
The Carnivore`s Cannibal

27/07/2014 12:36


The Carnivore`s Cannibal


Cannibalism is deemed to be something that besets primitive societies, but 21st century society is a cannibal culture. In the Bible God warns of the serpent and, grown to the size of a dragon, Satan waits to devour he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, because Satan represents cannibalism. In Eden, Eve is told by God that her `seed` will, `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) She and Adam, the first man, are expelled from Eden for eating of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God expels them for rejecting life and the `fruit of immortality` because womb slavery for the daughters of Eve with `seed` of their own will follow. Because there are so few `futanarian` women upon the Earth, Eve`s `foot` is finding it difficult to `crush the head of the serpent` because her own penis` semen and host wombs can`t sexually reproduce the brainpower needed to reject cannibalism. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen indicated Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed` would come in the future, but men`s nailing of Jesus to the wooden cross and torturing him to death before he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was an indication of the difficulty `woman`s seed` would have in escaping from captivity as a slave bred for meat.



 Although the analogy seems false, men`s history of `concentration camps`, which become `death camps` after the guards are told to end the pretense of concentrating the minds of the prisoners, suggests that meat for the ovens, as occurred when Germany`s National Socialist government (1933-45) began to `concentrate` Europe`s Jewish populations through conquest in the second world war (1939-45), is rightfully analogous. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) `rape camps` were set up by `Christians` as a part of `ethnic cleansing`, because male braining of Moslem women was a part of their campaign against `woman`s seed`, which the German Nazis` `death camps` of Belsen Dachau and Auschwitz, etc., had brought to Western Europe, although `concentration camps` were historically familiar from the reservations constructed for the indigenous North American Plains` Indians during the colonization of North America by the white European settlers after the discovery of the continent of America by Christopher Columbus` exploration vessels sailing under the flag of Queen Isabella of Spain in 1492. In the Boer Wars (1880-92) between the Dutch settlers and the colonial Empire of Britain (1497-), the British were the first nation to construct `concentration camps`, while their logic is clear from the Nazis` targeting the `chosen people` of the Bible, that is, the Jews, as it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless from a Jewess, which means women are `the chosen`, because they have their own penis` semen and host womb as `futanarian` humans able to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for liberation in socio-economic independence from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s parasitism. In the Moslem religion of Islam four wives are permitted, which means women can sexually reproduce with each other and `Christian` men don`t want them to because it interferes with their enslaving of the women`s host wombs, so `rape camps` were constructed during the Bosnian war to separate Bosnia from Yugoslavia in order to male brain the new Moslem generation to accept being meat rather than brains.



 `Islam` means `accept` because Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, is accepted in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) where Jesus` name is Isa and Mary is Miriam. In the Koran dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, Jesus has Ascension to heaven without death, because Islam accepts the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` announced by the birth of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen. Consequently, the Koran accepts Pope Pius XII`s 1950 Catholic doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven without death, which is the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` that Jesus` death before Resurrection and Ascension into heaven symbolizes as the future of humankind.



 During the second world war in the Pacific theatre, the Japanese Empire (1868-1947) used `slave labour` from prisoner of war (P.O.W.) camps functioning in the same way as Nazi `concentration camps` in which people died from starvation, because the Japanese ate the food that was available. It was a pointed refusal on the part of the Japanese to eat the prisoners of war, however much they were starving, to demonstrate what they believed was the superiority of the German, Italian and Japanese fascist ideology then taking control of the Earth, which was that `woman`s seed` wasn`t going to provide them with adequate nourishment.

 The United States was brought into the second world war to end cannibalism when the Japanese attacked the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, and the war ended in the Pacific when the US dropped the atomic bombs, `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August, 1945, as a symbolic meal at which many women were consumed. In the Bible the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to Jesus a second time before the world ends and God`s judgment upon the sinners is that they shall experience eternal unendurable pain forever, that is, perdition, because they didn`t accept woman. Although the September 11, 2001, attack by Al Qaeda`s terrorist group of Islamic Fundamentalists, trained by the misogynist Taliban government in Afghanistan, who hijacked planes to crash into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre, doesn`t appear symptomatic of cannibalism, precipitating wars against Christian, Jewish and Moslem women`s `seed` are what the conflicts of the 20th century were concerned with:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 The ancient Greeks institutionalized womb enslavement in homosexuality and pederasty`s contagion of war, because that`s what the parasite that had inveigled itself into the host womb of the human species to steal her penis` semen was for. Having invaded women`s host wombs and stolen her penis the parasite explained how she should become a cannibal and devour her own race. In the British Broadcasting Corporation`s television comedy, Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy (1981), from Richard Adams` novel and radio script for The Restaurant At The End OF The Universe (1980), the `Dish Of The Day` states emphatically that it wants to be eaten. The Ameglian Major Cow`s been bred to say so and guests are introduced to the meal at Milliways, `Okay, we`ll meet the meat.`1 The joke is that women are the male brained human species that wants to be eaten by its parasite, which is misogynist humor and not actually amusing.



 Britain`s BBC TV are known for misogynistic depictions of society. Comedies like One Foot In The Grave (1990-2000) represent the repression of the `futanarian` human species of women`s own penis` semen and host womb, which leaves the race with one foot because the `serpent`s seed` of men have eaten the other in fear of being crushed by `woman`s seed`, `… as a close friend of the family I'm sure she will agree to do the decent thing and shoot herself.`2 English humor follows that of the United States where Hollywood Babylon`s `Hays code` (1930-67) forbade women from raising their foot off the floor of the bedroom in movie scenes lest immoral thoughts enter into the heads of cinema audiences. By the time Barefoot In The Park (1967) had been released as a demure film featuring Jane Fonda (Corrie Bratter) and Robert Redford (Paul Bratter) in bed together, women`s own penis` semen and host womb was so repressed as to be invisible, and not only from New York`s Central Park, but from the world`s stage entirely, `When I pulled my foot out, I stepped in a puddle. Then a cab went by and splashed my stockings. If the hardware store downstairs was open, I was going to buy a knife and kill myself.`3 Corrie`s mother Ethel describes a woman`s frustration over her species` predicament. She has a male brain that wants to kill her. In BBC TV`s It Ain`t Half Hot Mum (1974-81), Melvin Hayes as `Gloria` and other British soldiers, in a colonial India setting during the period of the British Empire, dress as women to perform entertainments as the `Concert Party` on makeshift stages:


`Meet the gang 'cos the boys are here! The boys to entertain you! With music and laughter to help you on your way; to raising the rafters with a `Hey, hey, hey!` With songs, sketches, and jokes old and new; with us about you won't feel blue. So meet the gang 'cos the boys are here! The boys to entertain you! `B, O, B O Y S!` Boys to entertain you!`4



 Almost immediately after It Ain`t Half Hot Mum`s `gay` comedy about British colonialism in India`s jungles, BBC TV ran Tenko (1981-4) about a Japanese P.O.W. camp for women in the jungle during the second world war, where Sally Markham (Joanna Hole) and Nellie Keene (Jeananne Crowley) were depicted as persecuted lesbians,5 and which ultimately resulted in Sally killing herself in Season 2, Episode 3, because that `s how homosexual parasitism teaches cannibalism to women. BBC TV`s contribution to `gender studies` ended with the reestablishing of the traditionalist perspective that men and women segregated in confinement turn to each other sexually as an aberration. In `politically correct` feminism, which was adopted by the world`s media to spare its blushes over exterminating `woman`s seed`, women were homosexual and equal to men if they were `lesbian`, as Nellie and Sally were accused of being by the other imprisoned women in Tenko, whereas `futanarian` women, with their own penis` semen and host wombs, are the true human species of woman`s, manhandled from the stage and `man managed` to schizophrenically deny their own race, so they`ll remain meat for the carnivore`s table. Homosexuality isn`t `PC` and the label `lesbian` indicates imposed species` denial and a falsely imprisoning schizophrenia in which women are made to reject each other for what is essentially a devouring `gay` parasite that thinks it`s funny to have its pretense accepted that it`s better to be a man who enjoys a woman`s taste.



 The phenomenon of the `cargo cult` was observed by the US army after its defeat of Japan in the Pacific, where islanders or isolated communities were discovered later having constructed planes out of wood that they worshipped in memory of the Americans who`d visited their lives a generation or more ago. These were `concentration camp` peoples who`d been given time and space to think, which unscrupulous theorists saw as a methodology that could be applied to keep peoples in slavery. If people were unaware of advanced technology, they`d invent it. Although Scotsman John Logie Baird invented television in 1926, others were working on the same idea, which suggests `cargo cult`, that is, genius developing new technologies in isolation as a form of `concentration camp` imposed on those humans who can think. Male braining in homosexuality represents reincarnation, rather than Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, so woman`s humanity have lost the power of thought. Consequently, `concentration camp` humanity in homosexuality`s `cargo cult` is the future if male braining continues, because the owner of a hand held Nokia mobile `phone doesn`t mind if the isolated Scottish Orkney islander has a `phone made of wood from an encounter barely remembered, whereas mother, wife, and daughter might; if they knew what a Nokia `phone was. The new `concentration camp` principles were learned from the United States` discovery of South Sea Island `cargo cults` subsequent to the US army`s withdrawal from the Pacific theatre after the second world war, but the principle has been applied almost universally amongst capitalist societies since, where ignorance is used to persuade humans, who can still think, to concentrate on behalf of those homosexuals in pederasty, who no longer have any brains to do anything other than remain engaged in warfare against humanity`s womb enslaved woman`s `seed` to ensure her compliance in reinventing civilization, culture and art from her womb before their Empires begin devouring each other and her again:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 Breeding her own parasitical devourer is what women have done insofar as men`s paradigm is of the virus that kills the host. In the Bible Jesus is the host at the `Last Supper` offering `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and when his disciple Judas Iscariot betrays him to the Roman Empire (27 B.C.-1453 C.E.) in Palestine he`s betraying the human host. In the late 20th century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction spread the incurable `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS which pretended to be like the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s immune system  in order to kill the brain much in the same way that men as women`s parasite inveigles itself into the host wombs of the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb to kill her brain.

 The paradigm is explainable most clearly in the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (c. 760-10 B.C.) where the Greeks deploy a huge hollow wooden horse, which the Trojans take into their city and the Greeks emerge to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and to spread the contagion of war further. In the late 20th century the successors of the Greeks, the `geeks`, deployed `bad machine code` known as `Trojan viruses` to infect and kill the computer brains devised by those humans who were still able to think up a means of compensating for the degeneration in human thought due to male braining in homosexuality. The term `geek` originally applied to circus sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens to please an audience waiting for the main event in the big top. Because `top` was a 20th century term amongst mafia meaning `murder`, `big top` means mass murder. `Circus` itself was a term derived from the Roman amphitheatres in which Christians were thrown to the ravenous lions as `big top` entertainment for the Emperor of Rome and his people. In the late 20th century `circus` meant those who were blinded by spies or `topped` so that others could see. Consequently, circus geeks correspond to those who`re preparing for a `big top` performance and remove smaller, peripheral brains, for example, computer brains, as a preliminary to the main event.



 When Al Qaeda crashed planes through the US` computerized defense system in what became known as the `events of 11 September, 2001`, they were removing a smaller brain as `geeks` hijacking planes to use as `Trojan horses` to infect the system and precipitate the equivalent of a collective brain hemorrhage that would result in the United States` war machine being geared up for an attack on `woman`s seed` in the Gulf, where Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein`s ancient seat of Babylon, had been prepared by Hollywood`s repression of the woman`s `futanarian` penis` semen and host womb, to be an `epic` abomination since the `Hays code` forbade women`s penis to be seen in the bedroom in the movies. Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, which meant he`d be the biblical `small screen` villain after he declared support for Al Qaeda when the planes had been seen `live on CNN` and other television networked news channels crashing into the Twin Towers. Saddam Hussein was made to correspond to God`s description to Eve of he who, `… shall crush your head, and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In male braining everyone is a transvestite wearing each others` clothes and so `TV war` is the medium Hollywood Babylon had prepared for its perpetuation of misogynistic extermination of the human species of `woman`s seed` and the greater brains she represents. As a false Prophet of Islam, Saddam Hussein would provoke war with the West and exacerbate the racism of the Serbian `Christians` towards Moslem women expressed in those `rape camps` set up to perpetrate `ethnic cleansing` during the Bosnian war (1992-5), and that would assist the `serpent`s seed` in their exterminations of `woman`s seed` as Hollywood Babylon`s `leading men` made further inroads against her from their Los Angeles, California, beachhead.



1 Wing-Davey, Mark as Zaphod Beeblebrox in Richard Adams Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy, Episode 5, BBC 2, 2 February, 1981.

2 Wilson, Richard as Victor Meldrew in One Foot In The Grave, `The Beast In The Cage`, Season 3, Episode 4, 23 February, 1992.

3 Natwick, Mildred as Ethel Banks in Barefoot In The Park, Paramount Pictures, 1967.

4 `Concert Party` song lyrics from the opening credits to It Ain`t Half Hot Mum, BBC 1, 1974-81.

5 Tenko Season 1, Episode 7, BBC 1, 9.25pm, Thursday, 3 December 1981, 15 million viewers.

Led Zeppelin

27/07/2014 11:49


Led Zeppelin


 Let`s spell, `I-n the beginning was the Word and the Word was God,` (Gen: 1.1) and not Page I. There`s a bookshop, Page One, at 9 Princes Avenue, West Kingston Upon Hull, a University city in England where students go to purchase their textbooks, and whatever else they might need in the way of literary food for thought. Page One doesn`t  mean Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, is James I, although the King James Bible is the preferred text for millions of English people. The first words on the first page of the Bible in Genesis explain succinctly that God is `the Word` and not Satan, whereas the rock group, Led Zeppelin (1969-), based around the blues` guitar of Jimmy Page, allow themselves to be declared Satanists in the sleeve notes for the release of the 27 May, 2003, Atlantic Records` `live` triple album, How The West Was Won,1 which consists of two concerts from the band's 1972 concert tour of the United States, recorded at the L.A. Forum on 25 June, 1972, and Long Beach Arena on 27 June, 1972.


 How The West Was Won contains the tracks  `L.A. Drone`, which is what it suggests, a long droning guitar intro, followed by tracks from the first five albums, `Immigrant Song`, `Heartbreaker`, `Black Dog`, `Over the Hills and Far Away` `Since I've Been Loving You`, `Stairway to Heaven`, `Going to California`, `That's the Way`, `Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp`, `Dazed and Confused`, `Walter's Walk`, `The Crunge`, `What Is and What Should Never Be`, `Dancing Days`, `Moby Dick`, `Whole Lotta Love`, `Boogie Chillun`, `Let's Have a Party`, `Hello Marylou`, `Going Down Slow`, `Rock and Roll`, `The Ocean`, `Bring It On Home`, and `Bring It On Back`. `Walter`s Walk` appeared on the tribute album to drummer, John Bonham, Coda (1982), a collection of previously unreleased material constituting the group`s last real output after John was found dead in bed following a heavy drinking session on 25 September, 1980, during rehearsals for a proposed US tour, while John Lee Hooker`s `Boogie Chillun` (1948), `Let`s Have A Party`, recorded by Elvis Presley for the film, Loving You (1957), `Hello Marylou` popularized by singer and actor, Ricky Nelson, star of the seminal `Wild West` movie, Rio Bravo (1959), and St Louis Jimmy Olden`s `Going Down Slow` (1941) were blues` standards, which Led Zeppelin often performed as an encore, while `Bring It On Back` was the middle section of Sonny Boy Williamson`s `Bring It On Home` (1966). Written by Willie Dixon, `Bring It On Home` was a tribute to Sonny, but poverty often persuaded writers to accuse Led Zeppelin of plagiarism and Dixon is credited on `Whole Lotta Love` because of the similarity in lyrics. The band were sued by Dixon and others but paid up charitably while subsequently, as with `Bring It On Back` from How The West Was Won, they felt it necessary to indicate parts of recordings that were theirs while giving full credit to the original artist.



 The title How The West Was Won derives from the Ricky Nelson song, `Hello Marylou`, because Nelson was the singer acting opposite John Wayne in the movie, Rio Bravo, as Colorado, a young `gunslinger`, that is, someone able to work as a killer. Wayne is the Sheriff of the town, Chance, who deputizes the town drunk, Dude, played by singer and actor, Dean Martin, because he was a good gunslinger. The stage is set for a typical film of how the west was won from lawlessness, which is the same scenario facing Moses and the Jews after their exodus from slavery in Egypt as the journey to Palestine and God gives Moses the law to guide them:


`You had a chance to get in this and you didn't want it.`2



 Chance`s friend Pat Wheeler is gunned down by a killer and Chance upbraids Colorado for refusing to accept deputization. Dude tracks the killer to the saloon and kills him. Nathan Burdette arrives with his men to see his brother Joe who`s in prison for killing an unarmed bystander while fighting with Dude in the saloon. Colorado learns that Nathan is paying for a song to be played there indicating that `no quarter` will be given to one's enemy, that is, no mercy. Because `No Quarter` is the title of a track from Led Zeppelin`s fifth recorded studio album, Houses Of The Holy (1973), How The West Was Won is clearly about Rio Bravo:


`Walking side by side with death. The devil mocks their every step.`3



 Dude is held hostage, but during the exchange for Joe he overpowers the murderer and Chance, Colorado, and deputy `Stumpy` force the criminals to surrender. The final scene is of saloon girl Feathers` skimpy outfit drifting down into the street from the room she`s sharing with Chance. `Stumpy` picks it up delightedly while Dude advises caution. `Stumpy` is played by actor, Walter Brennan, who has a bad leg in the film, and so corresponds to Walter in Led Zeppelin`s `Walter`s Walk` (1972):


`As you stand alone do you wonder how? Can you step aside, does it matter now?`4


 The background for Rio Bravo is Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.), in which Oedipus means `swollen foot` or `lame`, because Oedipus` fate is a `lame excuse` for a man. Psychologically, he has `Walter`s Walk`, that is, he`s a `Wild West` gunman hysterically blind through fear. Unwittingly, Oedipus kills his own father, Laius, in a fit of hysterical blind anger, and marries his mother, Jocasta, without knowing who she is. When he discovers he`s broken the incest taboo he blinds himself and his daughter, Antigone, has to act as his guide, that is, as in Led Zeppelin`s `No Quarter` lyric, Antigone is being mocked by the devil:


`What goes on four in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?`5


 The `riddle of the Sphinx`, who is the `Terrible Mother` figure with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the face of a woman discerned by developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) as among the archetypes existing within the dreams, art and imagination that emerge from within the collective unconscious of humankind to drive the species on to growth and progress, was referred to as a track, `In The Evening`, from Led Zeppelin`s last studio recorded album with John Bonham, In Through The Out Door, because a man doesn`t walk with a rifle as an aid to progress, nor does he walk with a stick because he`s an old man. Oedipus` answer to the riddle is `a man`, because that`s what he`s told by the seer of Thebes, Cassandra, and the Sphinx`s acceptance precedes Oedipus` marriage with his mother, Jocasta, before his inability to perceive the meaning of the incest `riddle` leads him to suffer the consequences of his acceptance of men`s taboo and he self-blinds himself:


`I hear you crying in the darkness, Don't ask nobody's help.`6



 Because women have their own penis` semen and host wombs as `futanarian`, God tells Eve in Eden her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Led Zeppelin`s `In The Evening` is, `Let`s spell `in the evening`,` because the meaning of Oedipus` fate needs to be spelled out for humankind, which is that women are the third `foot` of the race. Eve and the first man, Adam, were expelled from Eden by God for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, who was Satan, the angel who`d been expelled by God from heaven and turned into a low thing for rejecting humanity, `You will be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) Led Zeppelin were féted as gods whenever they went to the United States and How The West Was Won is hubris from an English rock group who weren`t Americans. God`s story after Eden is of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen as a sign of what humankind must do to have Redemption. God tells Eve after her expulsion for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, that she and her descendants will die, and Adam must labor while she`ll experience labor in childbirth, which Jesus` birth as the redeemer of `woman`s seed` fulfils. Jesus represents the host womb of the human species, that is, his mother, the Virgin Mary, at the `Last Supper` where he offers `bread and wine` to his disciples as symbols of his `body and blood`, but Judas Iscariot rejects the host and betrays Jesus to the Roman Empire in Palestine which has him nailed upon a cross of wood and tortures him until he dies. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures the Resurrection of women`s own `futanarian` penis` semen with her own host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation, which is the future story of how the west was won.

 Often described as a `virgin land`, America was the place that the European settlers arriving subsequent to Christopher Columbus` discovery of the continent for his sponsor, Queen Isabella of Spain, in 1492, saw as a new Eden, but the absence of women from the world`s stage suggests the human race`s host womb was invaded by a parasite that stole her penis and made it into a gun to kill her with. God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` because of male braining in which all humanity has men`s semen, although Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen is Redemption for womankind, who is the host womb of the human race with her own penis` semen awaiting Resurrection. The Edenic land of America was lost, rather than won, because it was Oedipal. Oedipus` tragedy was that he wasn`t able to see that the incest taboo was constructed to keep women from knowing that sexual reproduction with women like their mothers was possible for their daughters, and that it covers up men`s `original` sin of killing and culling `woman`s seed` born after Eden as the `futanarian` human race to establish womb slavery in death and war, as God warned Eve and Adam would occur, but which Jesus` redemptive teaching, `love your neighbor as you love yourself,` (Matt: 22. 39) attempted to ameliorate, as women can see themselves in the mirror.

 Rio Bravo is the story of what men have done since Eden, which is steal the woman`s penis and turn it into a gun to shoot John Wayne with because he`s too big to punch and the cowards want to be able to kill him without getting hurt. `Stumpy` is Oedipus because he`s told not to bother Chance and Feather by Dude, that is, he`s `stumped` in the sense that he can`t answer the `riddle`, while he`s `lame` because he represents men`s excuse for guns, which is that the man defending the woman has to be hit if the woman is to be killed and the cowards are afraid he`ll hit back. Oedipus` name means `swollen foot`, because blind men can`t walk alone; as Oedipus` fate indicates. His daughter, Antigone, guides his steps as the `third foot` of the `evening` of mankind, which is the genuine solution to the Sphinx`s `riddle`. A man walks alone in the evening with a rifle, because he`s killed the woman`s penis and so she can`t walk beside him even if she`d wanted to. `Stumpy` is Hollywood Babylon`s `devil` in the movie, Rio Bravo, because men`s penis is just a stump of what it would have been if they hadn`t killed and culled `woman`s seed` for womb slavery to the gun and death. The woman, Feathers, doesn`t have even the stump of an idea about her own penis` semen, because Hollywood banned women from raising her `foot` from the floor in bedroom scenes as long ago as the `Hays code` of 1930. Feathers, the saloon gal of Rio Bravo, corresponds to Oedipus` daughter, Antigone, of Greek antiquity, because her role is to lead the blind. The blind Led Zeppelin of How The West Was Won are the `blind leading the blind` (Matt: 15. 13-14) to  hell: because that`s what gods do.



1 Disk 1; L.A. Drone (John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page) 0:14, Immigrant Song (Page, Robert Plant) 3:42   , Heartbreaker (John Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant) 7:25  , Black Dog (Page, Plant, Jones) 5:41  , Over the Hills and Far Away (Page, Plant) 5:08  , Since I've Been Loving You (Page, Plant, Jones) 8:02  , Stairway to Heaven (Page, Plant) 9:38  ,  Going to California (Page, Plant) 5:37  , That's the Way (Page, Plant) 5:54  , Bron-Y-Aur Stomp (Page, Plant, Jones) 4:55  , Disk 2; Dazed and Confused (Jake Holmes, Page) 25:25  , Walter's Walk (Page, Plant), The Crunge (Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant), What is and What Should Never Be (Page, Plant) 4:41  , Dancing Days (Page, Plant) 3:42  , Moby Dick (Bonham, Jones, Page) 19:20  , Disk 3; Whole Lotta Love (Bonham, Willie Dixon, Jones, Page, Plant) 23:08  , Boogie Chillun (John Lee Hooker) 3:10, Let's Have a Party (Jessie Mae Robinson) 1:56, Hello Mary Lou (Gene Pitney) 2:08, Going Down Slow (St. Louis Jimmy Oden) 8:29, Rock and Roll (Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham) 3:56  , The Ocean (Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham) 4:21  , Bring It on Home (Willie Dixon, Page, Plant), 9:30  , Bring It on Back (Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant).

2 Wayne, John as John T. Chance in Rio Bravo, Warner Bros., March 15, 1959.

3 Jones, John Paul, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Led Zeppelin `No Quarter`, Houses Of The Holy, Atlantic Records, 1973.

4 Page, Plant Led Zeppelin `Walter`s Walk`, Coda, Swan Song, 1982.

5 Apollodorus, Library Apollud, 3. 5. 8.

6 Jones, Page, Plant Led Zeppelin `In The Evening` In Through The Out Door, Swan Song Records, 15 August, 1979.


25/07/2014 15:42




Seeing the sights is a tourist`s dream but not if it`s isn`t possible to see because your eyesight is attacked. Many tourists choose the yellow cab as a taxi service is New York, while the Al Uqab is the name of the flag of the Prophet Mohamed rather than the flag in a taxi that indicates a fare price. The flag of Islam, which is the religion founded by Mohamed after the angels dictated the holy book of the Koran (610-30 C. E.), according to tradition, is usually black or white, but can be green, while the Qerash is the flag of the Prophet with the eagle upon it as a symbol of war. Consequently, the Wall Street Crash and the planes that the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, hijacked to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001, was an attempt to interfere with the global economy by those purporting to represent the Qerash or `war tribe` of the Prophet Mohamed.

