to spread its viral contagion of war. The huge hollow wooden horse before the walls of the city of Troy demonstrates the virus. Pretending friendship in the same way that HIV/AIDS or terrorism feigns friendship for its `host` before attacking it, the Greeks emerged from the horse after the Trojans had accepted it as a friendship gift and enslaved the `host` wombs of the women of Troy to further spread the homosexual contagion of pederasty and war. The paradigm is of the parasitical virus feigning symbiosis before virulently killing its host, which includes the art, culture and civilization `woman`s seed` has succeeded in producing from her womb despite her devouring animus, that is, the imago of the male that appears to her conditioned consciousness to surround her as a `throng of male admirers` but is her murderer.
Oedipus is figuratively blind at the beginning of the story, because he doesn`t know who he is, while at the end of the story he knows who he is and has blinded himself literally because he does know who he is, and the taboo against incest imposed by a society that insisted on exogamy or `marriage with a stranger` is the taboo against knowing that men are parasitical demons who have enslaved the human species so that she can`t escape. In fact exogamy is the tool of the blinders itself, because endogamy is a metaphor for the natural development of woman as a species, whereas marriage with a stranger is estrangement from human nature and marriage with the exogamic `alien` which, biologically, is what men as women`s demoniacal devouring parasitical virality are.
In socio-historical terms, the exogamous factor embraced the human species to extinguish it, and is still in the process of doing so. Endogamy is natural while exogamy is the enslaving instrument of the human species` devourer. The idea that Oedipus has married his mother, because she`s supposed to, prefigures a drama by Sophocles that is non-extant, which would be Oedipa Regina, who is the she that`s supposed to marry a woman, and is what the incestuous or psychologically endogamous function of the soul or anima is actually for.
The figure of Antigone is Oedious` daughter who leads him onwards after his blinding, because woman`s penis needs guidance so that she can see where she`s going. Consequently, Jung`s perception of the soul as female was correct, and Jesus` promise of Redemption through the teachings of the Holy Spirit represents that adherance to `woman`s seed` as the desired guide for the future of the human species.
The story is set in Egypt`s Thebes because it`s Arabic. In Arabia women wear the abiyah or burkha so that they can`t be seen, because they don`t want their species to be visible to their devourers. Invisibly visible is Arabic, and so the black of the traditional covering for the women of Arabia is uniform because that`s how they distinguish themselves from what isn`t human. Oedipus married his own mother, because he prefigures Jocasta`s daughter Oedipa, who has her own penis, and so she`s supposed to marry a woman, which the parthenogenetic birth of Jesus, the `first of woman`s seed`, suggests.
Mary is impregnated by the woman who isn`t visible, that is, the Holy Spirit, and without contamination by her husband Joseph`s male semen, because the `futanarian` woman with her own penis is present in the spiritual realm, but isn`t yet visible as the human species. Mary gives birth, not without male semen, but without the visible signs of female semen, because men are actually the devouring demons of the human species and don`t want it to be seen, whereas Jesus does:
`Leave her alone.` (Mark: 14.6)
On the eve of his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus` disciples berate a young woman who is washing his feet in expensive perfume because they feel that it`s a waste of money. Jesus` admonishment contains the realization that he isn`t important and neither is the woman to the disciples, which means it`s a feigned friendship based on the principles of parasitism. Judas first kisses Jesus and then betrays him to the Jewish police, that is, the Pharisees, who hand him over to the Romans, and Pontius Pilate judges Jesus guilty of sedition. As the `first of woman`s seed` Jesus` torture and death is paradigmatic. The exogamic aliens thwarted by Jesus` celibacy surround and kill him because that`s what the aliens do with `woman`s seed`.
The story of Oedipus is veiled advice to do what mother wants, and so is Jesus`. He didn`t want to be an alien devourer of his mother, or the Earth`s art, culture and civilization, which emerges from woman`s `host` womb. Marriage isn`t for women as a species. With her own penis she can impregnate another woman who hasn`t a penis, but she would need another woman with a penis to impregnate her;iIf children were desired. Consequently, `woman`s seed` represents the `agape` of Christianity, which is the love of the extended family advocated by Jesus.
Of course, the issue of reproduction as a species begs the question of women`s blindness and death. If men don`t want her to know they`re aliens, occlusion and extinction is what they represent. The long-lived woman wouldn`t need to reproduce so often and would disseminate the knowledge and wisdom of the species, woman, to her daughters. God`s promise of immortality to `woman`s seed` and perdition for the `serpent`s seed` as punishment then makes sense because darkness and death are made by irredeemable men.
In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, to protect the `hidden` woman with the `iron scepter` of his indomitability, while the serpent grown since Eden into the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the light of the Earth. In symbolic terms, `woman`s seed` will be able to see and the `serpent`s seed` won`t be able to prevent her, because death is blindness, and God`s promise is of immortality to `woman`s seed`, which will live to see, and be seen by its own selves.
The Last Butle
18/03/2013 08:28The Last Butle
Arguing that 9/11 `live on CNN` was the television small screen`s preview for the big budget blockbuster World Trade Centre (2005) is possible, and so is the obvious suggestion that Hollywood`s `Babylon` should be producing better romantic dramas and comedies. Rather than action movies such as Harrison Ford`s Air Force One (1997), where the President of the USA`s plane is hijacked. Or the historical `blockbuster`, Pearl Harbor (2001), where Japanese MItsubishi suicide pilots crash into the US Pacific fleet at Hawaii in 1941, which encourage the emulation of terrorism, violence, and suicide.
The `What The Butler Saw Machine` is a standard seaside attraction in English resorts, and 9/11, 2001, was the consequence. The machine is a `Peeping Tom` in which the viewer pays to watch a pornographic film as a voyeur hidden in the room where the sexual encounter is taking place. After a few minutes the screen blacks out and more money is required. The joke is of desperation and the machine became defunct after punters understood that they were being ridiculed as they stumped up the cash to see more of the action.
The `What The Butler Saw Machine` begs the question, who is the joker? And just as the crime fighter `Batman` was unable to prevent the hijacked planes from crashing into the Twin Towers of New York, so the joke is lost on New Yorkers, but `The Joker`, who is the villain in Batman (1989), the movie, and its sequels, has one. 9/11 `live on CNN` isn`t a `What The Butler Saw` machine, but it`s contemporary insofar as it represents what happens if the butler by the sand is ridiculed for wanting to watch pornography as information`s last resort.
The butler is a traditional figure in English society, and is a servant employed by a large house to act as a retainer. However, if the butler is jealous of the owner of the wife and property, it`s The Game (1997), which is a movie based on criminal psychologists` perception that crime begins at home. In the movie The Game Michael Douglas has his company, wife and property mysteriously taken from him. At the end of the movies he has everything returned to him because it was a game, whereas in reality he wouldn`t. That`s what criminals do.
The ménage a trois of the butler and the wife is an English metaphor for an affair that is ruinous, which is the subject of D. H. Lawrence`s Lady Chatterley`s Lover (1928) in which Manners, the gardener, becomes the lover of the lady of the house. Lawrence`s novel was banned for its pornographic content because it denoted `the game`, which was understood as evil to English society because it was an attack on property through the device of sexual enticement, that is, the servant, or butler, was being depicted by Lawrence, a socialist writer, as a criminal, who would steal and probably murder to obtain the wife or property of the owner, which is what Michael Douglas` character in The Game learns.
Michael Douglas learned the lesson well. He gave up what some newspapers reported as `sex addiction` and wed Catherine Zeta Jones because he wanted a faithful partner: `Some people simply can`t help being `sex addicts`. According to a new discovery by scientists. They have found that people with a certain genetic make-up have a much stronger sex drive than others. The remarkable finding could go some way to explaining the behaviour of self-confessed `sex addixts` such as Michael Douglas.`3 In the late 20th century HIV/AIDS made relationships more faithful and many observed that the `killer virus` was a punishment from God, which contention is supported by Revelation:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In preferring `What The Butler Saw` machines for their gardeners and butlers, they were encouraging envy. In ancient Greece the `host` wombs of women were enslaved to spread its contagion of pederasty through war and plague, which is effectively jealousy for `Man` with woman. The English solution to the envy they aroused was to send millions of men to be killed in such pitiless occasions as the Somme battlefield during WW I.
9/11 was the consequence of Arabian jealousy over American pornography. In Arabia the women are black clad in a one-piece coverall called the burkah when they appear in public, and they`re taught not to look at men other than those who are within their immediate family circle. In Western nations women are visible but the same principle generally applies. Looking at a woman who is not yours can result in death. Consequently, `the game` is not about property or wives, and in Arabia it`s possible to have four wives, but it`s a game of eyes. In the movie The Game Michael Douglas is blind to what is happening, which is a metaphor used again in Dangerous Liaisons (1988) and Cruel Intentions (1999) where the `plot` involves an ingénue who doesn`t know and so is blind to the object in `the game`, which is to ensure they remain blind through what is, in socio-political terms, news `black out` or `censorship`:
`The Marquise de Merteuil (Glenn Close) appears to be virtuous and upstanding but is, in fact, a sexually ravenous, amoral schemer who plays games with men out of bitterness at the constricted station of women in her society. She decides to exact revenge on a recent lover by having his young new fiancée, Cécile de Volanges (Uma Thurman), the daughter of Merteuil's cousin Madame de Volanges (Swoosie Kurtz), seduced and ruined.`1
According to depth psychologist Sigmund Freud, the super ego functions as a censor if it is taught to blind itself. In the ancient Greek drama Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus blinds himself because the taboo of his society tells him to, which is what the super ego is if it`s been lied to: a censor. A society that tells itself that there is more to life than food and sex, when food and sex is what humans do, is a society creating a false super ego, which tells the individual what he or she is supposed to see. If woman is a species with her own penis as `futanarian`, and the society is told that lesbians are homosexual, but equal in pederasty, and its spreading of its contagion of war and plague, she is blind to her own species` capacity for socio-economic independence from slavery and is an active participant in ensuring its continuance. In Britney Spears` video CD single for `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout (2007) she observes:
`I'm Mrs 'Most likely to get on the TV for strippin' on the streets'
When getting the groceries, now, for real...
Are you kidding me?
No wonder this panic in the industry.