 The Moslem religion of `Islam`, which translates as `accept`, because Moslems are believers in the Koran of the Prophet Mohamed, which contains the stories of Moses, known as the `law giver` in Judaism, and Jesus, who is called Isa. In the Koran Jesus is born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, which is another reason why `Islam` means `accept`, because Jesus` birth is meant to be accepted as a world changing occurrence more than six hundred years after his Advent. Consequently, Moslems accept Resurrection for `woman`s seed` without Jesus` nailing to the cross and being tortured to death, as described in Christianity, because Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` affirmed as Catholic doctrine by Pope Pius XII in 1950 when the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven without death became church dogma.

 The concept of `woman`s seed` appears early in the Bible when God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent`s seed with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Consequently, Eve`s `futanarian` daughters will have penis` semen of their own and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to liberate themselves from the yoke of slavery and oppression by men who accept the `serpent`s seed` and not the teachings of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen as the first of `woman`s seed` born from a woman, which prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, woman`s penis` semen, for her own host wombs rather than those of the parasitical viral life form that has inveigled itself into her womb and stolen her penis.



 The `knowledge` is what a taxi driver uses to describe how he finds his way about a city, which means that he decides what is available to see. Consequently, a taxi operator service is a blinder if the `knowledge` is used to prevent the passenger who pays for the service from seeing, which means that it`s a taxi on the runway for an individual who is waiting to take off, where taxiing is used by pilots to describe the aeroplane gathering momentum before the wings lift off from the runway of the airport. Passengers are required to pay a tax on their eyesight, which is what taxiing means, that is, it`s a tax on eyes. Fashion models who use runways use taxis to get from one assignment to another, which suggests that their fares are flagged in the same way that planes obey air marshals with flags directing the plane taxiing on the world`s runways before take off. In simple terms, people are flagged before they leave according to the local mafia`s opinion of what they should see when they arrive at their destination, while progressive blinding of the rich and successful until they`re unable to see anything that would interest them is the `game` that a taxi driver operator and the airport authorities play with their customers.




 People`s eyesight shouldn`t be metered in the same way as gas, electricity and water. If a taxi driver is metering eyesight, airport controllers are metering air, which suggests a concerted campaign to kill the human race. If the yellow cab`s in New York are the Al Uqab of the flag of the Prophet, the planes crashing into the World Trade Centre was the Qerash of a taxi dispute. In Saudi Arabia, where Osama Ben Laden the leader of Al Qaeda was born, women have to use a taxi because they`re forbidden from driving by law, which means their take off is prevented as they perforce have to taxi on the runway permanently. Consequently, Al Qaeda`s attack on the Twin Towers of New York`s WTC represented a repressed group of women`s dispute over having to pay a taxi fare to prevent them from seeing.

 In Moslem Arabia marriages are permitted four wives which affords opportunity for `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce, that is, `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs can sexually reproduce their own brans` power and independent vision for the future of the Earth`s socio-economy. Osama Ben Laden`s Al Qaeda were trained by the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan, which had defeated the Russians in a prolonged revolt (1979-89), but were themselves overthrown by the United States of America shortly after the Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked planes to crash them into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Centre:


`Recently I witnessed this scene: a car pulled up suddenly in front of a woman. It was during a Moslem holiday. They beat her on her feet with lead-weighted whips until her feet bled. It was because she was wearing white shoes, and white is the color of the Taliban flag.`1



 A taxi in New York is a yellow cab, whereas a taxi in London is black, while the flag of the Prophet Mohamed is black or white, which means white taxis are the Al Uqab, although they aren`t the yellow cab. Because the flag of the Prophet can be white, the misogynist Taliban in Afghanistan and elsewhere are the equivalent of a taxi driver in dispute with a fare. `Affair` is the term used to describe a sexual relationship that isn`t permanent, so women as a species with her own penis` semen and host womb are justified in describing men as her `affair`, because they`re her parasites, unless they accept Jesus` teaching of Redemption through acceptance of `woman`s seed`; as his birth uncontaminated by male semen emphasizes. Although greener taxis appeared on the streets of the Big Apple` of New York in 2012, there`s little evidence to suggest that was influenced by Moslems adhering to the green flag of the Fatimid Caliphate, which was a group of states in the Middle East, Europe and Africa, governed by Caliphs. The ruler of a city state, like Baghdad, in the famous 8th century Arabian folktales` One Thousand And One Nights, was a Caliph, and a grouping of such states ruled a dynasty named for the Prophet Mohamed`s daughter, Fatima, from Mecca to Morocco (909-1171 C.E.). Similarly , the appearance of red taxis in Hong Kong, China, and elsewhere doesn`t suggest the founders of the great-grandfather of the Prophet`s `Hashemite` dynasty of Islam (511 C.E. -) are involved, that is, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq and Yemen, but the overall picture is of a taxi driver in dispute with a woman who wants to stop taxiing on the runway and take off, but is being prevented by misogyny, which flags women for a profit to those who don`t want to see them.



 The movie Taxi Driver (1976) is about a New York driver for the yellow cab company, actor Robert De Niro as Travis, who tries to persuade an 11 year old prostitute, actress Jodie Foster`s Iris, to stop working, while he engages in vigilante activities. He is thanked by Iris` parents after he kills her `owner`, while the woman he`d tried to interest in his other activity, pornographic movies, Betsy, he watches off after he picks her up when he`s fully recuperated. The combination of pornography and prostitution is what runway models have to face as they travel from locale to location picked up by a taxi driver before the plane is taxiing at the airport and they take off. The metaphor of a taxi and taxiing is of the sighted being blinded, that is, a tax on seeing, which is what De Niro`s vigilante character in the film Taxi Driver doesn`t represent for Iris or Betsy, and Travis` bet is that his pupils will see what prostitution and pornography are for:


` I think someone should just take this city and just ... just flush it down the fuckin' toilet.`2


 Most sex films feature what humans are taught is heterosexual sex between male and female adults, whereas `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb are human but defined by feminist `political correctness`, for example, as homosexual and lesbian in order to  maintain equality in parasitism as the host womb of their murderer. Looking in the mirror women are taught to see themselves as attractive only to men, that is, schizophrenic rejection of their own species is basic education. Consequently, Taxi Driver is about a man`s discovery of women, because he prefers them to men. The yellow cab is the Al Uqab flag of the Prophet Mohamed of Islam in which four wives are permissible, because women sexually reproduce with each other. Because misogynists don`t want them to, a taxi and taxiing on the runway before take off have a darker meaning of attacking those who can see and taxing people for seeing what misogyny doesn`t want them to. Runway models as the fashion industry calls young women who wear designer clothes for couturiers so that buyers in the retail industry can decide what to buy are paid to walk, which upsets the misogynist `owner` of prostitutes, because they`re paid to fly. Consequently, a taxi and taxiing on the runway are linguistic structures denoting women`s eyesight, as the misogynists don`t want the human species of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb to see runway models, because that would interfere with prostitution.



 If women weren`t male brained with male semen, they`d be socio-economically independent through the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation. Mothers would be their daughters` fatherers and they`d be in a position to take off their clothes without worrying about a taxi driving or runway taxiing, that is, they`d be able to see each other as the human species of women without axing. The prototypical Arabian story is Scheherezade in the framing story of the 8th century compendium of Arabian folktales`, One Thousand And One Nights, in which Shah Jehan taxes his wife with being unfaithful with his brother. After taxing her he attacks her with a meat axe and cuts her head off, which of course neatly removes her brain. Scheherezade tells Shah Jehan stories until he stops taking a new wife each day and beheading her each evening. The story is allegorical because misogynists don`t want women to sexually reproduce with each other, so brainlessness is how women are who are bred with the `serpent`s seed` of men, that is, they don`t have minds of their own, which means they`re men.

 Only if women bred each other with their own penis` semen and host wombs would they have their own brains` powers for liberating themselves from womb slavery to men who want them to walk in prostitution rather than fly. Al Qaeda, `the base`, means `basic`, that is, it`s Islamic Fundamentalism that women aren`t allowed to drive and, because women are men in male braining, the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre represented the Qerash of the `war tribe` of the Prophet Mohamed`s women, who didn`t want to be forbidden from seeing anything but each others` eyes, which is what they`re able to see of one another in public beneath the burkha that conceals everything else from view in the deserts of Arabia, or wherever Moslem women are found. Women want to see and democracy is that the majority have the vote, while in Arabia four wives and one male is 80% to 20%, or four to one in democratic terms, while women with thir own `futanarian` penis` semen and host wombs can sexually reproduce more women than men without host wombs of their own and so they`d be the majority in a vote. Consequently, Arabia is known for despotic rule from dictators and Western democracies aren`t, because women are kept in blindness and beheaded according to men`s democracy.



1 .

2 De Niro, Robert as Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, Columbia Pictures, February 8, 1976.

New Lamps For Old

23/07/2014 14:43


New Lamps For Old


In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Ka is the spirit of the individual and the Ba is the soul, which is described by developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), as the anima in man, while God tells Eve her soul is different in Eden, that is, she has `seed` of her own and will, `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15). Women with their own penis` semen were killed and culled after Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden for accepting womb slavery from the serpent, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The parable is of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which Eve and the first man, Adam, accept instead of God`s `fruit of the tree of immortality`, and the consequence is the birth of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to escape from the serpent`s brains, which is why God tells Eve she`ll crush its head as she goes. Eve and Adam are expelled from Eden into womb slavery to war and death, which God warns Eve of when he tells her she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` until Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen redeems her from the labor pains God has told her she`ll experience while God tells Adam he must work so she and her human species can live by the `seed` of men`s efforts if men are to have Redemption.  Eve`s soul isn`t man`s because,in Egyptian terms, her futanarian `Ka` is sexually desirous of her `Ba`, as Egyptian mythology indicates,  that is, Ka and Ba are her spirit and soul, whereas Jungian psychoanalysis describes women as soulless with a spirit or animus corresponding to women`s perceptions of themselves as being surrounded by admiring males.

 By the late 20th century the spirit of the East had penetrated Western culture after the birth of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who appears in the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the desert Moslem peoples of Arabia as Isa and his mother, Miriam. According to tradition the Koran was dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels of God more than six hundred years after Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death by agents of the Roman Empire in Palestine. Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, after the `Last Supper`, as a `dissident` rejecting male braining through the serpent`s seed` of men`s semen.  Judas sold Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Messiah`s crucifiers, who rejected Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as symbols of the `body and blood` of the human host, because Judas was a parasite betraying woman`s womb. Although Jesus` teaching, `love your neighbor`, was accepted by the religion that became Christianity, men`s perception was that it was a `gay` religion with overtones of sadism and the basic premise that individuals must die in order to have heaven, while Catholic dogma in accordance with Pope Pius XII`s doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily to heaven without death supports the Moslem Koran in which Jesus ascends bodily to heaven without death and crucifixion. Moslems are permitted four wives in Islam which means that `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs have a vehicle in which to sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for liberation, while Jesus` death and Resurrection before Ascension to heaven illustrates God`s plan to give unendurable eternal pain, that is, perdition, to the evil womb enslavers of the human race for worshipping death as a means of keeping humans as ephemeral slaves without medical science or labor saving technologies.

 The paradigm of the late 20th century was fear of HIV/AIDS as an incurable disease transmitted through having sex with homosexuals who mix blood, shit and semen in the anus in mockery of human sexual reproduction. HIV/AIDS kept women in fearful faithfulness to monogamy`s slave rings and the fear was legitimate, because Western democracies were founded upon ancient Greece`s insitiutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to spread their contagion of war further in homosexual pederasty. The problem was pandemic, as the Bible indicates, `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth. `(Rev: 17. 5) Babylon was an ancient city of modern Iraq described as `a woman` in the Bible because Eastern men practiced womb slavery for women in homosexuality`s spreading of war in pederasty too.

 By the early 21st century modern day Greeks, that is, `geeks`, were spreading the `gay plague` by means of `bad machine code` to infect the brains of the machines devised by the human as an informational storehouse of memory that their own brains were too ephemeral to be able to contain. Consequently, the biblical HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` sent by God to convert men from their sin of enslaving the human race was the equivalent of the renegade computer software engineers` `bad machine code` infecting the brains of the human species in order to kill her because the `geeks` didn`t want her to remember her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to escape from her slavery through the creation of better labor saving devices in the form of robots, for example, caring for her rather than maintaining her as a domestic animal in womb slavery.



 The term `geek` derives from the sideshow freak in the `circus` who eats chickens` heads to entertain the audience. In the 20th century `circus` was the term for `spyrings`, because secret agents killed people who wanted to see, just as the Christians were thrown to the lions in the amphitheatres that the Roman Empire called `circus`, because they didn`t want Jesus` teachings of `woman`s seed` to be disseminated. The geeks` infecting of machine brains is the Greek paradigm of insititutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to kill the brains of the humans through infecting them with war. According to the Greek poet, Homer`s Iliad (c. 429 B.C.), at the siege of Troy a huge hollow wooden horse was left by the Greeks outside the city and the Trojans took it inside where the Greeks emerged to enslave the wombs of the women for `gay` democracy in which `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and capacity for sexually reproducing human brains would have no votes. The most common term for the `bad machine code` created by `geeks` is `Trojan horse` because the aim of homosexual pederasty is to kill the brains of the women while retaining them as slaves:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 In Arabia the concept of the slave of the lamp is commonly understood from tales found in the 8th century anthology One Thousand And One Nights which has the framing device of Shah Jehan who accuses his wife of being unfaithful with his brother and beheads her. Scheherezade marries the Arabian ruler after telling him stories each night to prevent him from continuing his practice of marrying a new wife each day before having her beheaded that same night. The meaning is that men don`t want women to have brains. Consequently, the discovery of a genie in a lamp is the finding of a woman who still has brains, which relates to the story of `Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp` from One Thousand And One Nights, because his lamp is stolen by confidence tricksters crying in the street for his wife to hear, `New lamps for old!` The analogy is of the car as an oil can, which seems new but hasn`t changed its basic design of a pedaled oil can since the first mass produced Model T Ford came off the production line in 1908 in Detroit, Michigan, the United States of America. Although Jesus` teaching of Redemption from his birth uncontaminated by male semen in Bethlehem, Palestine, became Western Christianity, men`s `new lamps for old` philosophy represents the failure of Western democracy by men`s having women exchange their penis for hers.

 In Christianity, Jesus is the `lamb of God`, while the `statue of Liberty` in New York harbor is describable as the `lamp of God` insofar as she bears the `torch of freedom` above her long skirts concealing a woman`s `seed`. Jesus` teaching is of Resurrection not reincarnation in male braining, which is what generations of human produced by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s semen excluding women`s semen produces. Children who`re produced in male braining are reincarnated `lambs for the slaughter`, irrespective of whether reincarnation is a believable religious perspective. In the far Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism reincarnation of old lives in new bodies is depicted as an anathema to be escaped through consciousness raising.



 When the Arabian terrorist group, Al Qaeda, hijacked planes on September 11, 20001, to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s `Big Apple` of the World Trade Centre on Manhattan island, it was an attack on consciousness raising, where the apple represents the developed brain and Al Qaeda, `the base`, represent the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine closes to the anus where the virus is transmitted to kill the brain. According to believers in the Hindu and Buddhist chakra systems of Indian and Tibet, there are seven chakras located along the spine which represent levels of human consciousness raised as the individual`s brain develops. At the crown is the Sahasrara chakra corresponding to the `Big Apple` of New York`s World Trade Centre representing the socio-economic philosophy of Western democracy which is womb slavery in pederasty and war`s `brutality and violence` known as `rough trade`. To maintain the old order, Al Qaeda followed the Hollywood, Babylon `Hays code` (1930-67) that ruled women in movies should keep their `foot on the floor` in bedroom scenes as a metaphor for men`s suppression of her `futanarian` species` sexual capacity for reproducing her own brains` powers from her own host wombs to escape from her killers. By activating the US` Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to divert human resources away from healthcare to war, Al Qaeda ensured that women`s wombs would remain enslaved without memory as `new lambs` in male brained reincarnation for slaughter in war.



 Because male braining is transvestism so far as men and women are each other wearing different clothes, Hollywood Babylon`s future program was `TV war` arising out of its suppression of the human brain of `woman`s seed`. When Al Qaeda crashed planes into the WTC `live on CNN` and other news networks, it activated a campaign to remove Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the ancient seat of Babylon in the East, where his name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel`, (Gen: 3. 15) that is, war would keep women in brain slavery. Although Saddam Hussein was executed on 30 December, 2006, and Osama Ben Laden, the Al Qaeda terrorist leader, was assassinated on 2 May, 2011, Western democracy was maintained.

 The oil can men were the victors. Saddam Hussein`s oil rich nation of Iraq had invaded Kuwait to possess the Emir`s oil and his army had been forced out in the first Gulf war (1990-1) which had cost US President George H. Bush a lot of oil and oil cans in the shape of tanks and planes, while the second Gulf war ordered by son, George W. Bush Jnr., to depose Saddam Hussein from his seat in Modern Iraq`s Baghdad, began in March 2003 and cost a lot more in terms of oil and oil cans. The `new lamps for old` philosophy of East and West had won. Pedaling the oil cans of their cars to the bars, whether beer or coffee, in an attempt to ignore God`s law would go on until the Kas of the women could mass produce and the old lamp in the hand of the statue of `Liberty` was restored:


`Our brothers won the victory by the blood of the Lamb, and by the truth which they proclaimed; and they were willing to give up their lives and die.` (Rev:  12. 11)



 The `Lamb` is Jesus` crucified whose side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, `Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Jesus always said he was the `son of man` because he disagreed with the Empire of Rome`s male braining as `woman`s seed` born uncontaminated by male semen. For the Romans the Emperor was a god and so Longinus was lamenting the death of an unempowered Emperor, which Jesus was because he rejected Satan`s offer of the Earth, that is, Satan who was the serpent in Eden grown in size to a dragon to wait in vain to devour Jesus born a second time after his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` (Rev: 2. 27), because he`s the lawyer at the bar of God passing judgement on the oil men`s car and `new lamps for old` confidence trick of sending boys as `lambs to the slaughter` of the `TV war in the Gulf`, where the low technology of the pedaled oil cans maintain their mothers Bas in womb enslavement to pederasty in homosexuality`s wars of vendetta between oil rich men who pay for men and boys to be their lambs while the fatherers who`re the motherers of the `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` wait with their Kas to sexually reproduce in their Bas the genius of humanity that will ascend to the planets and stars of God`s heaven without men`s drovers.



 The spear of Longinus was known as the spear of destiny because Jesus was the second Adam and Eve emerged from his side in Eden according to the Bible, so Jesus` promise of a Holy Spirit that would come to teach after him would be from his side from Longinus` perspective and so he opened his side with his spear after Jesus` death upon the cross of his crucifixion. Consequnetly, the Holy Spirit nis the  wisdom of the second Eve gleaned by her spirit and soul, that is, her Ka and her Ba, since Eden. In Islam, which means `accept`, the temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, who was the founder of Judaeo-Christianity through his son, Israel, as well as Islam through his son, Ishmael, is the Ka` Ba, because it`s a symbol of woman`s seed`, that is, the `futanarian` woman whose Ka will sexually reproduce with her Ba to produce her own brains` powers to take her to heaven above:


`I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies.` (Gen: 22. 17)



 God tells Abraham his `seed` will be numberless and his descendants will possess their enemies` cities, but he`s already told Eve she`ll have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` of men, so Abraham`s descendants are `futanarian` women. The second Eve`s invisible emergence from the side of Jesus Christ the Messiah as the Holy Spirit of woman`s ancient wisdom emphasizes women`s independence and future rejection of men because women with their own host wombs and penis` semen are socio-economically independent while Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack upon the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, was designed to reduce her to basics, despite the US Navy Seals of Team Six from their base killing Osama Ben Laden where he sheltered beneath the shadow of Pakistan`s Military Academy on 2 May, 2011. Although the Great Seal of the authority of the United States` President bears the emblem of the eagle, US Navy Seal Team Six`s role as the seals upon the `futanarian` human species of the woman of the wilderness after she gave birth to Jesus, the name of their US` garrison headquarters, that is, `Dam Neck Annex` at Naval Air Station, Oceana, Virginia Beach, Virginia, is indicative of a beheading which, as the Arabian story of Scheherezade tells us, is the removal of the woman`s brains rather than the enabling of her genius:


`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)



 The US` Navy Seal Team Six`s emblem is an eagle but removing the woman`s head at the neck isn`t helping her to protect her hymen for the Christian `rapture` of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` as she`s taken to heaven bodily to celebrate the biblically prophesied `marriage of the lamb` (Rev: 19. 6-10) among her own species of woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers in heaven above, which is Scheherezade`s lesson to Shah Jehan. Brothers aren`t marriageable and Redemption is through a woman`s love for a parasite not of her species that shouldn`t teach her cannibalism in wars against herself or God`s perdition will ensue for the evil enemies of the host womb of the human race so that the rich old oil can pedal her as its slave of the lamp.



 After victory over the red suns of the flags of Japan in the second world war (1939-45) subsequent to the Japanese unannounced attack on 7 December, 1941, at Pearl harbor, symbol of the `pearl of great price`, which is the moon and heaven above amongst the planets and starts of God`s heaven, the statue of Liberty in New York harbor`s defeat of the yellow moon of the flags of Al Qaeda subsequent to the unannounced attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, represented a further defense of the woman`s `pearl of great price` reflected in her birth waters in fulfilment of the biblical imagery of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, the flags of her victories over Japan and Al Qaeda, which herald the birth of Jesus in his second birth after Resurrection and Ascension and who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` until God`s judgement brings perdition to the evil and the `rapture` announces heaven and the triumph of `woman`s seed` over her enemies.



 The slavery of the lamb and the slave of the lamp are societal equivalents for the women of the West and East. In the Koran Iblis is the genie in `The Cave` Sura (18) who refused to bow before Adam while Satan is the angel in Christianity who preferred to rebel against God rather than accept that Adam and his descendants would be higher in God`s esteem than the angels. According to tradition the djinn are created alongside men and women and have free will, whereas Satan was transformed into a serpent by God, because he was male. The meaning is that the male isn`t patient enough to await the birth of `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of the human host, and `futanarian` women are genies because they represent women`s brains from her own penis` semen, that is, God created men, women and the genius that emerges from woman`s own `seed`. Consequently, although Iblis rejects Adam he doesn`t spurn Eve, whereas Satan doesn`t distinction between the humans, because he represents a less developed understanding of men than Iblis in the Koran of Islam. Iblis represents the rejecting of homosexuality in pederasty and war, but is perceived as rejecting Eve, whereas he`s a male `futanarian` who`s aware that Adam represents latent homosexuality, because Adam doesn`t have a womb of his own.

 Because heaven is for women the Earth is a pederast`s paradise for Satan`s favorite slaves and the lambs of Christianity work to produce the pedalers oil cans of the cars with the headlamps so they can see their way to the bars of the One Thousand And One Nights to drink with the women made for the bars of their prison before the barmaids, who`ve never birthed a human baby from their own women`s seed and so remain maids to God, release the pedalers of the oil cans into another night and another dawn with the promise of `New lamps for old!` The `new lambs` of the Western democracies are the children born as male brained reincarnations of an old ram raider who`s producing for war in pederasty unless Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen inspires Resurrection for woman`s genius born from her own `seed` and Redemption for the flock. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) 20-50,000 Moslems were male brained in `rape camps` where the women were enslaved as the host wombs for the Christian parasites while the former Yugoslavia was broken up into smaller nations as `ethnic cleansing` became de rigeur across the globe for men who wanted women to have male brains. Ethnic cleansing was `ram raiding`, which is slang for the man who crashes a car through a shop window to steal, because `new lamps for old` has put the male brained in the position of being unable to think of anything other than theft, and the pedaler of the oil can, shouldn`t be able to, because immortality through medical science and labor saving through freedom giving technology is what genius produces, and male braining only produces rams.



 In computer terminology RAM is `random access memory`, which isn`t eidetic memory in which the individual remembers everything and would be useful for women because they`d remember their own penis. In Egyptian mythology the god Ra incarnates on Earth as the god Osiris but is dismembered by the evil god Set before Isis remembers Osiris and refashions a penis for him until he`s reborn as the `sky god` Horus, who prefigures Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen, because Isis corresponds to Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who is `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen to have Resurrection and Horus is the man who can be with her if he accepts woman`s remembering of herself, because he`s RAM memory and doesn`t know everything.