I mean, please, do you want a piece of me..?`
Britney`s saying that her super ego has been conditioned to expect that she`ll be arrested on the street for something that`s taboo to her social milieu, which was exactly what happened in New York, near Central Park, when her child`s hat fell off while she was running for a car close to the hotel she was staying at on 18th May, 2006. The result was a charge of `child neglect,`2 and the loss of her two children in a `custody battle`, while her fortune and earnings went into court administration. It was The Game but a `reality show` version in which the courts were seriously concerned to blind the young woman by preventing her from seeing her two children and managing her own affairs. On the legal strength of a child`s hat being blown off in the street that she couldn`t be bothered to pick up. Because it was only inexpensive tat.
The paparazzi took the opportunity to blind Britney Spears in a flash, and compounded the assault. Snapped by the devourers again when `flashing` her knickers getting out of a car on another occasion, Britney Spears was accused of offending `public decency`, and custody of her children being awarded to her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, pederasty had begun its devouring of her two infant sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James.
Human development is blinded by the alien parasites` desire to continue its enslavement of the species, `Woman`, and pursue its viral antagonism towards humanity in what God termed `perpetual enmity`, on the part of the `serpent`s seed`, for `woman`s seed`. Jesus believed `Man` could have Redemption through acceptance of Jesus` teachings, but `Man` and `Woman` are in a state of continual blinding by the evil alien parasites who want the super ego to be conditioned so that it only wants to see men, which is how pederasty is recognized.
The eyes play a large part in seduction, and ruin is essentially not being able to see where you used to see, which is a form of blinding. However, the Somme, where millions of English lives were lost in WW I, were eyes that didn`t appreciate the nicety of the distinction between blindness and death. The `What The Butler Saw` machine illustrates the principle of `the game`, which is that blindness is death.
In Christianity, Jesus` maxim is `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` because your neighbor is yourself. However, God observes to Eve that the `serpent`s seed` has `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`, and `she shall crush his head with her foot as she leaves` while God gives her and her seed `a new heaven and Earth` and the evil receive the punishment of perdition, which is unendurable eternal pain. In other words, the evil don`t want the good to know that they are the evil also, which affords the evil the opportunity to play `the game` with them, which is blinding unto death. If the men sent to die at the Somme were the same as those who sent them, the eyes of those that sent them would be able to see what the dead had left behind them. The Somme was `the game` writ larger, but not as large as the Gulf wars.
9/11 `live on CNN` was the `What The Butler Saw` machine, but without the pornography. When Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda terrorists crashed their hijacked `civil` aircraft into the Twin Towers of New York George W. Bush`s response was to send a million or so American servicemen to Iraq to depose the dictator, Saddam Hussein, who had expressed support for Al Qaeda on 9/11, even though Al Qaeda were known to be based amongst the Taliban in Afghanistan, where the US had been helping them since 1979 when the regime in Kabul was backed by Soviet Russia. The US had similarly backed Saddam Hussein since the deposiing of the Shah of Iran by Islamic revolution in 1976 and the subsequent war between Saddam Hussein`s Iraq and Iran from 1979 also.
The huge tank battles of Gulf war II, which arose indirectly out of Saddam Hussein`s frustrated invasion of neighbor Kuwait, that is, Gulf war I, were the `What The Butler Saw ` machine from the perspective of the 21st century `cannon fodder`. The war arose out of a culture clash. The Arabians don`t want their women to be seen, and they don`t want the Americans to see their women, so they arranged to kill each other so that their women wouldn`t be seen by those they didn`t want them to be seen by, which were those who fought the battles:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon, which is the traditional ancient seat of the ruler of Iraq, and the traditional name for the Hollywood movie industry, represents pederasty, and its contagion of war, because she represents `Woman`, whose host womb is enslaved by the evil `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed` in war. But also `plague` in the shape of the 20th century`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS, which homosexual witchery produced through the mixing of blood, shit and semen in anal sex without women. However, futanarian woman with her own penis can reproduce without pederasty, and so is a species independent of the `serpent`s seed`, which doesn`t want woman as a species to see herself and so reproduce through sexual desire for her own humanity.
If a woman with a penis looks in the mirror, she can see what she wants sexually because she has an erection, whereas the woman who is taught that she`s a lesbian, if she desires women , is normal, but is told she`s equal with homosexuals, who may have an erection in the mirror, and not because they desire women. So `the game` is to prevent women`s eyes from seeing themselves as sexually desirable for each other. Because that would make them an independent species, and men would be revealed as alien parasitical viralities that plan blindness and death for each other so that the women can`t see anyone else, which is `the game`.
HIV/AIDS brings faithfulness, but reinforces pederasty, and so the devouring `red dragon` of war in Revelation is depicted as being attended by the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, which forces the women to see men rather than each other, and is reinforced by their ignorance of themselves as an independent species capable of reproduction and with its own socio-economic valence for producing what it needs to escape from men. Because it has a better capacity to develop technologically, that is, brain, penis and womb, and a better and more self-contained reproductive system that doesn`t want the `killer disease`, which kills the brain and contaminates the womb, and that`s why Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen. The human species doesn`t want to be contaminated by male semen, which is an alien virus strain practicing symbiotic relations with the species, `Woman`, in order to enslave her and her product, that is, art, culture and civilization, to devour it periodically in the wars that it breeds itself for.
The paper Razis are the equivalent of the German Nazis in WWII (1939-45) who put Jews into concentration camps, because `woman`s seed` has her own penis and is `hidden`. You can`t be born Jewish unless born from a Jewess, which means that Jews are women, and the Nazis didn`t want `futanarian` women with her own penis to breed.