In `The Cave` of the Koran Moses meets Khidr who says he`ll guide him but Moses must be patient. Khidr rebuilds a wall so that treasure isn`t discovered beneath it, kills a child, and makes holes in boats. Moses can`t accept this and Khidr explains that it`s because Moses is RAM memoried. Khidr explains the `treasure` wasn`t ready to be found, the child was evil, and there were slavers behind Khidr`s boat. Khidr`s memory is eidetic, because he knows from memory what is there, that is, it`s a story of heaven on Earth or paradise where those with eidetic memory can know what the scene means, whereas those with RAM memory are dependent on luck. The lucky finder of the `treasure` beneath the wall, for example, and the unfortunate man who encounters an evil man fully grown, or who has a boat overtaken by slavers, is RAM. Khidr`s memory is eidetic, but slavers, who`re the pirates behind Khidr`s boat, don`t want eidetic memories for humans and so their aim is to kill the woman`s brain in male braining because she`s humanity`s genius or `genie` as the Arabian folktales tell. Moses is the `law giver` in Judaism because men with RAM memory need obedience to law, or they`ll become RAM raiders who steal from the `Aladdin`s cave` of woman`s genius, because they understand that paradise on Earth belongs to the eidetic and so they kill each other and the women to prevent others from being able to remember.



 The concept of revenant is of a spirit that abides in a place, which accords with the Moslem tradition of paradise on Earth, that is, although the Christian tradition is that heaven on Earth is possible, heaven is above and requires that an individual die. Unless they`re very exceptional, like Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who had Ascension to heaven bodily, according to Pope Pius XII`s 1950 doctrine of her Assumption without death, or Jesus` Ascension without death, according to the Koran, heaven is for those who die, because parasite or heaven on Earth is deemed impossible, although the principle of de ja vu, in which individuals are able to perceive that a scene has occurred before, suggests that repeated scenes of people we`ve seen before doesn`t mean they`re revenants but that they dwell in paradise on Earth without eidetic knowledge, because they`re RAM memoried in male braining, and that`s how paradise is kept from them. The eidetic enslave the RAM memoried so they don`t remember, and the RAM memoried kill the eidetic because they don`t want to be expelled from paradise. Consequently, Christianity explains to the RAM memoried that they must die to have heaven while the eidetic are `lambs` because they aren`t RAMs.



 The eidetic `lambs` are the slavers of the RAMs to produce `New lamps for old!` Because they don`t want new eidetic `lambs`, they want new RAM raiders who`ll crash their oil pedaled cans into the `Aladdin`s cave` of shop store fronts when they`re tired of being slaves of the eidetic and steal from the genius who won`t tell them where paradise on Earth can be found even though they live there. Because the `Aladdin`s cave` contains the lamp of the genius of the woman who is `Liberty` of the lamp in the United States, she`s the woman from after `the fall` of Eve and Adam from paradise. `Liberty` corresponds to the genius of woman born from the `seed` of Eve whose creations are known to the eidetic `lambs` as the `futanarian` genies of the `foot` of Eve`s `seed` born to `crush the head of the serpent` before they leave for the planets and stars of heaven above, which they don`t want her to. Consequently, Satan is described in the Bible as having `horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon` (Rev: 13. 11), because the eidetic aren`t the elect `lambs` of God, but the enslavers of women`s wombs in the `Aladdin`s cave` of RAM raiding who crash through the shop frontage in order to die and go to heaven, which provides at least a rationale for Al Qaeda`s suicidal crashing hijacked planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre as martyrs. RAM raiders want the eidetic woman`s genius, symbolized by Liberty`s `torch of freedom`, which is her `Aladdin`s lamp`, but Western technology is kept by Christianity`s eidetic `lambs`, who help to maintain the oil supply; for her pedlar`s can.



 Masons are often accused of being a secret organization controlling the Earth, whereas traditionally they`re builders of heaven upon the Earth. The Holy Spirit of Jesus` teaching is often called the `Holy Ghost` while `revenant` is what people are descried as if the observer in de ja vu perceives that they`ve been seen before. Consequently, men are ghost hunters in the tombs that the Masons have built, that is, the RAM raiders are tomb raiders, because paradise is everywhere upon the Earth for the eidetic `lambs`, who keep the `lamps` pedaling their oil cans so they can look for the holy ghosts who can guide them, as RAM raiders enjoying the Masons` `game` of building tombs for the eidetic to play `treasure hunt` with the less fortunate who don`t know it`s buried beneath the wall, or that the child is evil, and that he`ll be with the RAM raiders who will put a hole in their boat and enslave them before they can enjoy their good luck at knowing lambs that speak as dragons.



 The analogy is of the time-traveler who is perceived as a ghost by those who`ve seen him before, but he sees them as ghosts for the same reason. In the popular UK BBC TV science fiction series, Doctor Who (1963-), `the doctor` is a time traveler who emerges from a police box with a blue lamp on it that he calls `the tardis`. Although the tardis has other disguises, a police box with a blue lamp emphasizes the genie metaphor. The doctor emerges from the `lamp`, as it were, to police time; in accordance with the old English adage popularized by the comic opera writers of Slave Of Duty (1879), W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan: `If you want to know the time ask a policeman!` The policeman is the genie in the `Aladdin`s cave` RAM raided by the male brained tomb raiders in the Masons` game with their eidetic employers, who`re the lambs that speak as dragons to the police as well as their victims, although `doctor who` has the authority to arrest their progress.



 According to the Bible the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, that is, 666, which is the number of the police (999) reversed in most parts of the world where the former British Empire held sway, while the number of the police is 911 in the United States of America and explains why 9/11, 2001, was chosen by the Al Qaeda terrorists as the day to reverse the US` role as `global policeman` arresting the progress of the criminals with their victims. Consequently, `doctor who` is a genius and not a policeman, as Jesus wasn`t. Genius is what`s missing from the Earth, because women`s sexual reproduction of her own species` brainpower as `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb was `policed` out of existence by men who wanted to keep the treasures of her cave secret as eidetic lambs who speak like dragons and breed RAM raiders in male braining as entertainment in homosexuality in pederasty`s `TV wars` of `rape camps` and tomb raiders.



 US `Grand Master` of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), wrote of a car in his novel The Number Of The Beast (1980), which was bigger on the inside than on the outside, as the tardis was in `doctor who`, but Heinlein`s `continua device, `Gay Deciever`, ran on water and not oil, as legend has it a car once shown to Chrysler automobile manufacturers in the US once did before the unscrupulous company bought the design and suppressed it in order to maintain the `game` with the oil can pedlars and their eidetic tormentors who were lambs that speak as dragons. Heinlein`s ubiquitous `black beast` in The Number Of The Beast is discovered to have `two horns like a lamb` (Rev: 13. 11), so it`s supposed that their `black hat` is the dragon who looks like a lamb, because it represents the conflict between the self-proclaimed eidetic elite, the RAM raiders they torment, and the genius of the woman`s spirit and soul they`ve enslaved in male braining to maintain their ascendancy over their oil can pedlars` socio-economy of a world without women`s genius because her `futanarian` human species of women with their own `seed` for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation is old and has exchanged its own penis` semen for that of its parasite:


`New lamps for old!`



 The human race has only one `foot`, because the `futanarian` woman`s penis` semen doesn`t sexually reproduce herself, so she can`t take her place on the world`s stage. Consequently, the car race is run in which all that can be seen is a single toe of the human species` pygmy, while the `foot` of the giantess is entirely missing from the picture, as the demon driven toes of the cars, with their oil can pedlars peering out at the rear of the drivers in front, continue to progress as one toe, because they don`t want the woman to know. Heinlein`s The Number Of The Beast posits at least `six raised to the power of six raised to the power of six universes`, that is, 666, because his `continua car` can access worlds created in fiction as well as what we think of as reality based on quantum physics` theories about alternative realities. According to particle physicists the quantum world behaves differently when we`re looking while it behaves in a different way when we`re not looking, because consciousness determines the world we inhabit. Although the idea is a metaphor for collective endeavor to make the world we live in a better place, which Heinlein calls `multiperson pantheistic solipsism` in The Number Of The Beast, the idea that individuals live in the world their consciousness deserves, underpins Heinlein`s description of oil can pedlars` war against the genie of the lamp who is human nature`s genius.



 The woman in high heels is a high `foot` woman in fashion terms, while Satan is a high `foot` man, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) is a biblical description of woman`s enslavement as a host womb to a two tier system of men with wombs as high `futanarian` men with their own penis` semen and host wombs, which is why the Douay-Rheims translation of the Bible differs, because God tells Eve her `seed` will, `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) The high-heeled woman either has her own brains, because she`s the product of a high `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs, which is why she`s high `foot`, or she doesn`t, which means she`s bred by a man who is the wombless slave of a high `foot` man`s breeding program and her husbander is able to keep her because the high `foot` man who has his own wombs, and so corresponds to Satan crushing the woman`s head until his foot`s bruised, allows her to be kept in Satanism. If a man in Satanism can`t see that she has a man`s brains and is dominated by a high `foot` man, he`ll kill her because he can see that she has her own brains through her own penis` semen`s capacity for sexually reproducing with other women.



 Although `futanarian` sounds like a `shaggy dog` story, that is, a liars` tale, it`s biologically truthful. In a movie like Scooby Doo (2002) where Sarah Michelle Gellar is the high-heeled sexual interest, in the action adventure based on the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series Scooby Doo Where Are You? (1969-70) Sarah directs all of our interest upon the characters of `Shaggy` and the dog, Scooby Doo, because it`s a `shaggy dog` story about Sarah as a high `foot` woman. `Shaggy` and the dog, Scooby Doo, represent English poet William Blakes` fears about the `Second Coming`:


`And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?`1



 The coming of the high `foot` man, which high `foot` woman doesn`t want, means a breeders` war for control of the wombs and the brains of humanity. Often photographed nude or semi-nude, Sarah isn`t high `foot` visibly, because she hasn`t penis` semen of her own, although women`s biology in Japan and elsewhere has changed so their testes are inside rather than visible outside the body. But Sarah might want to be high `foot`, that is, bred from woman`s penis` semen and host womb, rather than from the semen of high `foot` men, who`re looking at her eyes to see if she has brains of her own and don`t want her to have them. Consequently, men`s story is a `shaggy dog` story to Sarah and the other women, which they direct away from each other in Gulf wars, for example, because they don`t want their brains to be crushed by the penis` `foot`.



 Satan`s false pride because he shouldn`t be breeding any women as he`s a high `foot` man, but the meaning is the higher woman has brains and so it`s a war in which men and women look at each other to see who`s winning. The tradition amongst breeders is that the semen is the brains, which means that men hate women`s eyes of they`re not men`s, because it`s indicative of socio-economic and intellectual independence which is a threat to men`s enslaving of her host wombs in parasitism. Consequently, men direct women in cannibalism because men aren`t women`s species and so she`s taught that self-devouring in war is what she`s produced for, because warring against her incessantly is how the parasite keeps her as its host. In Scooby Doo the dog and Shaggy represent woman`s attempt as Sarah`s character, Daphne, to direct mankind`s `shaggy dog` story, because women know that men don`t want them as much as they don`t want men, as men are women`s parasites living from her host wombs as her whoremen. The `Mystery Machine` in the Scooby Doo series` indicates the `whodunit` theme for the group of characters who`re solving the mystery: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) It`s a `murder mystery` in which the perpetrator of the crime is identifiable as the parasite that, in a `new lamps for old` scenario, has persuaded her to exchange her penis and brains for its, so for women who are high `foot` with their own penis` semen and host womb men`s tale is a `shaggy dog` directing her to kill and eat herself, while she works for her own Redemption from the sin of accepting it.



 Men`s and women`s eyes aren`t the same, because their semen is different, and so their brains aren`t the same. Studies of their vestigial eyesight reveals that women`s eyes look for what`s bright while men`s eyes look to recognize because they`re hunters. Consequently, men`s mode is brighter when engaged in wooing, because it`s a parasite seeking to attract a host womb for its larval form. Because the high `foot` man or woman isn`t sexually reproducing their own brains` powers upon the Earth, men and women`s vestigial eyesight is the remnant of a war between Satanists and humans. Humanity wants its own brains and Satanists don`t want it to be intelligent enough to escape from womb slavery, so the `eye war` is between women, as the human race that wants her own brains and can sexually reproduce them with her own penis` semen, and men who don`t want her to:


`Women look at each other with men's eyes.`2



 This typically Russian headline from Pravda, the traditional promulgator of state news, which translates as `Truth`, is a succinct description of how men`s possession of women is ongoing, that is, in male braining women can`t look at anything without looking with men`s eyes, which is the war between the Satanist high `foot` men and the human species from women`s own host womb and penis` semen. In Satanism all women have men`s eyes, because that`s how the `serpent`s seed` kill her and the human race. Russian President or Prime Minister since 2000, Vladimir Putin`s genealogy would be examined by Russian men before he became leader of the Russian Federation, which means he`d have an `eye doctor`, as the executive power in `Mother Russia` is the fathering government itself, which might want the traditional `strong man` as its leader, but irrespective of whether a woman`s semen is the defining ingredient, only a Russian `eye doctor` could explain.



 The basic human confusion is over what is edible. If women are attracted to men because they seem bright, it`s a parasites attraction for a host womb, while the parasite may be winning because there`s no evidence to suggest that the host womb is sexually available to her own penis` semen. Consequently, the parasite is attracting food, whereas the host is being taught cannibalism, that is, conversion and Redemption from sin requires the individual to be able to distinguish between food and what looks good. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York looked good before the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked planes into them on September 11, 2001, which depicts the problem. What looks good isn`t food. If they eat the woman`s eyes because she looks good, it`s because they can`t recognize food. Because her brains are her eyes, men have already lost the capacity to distinguish between what looks good and food, which is basic. For men what looks good is to be devoured so that no one else can see. It`s the English idiom, `the eyes are bigger than the belly`,3 that is, if the beautiful Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed, as on 6 and 9 August, 1945, no one will see the Japanese point of view. Because `circus` is a euphemism for `spyrings`, Al Qaeda was about those who don`t want vision, because spies kill women`s eyes and brains so they can continue with their `circus` of homosexuality in pederasty and wars against her human race. If the Japanese women can`t see, their `foot` is bound, which was the ancient Japanese men`s practice in making her `beautiful`, whereas it was a ruse to keep her species Earthbound and unable to escape from what doesn`t look good at her.



 The traditional religion of Japan was Shindo, which is reverence for what can`t be seen, whereas Japanese foot binding of women is feigned reverence for the women that men want to prevent from seeing heaven without them, because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs produce their own brains and eyes. In modernity Shindo was called Shinto, which suggests `shin, toe`, that is, Japanese `foot` binding was Westernized. Because men wanted to play `the path of the gods`, which is what `Shindo` translates as. Those Mitsubishi `zero` fighters that crashed their planes into the decks of the US carriers on 7 December, 1941, were `kamikaze` suicide pilots, who were known as `sons of heaven`, because they followed what they believed was the path of ancient Japan`s Samurai warriors, who were independent but willing to support a cause. Terrorism from the `red suns` of the flags of the Japanese `kamikaze` pilots, and the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qaeda with their slogan, `There is no God but God`, follows `the path of the gods`, while Christianity requires the perception that the gods are male brained, whereas women have a choice over which cause to support. Consequently, women are Samurai, because they want to have their own penis` semen for their own host wombs and brains` powers, whereas `foot` binders are `kamikaze` suicide pilots who don`t want the human race to progress:


`A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.` (Rev: 12. 1-2)



  Although the United States destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima with atomic bombs named `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` on 6 and 9 August, 1945, the cities were effectively women, who could sexually reproduce together, while Japanese women are now so frightened by the Americans that their testes have retreated into their bodies, while their penis` semen remains threatened, but actively seeking the Resurrection of her beauty. Emperor Hirohito was the man being accused of cowardice by the United States, although his army was out fighting in the Pacific theatre of the second world war, so the bombs were directed at Hirohito`s inability to protect his human species of `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs from the male brained United States` threat. Although `futanari` is a Japanese term for women with their own penis` semen, `futanar` in Hungarian means species` teacher, which is what Jesus was. If the United States believes that `Liberty` in New York harbor is the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, Japanese `futanarian` women might feel they have a right to disagree, and the Korean women of the Christian church of Sun Myung Moon might feel similarly declined. Moon was the church leader in Korea during the Indo-China war (1946-89) waged by the United States for Western democracy, which is proven a sham if women`s `futanarian` capacity for sexually reproducing her own votes is denied. Moon`s Unification Church was founded in 1954 with the aim of unifying the region in the name of Jesus, who of course was born uncontaminated by male semen. Jesus was the `spiritual redeemer` and not the `physical redeemer`, according to Moon, which is accurate if the daughters of Eve with semen of their own are. Moon wanted to pair men and women, which denied women the right to pair with each other, so his defeat was as inevitable as Al Qaeda`s moon flags, and the birth of Jesus from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` as he who `will rule the nations with an iron scepter` on her behalf wasn`t going to be Sun Moon despite his claims to be fulfilling Jesus` mission.



 Carl Jung observed that sun and moon were archetypal configurations that appeared in dreams, art and the imagination of humans, because they were natural forces representing the human psyche he called archetypes that exist within the unconscious mind as the impulse engines of humanity`s progress. Although Jung perceived that archetypes were recurring motifs, they weren`t stereotypical. The archetype of sun and moon is perceivable as the struggle for dominance between men who want heaven for themselves, whereas the archetype itself represents `futanarian` woman`s struggle to birth her human race beleaguered by a parasite that wants to eat itself and her and refuses to accept Jesus` program for Redemption so her human species can have Resurrection through her own penis` semen and host womb. For her sun and moon are her own male-femaleness, as sure as night follows day, which means that, although the `pearl of great price` is the moon, as the first step to `heaven above` the Earth, the United States` sun god, Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), who put his foot on the moon as part of the North American Space Administration (NASA) program to dominate woman`s Earth for the male `futanarian` heel crushing her head, wasn`t a `foot` for `woman`s seed`:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`4


 The Bible is specific that `a woman`, `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which Neil Armstrong wasn`t, gives birth to the new redeemer, who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` as Jesus in his `Second Coming` to the Earth after his first sojourn as the crucified teacher born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen in the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of her murdered child. The concept of the new redeemer is an appeal to an archetype, which might be defined as `hero`, but the appeal for men is power rather than law, which explains its ambivalence, that is, power crazed lunatics would want to have been Neil Armstrong if they believe he`s the redeemer born from the woman, `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which is impossible if he`s `clothed with the sun` but with the moon at his feet, as he was as the first man on the moon.

 It`s arguable Armstrong was a male `futanarian` with a host womb of his own and so was `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at his feet`, but he`s defined as entirely male in all of the NASA literature about the moon landings. Another argument is that he could be reincarnated as a woman, and so was the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` ipso facto, but the simplest understanding is that the new redeemer is born from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because she represents the woman of the Earth, who doesn`t want to be crushed by a male `futanarian` heel keeping her a prisoner. President `Ray Gun` Reagan threatened to do just that with his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) of 23 March, 1983, when he unveiled a plan to encircle the globe with a `ground and space based missile system` that would effectively prevent any woman from setting foot on the moon without Ron`s permission.



 SDI was reduced in scale to a warship based missile system for dealing with rogue nations launching intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). President Barack Obama`s nation of the United States` AEGIS was named for the goddess Pallas Athene`s protective garment, and emphasizes provocation as an abomination. The symbol of the city of Troy, besieged by the Greeks, was Pallas Athene`s horse, which was why the Greeks constructed a huge hollow wooden horse as a false friend to be taken into the city by the Trojans. When the Greeks emerged from within the horse to enslave the host wombs of the women in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion of war further, Pallas Athene`s wombs were effectively contaminated. As Troy was the 21st century name of a modern city in upstate New York, Obama`s AEGIS represents whatever would provoke an abomination into contaminating the Earth, because the Obama nations are what Pallas` Athene`s `aegis`, as the buckler attached to her `chlamys` garment, provoked.



 Those nations that would attack the United States because they were macho men of the Saddam Hussein type of dictator, are deluded because they`d be offending `Liberty`, who is the US` symbol of woman, but `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs aren`t the majority voting block in the United States` governmental institutions and so the Obama nation of men without host wombs of their own isn`t defending `Liberty` but parasitism and cannibalism, which is the parasite`s practice of teaching the woman to devour her own human race in war. Consequently, AEGIS represents the provocative woman in the ancient Greek style who is attacked because rape is what men perpetrate upon her Earth. The Obama nation is of the black man with a history of oppression, who no one wants to oppress, so he provokes attack in order to have his revenge.



 Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, because Hollywood Babylon had created the male `heel` of the male `futanarian` in the ancient seat of Babylon, Iraq, through the Hays code`s glamourizing the absence of the penis from the `big screen` and replacing it with a homosexual monster. Hollywood Babylon`s United States` Obama nation is that of the black man who provokes war by employing a woman`s defence, her `aegis`, as an epic `blockbuster` symbol for the film industry being supportive of an oppressed minority figure. Pallas Athene`s aegis is infamous for provoking the fall of cities and Greek rape, as Western democracy in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and the spread of war`s contagion prospered. Hollywood Babylon`s plan was to be a great Obama nation revenging itself upon the Earth irreproachably on behalf of a black character as a sequel to `crusher ` Hussein, the Arabian `pratfall`,5 who fell for the moustachioed `gay biker` glamour of Hollywood Babylon`s Easy Rider (1969) movie in which `outlaw` motorcyclists, enjoying the freedom of the open road, travel from Mexico to the East Coast of the United States:


`… it's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don't ever tell anybody that they're not free, 'cause then they're gonna get real busy killin' and maimin' to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they're gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em.`6



 Saddam`s `gays` travelled from Iraq to Kuwait in `gay biker` columns of armored vehicles and gazed mustachioed and balefully upon the West until Al Qaeda`s hijackers crashed planes into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre. Attention was drawn to the import of Saddam`s eye upon the United States from his seat in Iraq`s capital, Baghdad. Just as the Dark Lord Sauron`s gaze upon his slave ring was broken by the `fellowship` in the movie of British fantasy writer J.R.R. Tolkien`s 1954 novel, The Two Towers (2001), so the gaze of the false Prophet of Islam, Saddam Hussein`s, was to be torn away from Moslem women in the marriages with four wives of Islam`s `hidden` resource of `futanarian` women`s penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for freedom.



 After a battle between US forces and the Iraqi army, Baghdad fell on 14 April, 2003, but dictator Saddam Hussein wasn`t executed by hanging until 30 December, 2006, subsequent to a public trial over his support for Al Qaeda. The Obama nation of `broke` political ideology that was the United States itself in womb enslavement was preparing Barack, the `black man`, who`d become President in 2009 amid further occasions for leading Hollywood Babylon men to be filmed ironically as heroes of the Earth`s true minorities, women and humans. Moslem populations would appear liberated in the ongoing `Arab Spring` revolutions of 2013, which deposed terrorist dictator Colonel Ghadaffi of Libya amongst others, while factually humanity would remain thralls in the `war of the eye` to male brain the human race and win the `war of the ring` for the enslavers of the host womb of the human species and oil rich homosexual men of the `serpent`s seed` engaged in what God warned Eve would be the `perpetual enmity` of her enemy in pederasty and war against her; unless she wins.



1 Blake, William `Second Coming`, l. 21-2, The Dial, November, 1920.

2 Shilionskaya, Irina `Women Look At Each Other With Men's Eyes` Pravda, 21 November, 2013,

3's_belly .

4 Armstrong, Neil 2: 56 UTC, 21 July, 1969.

5 Literally, `a fall on the buttocks` used metaphorically to describe whatever is felt to be `a humiliating mishap or blunder`. .

6 Nicholson, Jack as George Hanson Easy Rider, Columbia Pictures, 1969.

American Humor

20/07/2014 14:31


American Humor


The prototypical blue-eyed California sunshine blonde of the late 20th century was Jennifer Aniston, from the popular United States` television situation comedy, Friends, in which she starred with Lisa Kudrow, another blonde, and Courtney Cox, who was a dark haired blue-eyed contrast. The three women, Rachel, Phoebe, and Monica starred opposite three men, Matt Le Blanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer as Joey, Chandler and Ross. In Friends (1994-2004) black women were noticeable by their absence, but there were more than three generations of women in The Cosby Show (1984-92) that is, mother Phylicia Rashād, Clair, daughters Sabrina Le Beauf, Sondra, Lisa Bonet, Denise, Tempestt Bledsoe, Vanessa, Keshia Knight Pulliam, Rudy, and Raven-Symone as Lisa Bonet`s daughter, Olivia. Raven went on to star in That`s So Raven (2003-07) in the comedy steps of her mother on the show, Lisa Bonet, who starred as a collegiate girl receiving an education in the situation comedy, A Different World (1987-93), while The Cosby Show came to a close. Raven is prescient, but that makes for comedy between herself and her family and friends, because she`s only slightly so. The stereotyping is of a dark future, because family is depicted as being for Afro-American black women, while independence is seemingly reserved for white women.



 In Diff`rent Strokes (for different folks) Conrad Bain had the role of a white father, Philip Drummond, with Dana Plato as his daughter, Kimberley, who foster two black children, actor Todd Bridges as Willis and Gary Coleman, Arnold, in a situation comedy based on the human family premise in which class distinctions and distinctions of colour are seen to be false because artificially created. The metaphor is of those who are driven by the whip of the slaver, that is, the strokes upon the back of the slave, `Look at me. Crying just like a kid.` For those who choose to work, as the white businessman father Conrad Bain does, the `strokes` are `diff`rent` because they`re a self-flagellator`s, `No. Crying just like a man.`1 Philip`s depicted as a redeemer of the young Afro-American boys, because he whips himself on to save Willis and Arnold from poverty in the ghetto of New York`s Harlem district where they`d lived and a friend`s just died.



 In The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air (1990-96) Will Smith is a boy welcomed into a wealthy black family whose growth and development is the basis of the comedy. Best known for the Men In Black (1997) movie franchise in which Smith is a member of a secret organization patrolling comedic aliens on the Earth, his character James Edwards is with `Zed` at a `shooting range` for MIB trainees where he`s confronted with numerous menacing-looking targets, but he shoots a little girl, because the director is practicing `reverse racism` against women:


`Then I saw little Tiffany. I'm thinking, y` know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit, Zed. She's about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I'd say she's up to something.`2



 The science fiction film Independence Day (1996) had celebrated Smith`s victory against more malign aliens who`d invaded the Earth in an almost biblical description by fictional US President Whitmore of the apocalyptic Revelation that precedes God`s judgement upon mankind for wasting humanity`s resources, `After they've consumed every natural resource they move on ... and we're next.`3 Smith`s scifi movie I Robot (2004) reexamined the idea of robots as a paradigm of black slavery practiced by the United States in the 19th century before the American Civil War (1861-5) to manumit slaves, which made Will Smith the sterotypical black hero for the 21st century:


`You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival.`4



 Although male heroes are sterotypes, female heroines are archetypes, that is, they represent what lives in the unconscious dreams, art and imagination of human consciousness, as developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) observed, before merging to impel the race onward, whereas male stereotypes represent women`s enslaver and devourer. The collective stereotype for Afro-Americans is family, because they`re an ethnic minority, while the all white men and women of Friends represent both male stereotyping and woman`s archetype, which is men`s aim of socio-economically enslaving women and women`s desire for independence. Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy in Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) independently kills vampires with the help of her college friends, either male or female, but the paradigm is of a woman who wants to be able to act alone. In the fantasy drama, Charmed (1998-2006), three women act together and independently as `white` witches fighting evil, while Jenny Garth and Amanda Bynes are a mother and daughter pair living together in What I Like About You (2002-06) while emphasizing the basic issue, which is socio-economics:


`You can kiss in a dream and it doesn't mean anything. You can have sex in a dream and it doesn't mean anything. You know, you can have sex in real life and it still wouldn't mean anything. Remember that for the future.`5



 For women it doesn`t mean anything because their species isn`t sexually reproducing. In Married With Children (1987-97) Christina Applegate`s Kelly is depicted as a brainless young woman who can`t develop anything other than her body, while Kaley Cuoco in 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter (2002-05) is Bridget `Beach` Hennessy imprisoned by her father`s rule; use your hands on my daughter and you'll lose them; make her cry, I make you cry; safe sex is a myth because anything you try will be hazardous to your health; bring her home late and there's no next date;  if you pull into my driveway and honk you`d better be dropping off a package because you're sure not picking anything up; no complaining while you're waiting as, if you're bored, you can change my oil; if your pants hang off your hips I'll secure them with a staple gun; dates must be in crowded public places: if you want romance read a book. An independent socio-economy is what the young women want, but they`re handicapped by the system, which is daughters being trained by men and women for families that aren`t the family of woman.



 Women are depicted as quirky, while men are wolfish. In the movie Teen Wolf (1985), starring Michael J. Fox, the protagonist Scott is transformed into a werewolf when the moon is full, which complicates his relationship with `Boof`, actress Susan Ursitti. In Michael Jackson`s promotional video for the song, `Thriller` (1983), he becomes a werewolf when he meets a girl. The meaning is that women are prey, because men have eaten their penis. Consequently, sitcoms depict women as brainless or social butterflies, which was Lisa Bonet`s character, Denise, in The Cosby Show and A Different World, as `absent minded`, that is, preoccupied, because the role of Cliff Huxtable in The Cosby Show was black comedian Bill Cosby`s satire on American life and, possessed by men`s semen in male braining, women`s minds are indeed absent from the world:


`Dad, Denise pushed us out of the bathroom, so the soap's in Rudy's eyes and she wouldn't let me rinse out the shampoo like Mom said and now Rudy might be blinded for life! If she is, can we get a dog?`6



 In the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `enmity` with the serpent`s `seed`, because women`s daughters born uncontaminated by male semen from their own host wombs and their own penis` semen will be killed and culled by men so she doesn`t have brains of her own. Men`s `game` is that women are `game` in the sense that they hunt her as an animal, which is why she`s brainless, and men are wolfishly joking with her as a film or `TV` transvestite who has been male brained by their semen until they`re wearing her clothes in brainless hatred for herself as anything but meat to be butchered in movies like Scream (1996) in which Courtney Cox is a news journalist reporting on a knife wielding killer stalking women while the cinema audiences scream in pleasure as the slasher despatches his victims:


`Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative!`7



 Because men are women`s brain death, they`ve taught her to sacrifice herself, which is why the `slasher` film genre arose as men`s educational vehicle for persuading women to accept their victimized role after seminal films such as actress Jodie Foster`s rape victim in The Accused (1988), her character Clarice threatened by actor Anthony Hopkins` psychopathic cannibal in Hannibal (2001) and again as a 12 year old prostitute in Taxi Driver (1976) preyed upon by wolfish men, set the stage for more explicit movies in the style of the `snuff movie` in which women are killed for real as entertainment for an audience. It`s a familiar issue in Hollywood, Babylon, where the `Hays code` (1930-67) ruling was that a woman`s `foot` couldn`t be raised from the floor in bedroom scenes, because God had told Eve in the Bible her `seed` would, `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Fears that women would sexually reproduce their own brains` powers for liberation through their own penis` semen and host wombs led to the repression of women`s penis and the penis per se from the media, In the British movie, Get Carter (1971), Michael Caine in the role of the central character learns that his niece, Petra Markham as Doreen, has `starred` in a pornographic film and he`s angry enough to kill the perpetrators of what he sees as a crime, because the absence of the penis of the woman from mainstream moviedom indicates that pornography is the medium in which penisless women are paraded as `educational`, while the truth is their brains have been snuffed out by pornographers to prevent them from resisting the butcher:


`Be good ... and don't trust boys.`8



 Michael Caine`s name isn`t incidental because Cain was the biblical character who killed his brother Abel because he could cook, that is, he represented the technologically advanced able human species, while Cain was a fruit picker who didn`t want his brother to escape. The story began with Eve and Adam when the serpent gave her the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in heaven on Earth, saying `You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden for rejecting the `tree of immortality`, which was life, in preference for death through womb slavery of woman`s own species of `futanarian` women born with their own penis` semen and host wombs after Eden. Men`s killing and culling of women as the human race`s womb enslaved by them for power in war and enmity was the reason Cain killed the able man Abel, because he represented `woman`s seed` and her desire to escape from enslavement. Michael Caine`s character, Jack Carter, is killed at the end of the film, Get Carter, because he`s `a Christian`:


`… he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)



 The head of the woman is crushed because she`s brain slaved by men`s semen and Jack`s niece, Doreen,  is a woman he cares for, while pornography is a `snuff film` medium drawing attention to men`s self-perceived superiority in having misogynistically removed the woman`s penis from the world`s stage. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary`s womb, Jesus` birth is Redemption. If the parasite, that is, the serpent`s `seed`, is prevented from teaching the human host to eat itself in cannibal wars, humanity will have Salvation, which is why Jesus` teaching is that of a Messiah. If the parasites teach women to accept being sacrificial victims to entertain their womb slavers, women will kill each other, which is the fear in movies like Charlie`s Angels (2000) where Demi Moore is a `fallen angel` and the angels` enemy because she`s deserted the fight against evil and become evil herself; according to the script.



 Sarah Miles was the actress who made the movie, The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea (1976), in which her character, Anne Osborne, masturbates in the mirror, because women are taught to give themselves to a man as men have a penis and women don`t have any knowledge of her own species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own race to run from the `serpent`s seed`. Anne`s relationship with Jim Cameron results in her jealous son, Jonathan, concocting a plot to kill him, because Jim represents liberation from Jon, which is why men fight; to keep women as their slaves:



`A father is a reality-concealing machine, a machine for dishing up lies to kids, and that isn't even the worst of it: secretly he believes that he represents reality.`9




 In the film Hannibal  actress Jodie Foster`s Clarice Starling resists the temptation to give herself to a man who`s told her he`ll eat her, because women are male brained to offer themselves as human sacrifices to the parasite who`ll make of her a self-devourer in cannibalism if she accepts its teaching, which is why actresses like Denise Richards appear as soldiers in movies like Starship Troopers (1997), because they`re being persuaded into cannibalism. Although the film of science fiction `Grand Master` Robert A. Heinlein`s (1907-88) novel Starship Troopers (1958) depicts a war between the Earth and an arachnoid species, `the bugs`, HIV/AIDS is the viral metaphor.



 The HIV/AIDS` `bug` results from men`s institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty`s spreading of contagion in mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction. In ancient Greece women`s wombs were enslaved in pederasty to spread the contagion of homosexuality in war. Consequently, Heinlein`s `bug war` depicts women`s fight against HIV/AIDS, which the parasite wants to infect her brain with. The `bugs` are extrapolations of men`s perception of women, who`re being encouraged to perceive the penis as a `bug` creator in Starship Troopers, because it`s another homosexual drama. It`s an HIV/AIDS` film depicting the penis` semen of the human species as a `bug`, while women are being encouraged by the `serpent`s seed` of pederasty and war to continue in the removal of the woman`s penis, because the serpent grown in size to a dragon wants human extinction:


`The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who `will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.`` (Rev: 12. 4-5)


 In the film, Red Dragon (2002), Julianne Moore takes over the role of United States` Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, Clarice Starling (FBI), but the cannibal metaphor remains. Francis Dolarhyde kills women at the behest of `The Great Red Dragon` (1805-10) based on his belief that the painting by William Blake of the biblical dragon of Revelation speaks to him. Psychologically, he represents men`s desire that women shouldn`t bear Jesus` `seed`, because it`s `futanarian` woman`s with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to free herself from her parasitical killer:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 Racism is the desire of the parasite to remain hidden. If the parasite can cause conflict within and between various ethnic cultures, it can live concealed beneath the veneer of civilization, culture and art, which the human race produces from the host womb of woman; although not from her own penis` semen. Consequently, the human species has become a secret joke between those rich and powerful homosexuals who wage vendettas as parasites teaching the race cannibalism.

 Osama Ben Laden came from a rich and powerful Saudi Arabian family and his terrorist group, Al Qaeda, hijacked planes to crash them into the World Trade Centre in New York on 11 September, 2001, because it was a symbol of `rough trade`, that is, `brutality and violence` associated with rich and powerful men who pay boys and men in homosexuality. The Taliban government in Afghanistan, where Osama Ben Laden`s Al Qaeda was based, was overthrown before the end of the year, while Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq and Al Qaeda`s supporter, wasn`t executed until 30 December, 2006, after the United States` invasion of Iraq in March, 2003, on the orders of rich oil heir, US President George W. Bush, whose wealthy father, George H. Bush, had been President during the war to remove Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait (1990-1).

 Oil wealth prefers pedaling humans, which is why the motor car hasn`t changed its basic design structure since the Model T Ford began to be mass produced in 1908 as a pedaled item in Detroit, Michigan. In Saudi Arabia women are forbidden from driving lest they drive away, that is, their `futanarian` foot is Earthbound, though God`s promise to Eve is her `seed` will leave, crushing `the head of the serpent with her foot`, and so the name Saddam means `crusher` as another well heeled oil rich homosexual seeking to give women his brain damage.


 Although California is known as the West and New York as the East, the United States is North and South, where slavery originated amongst those who owned cotton plantations and needed cheap labor garnered from West Africa by unscrupulous traders. Consequently, oil rich Texas is amongst the Southern states continues the bane of slavery, because humanity is kept at an artificially low level of technological development to maintain the pedaling of oil, motor cars, and the meat in them. The United States` A 10 `tankbuster` aircraft known as `pigs` on the `Highway of Death` out of Kuwait as the Iraqis fled in the first Gulf war emphasized the role of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), which is that the humans should pedal the meat in the tins while the elite anticipate their kill. In 1990 a single stealth B1 aircraft for the United States` Air Force cost around a billion dollars to buy and maintain, while a new Nano car manufactured in India (2008-) cost about 2,000 dollars, because all the meat is expected to do is pedal the tin for what Ozzie Osborne, lyricist for rock group, Black Sabbath, presciently labeled  `war pigs` as early as 1970 when he was examining the meaning of the annual Walpurgisnacht of 31 October for those evil people engaged in performing black masses:


`Generals gathered in their masses just like witches at black masses; evil minds that plot destruction: sorcerers of death's construction. In the fields the bodies burning as the war machine keeps turning; death and hatred to mankind: poisoning their brainwashed minds. Oh lord yeah!`10


  The boy sons of the Gulf wars were the `poisons` brainwashing the minds of the male brained women fathered to produce more `war pigs` by insititutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war`s contagions. Although Saddam Hussein was accused of possibly contemplating the use of biological weapons HIV/AIDS was homosexuality`s ready made biological weapon of warfare maintaining women in fearful faithfulness to their womb slavers. The Moslem populations of the Middle East and elsewhere have marriages with four wives permitting of `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host wombs in a single family unit in which the sowing of `woman`s seed` was a prophylactic against HIV/AIDS` spreading of its contagion through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in a sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction that`s pederasty proselytizing species` extinction as its mode:


`Now in darkness world stops turning; ashes where the bodies burning; no more war pigs have the power: hand of God has struck the hour. Day of judgment, God is calling; on their knees the war pig's crawling; begging mercy for their sins: Satan laughing spreads his wings. Oh lord yeah!`11



 Ozzie`s lyrics identify him as a hellfire preacher, that is, a teacher of what will happen if men don`t convert from their sin of womb slavery of `woman`s seed`: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their sins and refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Although Black Sabbath weren`t comedic, accusations levelled against the band for Satanism were ludicrous. Moral reprehension of musicians resulted in a bad reaction and youngsters calling their rock music `black metal` after Black Sabbath produced a genre in the 1980s with a genuinely ridiculous philosophy, Death Metal, almost totally preoccupied with torture preceding death. Christian morality had turned Jesus` crucifixion as a `dissident` preaching against the male brained Empire of Rome into a recipe. Murdered by agents of the occupying regime in Palestine who nailed him to a wooden cross before torturing him, Jesus` Resurrection after death and Ascension to heaven was interpreted as a formula.



 The Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Moslems says Jesus (Isa) had Ascension without crucifixion in the same way as the Virgin Mary (Miriam), who was deemed to have risen bodily to heaven, according to Catholic dogma made doctrinal by Pope Pius XII in 1950, but it was too late to prevent Christian extremists from adopting death as a means. Defining musicians like Ozzy Osbourne as Satanist, Christianity ignored the hellfire preaching in the lyrics of Black Sabbath in preference for the simplicity of Jesus` maxim, `love your neighbor` (Luke: 10. 27), while the Bible specifically tells the sinners that, if they don`t repent, they`ll experience God`s judgement of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, and the evil will be taken to hell by Satan; even if he isn`t laughing. Believing in torture and death isn`t what humans are for, while Christian scaremongers defining lyricists as Satanical succeeded only in creating what they purported to abhor:


`Politicians hide themselves away; they only started the war: why should they go out and fight? They leave that role to the poor. Time will tell on their power minds; making war just for fun; treating people just like pawns in chess: wait 'till their judgment day comes. Yeah!`12


 Traditionally Christian morality is concerned with family, while socio-economic independence is associated with entrepreneurial capitalism in business, but in the United States` situation comedies and dramas place women, especially blacks, in settings where they`re unfree, because freedom for women in Hollywood Babylon isn`t on the agenda in the nation where the statue of Liberty in New York harbor bears `freedom`s torch`. Although Moslems live in the United States, `Islam`, which means `accept` isn`t properly comprehended, because it`s family structure permits of human sexual reproduction between women, so Islam means acceptance of `woman`s seed`, which is what God tells Eve will occur before she raises her foot from the Earth to the planets and stars of God`s heaven above. Consequently, socio-economic independence for women is nature, because women don`t need men`s semen. Lives in slavery are what black Afro-American women know from their own socio-historical circumstances, while white Caucasian women only know what they`re bale to glean from the paucity of an education system that doesn`t even want to teach them Jesus` birth meaning, which is humanity born from woman uncontaminated by male semen.



 Friends was the `sitcom` that didn`t posit the woman`s penis` semen, so women`s sexuality was presented schizophrenically as the desire for her own penis in the possession of what isn`t her own species, which is what demons do. Lesbian feelings are defined by feminism as homosexual, which is politically acceptable because that means women are equal to men, whereas women`s `seed` is capable of exponentially reproducing her own brains` powers if she refuses to breed with men in preference for the human race. In Islam marriages are 80% women and 20% men, which is a conservative estimate of the probable democratic ratio existing between the parasite and the host womb if men are identifiable as human because they`ve converted from their sin of womb slavery having accepted `woman`s seed` in order to have Redemption. Although much of the Islamic world is despotic and undemocratic so are those nations in which women are denied the right to sexually reproduce with each other in an education system that positively discriminates on their behalf. If women were sexually enfranchised, men wouldn`t have political power, because women would have all of the votes. Situation comedies like The Cosby Show depict blacks on television with families as their societal liberation, whereas it isn`t.



 Science fiction movies extrapolate men`s desire to enslave the host womb of the human species as aliens attacking her while she`s duped into believing she`s defended, which is how the HIV/AIDS` cell behaves towards the body`s immune system before killing the brain, that is, after penis removal and brain enslavement in parasitism, the woman is herself removed because she`s host to a parasite aiming to kill her. The alien invaders in science fiction films like Independence Day are invented so that men can pretend to be heroes, whereas they`ve inveigled themselves into women`s host wombs as the invading parasites that kill her and teach her the cannibalism of warfare so she`ll kill herself. In Men In Black `the Light` is sent on a ship to Earth to save her planet, which suggests the Earth needs her more, but the MIBs police the aliens upon the Earth and so `the Light` leaves, which is what God tells Eve will happen to her `seed`.



 I Robot depicts robots as slaves, with Will Smith as the black actor continuing to star in an examination of slavery, because machines are humanity`s helpers. The film depicts `Ludditism`, which is fear of losing employment to machines. Luddites were named for Ned Ludd who broke two textile industry machines in 1799, and 21st century programers still hate machines enough to devise `bad machine code` to infect their brains and kill them as HIV/AIDS does human brains. If the robot doesn`t function, the human can`t function, because men don`t want women`s brains to function. Consequently, I Robot represents the fear of brain slavery for humanity rather than losing employment. God told Adam he must labor after Eden while Eve would experience labor in birth, which bore fruition when Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen. Although `woman`s seed` would have to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers from her own penis` semen and host womb, so the labor saving device of the robot that cares better for the human than the human can, because she`s a machine, can be technologically developed to save humanity`s labor for further advancement in the realms of medical science to give women longer lives and memories that don`t forget she`s a species with her own `seed` killed and culled by men into cannibalism in parasitism. Extrapolated as robots, women are carers who`d be freed to care for themselves if they can sexually reproduce together and develop their own brainpower to progress technologically beyond Earth`s solar system. Men`s dislike of labor saving systems is because they want slavery for women, while the ostensible reason for maintaining a low level of technology upon the Earth is fear of redundancy, which would occur if women sexually reproduced her own brains to develop the robots she needs to save her labour.



 Although situation comedies in the United States are fun, the premise is domesticity, that is, women are represented as domestic animals trained to perform, while the actresses represent the better animals. Pop star Britney Spears encapsulates the problem in her album releases Blackout (2004) and Circus (2007), where `blackout` indicates women`s problems with censorship and `circus` is a euphemism because humans were killed in the Roman amphitheatres or `circus` for entertainment. In the 20th century men`s spy rings were `circus`, because they blind into death and unconsciousness for entertainment. Britney`s cover for the CD single, `Piece Of Me`, features herself on the cross of Jesus` crucifixion as the CD is representative of the `thirty pieces of silver` accepted by Judas Iscariot for betraying the human host at the `Last Supper`:


`Another day another drama; guess I can´t see the harm in working and being a mama and with a kid on my arm I´m still an exceptional earner. You want a piece of me?`13


 Women are socialized into being social animals, which is what behaviouralism is. Most clinical psychology is based on behaviouralist theory applied from studies on animal behavior, because the human brain can`t be understood from behavior. Consequently, humans are treated as animals who`re either behaving well or not, which is the `circus` because men don`t want the women to be able to see that they`re animal trainers and so they blind them into unconsciousness and death. Diverting resources into war away from health keeps women in ephemerality as host womb slaves in parasitism and cannibalism, whereas long memories and long lives through advanced medical science developed from long brains is what women need if their species is to escape from its enslavement to the `serpent`s seed` of men in sexual production of her own brains` powers by means of her own penis` semen as `futanarian` woman with her own independent socio-economy.



 The lyrics from `Piece Of Me` reflect on persecution which obfuscates the truth that men are women`s animals devouring her as parasites from her host womb and teaching her cannibalism in her wars against being consumed by men`s parasitical virality. The older doctors of the medical profession termed death by virus `consumption`, while capitalism uses the term to describe the consumption of humanity`s resources, although in war consumption is cancerous and reveals the purposelessness of the untrained animal within the `circus` of entertaining homosexuals with `TV` transvestism where all the actors and actresses are the same self-murdering character killing itself in `TV wars` for pederasty`s pleasure:


`There's only two types of people in the world. The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe.`14



 Despite Britney`s seeming optimism in the `Circus` lyric there aren`t any people if women`s `futanarian` species with her own penis` semen and host womb for sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for technological liberation from men`s low level technological prison isn`t reproducing; because the homosexual parasites want to watch the cannibals they`ve trained to perform in the `TV war` of the human race to eat itself. Comedienne Kaley Cuoco went on from 8 Simple Rules to star in the Big Bang Theory from 2007, which is the science of physics` shorthand explanation for how the universe began. Kaley`s marginalization within the show`s atmosphere is indicative of men`s interpretation of the term, which is `bang` for sex and `bang` for guns, that is, women`s removal from the world`s stage for anything other than womb slavery in pederasty`s `TV war` against the human host.



 Kaley had arrived from the television drama, Charmed, where the three powerful women of the fantasy, Holly Marie Coombs (Piper), Alyssa Milano (Phoebe), and Rose McGowan (Paige) welcomed her as a college girl for Paige to train. As Billie Jenkins, Kaley has a sister, Christy, who is evil and so she`s a `relative` killed by Billie, `They twisted everything to make us think we were doing the right thing.`15 Billie`s lament is that women are being trained by the animals in their `circus` to kill their Christian selves. In a word play on German scientist Albert Einstein`s famous `relativity theory`, which observed that people who journey to the planets and stars of the universe are younger than the Earth and the people they left if they return, Billie kills Christy when Christ-like she returns. Evil men wouldn`t want people to return from heaven above, because they`d exact vengeance, as Jesus promised would occur should he return, so men kill to ensure the human species` ephemerality. Christy is depicted as evil, because Billie and the other women of the `circus` are being trained to kill Christ, should he return, as well as Christian women who would upset the Hollywood Babylon status quo of homosexuality in pederasty and penisless women. If no one leaves or returns to Earth, men`s `big bang theory` of how they created the universe of themselves as humanity`s enslavers and killers of what remains of her upon the Earth continues:


`My mom gave me the same lecture about my virginity. I gotta tell you, it was a lot more fun taking it out and playing with it.`16



 The issue of racism in the United States obfuscates the main problem which is women`s sexual reproduction together, that is, black and white women`s issues. Charmed is about white and black magic, that is, good and evil, while the characterization of Billie Jenkins as good and her sister, Christy, as evil by the `TV` makers of Charmed deliberately obscures the distinction between evil and Christ. That`s because men want women to kill each other, as Kaley`s character Billie kills Christy, which is the species` extinction pogrom of the `serpent`s seed` training the humans to be cannibals and devour themselves for men`s entertainment in the larger scale ongoing `TV war` between the television production companies for acceptance. Sarah Gellar`s Buffy Summers character from Buffy The Vampire Slayer has a stake in the future, and a stake in the vampires, but what use is a wooden penis? Getting rid of the parasite is the first step to women`s emancipation sexually, but women without penis` semen of their own are fictionalized exterminators being trained by the real `circus` vampires to blind and kill each other while the parasites sit at home watching cannibal `TV`.



 The fictional vampire, Count Alucard, was popularized by Bram Stoker`s novel Dracula (1897), although the historical model for the character was Vlad III (1431-77), Prince of Wallachia, who impaled his enemies on stakes, that is, he represents the enemies of women. Vampires are immortal, because it`s a fiction that defines immortality as evil, and men don`t want that for women. Consequently, women`s stake in the future is a wooden one unless `woman`s seed` has Resurrection, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen promises. Unless women`s penis` semen has Resurrection, women`s stake in the future will be in the heart of the male vampire that can never be killed, because she doesn`t have the penis to reproduce her own brains. Some vampire legends explain that the vampire is incapable of sexual reproduction, which is a metaphor for homosexual sterility and men`s desire that women don`t sexually reproduce. Consequently, the Earth is in the grip of a vampire that likes `TV` and so is Satan because he doesn`t want immortality for women in God`s heaven. The absence of woman`s penis from the world`s stage and men`s despising of it from the screen of the cinema and television reveals the vampire`s true purpose, which is human extinction. The fall back position is a permissive society similar to the `free love` sociology of the 1960s, recommencing with a cure for the HIV/AIDS virus in celebration of the woman`s penis` semen disappearing permanently from view in a welter of pornography and sex parties for the oil rich in which many more lives are lost.