Arabian women beneath their black garments resemble those old fashioned cameras with hoods attached, but underneath those are cameramen. What`s beneath the burkah isn`t possible to see, but the woman could be `futanarian` with a penis of her own, and there could be a man underneath there too, which was one of the quandaries faced by America and its allies during the Gulf wars.
Although Guantanamo Bay in Cuba was an interrogation and detention centre for Arabs during the Gulf wars rather than a Nazi-style extermination camp, the exposure of women`s `futanarian` independence from men would be one of the discoveries made about Arabia. The paper Razis don`t want `Woman` to be successful because they`d discover the truth. Britney Spears` declaration of her bisexuality after the birth of her two sons was another step on her `coming out`. In Oops I Did It Again she appears in a red plastic body suit putting a hook into a spaceman`s backpack before hoisting him until he can see her wearing a white bikini dress beneath his spaceman`s helmet with the camera attached to the side so that he can film her:
`Oops!...I did it again to your heart.
Got lost in this game, oh baby.
Oops!...You think that I'm sent from above.
I'm not that innocent.`
Although Britney`s red suited self doesn`t have her penis visible, and we`re not aware of her `futanarian` nature, herself in a white bikini dress may have a penis but we can`t see it, because that`s `the game` she`s forced to play with the camera and censorship. Only the knowledge that `Woman` is `futanarian` and has a penis of her own as an independent species would allow us to perceive the possibility of Britney Spears` self having a penis of her own and so her own socio-economic business potential for development outside of male patronage, which is what `the game` of confiscating her fortune by the courts was designed to reestablish. The symbol of the United States of America is `Liberty` and she`s a woman who doesn`t lie beneath her skirts.
In Oops I Did It Again Britney Spears` spaceman is the camera, but she doesn`t deny that being seen on film is what she`s for. In the video Britney is seen through the eyes of `Mission Control`, who correspond to the `What The Butler Saw` machine, and the `last Butle` for `woman`s seed` insofar as she `s the `What The Butler Saw` machine and is not supposed to see that men have blinded her to knowledge of her independent existence as a species, so that she can be kept in enslavement to pederasty and the `perpetual enmity` of its `serpent`s seed`s` war`s plague aims, which is to prevent her from escaping the Earth.
God tells Eve, `she`ll crush the head of the serpent with her heel as she leaves,` America and her allies in the Gulf wars (1990-) were interested in the eyes of the burkahs of the women of Arabia because Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `Woman` there was seeking `Liberty`. In Oops I Did It Again `Mission Control` is behind the eyes of Britney Spears` spaceman camera, which suggests spies are the `What The Butler Saw` machine from the point of view of those who don`t want the truth to be seen. `Woman`, as a species with her own penis and independent reproductive system with its socio-economic valence, is the `futanarian` truth that those labeling humans as spies don`t want to be seen because it threatens their slave ring.
As an American symbol of `Liberty`, Britney Spears descends inside a giant ring at the beginning of the Oops I Did It Again video wearing a red plastic body suit, but beneath her spaceman`s camera her `alter ego` wears a white bikini dress, because the video maker is referencing Mark Twain`s `The Comedy Of Those Extraordinary Twins`, which is a story of conjoined twins, that is, a twin body with two heads, and that`s how woman as a species might be described by her enemy`s spies if she`s `futanarian` with her own penis.
The `red dragon` of Revelation is the `great enemy` of religious tradition and, even in Graeco-Roman mythology, is depicted as the devourer of future success in the form of its successors, that is, Zeus and Jupiter are swallowed whole by the father gods, Chronos and Saturn, in Greek and Roman mythology respectively, to remove their eyes from the possibility of changing the scene.
In the science fiction story, `The Tale Of The Twins Who Weren`t` in Time Enough For Love (1973) by American Grand Master, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), the twins are man and woman and bizarrely are made to wear a chastity belt to prevent incest while they are slaves. The central protagonist, Lazarus Long, manumits them immediately, which is in harmony with the theme of the novel, that is, finding time for love, but nowhere in the work is the concept of woman as a `futanarian` species with her own penis discussed because the book is a `What the Butler Saw` machine for the imagination of the reader who has to visualize and is directed by the writer as to what is possible for his mind to conceive. Consequently, what feminists define as patriarchy is a blinding of `woman`s seed`, which is murdering the human species` potential to develop.
Although the presence of the theme of incest would suggest `futanarian` woman is the `hidden` theme. Because love between women constitutes a form of incest within the family of `Woman` from the perspective of those who want to make it a taboo for the super ego and keep women blind and ignorant to her own species` developmental needs and, indeed, turn her against herself as a monster with two heads. In sociological terms, the `What The Butler Saw` machine isn`t a spy, but is presented as such by those who want to prevent women from discovering that they are an independent species.
Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again might be understood as a `What The Butler Saw` machine with what the butler wanted to see if he had eyes to understand what he was seeing, and on the cover of the CD single `Piece Of Me` from the album Blackout Britney Spears continues to avoid the censor and appears on the cross in the place of Jesus, who was born from the Virgin Mary and is `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, which presupposes woman`s own `futanarian` penis, and freedom from enslavement in pederasty and its contagion of war and plague.
The Twin Towers were `what the butler sawed`, because of the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`. In J. R. R. Tolkein`s novel The Lord Of The Rings (1954) part two is The Two Towers, in which the protagonist Frodo has to break the ring of Sauron`s slavery. Consequently, the hijacked planes that were seen to just soar on to crash into the Twin Towers of New York`s Manhattan Island were Sauron. Because Frodo has to defeat the spider, Shelob, before the slave ring is broken, the hijacked planes may be understood as the shells lobbed at the Twin Towers from the perspective of these who were using Tolkein`s trilogy as a paradigm for the attack.
In the science fiction novel, Dune: The Butlerian Jihad (2002) by Brian Herbert and K. J. Anderson, the central concept of the work is that the `What The Butler Saw` machines are the enemy of human development, and so the Jihad is loosely based on Islamic fundamentalism, and the notion of the `holy war` against the publishing machine, which promulgates a false picture of the human species because it`s patriarchal.
In Moslem countries the Koran is the `holy book` but God is `neither male nor female`, and so the Butlerian Jihad has more resemblance to the book burnings that occurred during the prelude to WWII in the 1930s when Germany`s National Socialist Party was attempting to suppress Christian understanding of the Bible in the course of its rise to power.
The Bible would interfere with the German war machine as rival publisher if `Woman` were a priori understood to be the target of the Nazi concentration camps where the Jews were exterminated. Because you can`t be born a Jew unless from a woman, and woman has her own penis as `futanarian`, so the Bible is promoting God`s new species.
The paper Razis of the early 21st century publishing media includes the `Islamic Jihad` of 9/11, 2001 `live on CNN`. In a terrorist attack against the `Big Apple` of New York`s Eve`s garnered wisdom since Eden, the rival publisher to God still seeks to kill `woman`s seed` and suppress all knowledge of her so that men can keep her in slavery upon the Earth.
Princess Diana`s assassination in 1997 by the paper Razis who forced her car to crash in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris was but one instance of a woman being removed as a political force for her own species. The `Big Apple` of Eve was attacked at the World Trade Centre in New York to ensure continued publication for the `rough trade` of pederasty and its contagion of war and plague. It`d have been of more use to the human species if Britney Spears had exposed her penis `live on CNN`, which the fourfold marriage of Arabian women suggests that they`d rather see too, and in fact is what they`re prepared to see beneath their burkah after its public censorship and media `blackout` for the safe enjoyment of themselves in their own marriage beds.
In the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the differentiation of the four functions of consciousness, that is, `Sensation, Thinking, Feeling and Intuition` is required for the individuation process to be successful, which is the conscious self-actualization of the individual in knowledge and wisdom. Without the awareness that woman is a species with her own penis capable of independence in socio-economic terms, and because she has all of the equipment, more capable in technological terms, women will accept enalvement in pederasty and its contagion of war, plague and death.
Obviously low level technology is the basis for enslavement, and so woman is denied youthfulness through medical science, which would allow her to be old and wise but eternally young. Instead, she has to deal with pederasty`s `blood plague` of Revelation, that is, HIV/AIDS as homosexuality`s `biological warfare` against her womb as the parasitical laien tries to kill her there as well.
The fourfold marriage of Moslem women is an archetype of Jung`s four functions of consciosuness, that is, `Sensation, Thinking, Feeling and Sensation`, which represent self-realization when realized and, by analogy, acceptance of the understanding that `futanarian` women are a species with their own penis and independence from men, and so that`s what Arabian womanhood represents.
2 Olsen, Dawn `Britney Spears: I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet Much Of A Mother`, 19 May, 2006, 2: 55 pm,
3 `Being A Sex Addict Is In Your Genes`, 00:01 26 May 2006,
Marie Antoinette and Britney Spears` Cake
16/03/2013 16:28Marie Antoinette and Britney Spears` Cake
During the Napoleonic Revolution against the French aristocracy, Marie Antoinette, Empress of France, asked about the noise as the Revolutionaries fought their way into the Bastille where she was dining. Pampered Marie wasn`t apprised of the cause of the disturbance, and so the `storming of the Bastille` came as a complete surprise. Although her ears could listen, she didn`t receive any information, and upon being told that the people of Paris didn`t have bread, she reputedly replied, `Let them eat cake.` Not because she was stupid, but because she was ignorant. They hadn`t told her that the reason they didn`t have bread was that they didn`t have money. She was kept blind insofar as she knew nothing of economics.
For women economics is important because reproduction is the basic economic production unit for the human species. The idiomatic phrase, `bun in the oven`, refers to pregnancy as being analogous to baking, which suggests devourment is what the child is for. In Revelation Jesus is described as being born a second time while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour him, which again suggests that the problem of the devourer is a human issue. In socio-economic terms, women produce children as the basic economic unit of production, which means reproduction is directly related to production and mass production of consumer bought goods.
The relationship between consumer, consumption, and devourment is one of desire, disease, and war, which suggests the `blood plague` of Revelation that attends the appearance of the `red dragon` is HIV/AIDS` `biological war` against the human species. In ancient Greece pederasty was the means by which the host wombs of women were enslaved to spread its contagion of war, which is the devourer and suggests homosexuality is `desire, disease and war`.