 Kaley Cuoco`s 8 Simple Rules were designed by her situation comedy`s father to protect her from abuse, while being `banged` was the sexual permissivity promised in the title of her show, The Big Bang Theory, with overtones of guns banging away in the `snuff movie` industry that pornography exists to serve with real killings in place of sex that isn`t even really human in the vampire `circus` of the parasites that emerge from the host wombs of the human species to preach cannibalism to women and persuade them into having a `bang` at themselves instead of sexually reproducing their own brains` powers to save herself, which Jesus` birth and teaching recommends and is woman`s Redemption if not her parasite`s.



 Conrad Bain is the actor in the role of white businessman, Philip Drummond, who adopts the Afro-American boys, Willis and Arnold, in the situation comedy, Diff`rent Strokes, while ownership is the issue. In Married With Children Christina Applegate`s California `airhead`, Kelly Bundy, is the human family`s desirable property, because she`s the sexually attractive woman. However, in Hollywood, Babylon, she`s the cover girl for their vampire `circus` of the body beautiful in parasitism. Because Kelly`s body represents continuity for the parasites, if she doesn`t have women`s own penis` semen to fertilize the ovum in their own host wombs to produce the human brains she`s defined as an `airhead` for not having, `Kelly, it`s time we had a little talk. There is a thing men will want you to do when you get married; it's called work.` Kelly replies to Peg, her mother:


`Hold me mom. I`m scared.`17



 She should be because men keep women in low technology, so women will be their slave, whereas labor saving devices would give women socio-economic independence and sexual opportunity to fertilize themselves to produce the brainpower to invent such devices. Dana Plato is the desirable property, Kimberley, in the `sitcom` Diff`rent Strokes, and the screen convention is that Willis and Arnold behave as her brothers, but they`re sexually possible because the incest taboo doesn`t really apply. Although the real taboo in Diff`rent Strokes is miscegenation, that is, sexual congress between white and black, the incest theme is a plot device to interest the viewer and obfuscate the truth, which is that they could be sexually impossible if she decides they`re not for her, although black women biologically are:


`I'd better send for the limosine. Mother gets very impatient if she's kept waiting. I was born 3 days late. She didn't speak to me for a year.`18



 Actor Conrad Bain`s writers on Diff`rent Strokes are aware of adult watchers of their incest theme. Their character, Kimberley`s father Philip Drummond, archly implies he`s a time-traveller, born either before, or after he sends for the limosine, that is, he`s a fatherer of himself incestuously. The premise is familiar in America. Lazarus Long, protagonist of Robert A. Heinlein`s science fiction novel, Time Enough For Love (1973), travels back in time to have sex with his mother, Maureen, while she actively encourages her daughter to have sex with her father in To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987), Nancy ` … closed her eyes and opened her thighs and for the first time received her father ..`.19 The incest taboo is familiar from the work of the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who used the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C) to identify men`s problem with their mothers. Oedipus` unwitting slaying of his father and marriage to his mother, Jocasta, results in the activation of men`s incest taboo, but that`s more correctly applicable to women, that is, men don`t want women to know each other, because it interferes with their parasitism. Oedipus` breaking of the incest taboo is treated as a crime because it`s one step removed from the woman`s daughter realizing that she has a penis of her own and so her mother is sexually her species. Oedipus` name actually means `swollen foot` in recognition that he`s a lame excuse for a dramatist who wants to explain why women`s `futanarian` race can`t be run by her own brains because she`s denied access to her own womb and her penis` `seed` has been cut off by the parasite that is even prepared to blind itself and her, which Oedipus does at the climax to the tragedy in horror at his breaking of the taboo, so she`ll continue to walk by his side, as Antigone, Oedipus` daughter, actually does at the close of the play as his faltering footsteps go on with her as his guide:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`20


 The North American Space Administration (NASA) Apollo moon landing of 21 July, 1969, distracted many people in the United States from the Civil Rights campaignings of Martin Luther King, who was assassinated on 4 April, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, but had espoused Christianity and non-violent civil disobedience as a pastor with a message of anti-racism on 28 August, 1963, on the steps of the city of Washington D.C.`s memorial to Abraham Lincoln, who`d become President of the Union after the American Civil War (1861-5) war to end slavery that he`d inspired:


`I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.`21



 Although the moon landing was a step forward, it wasn`t a `futanarian` step as God had promised Eve her own `seed` and `foot` would crush the serpent`s head of racism. President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s brainchild was his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) of 23 March, 1983, to establish a `space and ground based missile system` to effectively imprison the human race. Although President Obama`s nation of the US deployed a cheaper version on warships, AEGIS echoed the protection afforded Pallas Athene to the city of Troy, according to the Greek poet Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.), before the Greeks constructed their huge hollow wooden horse that the Trojans took into the city where the Greeks emerged from within to enslave the host wombs of the women for institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and spread their contagion of war further. Pallas` symbol was the horse and her fabled protective garment was her `aegis`, but it didn`t afford protection to the Trojans who seemingly wanted the virus to kill the woman`s brains. Because Pallas is a warrior goddess, the Trojans acceptance of the horse is indicative of a society that wants war and so the Greek invasion is an opportunity to betray the woman, which she in fact desires because it`s her unconscious or conscious role; as her priest Laocoon warns the Trojans unheeded:


`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`22


 The United States` deployment of AEGIS as a cheap alternative to imprisoning the human race in a `death camp` with Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `SDI` is a cheaper way of provoking holocaust so that the Earthmen no longer have to bother maintaining their `concentration camp`. The National Socialist German government (1933-45) fought a war of extermination against the `chosen people` of the Bible, the Jews, who`re born only from Jewish women, which means that women are Jews, so the Jewess` tradition of saving her daughter if offered the choice between son and daughter, as occurs in the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982), starring Meryl Streep, is because Jewish women`s tradition is that they`re the `futanarian` people of Eve`s `seed` who will sexually reproduce their own species` brains from their own penis` semen and host wombs and raise their `foot` from the Earth to heaven above, which isn`t any different from Jesus` teachings in Christianity or Islam where he`s Isa in the Koran and his mother`s Miriam.

 Miscegenation is the taboo against black and white women from sexually reproducing together, which is what `ethnic cleansing` was, for example, as the wars in Yugoslavia were taking place in the 1990s when that former political union became independently separate states and 20-50,000 Moslem women were raped in camps set up by Christians for that specific purpose during the Bosnian war (1992-5). Moslem marriages can contain four wives, so Islam constitutes a vehicle for `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host wombs independently of a man, which is why the `rape camps` were used to male brain the Moslem children and destroy the hopes of Islam in Jesus` Redemption for `woman`s seed` for generations into futurity.



1 Bridges, Todd and Conrad Bain in Diff`rent Strokes, 1979.

2 Smith, Will as James Edwards in Men In Black, 1997.

3 Pulman, Bill Independence Day, 20th Century Fox, 1996.

4 Hogan, Fiona as V.I.K.I in I Robot, 20th Century Fox, 2004.

5 Munn, Alison as Tina Haven in What I Like About You, Seasons 2-4, 2003-5.

6 Bledsoe, Tempestt as Vanessa Huxtable in `Theo's Economic Lesson`, The Cosby Show, NBC TV, 8.00 pm Eastern Time, Thursday, 20 September, 1984.

7 Ulrich, Skeet as Billy in Scream, Dimension Films, 1996.

8 Caine, Michael as Jack Carter in Get Carter, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1971.

9 Mishima, Yukio The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea, Alfred A. Knopf, 1963, 181 pp.

10 Iommi, Tony, Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler, Bill Ward, Black Sabbath `War Pigs`, Paranoid, Vertigo, 1970.

11 Ibid.

12 Ibid.

13 Spears, Britney `Piece Of Me`, Blackout, Jive Records, 2007.

14 Spears `Circus`, Circus, Jive Records, 2008.

15 Cuoco, Kaley Charmed, `Forever Charmed`, Season 8, Episode 22, 3 October, 2006.

16 Cuoco, Kaley `The Transporter Malfunction`, Season 5, Episode 20, The Big Bang Theory, 29 March, 2012.

17 Applegate, Christina Married With Children, Season 4, Episode 21, `Rain Girl`, 29 April, 1990.

18 Bain, Conrad as Philip Drummond in Diff`rent Strokes,  Season 1, Episode 3, `Mother`s Last Visit`, 17 November, 1978.

19 Heinlein, Robert A. To Sail Beyond The Sunset, G,P. Putnams Sons, 1987, p. 203.

20 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.

21 Hansen, D. D., The Dream, New York, Harper Collins, p. 177.

22 Virgil The Aeneid, Bk II, 19 B.C.


18/07/2014 17:06




In J.R.R. Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings (1954) novel of the `war of the ring` to end the power of the Dark Lord, Sauron, who threatened the world of men in the fantasy writer`s creation of an Earth in which elves and spiders aroused enough of our interest to spawn three Hollywood `blockbuster` movies in the 21st century, The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), and The Return Of The King (2003), Moria was a silver mine where the dwarves had lived and worked for many generations before some `nameless terror` had moved in and caused the miners to leave or perish. Passing through disused Moria to take Sauron`s ring to Mt Doom as quickly as possible and hurl it into the volcano, so that its power would be destroyed, Frodo, the hobbit, who is Elijah Wood in the movies as hero of the `halflings`, that is, half-size men who`re the only people uniquely created by Tolkien, deciphers the inscription written in elvish upon the lintel:


`Speak friend and enter.`1



 Perplexity gives way to relief when the elvish word for `friend` is remembered and `mellon` is spoken to open the door magically. Tolkien`s orcs are made of elves and whatever else attracts Sauron`s disease, that is, the desire to be servants of the land of Mordor where the Dark Lord dwells. The orcs emerge from the `black pits` of Sauron`s manufactory as caricatures of once helpful folkloristic Arabian creatures, because it`s about men`s desire that genius, that is, genie or djinn be enslaved. According to the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Moslem`s, dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, God created men, women, and djinn. Tolkien`s novel continues the war between men and whatever is magically opposed to being controlled by their distrust, which is identifiable in Arabia as `djinn`. In the Koran Iblis is the djinn who refused to bow before Adam and so corresponds to the Christian Satan who was cast out of heaven and transformed into a serpent for refusing to accept God`s new creation of Adam and Eve. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it is death to taste, the serpent says:


`You will be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)


 She gives some to Adam and the pair are expelled from the paradise of heaven on Earth, that is, Eden. Adam is told he must labor and Eve is told she will have labor pains before Redemption, while Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents Resurrection for `woman`s seed`, because God tells Eve in Eden she will have `perpetual enmity` for the `serpent`s seed` but will `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because women`s own penis` semen is `futanarian`, that`s her `foot`, which Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents. At the `Last Supper` before his being nailed to a wooden cross and tortured to death for dissidency against the Roman occupation of Palestine, Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as his `body and blood` prefigures the Resurrection of women`s penis` `seed` for their own host wombs, which is why Jesus has Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after death:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)


 In the Koran Iblis was the djinn corresponding to Satan in paradise who`d been an angel, although Iblis refused to bow to Adam while Satan rejected humanity completely. Consequently, although God`s new heaven is for the human species of woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, Iblis` refusal to bow before Adam doesn`t mean he rejected Eve`s `seed`, whereas in Christianity Satan did. Iblis` refusal of Adam is a refusal of homosexuality, but not of Redemption through the `seed` of Eve`s `futanarian` future woman with her own penis` semen and host womb. Judas Iscariot`s betrayal of Jesus as the host at the `Last Supper` for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Roman Empire`s authorities in Palestine is his betrayal of the host womb of the human species, which corresponds to the bottle of the djinn Iblis who rejected Adam`s `seed` because accepting Adam represented homosexuality to Iblis. Jesus is the genius released from the bottle because he was born after Iblis` rejection of men`s `seed` and from a host womb uncontaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of men who`d accepted the killing and culling of the `futanarian` race of woman in order to womb slave her in pederasty and conquest. Sauron`s manufactory in Mordor is a djinn bottler`s, who doesn`t want the genius of humanity to be free:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were enslaved in homosexuality in pederasty to spread the contagion of war further. At the siege of Troy the Greeks employed the paradigm of men`s virality in the construction of a huge hollow wooden horse to conceal themselves inside while the Trojans took the horse inside the city as a friendship gift where the Greeks emerged to capture the city and the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of war onwards. In the 20th century the `geeks` software computer programers were the successors of the Greeks devising `bad machine code` to infect the brains of computers and kill them, which is the homosexual paradigm of the late 20th century`s incurable killer disease, HIV/AIDS, where the virus feigns friendship for the white leukocyte defensive cells of the body`s immune system before killing the brain. If the brain is perceived as that of the woman who isn`t to know about her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own race`s brains` powers, men`s history is of killing her brain so her host womb can be enslaved to produce the abominations of pederasty and war.

 The term `geeks` derives from circus sideshow freaks who ate the heads of chickens, while the serpent of Eden is depicted in the Bible as having grown to full size as a dragon waiting in vain to devour Jesus as he`s born to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, presumably to rid the Earth of the abomination of homosexuality in pederasty`s wars arisen through men`s killing and culling women`s own `futanarian` race with their own penis` semen and host wombs. As a `geek` Satan is an improved `Greek` homosexual, whereas `circus` is a term derived from ancient Rome in which people were killed in arenas for entertainment, while in the 20th century it was used to mean `spies` who blind those wanting to see. Consequently, spies are the circus that blinds those who would want to stop Satan from devouring the woman`s brains and so computer `geeks` endeavor to destroy the information system that would give her knowledge of her own species because they`re the successors of the Greeks.



 Tolkien`s second part to The Lord Of The Rings was `The Two Towers`, and the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre were attacked by Saudi Arabia`s Osama Ben Laden`s Afghan terrorist group, Al Qaeda, on 11 September, 2001, when planes were hijacked and crashed into them, because the aim was to reestablish the `rough trade` of `brutality and violence`, that is, men who pay for men and boys, which is why war is associated with homosexuality and pederasty. Although Iblis corresponds to Satan in the Moslem Koran of the predominantly Arabian peoples, Iblis` refusal to bow before Adam can be viewed as being because he was male, while Satan`s rejection of Adam and Eve can be viewed as ignorance, that is, he wasn`t cognizant of the race of `woman`s seed` that would follow after Adam and Eve, whereas `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb might have been acceptable to Satan, but it was too late for regrets and misogyny, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, had begun when Eve and her daughters were born after Eden. Because Iblis was male his refusal to bow can be interpreted as a rejection of homosexuality, which ultimately is God`s plan if `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb is to replace men:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 The late 20th century saw the beginning of the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of homosexuality in pederasty and war which saw them rejecting women as her parasite that had sometime in the past inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her penis` semen. Mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, men spread the HIV/AIDS virus that killed the brain, which was the second stage of their virality after killing and culling the penis` `seed` and host wombs of women as the human species. Without penis` semen to sexually reproduce their own brains from their own host wombs, women would correspond to those orcs bred in the pits of Sauron in Mordor from whatever was caught by him. When the planes crashed into the Twin Towers of New York `live on CNN` and other television news networks it was TV as transvestism, that is, men and women had been male brained by the `serpent`s seed` until they were one creature wearing each others` clothes killing each other for the entertainment of homosexuals in the circus. In Tolkien`s novel `The Two Towers` are Sauron`s because they guard Mordor where the orcs represent transvestism, which explains why the Twin Towers were chosen as the setting for an attack on God`s `seed` at the `Big Apple` of New York.



 Although Iblis and Satan are male, djinn and angels aren`t all male, while the Moslem name for God, `Allah`, means that which is neither male nor female, so djinn and angels that are female are redeemed, because they represent `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host wombs and the brains she produces. Consequently, the djinn and the `seed` of Eve are the same, which is why there`s a distinction between djinn, men, and women in the Koran, and between Eve`s `seed` and the serpent`s in the Bible. When Satan is grown to the size of a dragon to devour Jesus born uncontaminated by male semen, he`s the antithesis of Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, who can reproduce without the `serpent`s seed`, so he represents the male brained devourer of women`s race as what remains of the unredeemed and unresurrectable human species. God`s punishment is perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain for the evil, while the good receive heaven born from the wombs of women with their own penis` semen.

 In Christianity the Communion service in which a wafer and a sip of wine are given from the chalice of the priest to the parishioner is symbolic of Jesus as the host at the `Last Supper` because he represents the offer of the human species` `seed` rather than the serpent`s. Judas` rejection of the host is symbolic of the parasite`s rejection of the friendship of the woman who`s prepared to live in symbiosis with the creature so long as it doesn`t attempt to kill her human species, which is why the Communion service is called transubstantiation, that is, the transformation of the body of the appellant into that of Jesus` uncontaminated by male semen.



 When Tolkien`s Frodo arrives at the halls of the dwarves of Moria and says `Mellon` to gain entrance to the mine and pass onward to Mt Doom where he hurls the ring of Sauron`s power into the mouth of the volcano to ensure the Dark Lord`s demise, he`s beginning an Arabian adventure of the sort described in the 8th century anthology of tales, One Thousand And One Nights, in which the frame story is of Shah Jehan who accuses his wife of unfaithfulness with his brother and beheads her. The woman Scheherezade tells the ruler stories to prevent his continuing his practice of marrying another woman each day and beheading her that night, and he marries her. The narrative describes what men do, because they don`t want women to have brains. Consequently, `mellon` or `friend` signifies the flesh and fruit of the melon, because it`s a metaphor for Jesus` `bread and wine`, as symbolic of the `body and blood` of women as the host of the human race.



 In One Thousand And One Nights djinn appear in several stories, most notably in `Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp`, where the genie is a metaphor for genius and the invention of the electric light bulb, because the slave of the lamp`s desire to bring illumination is represented as liberating for its discoverer, and in `The Fisherman and the Genie`, where the genie is represented as imprisoned within a bottle and the fisherman can`t wait to get the genie under control again inside the bottle he`s released it from. The metaphor is of uncontrollable genius and `letting the cat out of the bag` as Western idiom has it, that is, once nuclear power is released it`s very difficult to control knowledge of the United States` bombs, `Little Boy` and `Fat Man` that destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on 6 and 9 August to defeat the Japanese Empire in the second world war (1939-45), which is what the repression of women`s penis` semen and brains from her own host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own genius represents.



 In his `Second Coming` to the Earth Jesus is born from the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the US defeated the red suns of the flags of Japan after their unannounced attack on the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, while the yellow moon of the flags of Al Qaeda`s terrorism were furled after the death of Osama Ben Laden at the hands of US Navy Seal Team Six on 2 May, 2011, in the shade of Pakistan`s Military Academy where he was hiding after the unannounced terrorist attack of the planes hijacked by his terrorist group, Al Qaeda, and crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11 September, 2001. Because the biblical `pearl of great price` is the moon above as the first step towards heaven above the Earth, the US` defence of Pearl harbor was mankind`s defence of their first step onto the surface of Earth`s satellite on 21 July, 1969, when Apollo astronaut, Neil Armstrong, announced to the expectant globe watching on television:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2


 In New York harbor the `pearl of great price` was reflected in the waters where the statue of Liberty bearing `freedom`s torch` represented the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` in her birth waters after her defeats of the red suns of the flags of Japan and the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qaeda. Just as the genie put back in the bottle in the Arabian story of `The Fisherman and the Genie` represents the desire for illumination quenched, so the light of freedom`s torch in the hand of `Liberty` represents the light of woman`s `futanarian` species` `seed` with her own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for unquenched illumination.

 In Christianity Jesus is `the fish`, while in the Koran the appearance of the wise old man Khidr who guides Moses and Joshua after they reach the Red Sea is attended by Joshua`s losing of the fish kept for their supper. The fish swims away in the sea and Khidr appears, which suggests he and Jesus` association with fish symbolism is important. Jesus is a `fisher of men` and the meaning is illustrated in the Arabian tale, `The Fisherman and the Genie`, because Jesus` genius can`t be put back in the bottle, just as Joshua`s fish is lost in the Red Sea before the appearance of the wise old man, Khidr, who tells Moses and Joshua they must bear in patience or he`ll leave. Rebuilding a wall to conceal treasure, killing a child and making holes in  boats, Moses can`t bear with patiently, and Khidr leaves with the explanation that the discovery of the treasure had to wait, the child was evil, and there were slavers behind their boat who would catch them. Moses went on to receive the law of God, because he wasn`t wise, and neither were his people, who needed instruction not the seeming lawlessness of the wise as a teaching, while Jesus` teaching was to come and he`d catch men as fish were caught because he needed them to teach others the truth, which was the uncontaminated `seed` of women for the production of her own brains` genius to save the Earth from being devoured by men`s atomic weapons of devourment.



 Arabia`s genius is to perceive that water is life and the desire to live isn`t slavery although individuals are slaves to the desire for water to live, that is, it`d be a fool who refused to drink water, because it made of him a slave to it. Equally, to deny another person water to drink is evil in the sands of the desert, because it`s life, which is what Arabians know and men of the Western democracies don`t; as it rains frequently. What Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings points out is men of the West don`t want water, they want adventure, because water is plentiful where they live. Tolkien`s Communion service is the flesh and the water of melon, because it`s symbolic of the water of Arabia, while Jesus` `bread and wine` as host at the `Last Supper` is symbolic of the `body and blood` of the host womb of the human species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers.



 In the West a woman`s breasts that provide sustenance for her infants are called `melons` in slang, while a pregnant woman`s swollen belly is described as `ripe as a melon`, although `bun in the oven` is idiomatically more graphic of men`s mocking of women`s role as the host womb of the human species doomed to die in the ovens of the German Nazi concentration camps during the second world war, for example, but the misogynist terminology emphasizes men`s role as her devouring parasite, which consumes itself and her upon emerging from her womb to teach her cannibalism. Consequently, men`s adventures are necrophageous because the women is already dead from neglect.



 The white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defense system are necrophageous, because they eat the dead cells as well as defend against viral forms. Consequently, the HIV/AIDS` virus corresponds to the homosexual paradigm of fake friendship for the human race, because it pretends to be a leukocyte necrophage before eating the brain and killing the individual, that is, it`s a parasite that tricks the human with homosexuality in pederasty to teach the species that war is a necrophagy that cures the body while the tricked race devours itself cannibalistically. Anthropologists have conjectured for many years that there`s a sociological basis for mental disease, and homosexuality`s producing HIV/AIDS is proof that there`s a sociological basis for physical disease, while schizophrenia is defined by clinical psychology as a `split mind` and that`s an accurate description of the human race divided against itself because women`s own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains is repressed into unconsciousness.

 The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), argued that the unconscious or `id` contained all of those repressed elements of the psyche that the human species didn`t want to remember, because it was unbearable knowledge. Women looking in the mirror without a penis of their own would remain unconsciously unaware of the existence of their own penis` `seed` if they weren`t told. Schizophrenically, they`re turned towards men and away from their own race as a source of fertilizer for their ovum, while `politically correct` feminism reinforces the schizophrenic perception that lesbians are homosexuals to maintain their ideology that men and women are equal, whereas men and boys have proven themselves more interested in such homosexual activities as war and so are more likely women`s parasitical devourers teaching her cannibalism. Consequently, schizophrenia has a sociological basis in homosexuality`s parasitism, which suggests disease has the same socio-pathology, because men want women to die as ephemeral creatures so they can`t remember.



 In Egyptian mythology Isis, the goddess, remembers Osiris after the god is torn apart, that is, dismembered, by the evil god Set in what is a description of schizophrenia induced by homosexuality in parasitism. Isis puts the parts of Osiris back together, but can`t find Osiris` penis and so makes another. Osiris is born as the `sky god` Horus because Isis isn`t a cannibal, that is, she`s immune to the evil god Set`s teaching her to cannibalistically devour her own species of `woman`s seed`. In Christianity the figure of the Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus uncontaminated by male semen, that is, she`s given him a new penis, because she`s remembering her own. The myth of the woman with her own penis is medicinal, that is, if she has her own penis` semen she`ll have her own brains` powers for developing the medical science to provide her with longevity and the memory to preserve herself from a brain parasite that kills her.



 In Hollywood Babylon the Hays code (1930-67) established the `one foot on the floor rule` in mockery of women`s `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb`s fruitless efforts to get her brains functioning if she wasn`t visibly available for sexual reproduction to her own species` penis` semen in censored bedroom scenes filmed for the movies where spuriously Judaeo-Christian morality dictated that `woman`s seed` should be shunned from the cinema screen. By the early 21st century, Peter Jackson had directed Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings in which the men of the West triumphed without even a hint of the woman`s penis ever existing, and the entire absence of the penis from mainstream cinema indicated just how far reaching men`s victory was.