Anal sex is `Greek` homosexual pederasty that, through its penis` desire for spreading its contagion of war mixed blood, shit and semen to produce HIV/AIDS, which is identified in Revelation as the `biological weapon` of the `red dragon`:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
Because Greek art, culture and society was the basis for Western civilization it isn`t surprising that devouring is what it is known for. If the rise and fall of Empire is comprehended as the basic pattern of humanity, devouring is what transpires. The French Revolution is a devouring of the aristocracy by the peasantry, where the inability to buy bread results in the aristocrats, such as Marie Antoinette, being guillotined, that is, consumed like cake, by the Revolutionaries.
The aristocracy was noteworthy for the voluminous skirts of the women, which covered the lower parts of the body, while the upper garments tended to emphasize the female bosom. Although women aren`t though to have a penis of their own, they do. Futanarian women have their own penis and socio-economic reproductive and productive valence as a species independent of `Man` but compatible with women who don`t have a penis, which suggests Marie Antoinette may have had more under her aristocratic skirts than she`s told.
If woman has a penis of her own, `Man` may be conceived as a parasite that has adapted itself to her womb from which it emerges with a penis and so a symbiotic relationship is possible with the host species. In the New Testament Jesus describes this symbiosis as `Redemption` for `Man` if he accepts God. In Genesis God tells Eve there`ll be `perpetual enmity` between her seed and the seed of the serpent, but she`ll `crush the head of the serpent with her heel as she leaves`, and in Revelation God gives `woman`s seed` a `new heaven and Earth` while the `red dragon` and its kindred receive eternal unendurable pain as a punishment for not converting from the enslaving and devouring of the product of the host wombs of women, that is, art, culture and civilization, in its parasitical devouring wars.
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
Babylon is the enslaved woman whom pederastical parasitism forces to serve as food for the devourer. `Let them eat cake,` as Marie Antoinette`s observation after she received news the peasants didn`t have bread, is suicidal. Obviously, the species that doesn`t take care of its own penis will be extinguished by whatever parasitical virality invades its womb. Marie is the cake they`ll eat, because women are the host wombs of the parasites and devouring the virility beneath a woman`s skirts so that she can`t reproduce in sufficient numbers to be independent is the reason that she`s bred by a virus.
Before the walls of ancient Troy the Greeks deployed the ruse of a huge hollow wooden horse inside which men were hidden and they emerged to enslave the city for pederasty and its contagion of war when the Trojans accepted the horse as a gift and took it into the city of Troy. On 9/11, 2001, the Arabian guests hijacked `civil` aircraft and crashed them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre to invite the Americans to resume `rough trade`:
` … a lower-class man who is found sexually attractive by a gay man from a higher social class.`1
The concept of the Trojan virus is a misnomer because the virus is `Greek`, which is a euphemism for homosexual pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs in order to spread its contagion of war and plague. Upstate New York contains the city of Troy and `to work like a Trojan` is a euphemism for industry. The statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor is the symbol of freedom to the United States of America and the world, but slavery is `Greek` and the workers in upstate New York aren`t viruses. But no one wants to offend the Greeks, and Troy is only a small city in New York state. In simple terms, workers aren`t viral, whereas those who are suicidal want to spread their philosophy.
At Pearl harbor the Japanese Mitsubishi suicide pilots crashed their planes into the US Pacific fleet, and the Al Qaeda hijackers crashed their suicide planes into the Twin Towers of New York. In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, who is Jesus in his Second Coming, and `shall rule the nations with an iron scepter`. The woman is `hidden` and carried to a `place of safety` on the `wings of an eagle` but corresponds to `Liberty` who gave birth with the red sun of the flag of Japan as her defeated enemy in World War II and the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda`s terrorism at her feet in 2001.
According to Revelation the `New Redeemer` protects the `hidden` woman while there is war in heaven in which the `woman`s seed` is ultimately victorious. If so, it seems likely that the `hidden` woman is futanarian, that is, she has her own penis, and is reproductively viable as a species, which Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen prefigures as the first of `woman`s seed`. Jesus is often accused of suicide because he allows his tormentors to crucify and put him to death, but he has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven afterwards.
Jesus didn`t want to live amongst parasitical viralities that live by torturing the spirited to produce art, culture, and civilization for them to devour. In other words, the murdering Roman authorities made it look like suicide, whereas the Japanese Mitsubishi pilots in 1941 and the Al Qaeda terrorists in 2001 were suicides, and encouraged suicide because they wanted pederasty and its contagion of war and plague to continue.
Although Jesus spent much of his time with the disciples, who were all men, and his story is written as the Gospels of the New Testament by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, he wasn`t homosexual. But the slur of suicide suggests that he was. Because that`s how pederast`s contagion of war and plague spreads. Jesus was the `Second Adam` because he was `Man` alone, and New York city was the city of Adam`s `Big Apple`. Because of Jesus` preachings of immortality and a `perpetual body` rather than the `perpetual enmity` of the evil for `woman`s seed`.
Jesus` fate is his encouraging of others to fight against those who would have us throw our lives away because they don`t value theirs or ours. 9/11`s suicidal hijacking resulted in the Gulf wars continuing, which had effectively been going on since 1979 when the United States were suicidally supporting Saddam Hussein against Iran, and he later waged war against the United States of America after his invading army was thrown out of Kuwait, whereas the USA also suicidally supported Al Qaeda against the Russians in Afghanistan.
At the `Last Supper` before Jesus` betrayal by one of the disciples, Judas, who gave him over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, so that they could have him tried and convicted of heresy and sedition by the Roman judge Pontius Pilate, Jesus gave the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, which is called the `host` in Catholicism. Because the woman`s womb contains the parasite that must be transubstantiated or transformed by conversion through the power of the Holy Spirit so that `woman`s seed` can grow in the convert.
The simple meaning of the `Last Supper` is fellowship, but the devourer is present in the person of Judas Iscariot, who is Jesus` murderer, but makes it look like suicide to encourage further generations of demoniacally possessed suicidal maniacs to spread its pederasts` contagion of war and plague. In Catholic terms, the suicide has rejected the `host`, who is the mother, and so has committed a `mortal sin` for which perdition is reserved. Because the `host` in the transubstantiation symbolism of the Catholic Communion is the `bread and wine`, rejection is not only suicidal but the `body and blood` of devouring.
In pop star Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again (2000) video CD single she descends inside a giant`s ring, which is a symbol of devouring. Placing a hook in the backpack of her spaceman visitor to her domain she raises him until he`s looking down upon her. Beside his helmet are what appear to be the tines of a giant`s fork, which suggests the devourer. Filming Britney Spears from above with the camera attached to his spacehelmet, she lies as if cake for a fork upon a white tablecloth, and sings:
`You see my problem is this.
I'm dreaming away.
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist.
I cry, watching the days.
Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways?
But to lose all my senses.
That is just so typically me.
Baby, oh.`
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the senses are eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, which correspond to the four functions of consciosunsess, that is, `Sensation, Thinking, Intuition and Feeling`. According to Jung women`s spirit is the animus which is manifest in art, dreams and the imagination as a throng of male admirers, whereas in male psychology the ego has a throng of male models to emulate, who are represented in art, dreams and the imagination as heroes. However, if `Woman` is the human species with her own `futanarian` penis and independent socio-economic valence, and men are her devourers, there are no male admirers or heroes: it`s just a crowd scene like Waterloo or the Somme.
Jungian psychology observes that the soul of man is the anima and she`s female. In Jungian psychology woman`s animus is her spirit, but if men aren`t her then her spirit is female too. Consequently, the anti-function of the male admirer or hero is to provoke suicidal embracing of the role. Either of the woman admired by the devourer, or of the ego to be devoured through falsely supposed `heroic` actions at Pearl harbor or the Twin Towers. In psychological terms, the senses, that is, the four psychological functions that are to be differentiated by the ego in the process Jung calls self-actualization, are lost to those who suicidally embrace the devouring imago of men.
In Jung`s theory of psychological types, each ego is associated with one of the four functions of consciousness, which is usually `Thinking` or `Sensation` in men because these are functions associated with the male ego, whereas `Intuition` and `Feeling` are associated with the female anima or soul as well as the conscious aspect of the female personality. Because of the male penis the ego of the male prefers `Thinking` and `Sensation` because they`re extroverted functions, whereas the extraverted functions of women would lie with the futanarian woman with her own penis and so more extraverted. In simple terms, women represent a fourfold functionality, which is repressed by men because they don`t want her penis to reproduce herself as an independent species.
The psyche contains what Jung calls archetypes, which is a facultas praeformandi that responds to the needs of the developing mind by producing what Jung calls archetypal images from the unconscious `Self` as a guide to growth. A woman`s psyche should contain four female images to strengthen and support her individual ego, which is an archetype found in Islam where four wives are permissible in a marriage. Surrounding a male figure at the centre, the Moslem marriage signifies either the male ego or the `futanarian` woman with her own penis and ego at the centre, and so Britney Spears sings her lament that heroes no longer agree with her:
`But to lose all my senses that`s so typically me.`
The senses are eyes, ears, nose and mouth, but the loss of these in psychological terms represents the loss of her psychological typecasting, which is the function associated with the ego as superior function, but also the other three as auxiliary, ancillary and inferior function, which last would be associated with the woman`s penis, and would be stimulated by the eyes, `Sensation`. `Let them eat cake,` was Marie Antoinette`s advice about the starving peasantry, which was an ignorant response because she was metaphorically blind, and that`s what the male devouring imago does with those men and women who seek individuation or personal individual growth. It devours the brain from the depths of the unconscious `Self` because men are alien to humanity and are not the human species, but it`s enslaving and devouring parasite.
Although Britney Spears` penis isn`t visible beneath her white bikini dress as she`s metaphorically `cake` beneath the tines of the giant fork and the spaceman`s camera, it`s possible that this alter ego could have a penis of her own concealed underneath her skirt. Just as the burkah clad Arabian women could have the penis of woman hidden beneath their robes. Britney`s depicted in her red plastic body suit raising her spaceman above herself in the white bikini dress by means of a hook and pulley, which suggests she has `magically` produced herself, and so emphasizes the possible means of her reproducing herself, that is, woman`s `futanarian` penis. Oops I Did It Again is Britney Spears` challenging of the `censor` and the media `blackout` concerning woman`s true nature, and asks the question: who is watching the devourer?