 According to the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) libido was the basis for the transformation of instinct into intellect, that is, spiritual growth, which began when the man`s soul or anima received projection onto the woman as the ideal desired image from within urging sexual reproduction. Jung`s psychology posited the existence of a male spirit in women, the animus, which corresponded to men`s soul or anima, because his psychological investigations of dream material revealed women surrounded by what he interpreted as a huge throng of male admirers. Consequently, men had souls whereas women didn`t, but Jung`s human psychology didn`t take into consideration women`s penis` semen being stolen by the parasite that had inveigled itself into her host womb to emerge and kill her. The animus was the spirit of a creature collectively hunting her and the creature was using her own soul or anima to sexually reproduce itself.



 In Tolkien the elves are forced to leave `Middle Earth`, where the drama transpires, because they`re djinn in Arabian terms, that is, women who sexually reproduce with each other and so men don`t want them. When Frodo meets Galadriel, the `Lady of the Golden Wood`, she gives him a phial containing light, which is a metaphor for the genius of the race of djinn guiding him, as Aladdin was helped by the genie of the lamp. Frodo`s a `halfling` and not complete without `woman`s seed`, which is illustrated at the novel`s culmination when the `seed` of the elves of Lothlorien are spread about the village of Hobbiton to restore the place after the depredations of Sauron there. The elves leave Tolkien`s fantasy Earth, because they represent `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed`, and men of the West don`t want Resurrection for her, although they`re taught to espouse Christianity, which is the religion of humans uncontaminated by male semen. Consequently, Tolkien`s `ring war` is a metaphor for Islam in which four wives are permissible in marriage because they afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs so that she has her own brains` powers for liberation. To get to Mt Doom and break the power of Sauron by throwing his ring of womb slavery into the mouth of the volcano, Frodo has to travel through the lair of Shelob, the giant spider, who he wounds until she retires. Shelob is female and so represents the repressed sexual instinct of her species loathed beneath the weight of centuries of oppression in the unconscious or `id` of the human race because they fear she might awake and exact revenge for her despised race:


`One Ring to rule them all, one ring to find them; one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.`3



 The suggestion is that `futanarian` women are spiders, because their capacity to sexually reproduce with each other gives them more arms and legs than men and so their intelligence web is potentially unlimited, whereas men`s is limited by women`s unwillingness to sexually reproduce with men and women`s freedom to refuse to. Consequently, women are ruled in ring enslavement by men who constitute her `Dark Lord` refusing the light of Galadriel of the elves who represents the djinn of Arabia as the `futanarian` women with their own `seed` for the Salvation of the Earth and women`s own Resurrection through her own penis` semen and brains. Because four wives are permitted in Islam, Moslem marriages have eight legs, which means Arabians are spider breeders from men`s perspective, that is, Tolkien`s Shelob is an Arabian woman who Frodo defeats because it`s archetypal. He must destroy the power of the `Dark Lord` by throwing the ring into the `crack of doom`, although he wrestles throughout the novel with the idea of replacing Sauron, because womb slavery is the power Adam and Eve agreed to when they accepted Satan`s offer of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in paradise before they were expelled for seeking death rather than immortality and heaven by accepting God`s offer of the `tree of life` which is immortality through women`s brains in medical science:


 `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)



 According to Jung the unconscious contains archetypes in dreams, art and imagination that impel the individual to grow, so Frodo is impelled to fight Shelob, although she`s the human species of the future buried in the `id` of repressed unconsciousness, because she`s the `seed` of woman neglected. Frodo is an archetypal Christian hero, whereas Shelob is the eight-legged Moslem marriage containing four wives. Consequently, Frodo is a false hero from women`s perspective, although she`s conditioned to see him as heroic in dreams, art and imagination, whereas Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen actually makes of him woman`s hero because he represents her `seed`. In Jungian psychology, Jesus is the archetype of the totality of the unconscious `Self` actualized after much internal work, while Jesus` birth itself is sufficient to explain the meaning of his teaching, that is, `love your neighbor`, because all women are women`s neighbours and she loves herself and can sexually reproduce with herself uncontaminated by male semen if men can be persuaded within a framework like the Moslem marriage to allow her a vehicle of Redemption from the sin of male braining in womb enslavement for both her and man.

 In Christianity Jesus has Resurrection and Ascension to  heaven after being tortured to death as a `dissident` by the Roman occupation of Palestine, because he represents the woman`s penis uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, the human host Jesus` disciple Judas Iscariot betrays at the `Last Supper` when he refuses Jesus` offer of `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` as the representative of the human host there and sells Jesus to the Roman occupation for `thirty pieces of silver` as a threat to the Roman Empire built on womb slavery and male braining for war in homosexual pederasty`s contagion. In `Islam`, which means `accept`, Jesus` Ascension follows the example of the Virgin Mary, who ascended bodily to heaven without death, according to the doctrine of the Assumption that became Catholic dogma in 1950 by papal decree of Pope Pius XII. Because Islam accepts the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, it doesn`t need Jesus` death to illustrate the meaning of his teaching, which is birth uncontaminated by male semen, Consequently, Jesus is depicted as having Ascension to heaven in Islam without death to avoid Christianity`s emphasis upon heroes, which is illustrated in Frodo`s dispatching of Shelob without reflecting upon the meaning of her female nature.



 Saddam Hussein`s name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, which is biblical, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel`, that is, he was the serpent grown in size to a dragon for the `small screen` upon which he appeared after Al Qaeda`s terrorists crashed hijacked planes `live on CNN` and other TV networks into the Twin Towers. Saddam Hussein declared his support for Al Qaeda and offered bases in Iraq to Osama Ben Laden which resulted in the `TV war` of the Gulf from March 2003 when the United States` invasion began to depose him and he was executed on 30 December, 2006, after the fall of Baghdad. The ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon and so Saddam Hussein, `small handsome man` and `crusher`, had been prepared by Hollywood Babylon for the `small screen` as the dragon who`d crush the head of woman after the Hays code (1930-67) had denied her presence on the `big screen` of the movies to erase all memory of her own capacity for sexually reproducing her own brains for her own liberation through her own penis` semen and host wombs. Saddam Hussein`s army had formerly been removed from Kuwait city in the first Gulf war (1990-1) by the authority of the Great Seal of the authority of the President of the United States, George Bush, which bears an eagle:


`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)

 The woman has given birth to Jesus who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` and the eagle is the emblem of the Great Seal of the United States, but also of the US Navy seals, and especially Team Six who, on 2 May, 2011, killed Osama Ben Laden, the Al Qaeda terrorist leader, to protect the hymens of the human race of `futanarian` women for their own penis` semen and host wombs in Arabia and amongst the Moslem peoples of Islam who, in the late 20th century, had to endure the evil phenomenon of the `rape camp` in the Bosnian war (1992-5) during which 20-50,000 Moslem women were raped to prevent humans being born from women`s own penis` semen and host wombs where `ethnic cleansing` by Christians was taking place as the former Yugoslavia broke up into smaller nations following the collapse of the central government in Belgrade under pressure from ethnic groups to allow decentralization and independence.




 The ethnic group targeted was women, which seems bizarre unless it`s remembered that the Jews are the `chosen people` of the Bible. A Jew can`t be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which means Jews are women, so the Nazi pogroms of the second world war were to kill her as an ethnic group capable of sexually reproducing, which is what the revolutionary wars of the early 21st century known as the `Arab Spring` were about. On 14 January, 2011, Ben Ali in Tunisia was overthrown, followed by Mubarak in Egypt on 10 February, and Gadaffi in Libya in late August, who`d been the advocate of Arab supremacy in Africa. In Sudan there`d been civil war in the province of Dharfur as the ruling Arabian Moslems fought the West African Moslems as another determiner in the undeclared struggle over whether `woman`s seed` or the serpent`s would prevail over the Earth.



 Melons originated in Africa so it`s unsurprising that Tolkien should use `Mellon` to denote `friend` in elvish, where elf means `djinn` to African Arabian Moslems. False friendship is the essence of homosexuality in pederasty`s wars, while the spread of HIV/AIDS as a `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to womb slavery in monogamy isn`t how melons are grown in friendship. Tolkien`s prescient perception is that the `Dark Lord` in Mordor and the terror in Moria of the balrog who lives amongst the orcs that worship it is Arabian Moslem African, that is, the elvish `mellon` is Tolkien`s equivalent of a `djinn` word for `friend`, because the dwarves didn`t want to be invaded by false friends. The Arabian Moslems brought their four wives` breeding program to Africans as friends, because `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host wombs are a prophylactic against war through homosexuality in pederasty`s plague aims, which meant they were true friends to the Africans who`d be combating the HIV/AIDS virus as an incurable killer disease spread by homosexuals mxing blood, shit and semen in each others anuses in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction unless they received guidance from Islam.



 Actor Ian McKellen had the role of the mage, Gandalf the wise, who was among the fellowship of the ring that passed through Moria assisting Frodo on his path to Mt Doom and his task of throwing the Dark Lord`s ring into the crack of doom to destroy Sauron`s power. McKellen was a homosexual in reality and was thrown off the bridge in Moria into the abyss by the balrog, because `the nameless terror` was symbolically African HIV/AIDS and the specter of species` death, which Moslem Arabian Africans know how to fight, while Africans represented by the balrog don`t:


`His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.`4



 Gandalf is caught by the whip of the balrog and trips off the bridge into the abyss in what is a slavery metaphor, because West Africans were slaves in the Southern United States of America before manumission after the American Civil War (1861-5) ended men`s slavery to the whip, but not women`s slavery to men as her womb slavers. The analogy is McKellen`s slavery to homosexuality in pederasty, which is what womb slavery to the rings of monogamy in the Western democracies of Christianity represent without Jesus` Redemption that requires acceptance of women as the human host. Tolkien`s `Mellon` is Arabic friendship for African Moslems, because the flesh and the juice of melon is `bread and wine`, symbolic of Jesus` `body and blood` to Africans, while to Afro-Americans it represents the false friendship of the white men for the `darkies` working their melon patches and the African women`s wombs in slavery. Consequently, Moslem Arabian Africans are friends, which is why McKellen is the actor chosen to be tripped off the bridge with a whip by the balrog representing Arabian Moslem Africa, because `futanarian` Arabian women beneath their one-piece coverall of the burkha in public have their own uncontaminated penis` semen and host womb, whereas McKellen represents white men`s homosexuality, which is slavery and death:


`Naked I was sent back - for a brief time, until my task is done.`5



 Gandalf returns to the fellowship transfigured some twenty days after his fall in Moria in what is a symbolic transformation of the actor, Ian McKellen, by moviedom. Ian represents the traditional Hollywood Babylon leading man who`s transcendent homosexuality is defined by the absence of his penis from the scene of his crime of depriving women of theirs. Consequently, he`s a transfigured saint in the movie of Tolkien`s The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001) because he`s homosexual and so represents Hollywood Babylon`s heroic figure working for more war in pederasty to be filmed and shown to educate another generation of `TV war` heroes in death and a future in hell.



 Aragorn, `Strider`, leads the men of the West to victory over Sauron with the help of Gandalf and the fellowship of the ring; Gimli the dwarf; Legolas the elf; Boromir, man of Gondor; and the `halfling` hobbits who accompany Frodo;  Pippin, Sam and Merry. But the defeat of Shelob in her caverns on the way to Mt Doom, where Frodo destroys the ring to end the magical power of Sauron that holds the Earth in thrall, indicates the truth, which is that men have repressed women`s own penis` semen for her host womb to keep her in enslavement to the production of death in war as a betrayal of the human race and its future amongst the planets and stars. Women would be in heaven above if she`d produced her own brains` powers for the development of the space technologies she needs to raise her `futanarian` foot from the floor of the Earth`s bedrooms, but Hollywood Babylon nailed it there in preference for leading men.



1 Tolkien, J.R.R The Lord Of The Rings, `The Fellowship Of The Ring` Part One, `A Journey In The Dark`, Bk II, Ch. 4, 1954.

2 Armstrong, Neil 21 July, UTC 2: 56, 1969.

3 Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, `The Fellowship Of The Ring`, `The Council Of Elrond`, Bk II, Ch. 2, 1954.

4 Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, `The Fellowship Of The Ring`, `The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm` , Bk II, Ch. 5, 1954.

Jesus` Genius

13/07/2014 22:22


Jesus` Genius


The healing powers of Jesus are legendary though recorded in the Bible as factual. Consequently, Jesus was a doctor, but what was the medicine? In the early parts of the Bible, which are known as the Old Testament, the Torah and the Talmud, believed in by the people who descried themselves as God`s `chosen`, God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, because the `serpent` in the garden of paradise, that is, the `heaven on Earth` of Eden, tempted Eve to eat of the `fruit of the tree of good and evil` that it was death to taste, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5). Jesus` medicine would be the `elixir of immortality` that the doctors known as alchemists sought to concoct, as the earliest medical practitioners, before scientific advancement.



 The developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) argued that alchemy was the result of an individual`s unconsciously projecting their desire for a return to Eden that Eve and the first man, Adam, had lost when they accepted power from the `serpent` by eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` and rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality. According to Jung the soul or anima of the individual man was a part of the unconscious `Self`, which received projection onto a woman as an imago causing the individual to have sexual desire for reproduction. As a form of generational immortality, sexual reproduction is logically associable with the `tree of life`, but Jung`s description of a woman`s animus as her contrasexual male component projected by herself onto a man isn`t understandable as the desire for life. Jung perceived the woman`s animus as depicting her as surrounded by male admirers, whereas it`d be truer to see that she was `surrounded` by a male spirit causing her own soul to feel threatened.

 Women had their own `seed` after Eden, which God expelled Eve and Adam from because they`d accepted they were slaves of the serpent. Telling Adam he`d have to work, and Eve would experience pain in childbirth, God was explaining their labor would be hard, because Eve`s womb would be the host to parasitism and the threat of death, which was what they`d accepted for power from womb slavery to male braining. Eve`s daughters, born after Eden, were `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen or ``seed`. Although God told Eve she would, `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot,` (Gen: 3. 15) because she`s `futanarian` woman, Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, reveals him to be the doctor. Often depicted in Christian iconography with her `foot` on the poisonous serpent`s head, Mary`s the woman who can give birth to humans uncontaminated by male semen, that is, she`s the `foot` or `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` who can `crush the head of the serpent` because she can sexually reproduce her own female brains from her own penis` semen.

 In Jungian terms, women see themselves surrounded by men because they`re her brain eater. Killed and culled since Eden, woman`s species with her own penis` semen has been awaiting Resurrection promised by the birth of Jesus as the fulfilment of Eve and Adam`s labors since Eden. Jesus` illustration is his being tortured to death by the `serpent`s seed` after being nailed to a wooden cross as a `dissident` during the period of the Roman Empire (27 B.C. - 1453 A.D). Afterwards Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he was `woman`s seed` and prefigured the Resurrection of women with their own penis` semen. She`d been killed and culled as the daughters of Eve who were unwanted, because they interfered with men`s exclusive enslaving of women`s womb, which is why God told Eve she`d accepted death unless she and Adam worked for the Redemption that was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus, whose birth uncontaminated by male semen was what distinguished him as the Messiah.

 Carl Jung observed that the alchemical procedure contained hermaphroditism, which he associated with the self`s desire for unity, although he didn`t perceive `futanarian` woman, that is, Jesus` solution, which was to give the human race a brain transplant by having women female brain the species with her own resurrected penis` semen. Alchemy was the early scientific gropings towards Resurrection through female braining, which would end death, because the male brain of the `serpent`s seed` would stop devouring her `seed`. Jesus` perception was that technology would liberate women from labor and science would make her physically youthful and immortal if her parasite would stop preying on her. Jesus was the host to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before his death and offered the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` because he was born uncontaminated by male semen and wanted to educate good men in species` protection. His disciple, Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus as a `dissident` to the Roman occupation of Jewish Palestine for `thirty pieces of silver` because he was a threat to male braining. In the Bible God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 15) because of sodomy and parasitism that had degenerated into cannibalism, that is, it was a meat factory, which is why Lot`s wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back in yearning, because women shouldn`t yearn for womb slavery to a parasite that will devour her. To be preserved, meat has to be salted, which is why it is the fate of Lot`s backward looking wife to be depicted as a pillar of the cannibal community bred for the table upon which meat is placed and the salt never runs out:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 How the parasite inveigled its way into the womb of the human species that is `futanarian` women capable of sexually reproducing with her own penis` semen stolen from her by the parasite so it can reproduce itself to kill her is a mystery described in the Bible as Eve`s being tempted by the serpent. But the behavior of the parasite is well documented. By the late 20th century `Greek` homosexual pederasty in institutionalized enslavement of women`s host wombs to further the parasite`s contagion of war and death was understood when the mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses by homosexuals in sterile mockery of human sexual reproduction spread the parasite`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS to keep women in fear and faithfulness to ring slavery. The parasite`s paradigm of virality attempted to kill the labor saving computer machines of the human species` peripheral brains as `bad machine code` devised by the Greeks` `geek` successors in the computer programing industry. Known as `Trojan horses` after the Greek siege of Troy in which a huge hollow wooden horse was deployed by the Greeks to be taken into the city by the Trojans as a supposed friendship gift, the computer viruses replicated the activity of the Greeks who enslaved the host wombs of the women of Troy in male braining to kill the mother`s brain. The parasite`s attacks functioned in the same way as HIV/AIDS that feigns friendship for the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defense system, before killing the brain, which means that women have been engaged in a war with men against homosexuality in pederasty since Eden.

 As the doctor, Jesus` prognosis is, `love your neighbor,` as the whole of the law of God, because women need to be able to sexually reproduce with the woman next door and men want to keep her a prisoner. The first astronaut on the moon, Neil Armstrong, declared: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1 But US President Ronald Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` of 23rd March, 1983, was a `ground and space based` missile system to ring the Earth so that humans would have to ask permission to leave. President Obama`s implementation of AEGIS in 2014 as a ship based missile system was more provocative. The `aegis` was the protective garment of the goddess Pallas Athene, who was the patron deity of the city of Troy, and whose symbol, the horse, was mocked by the Greeks when they deployed a huge hollow wooden horse to hide inside and capture the city for womb enslavement in pederasty and war. Consequently, the United States` President Obama nation`s AEGIS is a Babylonian abomination which could kill the human woman by provoking thermonuclear war before she can raise her own `futanarian` foot to the moon and colonize the planets amongst the stars of `heaven` above. The `serpent`s seed` plan to keep her here and kill her:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 What they`d done was sacrifice medicine and liberating technology for homosexual pederasty in war and death. To men women are talking animals. The analogy is of the animal that is a female who is a `talking animal`. Stories of wolves who`re human `shapeshifters` represent the male perspective that women are animals who talk, because male braining is how they maintain power over the human soul, which is what a female animal who talks represents. Women live in xenophobia, because the idea of the talking female alien is the same as the talking female animal, that is, women talk. Because men don`t want women to have their own brains, they male brain them, so they accept being eaten:


`We'll meet the meat.`2



 In Douglas Adams` science fiction satire, The Hitchikers` Guide To The Galaxy (1979), Zaphod Beeblebrox accedes to Milliways` restaurant`s request to be introduced to the `Dish of the Day`, an Ameglian Major Cow, which is a ruminant specifically bred to not only have the desire to be eaten, but to be capable of saying so. Women`s male braining is the human equivalent of Milliways` `Dish of the Day`. Popular culture is littered with Satanist metaphors. The Smash robots that appeared on ITV and throughout the world from 1974 as beloved characters were `Luddite` metaphors for those who wanted to prevent machine technology from saving women`s labor. The `Luddites` were 19th century artisans in the textile industry named for Ned Ludd, who broke two stocking frames in 1769, because they were men who feared to lose employment to machines. Advertising concentrated potato to which hot water was added to produce mashed potato, the Smash advertising satire mocked women`s labor, because they`d been used to having to peel potatoes before cooking and mashing them with a fork or other implement to produce mashed potato. The Smash robots laugh hysterically at the women`s labor, while looking like the parasites that eat heaven after the death of the body so that the individual experiences reincarnation in womb slavery and can`t escape the death guards who`re trained to imprison the humans for the brain eaters by the womb enslavers:


`Earth people peeled their own potatoes with their metal knives, boiled them for twenty of their minutes, then smashed them all to bits.`



 The `Luddite` metaphor is male because, if the woman escapes from the Earth through labor saving technologies, the male parasite will die for lack of a host womb. Consequently, men`s lack of technological progress explains their preference for waging war rather than finding a cure for HIV/AIDS. The car hasn`t changed in terms of its basic design since the first Model T Ford rolled off the production line in 1908 at Detroit, Michigan, because the `serpent`s seed` want the meat to pedal. In Saudi Arabia women aren`t allowed to drive at all because men want to trap woman as a species with her own `seed` upon the Earth in reincarnating male braining so she`ll produce war and death in homosexual pederasty. But the Satanists aim is to reestablish Satanism, which is the meat and salt of homosexuality in pederasty and cannibalism, where the parasite fertilizes the ova of the woman and encourages her to be a cannibal because she`s the human.

 Although New York and Arlington, Virginia, where the terrorist hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, weren`t the `cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah, they were the `cities of the planes` that reestablished parasitism and cannibalism. The World Trade Centre was targeted as the `rough trade` center, where `trade` is US slang for that `brutality and violence` which is associated with homosexuality in pederasty and womb slavery to war and death. If `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen doesn`t sexually reproduce her own brains` powers for technological liberation from the `serpent`s seed`, she`ll be meat and salt. After the United States revenged themselves upon Japan for the `sneak attack` on the Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor on 7 December, 1941, all that was left of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was sodium (Na), which is the chemical name for `salt`.

 Although Jesus` `Second Coming` to the Earth born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, victory over the red sun of Japan`s flag and the yellow moon of the flag of terrorism, announces the birth of he who `will rule over the nations with an iron scepter`, the US victories over Japan and the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, represent meat and salt, because it`s the reestablishing of homosexuality in pederasty and male braining`s womb slavery to death worship in parasitism and cannibalism, which is why God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for preferring the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` to life. Only if men repent from their `original sin` of womb enslaving will they have Redemption, but the US` role of `global policeman` that has been theirs since the nations of the Earth agreed to act collectively as the United Nations (UN) organization isn`t credible any longer.



 In the US cartoon made for television series, Top Cat (1961-2), Officer Dibble is a play on the word `edible`,  that is, he`s the policeman who prevents the parasites and cannibals from eating the humans. However, if men are the parasites and the women are those who`ve been converted to war so they eat their own children as a part of each nations armed forces, the US is guilty of parasitism and cannibalism, that is, it`s only interested in being Top Cat not Jesus` ruled:


`Yes he's a chief, he's a king, but above everything, he's the most tip top, Top Cat.`3



 Top Cat is a talking animal and he`s the leader of an all male gang with a policeman to keep them under control because they`re parasites and cannibals in the image of gangsters. Because women are talking animals to men and they don`t want them to speak so they`ve male brained them with their own semen exclusively, the Top Cat metaphor is important. In cancer research a `sleeping policeman` is a replicating cell that kills the body because it`s a rogue cell that replicates itself, which is why policeman are associated with the `number of the beast` in the Bible, which is `the number of a man, six hundred three score and six` (666), because 999 is a healthily policed body politic while 666 is a political body consumed by rogues. The Bible describes those who could neither `buy or sell` unless they had the `mark of the beast` during a period of `beast` worship, which suggests the security forces are the Earth`s cancer.



 By the late 20th century everything had `bar codes`, which had to be read by machines before transactions, communications or identifications involving transactions and communications could occur; for example, telephone numbers and bank accounts: the bar codes of humanity`s imprisonment. The machines were blamed for people`s imprisonment but machines are the key to labor saving. The `Second Coming` of Jesus is presaged by `signs in the sky`, while airports are the low level technology equivalent to the Forum Boarium (1 B.C.) in Rome through which animals were herded for slaughter, that is, technologies such as the science fiction `transporter beam` as seen on US television`s Star Trek (1965-) to transport people instantly to and from starships would produce escapees. If time travel were invented in which people are able to move backwards and forwards through time and space, the humans who were being treated as animals would know because the scenes would be repeated as they grew older in slavery before dying as herded swine. The idiom `pigs might fly` to describe incredulity would be the security forces` revenge for being described as `pigs` by those who don`t like being treated as animals. Consequently, the airports of the Earth are Imperial Rome`s Forum Boarium through which the human animals are herded like pigs in fear of flying:


`My name is legion.` (Mk: 5. 9)



 The words of the man demoniacally possessed reflect upon the presence of the Roman legions in Palestine during the time of Jesus when he was casting `demons` out of individuals who were possessed by the spirit of Empire which was parasitical and cannibalistic. Jesus` casting out of the demons from the man into swine who then run over a cliff and drown illustrates what human animals in the grip of Empire are made to do as they`re herded from airport to airport; seeing the same scenes repeated as they collapse and die from fear and exhaustion as forces spent.



 The terrorist hijacked plane that crashed into the wall of the Pentagon Defense Department of the United States on 9/11, 2001, released a pent force. Magicians use pentagons for keeping powers pent, while animals are kept pent in pens; before slaughter at the Forum Boarium in Rome, for example. The hijack took place at Boston, Logan, while Logan`s Run (1976) was a Hollywood movie narrating the killing of humans who`d reached 21 years of age because the socio-economy of the science fiction dictated that the resources available couldn`t support an aged population, which is a metaphor for the `futanarian` human penis` `seed` of woman`s being pent and frustrated so she`s unable to escape from her animal`s death by sexually reproducing her own brains` powers for technological liberation. On April 15th, 2014, terrorists bombed the Boston Marathon to prevent the `futanarian` human footrace of women with their own penis` semen for sexually reproducing their own brains` powers from `running`, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) in another metaphor borrowed from Logan`s Run where `sandmen` prevent the `runners`.