Produced before `9/11`s devouring of the Twin Towers `live on CNN` Oops I Did It Again`s theme is the enslaving ring of pederasty and its contagion of war and plague. Descending inside the giant`s ring at the beginning of the video single, Britney Spears presciently references J. R. R. Tolkein`s The Lord Of The Rings (1954) slave ring, which is the ring that Frodo has to break in the second part of the trilogy, The Two Towers, and the spider Shelob has to be killed by him before he can progress.
The hijacked `civil` aircraft were the shells lobbed by the terrorists at the Twin Towers, which is `Two and Frodo` because Tolkein`s novel for children featuring Bilbo Baggins, the discoverer of the enslaving ring of Sauron, who presumably soared on at the Twin Towers, was The Hobbit or There And Back Again (1937), and might be interpreted as `There and Baghdad Again`, that is, the Gulf war (1990-1) and the necessity for Frodo, Bilbo Baggins` heir, to return post 9/11, 2001, to the Gulf and Baghdad again, where backing dad was support for the devourer`s contagion of pederasty, war and plague, but executing Saddam Hussein with a bag over his head to ensure that his devouring imago won`t again be seen promoting itself into the minds of the fearful through `cult of the personality` posters all over Iraq is a dad well bagged.
Bilbo Baggins wasn`t Frodo`s dad, although he was the heir to the ring of slavery, which he was sent to break in The Lord Of The Rings, and so Frodo `bagged dad` because Sauron would be Saddam Hussein of the Arabian women of the burkahs, that is, the one piece coverall with eye slits which makes them look as if they`re wearing bags over their heads and bodies, and so Saddam Hussein would be the daddy of the bags in Baghdad. The burkah women were known for suicide bombing against the US security forces, even after the capture and execution of Saddam Hussein, which means they represented the devouring imago of suicidal terrorism.
Looking like large black spiders, the women of the burkha corresponded to the creature Shelob, and their suicides to the indiscriminate lobbing of shells. Moreover, because the United States of America and the Western Allies of those Gulf states that felt threatened by Saddam Hussein, became curious about what the Arabian women kept under their burkhas, the `woman`s seed` of Arabia might have been committing socio-economic and political suicide by leaving themselves open to research. Saddam Hussein was thought to have been developing weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry, and so the women of the burkhas could be said to represent the `poison sacs` of the spider, Shelob.
If the second Gulf war was designed to break the ring of slavery, God doesn`t favour right or wrong, but only the lesson. If Shelob was the planes thrown at the Twin Towers and the five sided Pentagon was the ring broken by the plane that struck there on 9/11, according to the symbolism of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in Revelation, who was giving birth to the `New Redeemer` to `rule the nations with a scepter of iron` and protect the `hidden` species of woman, the woman is `Liberty` and the victory of the United States of America is over suicide, which was the enemy at Pearl harbor and New York, when the Japanese suicide pilots crashed their planes into the US Pacific fleet in 1941 and the Al Qaeda suicide terrorists crashed their planes into the Twin Towers of New York on 9/11, 2001. Just as the passengers of the US airliners didn`t suicide, so Jesus was suicided by Judas although he made it look like Jesus was a cowardly suicider. The imago of the devourer is what was being manifested. When Jesus returns in Revelation:
`Out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword.`
Jesus commands with the word of God rather than `action men` with the swords of the suiciders who encourage mass devourments of humans because they`re alien parasites that eat the brain from within and without. Jesus` disciples were his pupils, which is the name for the retina of the eye, and Jungian psychology is based on the theory of projection, which argues that the negative or inferior aspects of the individual personality are blamed upon those around us because we are unable to accept the shadow in ourselves. However, if women are the species on the planet Earth, woman`s devourer is genuinely attempting to be present in her psyche, and so isn`t a projection but a reality.
The `cult of the personality` in such figures as Iraq`s executed warmonger Saddam Hussein, and supporter of global terrorism, Colonel Gadhaffi of Libya, is a concerted attempt to propogate the devouring imago in the minds of their nations because dictatorship is the same as rulership. The encumbent doesn`t want to give up the throne, and is prepared to live as a devourer in the minds of the devoured rather than permit of a democratic succession, which is why the `New Redeemer` is described as protecting the `hidden` woman of Revelation, who is taken to a `place of safety` upon the `wings of an eagle`. The eagle is the symbol on the `Great Seal` of the United States of America that bears the legend `E pluribus unum,` the one from the many, which signifies the election of a President rather than the installing of a devourer if the elected representative of the people is concerned to protect the `hidden` woman and not devour her.
The United States of America`s suicidal support for Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Ladan`s terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, from 1979 suggests that they`re not. US President Barack Obama`s support for the removal of Gadhaffi from power in Libya wasn`t support for `woman`s seed`, which is the positive reinforcement of images of women, but instead the devouring images of 9/11 are reinforced by the movie World Trade Centre (2006) in which the penis of the woman remains impossible and invisible, which is `business as usual` in pederasty.
The enactors of World Trade Centre at the movies reinforces the male stereotype of devouring through inaction, which was how the TV viewer observed the events of 9/11 `live on CNN`. Devouring through inaction on the big screen is again the moviegoer`s experience of World Trade Centre, and further reinforces the parasitical devouring imago of pederasty`s contagion of war and plague, which is continuation of the serpent`s seed`s `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed` through `rough trade`, defined as `a male homosexual prostitute who engages in brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively,` that is, what the Americans paid for when they encouraged the Arabian terrorist consumers.