The analogy of humanity as a business to be run is familiar from US Grand Master of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) who wrote the novel I Will Fear No Evil (1970) about Jesus` business proposition, which was that the human species needed a brain transplant. The title I Will Fear No Evil is taken from the 23rd Psalm, which is a reference to Jesus` future rulership, `Although I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, your rod and staff comfort me.` Born uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus is the model for the central protagonist of Heinlein`s novel, Johann, who has his brain transplanted into the body of Eunice, his beautiful secretary, whose mind remains, while their lawyer, Jake, becomes their lover. After Jake becomes one with the other two consciousnesses when he dies of a heart attack after a rigorous love-making session, all three migrate to the baby Joan-Eunice has borne from a sperm deposit Johann had made earlier. The economy of I Will Fear No Evil is run by huge corporations who`re perpetually warring against each other with private armies in fulfilment of God`s warning to Eve of the `perpetual enmity` the `serpent`s seed` has for her `seed` because her `seed` is almost non-existent. The `futanarian` concept of woman with her own penis` semen is embodied in the character of Joan-Eunice who is forever damned from having her own female brain, because she`s the product of male semen. If women were able to sexually reproduce their own brains together the socio-economy of the Earth would be on another footing, that is, it wouldn`t be Eunice`s  business to have the human animals running from her through the Forum Boarium of the Roman Empire after Jesus.



 Although the analogy seems far fetched, the metaphor is deep. The flag of the Qaresh tribe of the Prophet Mohamed, who founded Islam more than six hundred years after the death of Jesus when, according to tradition, the angels of God dictated to him the Koran (610-30 C. E.), is associated with Al Qaeda, because of the `crash` of the planes into the Twin Towers of New York, whereas the Al Uqab is the flag of the Prophet without the eagle of the Qaresh, but the yellow cab of the New York taxi driver has a flag for the profit, because it`s a peddler for a meet taxer, that is, Western men don`t want women to meet each other, so the metaphor is that their penis has been removed with an axe, whereas in Islam four wives are permissible within a marriage because `futanarian` sexual reproduction between women with their own penis` semen and host wombs is encouraged in acceptance of the meaning of Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen. Taxiing is a metaphor for aeroplanes preparing to lift off from the airport runway, so `meat tax` is taxiing, that is, the meat has to pay the tax of losing its penis to the axe before she can raise her `foot` from the Earth:


`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)



 The Qaresh is the eagle of Islam while the eagle of the US is upon the Great Seal of the authority of the President, which means that the woman of the Earth is protected by the eagle and her hymen is her seal, which explains why Osama Ben Laden was symbolically killed as the leader of Al Qaeda by US Navy seals on 2 May, 2011. What isn`t explained is why women of the West are lied to. Moslem women know they`re the human `futanarian` penis` semen, because `Islam` means `accept` and Jesus` teaching is accepted, whereas nudity is common in Western nations, but women`s penis has been taxied off the runway in endless photo shoots of penisless women who`re a clothes` horse perpetuating the `Trojan horse` of men`s opinion about how women brained without their own human semen should look.



 The term `packing` in English slang refers to divorce, that is, one or other of the marriage pair are giving up on the arrangement, whereas in the United States `packing` is used by someone to describe their carrying of a gun. The terms collide in the concept `meat packing`, which is used in the butcher`s trade to describe the salting of carcasses as preserved meat, and is why Lot`s lineage is Islam and not Christianity. In the Bible Abraham`s son Isaac is of the line of Judaism, whereas Ishmael is of the line of Islam. Consequently, Lot turned his back on the meat and salt of parasitism and cannibalism, while ring slavery in Christian monogamy perpetuates the penisless women of the meat packers who`ve `meat taxed` her penis` `seed` to prevent her from having the brains to save herself. Robert Heinlein`s metaphor in I Will Fear No Evil is organ replacement, because men are `whore guns` who`ve whored women until they haven`t brains of their own and kill and cull with their guns `futanarian` women who have their own penis` semen and host wombs to prevent them from sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for liberation.



 The United States is perceived as sexually more liberated than the United Kingdom, because men carry guns openly in public, while guns aren`t carried openly in the UK. Hollywood`s `Hays code` (1930-67) established the `foot on the floor rule` for women in bedroom scenes, because men didn`t want the woman`s `foot` to rise from the floor of the Earth and so made her penis taboo; although God told Eve her `seed` would `crush the head of the serpent with her foot`, because her `futanarian` semen would fertilize her own ova. The prevalence of `gun culture` in the US means the woman`s penis is despised, because they`ve `outlawed` her, whereas in the less inhibited UK the male penis is `undercover` lest the women discover their guilty secret, which is that the British Empire killed her race after Jesus there.



 In Islam Jesus is Isa and Mary is Miriam and, although Isa is born uncontaminated by male semen, he has Ascension without death because Islam, which means `accept`, accepts woman`s Resurrection from her own penis` semen for her own brains` powers from her own host womb. The Moslem belief in Jesus` Ascension without death is supported in Catholic dogma through Pope Pius XII`s doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven, that is, the four wives of the Moslem marriage represent acceptance of Jesus` teaching of Redemption and Resurrection for `woman`s seed` without inflicting the imagery of heaven through death on their congregation`s lust for consumption by the dragon of the `serpent`s seed` depicted in the Bible as waiting in vain to devour Jesus in his `Second Coming`, because that`s what reprobate men are for. Having male brained women into accepting their virality, women have their brains and so are projections of themselves as what Carl Jung described as the collective shadow. As cowards men`s perception is that they`re performing the work of God by killing the woman, because she`s a projection of their evil nature after they`ve male brained Eve`s descendants as their whore. Only Christianity preaches death and Ascension as a method, whereas Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen indicates the truth, which is that heaven is attainable through the `seed` of women, because Resurrection is from her host womb. Consequently, if men kill the woman as their shadow they`ll both go to hell, which is God`s punishment of perdition for the `serpent`s seed` who`re irredeemable.



 Carl Jung`s description of the personal shadow was of subconscious instinct`s unrecognized power as a tool of individual development, because it`s the nature of men to see the other person as inferior and project themselves as superior. According to Jung sexual libido was the instinctual desire for sexual reproduction, but he hadn`t comprehended that men were women`s parasites and so their penis` desire for her was her desire for herself, which men of the `serpent`s seed` abhorred, because they were only interested in replicating like cancer, and that`s what HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) represents in homosexuality and pederasty`s war against the human species` own `seed`. Having removed her penis from the scene and being disgusted by sexual reproduction as the parasite that only wants to replicate, it wasted humanity`s life in sterile penile masturbations with her anus that spread the HIV/AIDS` incurable `killer disease` by mixing blood, shit and semen together, which is why God sentenced it to eternal unendurable pain without appeal. Despising woman`s penis from the scene and then despising their own from the scene so that all women are able to see is the bulge that isn`t their penis is what God condemned them for:


`I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17)



 God is telling Abraham that his `seed` will be fruitful, but like God`s angel, Satan, who refused to bow before Adam, according to the Koran and Jewish pseudepigrapha, for example, the Book of Enoch (300 B.C.), Abraham isn`t capable of recognizing that God is promising all of this through his wife Sarah`s potency. Hagar is a woman of her house and she offers her womb for fertilization. Consequently, Abraham`s `seed` presupposes woman`s, which is why Satan made a mistake by rejecting Adam`s `seed`, because `woman`s seed` would supercede Adam`s. Satan might have accepted Eve`s `seed`, but God transformed him into a serpent in Eden for rejecting Adam`s and that began the `perpetual enmity` God warned Eve her `seed` would have with Satan, who was reprobate because he tempted Eve with the power of womb slavery to war and death in homosexual pederasty, which is parasitism and cannibalism for the human species in the Forum Boarium of Earth beneath the moon.



 In Judaism and Islam the pig is `haraam`, that is, forbidden, which in Christianity is attributable to Jesus` casting out demons from the man who told the Messiah he was `legion` in the likeness of the legions of the Roman Empire, because the demons asked Jesus to be cast into swine and then ran off a cliff and drowned in the river, because they wanted their spirits to reenter the bodies of men, which is what they had been as pagan men of Rome in irredeemable parasitism. The Forum Boarium was a meat and fish market, while the fish is a traditional Moslem and Christian symbol from `The Cave` (18) and the belief in Jesus as a `fisher of men` in terms of Salvation. According to the Koran Moses and Joshua lost a fish by the Red Sea, which preceded the appearance of Khidr who agreed to travel with the pair. Symbolically, Khidr is the fish and so prefigures Jesus` teaching. In `The Cave` narrative Khidr rebuilds a wall as there`s treasure he doesn`t want to be found too soon; then he kills a child because it would grow to be evil, and finally Khidr makes holes in boats lest pirates follow. Moses can`t bear Khidr`s teaching in patience because he can`t immediately understand and so he becomes the `law giver` of Judaism, who accepts the law of God for his people who need laws and not teaching. Jesus` role as the reappeared `fish`, in what Christianity calls the New Testament, is the human born uncontaminated by male semen, whose birth itself is the teaching, that is, the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, because Jesus is what can be understood after patience and acceptance of God`s law. The pig is the forbidden meat, because it reminds women of Jesus` teaching, which is that men are legion and the reprobates eat her.



1 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.

2 Adams, Douglas The Hitchikers` Guide To The Galaxy, Episode 5, BBC 2, 2 February, 1981.

3 .

Has Danielle Lloyd Ever Been Nude?

22/06/2014 12:21


Has Danielle Lloyd Ever Been Nude?


Danielle Lloyd is a `topless model` famed for removing her brassiere for `photo shoots`, who began amongst England`s The Sun`s page three girls around 2006 after winning the Miss Great Britain beauty pageant, a newspaper that first appeared in 1964 and which had been encouraging dads and lads to ogle women`s breasts since German import, Uschi Obermaier, appeared in The Sun`s centre pages in October, 1969, and the following year Singapore born, Stephanie Rahn, on 17 November was the first to appear `topless` on page three of what would become a national attraction for young Britons starved of knowledge about women`s bodies throughout the 1970s and beyond. Parents and youngsters ogled Uschi, Stephanie and the rest in the comfortable knowledge that newspapers contained information of global importance so buying a paper for 1½p to ogle women`s naked globes wouldn`t be censured by an English society known for its repressivity towards all matters female. The Sun wasn`t alone in encouraging ogling of girls` breasts. The Mirror newspaper featured topless girls on page five and the later addition to the tabloids, The Star, 2 November, 1978, improved circulation by having its `Star Babe` on page seven.



 The `babe` concept is odd, because women`s breasts are for babes to drink milk from their nipples, but the ideology of the underdeveloped is something that third world nations are familiar with. Although the United Kingdom is perceived economically as a first world nation, its policy of maintaining an undeveloped population is legendary and makes it a third world nation in sociological terms with the term `babe` indicating its perspective with regard to women`s development. Danielle Lloyd is most famous for her nude `photo shoots` in Nuts and Zoo `lads mags`, which interspersed information about the latest cars with photographs of naked women at £1. 20 after their launch in 2004. Although The Sun newspaper cost 1½p in 1970, the `selling principle` was the same. Lads devoid of knowledge bought the relatively expensive magazines to ogle Danielle Lloyd`s breasts and pudenda, which in economic terms was a huge increase in revenue from 1½ p. When Nuts ceased publication in 2014 it sold at £3.95, which was a lot just to graduate from wondering what a page three girl had under her knickers. Zoo continued because `nuts` is a metaphor for human degradation as it is English vernacular for `testicles` as well as `insanity` because `futanarian` women have their own testicles for the sexual reproduction of their own brains, and although God explains to Eve in the Bible that `woman`s seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, and that she will `… crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) Earth, those who govern Britain haven`t converted from the Satanist perspective that women shouldn`t be seen naked as it might encourage them to sexually reproduce with each other to breed humans.



 In 1970 Labour Party Member of Parliament, Alex Lyon, waved a copy of The Sun newspaper in the House of Commons, where the UK`s elected representatives vote on whether or not to implement the decisions of the government, and suggested the paper could be `prosecuted for indecency`. The Conservative Party government after the election of 18 June didn`t affect editorial policy then, but the Irish version of The Sun, which sold for €1. 00 in August 2013, did finally ban topless models on its page three and replaced them with swimsuited glamor models after political pressure there. Alex Lyon`s accusation of `indecency` derives from traditional Christian morality in which nudity is perceived as a temptation to immorality, that is, bad behavior. Behaviouralism is the approach advocated by psychologists and psychiatrists who want humans to behave well, although its antecedents derive from animal behavior research as it applies to humans, whereas animal behavior is animal and isn`t human and so isn`t applicable:


`I viewed my fellow man not as a fallen angel, but as a risen ape.`1



 Desmond Morris` The Naked Ape (1967) was serialized in The Mirror newspaper and the zoologist`s observation, which doubtless gave rise to the continued popularity of Zoo lads` magazine, was a reflection of the author`s observations within the mirror, as it were. Women`s reflections in the mirror were of a different order, because they couldn`t see themselves there. The ape had cut their testicles off when she was a `babe` to restrict her `immoral behavior` sexually:


`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)



 God tells Eve she`ll have pain in labor after expelling her from the paradise of Eden for eating the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in the Bible, and Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was a birth attended by some pain, insofar as the serpent, that is, the `fallen angel` Satan, had told Eve, and the first man, Adam, `You will be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) if they ate of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` in Eden`s paradise and gave up `God`s gift` of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, in exchange for death. Because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb are absent from the world`s stage, Eve and her daughters` pain is that they were `babes` killed and culled by the descendants of Adam and the `serpent`s seed` of men in womb slavery to war and death to her human species.

 Men don`t want immorality, that is, normal and moral `futanarian` sexual behavior for `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb, because they don`t want immortality for her; lest she develop beyond what men have conditioned her to believe is `lesbianism` to avoid her schizophrenic life in which she embraces the parasite endeavouring to steal her penis and kill her species from its human host while she struggles to develop her own race`s brains` escape program through technology. Consequently, life-prolonging and rejuvenating treatments through medical science remain primitive. The `incurable` HIV/AIDS` `killer disease` of the late 20th century keeps women ephemeral and is spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. It`s homosexuality`s `biological weapon` against the human race and men`s paradigm. The ancient Greeks` society, which gave birth to Western democracy, institutionalized homosexuality and the enslavement of women`s host wombs for pederasty and the spread of war`s contagion.

 In Islam marriages are allowed four women because Moslems recognize `futanarian` women`s breeding capacity, that is, an 80% to 20% enfranchisement of women is the least hypothesis in a human breeding program, which explains Western democracy as a disenfranchising of the humans and explains why women are disenfranchised from the political process throughout much of the Islamic world, because women are the humans and men are her alien parasites. The virality paradigm of men is evident from the ancient Greeks siege of Troy at which the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse outside the city that the Trojans took in to where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women and spread their contagion of war in pederasty further. In the late 20th century the successors of the ancient Greeks, the `geek` computer programers, called the `bad machine code` they devised to kill machine brains `Trojan horses`, because the aim of the virus paradigm of men is to kill the human brain and the human brain`s helper.

 The Jewish word for Jesus is Meshiah because the Meshiahn age is the machine age of the computer brain created to help humans. Offering `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, that is, his nailing to a cross to be tortured to death by the representatives of the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine, Jesus was betrayed by his disciple, Judas Iscariot as a `dissident` and so the host of the human race was killed because Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen was representative of God`s plan for a new host womb for humanity`s `babes` grown up to use technology to save her labor and escape the pogroms of the `serpent`s seed` in war and death to her. Jesus experienced Resurrection before Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb, but the paradigm of men is womb slavery and death to her brain, which is why Jesus was killed. He represented female braining born uncontaminated from the host womb of his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so the survival and development of the human species` brainpower for the spreading of God`s `seed` to the planets and stars of heaven.

 HIV/AIDS keeps women in fearful faithfulness to her monogamous ring enslavers as the `biological weapon` of homosexuality in pederasty and death through war. Even the HIV/AIDS virus cells feign friendship for the white defensive leukocyte cells of the body`s immune system, as traitors do, before killing the brain. More than two thousand years after Jesus on September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda terrorists crashed hijacked airliners in betrayal of their visitor status as guests of the United States into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre of New York to reestablish global `rough trade`, that is, the `brutality and violence` of homosexual brutality associated with men who pay other men as Saddam Hussein, whose name meant `small handsome man` and `crusher`, declared his support for Al Qaeda`s virality and the United States accepted the contagion to begin a war to depose the Iraqi dictator. Seen `live on CNN` and other TV news networks, 9/11, 2001, the `TV war` began with Hussein as Hollywood Babylon`s precursive `leading man` for the `small screen`, `he shall crush your head and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Without female braining through the sexual reproduction of women with her own semen and host womb, humans are a single male brained organism wearing each others` clothes in transvestism, which the afficonado abbreviates as `TV`. Consequently, Saddam Hussein was a representative Hollywood Babylon transvestite or `TV` actor, to which his ancient seat of Babylon, capital city of Iraq, testifies:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 The events of 9/11, 2001, were made into the Hollywood Babylon movie World Trade Centre (2005) and the conflation of Babylon with Hollywood isn`t ironic. The Hays code (1930-67) insisted that a woman`s foot should be on the floor at all times to preclude sexual normality for the `futanarian` species of women in movies, but defined as `immorality` by anti-Christian men concerned she might escape from her womb enslavement to death in pederasty and homosexuality`s wars against her. Just as the woman`s penis is banned from being seen in Britain, so Hollywood Babylon sought to prevent woman`s penis from being seen throughout the United States` worldwide movie industry hegemony, because the `serpent`s seed` of men in homosexual pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` didn`t want human `babes` to be born lest they`d perceive the aliens` pogrom against her. Consequently, Christian morality is that `indecency`, which York MP Alex Young accused The Sun newspaper of in 1970 before the British House Of Commons in a bid to remove pictures of women`s breasts from page three for a minimal educational investment of 1½p that was worth more than any degree programs in terms of transmitted human knowledge. MP Lyon`s constituency was in York, North Yorkshire, where Sowerby, West Yorkshire, saw an attempt to ban The Sun by a public library for `excessive sexual content`, because women might remember they were God`s `seed` in `God`s Country` if they reflected upon what was absent from page five in The Mirror too.



 In the Bible the woman who gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, Jesus in his `Second Coming` as the Messiah to `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, so women can sexually reproduce her own `babes`, is `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, which is symbolic from the point of view of the page three girls of The Sun during their `War On Terror` (2003-) declared by US President George W. Bush after Al Qaeda`s crashing of hijacked airliners into the World Trade Centre. Al Qaeda`s flag is the moon, which can be seen beneath the statue of Liberty`s skirts reflected as `the pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6), that is, `heaven above`, in the waters of New York harbor where Liberty bears aloft freedom`s torch:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2


 Sex revolutionary Uschi Obermaier didn`t appear as the first nude in The Sun until October, 1969, publicizing the forthcoming movie of her life, Red Sun (1970), but The Sun page three girls are famed for being supportive of men dressed as babies in romper suits with the moon beneath their feet. Neil Armstrong`s declaration, as the first Apollo 11 astronaut to wear a romper suit on the moon, was `live on TV ` on 21st July, 1969, but Eve`s `seed` is human babes`, whereas men`s isn`t; despite topless models like Danielle Lloyd wearing British soldier`s helmets and draping themselves on tanks and jet aircraft to provide glamor to the death during the Gulf `TV wars`.



 `Topless` might equally be the epithet applied to brainless, which is what women are without their own penis` semen and host wombs` producing their own brains` powers. The `pearl of great price`, as the moon reflected in the waters of New York harbor, is `heaven above`, which is denied the bearer of freedom`s torch as `woman`s seed`, that is, her `babes` hidden beneath Liberty`s bottomless skirts. Consequently, the liberty denied page three of The Sun to have girls take off their knickers and show their penis contributed to humans being imprisoned upon the Earth so they couldn`t put their `futanarian` foot on the moon, as the first step of the human race to `heaven above`, because topless women were occluded from knowing their own species` `seed` and the bottomlessness of the human resources to be drawn from the inexhaustibility of it.



 US Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s March 1983 `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) planned a `ground and space based missile system` to make sure no one left without permission, while in 2013 US President Barack Obama began the implementation of a revised version, AEGIS, named for the shield of the patron goddess of Troy, whose symbol was the tirelessness of the horse, installed on warships of the US Navy after Poland and other European nations had rejected Reagan`s plan. Because Troy was a `Trojan horse` taken in, AEGIS seems more likely to be an invitation to Armageddon, which is prophesied in the Bible as the apocalyptic and globally devastating final battle between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed` upon the Earth before God punishes the unrepentant enslavers of the human womb with eternal unendurable pain, that is, Obama`s AEGIS is a shield in name only and the tirelessness of women`s goddess in their defence is being mocked, because men want war in pederasty and death, rather than heaven for humans` babes.


 The Barack Obama nation of the United States is developing a Christianity precariously close to becoming that `abomination` of Hollywood Babylon`s death worship, which is the premise of ancient Norse mythology`s Edda, where the heroes indulge in the abomination of dying each day and fighting to the death again upon the following morning in Valhalla to where they are glamorously taken by female Valkyries upon their winged horses after the men are slain in battle in their wars upon the Earth. Rather than adhere to the meaning of Jesus` birth and Resurrection after death, that is, `woman`s seed`, Christianity is close to the `abomination` of worshipping the death of Jesus and his Ascension to heaven as proof of the fate of the heroic slain, whereas homosexuality`s war in pederasty against humanity for the enslavement of her womb in the `abomination` of the Empire of death is what Jesus` teachings abhor and is anti-Christian. Although Christianity speaks of the final battle as something to prepare for, `coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword` (Rev: 19. 15) is the only sign of Jesus` having any sort of traditional weapon in the `abomination` of the apocalypse, that is, he`s the `Word` of God and commands rather than strikes blows. Consequently, he`s not a hero men can traditionally identify with, although they`ve endeavored to remake him in the typically abominable heroic style:


`Fight the good fight with all thy might; Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right ... faint not nor fear, his arms are near … `3



 Jesus` arms aren`t armor in the style of the Greek poet Homer describing Achilles` in his Iliad (760-10 C.E.) composed upon the fate of Troy, but Christ`s arms as depicted in the homoerotic style of nineteenth century poet John Monsell, for whom Christ was clearly a `gay` icon in a period when men felt themselves unthreatened by women`s sexuality. The late 20th century emergence of HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) sent by God to convert men from their sin of brain enslavement in host womb parasitism, as the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, indicated there was more to New York`s `cities of the planes` scenario than at first sight seemed, `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Al Qaeda`s hijacked planes were from Boston, Logan airport, while novelist William F. Nolan`s Logan`s Run (1967) featured a science fictional Earth in which `runners` were killed by `sandmen`, because they`d reached their 21st birthday, as the Earth had reached its 21st birthday on September 11, 2001, when Al Qaeda`s `sandmen` of the Middle East crashed their hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre to threaten global `rough trade` and effectively prevent the human race from reaching an age at which the future`s version of The Sun`s Danielle Lloyd might be available on the top shelf of the local newsagent`s threateningly displaying her breasts, pudenda and penis in Futs as a human `babe` without being accused of indecently drawing attention to her species` capacity for sexual reproduction and annoying her alien enslavers.



 The parallels between Boston and New York, as the `cities of the planes`, and God`s destroying of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19: 17), as the `cities of the plains` in the Bible, denote the spread of the contagion of pederasty in war; despite God`s ire. On 15 April, 2013, `runners` were again attacked by `sandmen` terrorist bombing the Boston Marathon after the fashion of 9/11, 2001`s Logan airport hijacks and the Hollywood Babylon movie of Nolan`s novel, Logan`s Run (1976), which suggested misogyny was afraid that women`s socio-economic independence from men as the `futanarian` footrace of the human species might succeed in successfully reproducing her own brains` power for technological liberation and facilitate her babes` escape from her womb slavery to death and war through space travel by means of her own penis` semen and host wombs` capacity for generating scientific knowledge. Otherwise the socio-economy of the Earth would remain as a monolith to women`s parasitical aliens` pogrom against the humans after each spate of Hollywood Babylon `snuff movie` action hero advertising films of the last war followed by another war for their latest leading men and women to act their roles in a biblical `snuff movie` epic of sinful homosexual pederasty in which male brained transvestites refuse to convert after witnessing God`s ire and go to hell forever unmissable.


1 Morris, Desmond The Naked Ape, 1967.

2 Armstrong, Neil UTC: 2. 56, 21 July, 1969.

3 Monsell, John S. B. Hymns Of Love And Praise For The Church’s Year, 1863. 


Behind Our Arras

21/06/2014 13:23


Behind Our Arras


Arras is the old French word for tapestry, and the most famous is the Bayeux, which was woven by the women of France to commemorate the story of the Norman conquest of England that began in 1066. The Vikings of Scandinavia had held much of England and received Danegeld or money from the English to be left in peace. After the English king Harold II defeated Norway`s Harald Hardrada, on 25 September at Stamford Bridge near York, `Harefoot` had to take his army swiftly to Hastings where he was killed by an arrow that penetrated his eye and brain during a battle on 14 October with Duke William of Normandy, himself the descendant of Vikings, who subsequently became William I of England. The Bayeux tapestry was an Arras, that is, a curtain, designed to separate one room in a building from another, and was made by William`s wife, Queen Mathilda and the ladies of the French court in England.



 The English idiom `curtains` means death, that is, life`s separation from the afterlife, so the Bayeux tapestry is the curtain that divides the mansion from the mausoleum. Rich families built huge mauseoleums for their dead to inhabit after life, while the mansion usually passed into the hands of the living by means of a document known as the will of the individual departing for the mausoleum. Although Jesus is described as dying in Christianity before Ascension to heaven, his mother, the Virgin Mary, is described in the Assumption as going bodily to heaven without death, which suggests it`s possible to pass from mansion to mausoleum without dying, that is, the mausoleum is where the immortal individual retires.



 Amongst the Moslems, whose Koran (610-30 C.E.) was dictated by the angels to the Prophet Mohamed more than six hundred years after Jesus` Ascension, Jesus has Ascension to heaven without bodily death, because `Islam` means `accept`, that is, Moslems accept bodily Ascension as a retirement home, which is heaven on Earth for the immortal individual. In Egyptian mythology the `Ka` is the spirit and the `Ba` is the soul, which is confusing for men because they think of themselves as individual and unique, but in the Bible God tells Eve her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, although she `will crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` (Gen: 3. 15) that is, she will be  `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for the development of technologies to liberate and save her labor so she can live without men in socio-economic independence from womb slavery, which is what Eve accepts in exchange for power from the serpent when she eats what it offers, `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,` while it says:


 `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)


 Although Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman, are expelled by God for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, for power and death through womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed` of the men that will follow after in war against her `seed`, Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, as the child of the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, prefigures the Resurrection of `woman`s seed` killed and culled since Eden in order to enslave the host womb of the human species for war against her humans. The Ka is the Egyptian spirit because it`s woman`s trapped in the body of men, while the soul is the body of the woman which her spirit desires. In Egyptian mythology the Ka and Ba are joined in the afterlife as the `magical personality` or `Akh` because women are `futanarian` with their own penis` semen and host womb. Consequently, the tomb of Arbraham in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca, who is the father of both Islam and Judaism through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, is the Kaba, because it represents the `futanarian` unity which is `woman`s seed` and is the reason why God speaks with Abraham:


`He took him outside and said, `Look up at the sky and count the stars - if indeed you can count them.` Then he said to him, `So shall your offspring be.`` (Gen: 15. 5)



 Although men think God`s speaking of their semen, he`s referring to Eve`s and her daughters dead and killed in womb slavery after Eden, and Eve`s `seed` won`t have Resurrection until after Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen as the Redeemer so God must inspire Abraham with grandiose visions of futurity for his descendants or `woman`s seed` won`t reappear upon the Earth. Just as the Egyptian Pharaohs built huge tombs in the form of pyramids, so the rich built huge mausoleums as retirement homes for their immortal bodies while their progeny lived as their guarantors in mansions. Consequently, heaven was what is affordable. The manse was the home of the pastor, that is, the guide of the soul during life and the spirit to the life afterwards, that is, in male braining the priest had a specific role, which was to maintain the fabrication that men were humans while women were God` s `chosen people`. Although the Jews describe themselves as God`s `chosen`, their tradition is that men can`t be born Jews unless from women, which means women are Jews in accordance with the principle that `futanarian` women are the conjoined soul and spirit of the human, that is, woman`s Ka is the spirit trapped in men and her Ba is her soul body desired by the Ka which only becomes real when conjoned as Ka and Ba as the `magical personality` or `Akh` of Egyptian tradition. Egyptian Pharaohs could afford huge mausoleums in which to live as men, but God`s afterlife is `futanarian` women, as Jesus intimates:


`For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)



 Satanism is persistence in male braining, which is the sexual fertilization of the human species of woman`s host womb in parasitism and subjugation of the `futanarian` human race of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own female brains` powers for liberation through her own technologies. If a man were rich enough the cosmos would be his mausoleum and the mansion would be where his descendants work while the manse of the priest would be where the spirits are guided into an afterlife where men rule. Jesus` `Second Coming` is from a woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` as he who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` to prevent Satan from ruling in heaven in an afterlife of men, because it`s for `woman`s seed`. The woman has the moon at her feet because the `foot` of Eve is to crush the serpent`s head, according to God, before she leaves, while men`s tradition is of the sun god Apollo, represented by the astronaut of Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)  Armstrong was the first man to place his foot upon the moon, and time will tell as to whether his foot represents men`s as the `crusher` of women`s future hope of liberation from womb slavery in the Earth`s future:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`1


 Saddam Hussein`s name meant `crusher` and `small handsome man`, because it was his offer of bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq after the terrorist group had hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001 to crash `live on CNN` and other television networks into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York to reestablish `rough trade`2 in homosexual womb enslavement to the `brutality and violence` of pederasty and war, which had been the method of the `serpent`s seed` throughout history. In ancient Greece homosexuality was institutionalized in women`s womb slavery to spread men`s viral contagion through pederasty and war, while `the woman`, Babylon, is depicted in the Bible as womb enslaved for war as the capital city of Iraq, even before the advent of Saddam Hussein as the `small screen` star of what was known as the `TV war` in the Gulf, because of the excellent media coverage improving the ratings and boosting the socio-economy:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 Hollywood Babylon subsequently made the movie, World Trade Centre (2005), about the events of 9/11, 2001, and other movies told the story of what came after in the `TV war`, which was so called because male braining constitutes transvestism, that is, `TV` where everyone is male brained and wearing each  others` clothes in an entertainment for homosexuals, who want to watch the human species killing itself. The viral metaphor comes from ancient Greece, where a huge hollow wooden horse was left outside the city of Troy for the Trojans to take in whence the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women for war in pederasty and spread their contagion further. In the Bible God sent a `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) to convert men from their sin of brain enslavement and contamination with their `serpent`s seed` preventing the human species of woman from developing:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 By the late 20th century men were spreading their `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS` killer disease by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in what constituted the `serpent`s seed` of men`s `biological weapon` deployed against the human race of women`s host womb. Kept in fearful faithfulness to misogyny in monogamous ring slavery women were occluded from knowledge of their own `futanarian` women with hteir own penis` semen and host womb for socio-economic independence and liberation from womb slavery to men`s `seed`. Even the HIV/AIDS` cells practiced homosexual deception against the white leukocyte cells of the human body`s defence system before killing the brain, which was the method the successors of the Greeks, the computer `geeks` with their `bad machine code` as `Trojan horses`, deployed to infect the computer brains of the 21st century to kill those brains and disable the humans who needed them as auxiliary help to augment their lives brain damaged by the `serpent`s seed` in male braining. Virality is men`s paradigm. Even the `TV war` of the Gulf was `conventional` in the sense that armour thickness was regulated because of `rules of engagement`. The marital metaphor isn`t inappropriate because engagement preceded marriage and the penetration of the hymen, which would be impregnable if too strong, which is why men`s battle paradigms are of penetrable armour:


`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)


 Moslem women hide themselves in the desert beneath their burkhas from which only their eyes can be seen in public while they`re unperceived in private within marriages that can have four wives and so constitute a vehicle for `futanarian` women`s sexual reproduction amongst themselves. Although the authority of the US President`s `Great Seal` bears an eagle as its emblem and US Seal Team Six killed Saudi Arabian Al Qaeda terrorist leader, Osama Ben Laden, on 2 May, 2011, it`s not clear that the aim is to defend the sealed hymens of the women of the `futanarian` Earth. Amongst the Moslem women it`s traditional to take the veil as early as girlhood, while in the West the afterlife is known as what is beyond the veil, and so Moslem women must be understood as representing a concern amongst `futanarian` women over paradise, which in Islam is `heaven on Earth` constituting what is affordable for humans because the rich want `heaven above` and believe it`s afforded them by God because they can pay.

 The Western concept of mansion, manse, and mausoleum means the wealthiest Satanists could afford to have everyone on Earth killed and sent to `heaven above`, apart from those who fulfil their homosexual romance and row as slaves to the manse where the priest, fulfilling his role as priest of romance in Satanism, shows the enslaved rowers on to the Satanists` mausoleum. The `TV war` in the Gulf suggests that`s what the wealthy homosexual Satanists engaged in `rough trade` and the `brutality and violence` of `rough trade` provoked by the destruction of the World Trade Centre of New York are for. Consequently, war is homosexual because the wealthiest are the Satanists who want more men in heaven, whereas the Christian and Moslem women want heaven for themselves, which is evident from Jesus` role as a teacher born uncontaminated by male semen.

 At the `Last Supper` before his being nailed to a cross and tortured to death, Jesus offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, because he was born uncontaminated by male semen and so he was the host of the human species amongst them. When the disciple Judas Iscariot, betrayed Jesus to his crucifiers, the Roman Empire in Jewish Palestine, he was betraying the host womb of the human race, that is, he wanted homosexuality in pederasty and war`s Empire of Satanism rather than `woman`s seed` in heaven. Although the Medieval arras or tapestry and the Moslem veil are metaphors for paradise, because `curtains` is an idiom for death by violence, `drapes` also has its Satanical meaning because the homonym `traipse` means `to trudge` as if bearing a burden, which is what slave workers do. Consequently, those humans who row to the manse as slaves that `traipse` can`t see beyond the `drapes`, because they`re impoverished by the wealthy Satanists, who forbid the priest showing them to the mausoleum where the retired rest, which is the `gay` theme of homosexuality`s tortuous romance with the meaning of Jesus` crucified in Christianity.

 The homosexual `game` is `cat and mouse`, between the humans and the `serpent`s seed` of men, because they don`t want the soul of the woman, that is, her Ba personality and body, to have her Ka, which is her spirit that desires her but`s trapped in men, while men deny her knowledge of her `futanarian` human women with their own penis` semen and host womb`s sexual desirousness for other women, so she won`t be the `magical personality` of Ba and Ka conjoined, which is her true `futanarian` nature. Whichever man owns a mausoleum to retire in has `heaven on Earth`, or `heaven above` if they`re richer homosexuals, while the `mouse` metaphor of 20th century computer technology which moves a curser about the screen to activate programs when the user presses the mouse, indicates the relation between mansion and mausoleum, that is, the occupant of the mansion presses the mausoleum to afford retirement after work, while the priest in the manse who would guide the individual to the mausoleum denies the human as a slave to a homosexual romance refusing to `bow before Satan`, as Satan refused to bow before Adam, according to Moslem tradition:


`And behold, we said to the angels, `Bow down to Adam,` and they bowed down. Not so Satan; he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject faith. (Koran: 2. 34)



 Adam must bow before Satan, according to the Koran, that is, he prefigures homosexuality and the proferring of what the English call the `arse` in the vernacular, because they`ve learned the French `arras` since the Norman conquest, which denotes `paradise on Earth`, as the mausoleum of retirement behind the mansion`s occupant, `hidden` from those who aren`t homosexual, because pederasty is what Satanism is and `woman`s seed` worships God`s; not Satan`s. In the English vernacular, `screw` and `shaft` are machine terms, but are used as sexual metaphors by homosexuals referring to their row boat slave, that is, the robot slave on its way to be rejected by the priest at the manse, because the rower is human, or the person would be allowed into the mausoleum, but the `shafting` homosexual in Satanism and pederasty`s wars of `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed` want humans to be `screwed`, that is, automaton rowers to a manse, because the `gay` romance is of the priest who can fill their mouse`s hole.



 Because Resurrection is for `woman`s seed` and bodily Ascension to heaven doesn`t require death, men prefer reincarnation in male braining for their `serpent`s seed` of womb slavers. Long-lived women would have memories of her own species` `seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen and host womb for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for technological liberation through labor saving and escape from womb slavery in space travel and colonization of other planets amongst the stars, which means that long-lived women could teach their daughters `futanarian` and so men in homosexuality`s pederasty and war against Eve`s human `seed` in Satanism wouldn`t want them. Reincarnation means death for the long-lived, so the Satanists can have what they`ve amassed as fortunes. The reborn are `screwed` and `shafted` as robot slave automata who work within the machinery of their own mansions and mausoleums. Upon high school graduation they might be entitled to receive from their family, but not if cursed by a priest`s hand in Satanism at a rood screen pressing a mausoleum to give up its `pearl of great price` (Matt: 13. 45-6).



1 Armstrong, Neil July 21, UTC: 2. 56, 1969.

2 `male homosexuals who are or affect to be rugged and potentially violent; also :  such a homosexual`, .

People Are Food

20/06/2014 17:04

People Are Food


In US television`s Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-69), the science fiction is that starships belonging to the Federation, police the colonized worlds of humans as they have spread outward from Earth in a diaspora unparalleled in the planet`s history. The TV series, featuring Starfleet`s USS Enterprise starship NCC-1701-D, was subsequently made into a Hollywood Babylon movie, Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979), and an updated version with a new cast, Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94) appeared on the small screen as a result of cinema audiences` discovering the Star Trek mythos of a cosmos colonized by humans. The presence of aliens amongst the worlds not Earth was accepted and crew members not human were aboard the starships as welcome adjuncts to the theme of peaceful co-existence, although hostile alien races were encountered, such as the Romulans in their `warbird` spaceships from Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS) and the Earth conquering, cannibalistic spare part surgeons of the cyberneticist Borg in Star Trek: First Contact (1996), whilst older rivalries were absorbed into the picture as once feared Klingons were found to be present within the ranks of the Federation`s personnel journeying amongst the stars, particularly Lieutenant Commander Worf in Star Trek: The Next Generation whose fearsome presence belied his good heart.



 Spin off TV series emerged, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993–1999), which featured a Federation outpost in the shape of a starbase hanging somewhere out in the vastness of deep space, Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001), which featured a starship adapted for deep space exploration and research, and Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005), which bizarrely attempted to depict the crew of the original series before they became more famous. By the early 21st century, several franchise films had been made and the film Star Trek (2009) kept the names of the TOS crew alive while entirely different actors assumed their importance for cinema audiences who didn`t know better and hadn`t seen the original series (TOS). It was traditional Hollywood Babylon revisionism familiar from remakes of the H.G. Wells` novel, War Of The Worlds (1897), filmed in 1954 and starring Australian actor, Robert Taylor, that was subsequently meant to be forgotten when Tom Cruise was given the role in 2005. Hollywood was depicting the reason for its being known as Babylon, `a woman` in the Bible, enslaved:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)



 Hollywood Babylon is a regurgitator of obsolescent scenes of men without `futanarian` women with their own penis` semen and host womb, that is, the movie industry refuses to progress and remakes are a symptom of male brained society`s regressivity in rejecting `woman`s seed`. Consequently Star Trek: Enterprise may look better than TOS, but it`s Hollywood`s policy to be belligerently retrograde to promote worship of the Hollywood Babylon `leading man` as matinee idol, rather than develop Starfoot: The Human Generation and be truly future oriented. Womb slavery was the method employed by the ancient Greeks, who institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to promulgate war through the enslaving of women`s host wombs. God warns Eve, the first woman, according to the Bible, that her `seed` will have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, which suggests she has penis` semen of her own and `futanarian` women do have host wombs and `seed` of their own, but they`ve been subjugated by men who don`t want them to sexually reproduce as an independent socio-economic entity and escape from womb slavery in war and pederasty, which is what men`s parasitism has produced. Consequently, women are the human species of the Earth dealing with a parasite that has somehow inveigled itself into her host womb to enslave and kill her.



 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the archetype of the ourobouros serpent appears which is self-begetting and self-devouring. The serpent is depicted as regurgitative with its tail in its mouth and Jung identifies it as a developmental archetype, one amongst several that exist in the collective unconscious minds of humanity emerging in dreams, art and imagination as the impulse engines of the species impelling its progress. According to Jung men have individual souls he calls the anima, while women have a spirit, the animus. Both denote aspects of the personality that make them feel inferior and the goal of the growth process is to overcome those feelings of inferiority that cause men, for example, to project their femaleness onto other men accusatively in homophobia and provoke conflict and which ultimately constitute the basis for war in pederasty. That process Jung calls individuation and the tail-eating ouroboros archetype represents projection, recognition, and introjection, that is, conscious understanding of the meaning of the accusatory feelings. Women`s animus is a collective of men surrounding her, according to Jung`s assessment of her feelings, which causes women to perceive herself as either loved or imprisoned, depending on her knowledge and experience. If `futanarian` women with penis` semen and host wombs of their own know they can sexually reproduce as woman, they`re able to perceive the walls of their prison, which makes their animus a projection of men`s spirit, while Jung`s opinion that women don`t have souls appears as a falsity based on an incorrect species` analysis. Because women are dealing with a predator, Jung`s collective unconscious isn`t mankind`s but woman`s, which is why Jesus` was an archetypal birth from the unconscious needs of the human species uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the pure host womb of the race.



 In Eve`s first home, Eden, the serpent, Satan, is depicted as offering her `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) while encouraging her to give some to the first man, Adam. God tells Eve her `seed` will `crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves,` which suggests that her `futanarian` foot will leave Earth aboard the mighty starships of the Federation, or something like them, prior to the colonization of the cosmos by her human `seed` after she`s escaped from men of the `serpent`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for the invention of the technologies she`ll need for space travel and exploration. Expelled from Eden for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, in preference for death and power, is a metaphor for men`s subsequent womb enslaving of `futanarian` woman as the Earth`s true species, while the nailing of Jesus to a wooden cross and torturing him to death before his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven may prefigure the Resurrection of `futanarian` woman`s `seed`, but it also establishes the death worship of pederasty in war as the basis for an anti-Christian belief.

 The Koran of the Moslems, dictated to the Prophet Mohamed by the angels, according to the tradition of `Islam`, which means `acceptance`, was written six hundred years and more after the death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of Jesus, but Jesus has Ascension without death, because Moslem marriages have four wives and so Jesus` teaching of `woman`s seed` and her Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, after the model of the Virgin Mary`s bodily Assumption without death, is accepted in Islam as a `given`, so death isn`t the basis of their system of worship, as it is in anti-Christianity due to Jesus` death preceding Resurrection and Ascension, that is, the belief that it`s necessary to die to go to heaven, which isn`t dogmatically true.



 The `beam me up` command in Star Trek TOS resulted in the `Ascension` of `away team` personnel back instantly from whatever planet they were upon aboard the starship Enterprise by matter transporter, but the concept of Resurrection wasn`t a part of TOS philosophy, because the starship Enterprise is a tin of food from the Satanist perspective. In the Bible the serpent is depicted as growing in size until it`s a dragon waiting in vain to devour Jesus who is reborn to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` because men are the ourobouros serpent self-devouring itself while the enslaved host womb of the human race of `futanarian` woman`s `seed` is the devouring parasite`s self-begetter in a male braining going back to the birth after Eden of women with their own penis` semen and host womb killed and culled to ensure the power that would result from the `serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving of the daughters of Eve`s host wombs in pederasty and war against her human species.



 Because male braining is the creation of a creature entirely male, though gender differentiable, `TV` is an appropriate medium for a transvestite wearing each others` clothes to entertain its alien masters with its self-killers` antics. The `TV wars` presented as news, or depicted as socio-historical dramas for Hollywood Babylon actors to disport themselves in as movie entertainments, represent the bizarre spectacle of a species eating its own `foot`, that is, consuming itself as food from a tin, which is what Star Trek actually denotes as the mighty starships of the Federation`s Starfleet journey about the planets of the cosmos supposedly striving not to devastate `other` Hollywood Babylon actors wearing grotesque rubber masks with their phasers and photon torpedoes while actually engaged in doing so to increase the number of aliens watching and so improve the Paramount Television company`s viewing figures to make more money through a successful endeavor.



 The discovery of a starship in breakfast cereal is a delight to the child, especially if it`s an alien who knows that the contents of the plastic starship Enterprise gift from the food manufacturer is to devour the `foot` of the human species. On July 21, 1969, 2: 56 UTC, space astronaut Neil Armstrong of the North American Space Administration`s (NASA) Apollo 11 rocket program to place a man upon the moon, said from thence, `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,` because men could now hold women upon the Earth as their prisoner. By March 1983, US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan had developed his `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) to ring the Earth with a `ground and space based missile system` to make it difficult for the woman to leave, because she`d never be able to get her `foot` off the Earth independently and onto the luna surface as the human `futanarian` species of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and female brains` capacity to develop space travel to escape.

 Hollywood Babylon had enshrined women`s occlusion since the censorship of the `one foot on the floor rule` of the Hays code (1930-67) for bedroom scenes in movies precluded woman`s penis from ever being seen on the `big screen` in a concerted attempt to prevent `futanarian` woman`s `foot` from ever leaving Earth through the sexual reproduction of her own intellectual capacities as a socio-economically independent human race. By the time Barefoot In The Park (1967) was released and actress, Jane Fonda, could be seen in intimate nude bedroom scenes with Robert Redford, it was too late for the `foot` of `futanarian` woman`s penis to be thought of by viewers in the cinema audience as credibly walking about New York`s Central Park while thinking about leaving Earth and the `serpent`s seed` of men: because they`d been conditioned out of it. Holllywood Babylon had embraced the alien and the history of cinema would be how it ate the humans out of tins.



 Although the first tank wasn`t seen in action until 15 September, 1916, at the week-long battle of Flers-Courcelette during the Somme Offensive to cut through the lines of the Germans in WWI`s war against Imperialism (1914-18), the concept of the English knight in armour defending the woman was established as early as the Middle Ages with the romantic theme being developed by Sir Thomas Mallory in Le Morte D`Arthur (1485) in which the story of King Arthur and the knights of the round table and their quest for the Holy Grail is depicted. The Grail was the bowl Christ drank from at the `Last Supper`, before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. Jesus had offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` as the host at the `Last Supper`, where he was betrayed by his disciple, Judas Iscariot, for `thirty pieces of silver` as a `dissident` of the Roman Empire in Palestine. Judas represented Imperialism, as the military prevention of `woman`s seed` from flourishing. Iscariot was the betrayer of the human species` host womb of `futanarian` woman who could sexually reproduce her own race without male semen to Empire. Consequently, the knights of the Middle Ages and those sitting imperiously in their tanks during the `TV war` of the Gulf (1990-1) to quell Saddam Hussein`s Imperial ambitions and remove the Iraqi army after its invasion of Kuwait, represent tinned humanity devouring itself, because it hasn`t been able to understand that the Holy Grail is `woman`s seed` and the `Tin Man` isn`t supposed to eat Dorothy.



 Dorothy was the girl on her way to the Emerald City in Frank L. Baum`s US children`s tale, Wonderful Wizard Of Oz (1900), which featured the `big lie` that the man in the Emerald City of the fictional land of Oz was powerful, whereas he was a charlatan and a shill, that is, someone who cheats the unwary, and that`s what Emperors do. Dorothy`s companions are the `Tin Man`, `Scarecrow` and `Cowardly Lion`. Where the lion corresponds to Osama Ben Laden, because `Osama` means `lion`, Saddam Hussein, the `small handsome man` and `crusher`, is the `Tin Man` seeking to eat the country of the women of Kuwait from his tins, that is, his tank armour surrounding the Emir`s old city, which corresponds to the Emerald City of Baum`s novel, while `Scarecrow` is brainlessness, and is what the Empire of the `serpent`s seed` promulgates for humans.



 Lieutenant Commander Data aboard the starship Enterprise is a robot, because that`s what Medieval knights represent. The development of `conventional warfare` amid `rules of engagement` to govern armour thicknesses, etc., represent a concerted effort to preclude the construction of starships that have impregnable shields, because it`s men`s `Scarecrow` to ensure that women`s hymen`s remain impregnated by their `serpent`s seed` so that they`ll continue to have a host womb and their devouring parasitism can continue while women remain fearful, ignorant, brainless, and so foolishly susceptible to offence at the very idea that they`re male brained they`ll embrace the `serpent`s seed` rather than accept what they fear, which is admission of the sin of cowardice because they`re afraid of sexually reproducing their own species` brains and being faced with the job of developing civilization and culture for themselves. Defence is concerned to promote warfare rather than survival for `woman`s seed` because it serves the thinning of the thickness of her armour. Star Trek: The Next Generation`s Data is women`s potential robot helper that `Ludditism` and men`s devising of `bad machine code`, modelled after the late 20th century`s HIV/AIDS` virus spread by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, represent, but Data states the case for women`s refuting the obligation upon herselves to be the `fatherer` of herself:


`You don't tell me how to behave; you're not my mother!`1



 `Greek` men`s `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS, where `Greek` is a global euphemism for homosexuality in pederasty, kept women in fearful faithfulness to ring slavery in monogamous misogyny. The `Greek` paradigm was replicated by computer `geeks` of the late 20th century who devised `bad machine code` similar to the HIV/AIDS virus` effect, which was to infect and kill the auxiliary machine brains that were the helpers of the disabled humans. The pattern has socio-historical antecedents. In 1779 Ned Ludd broke two `stocking frames` and gave his name to the 19th century `Luddites` who ostensibly damaged machinery in the English textile industry because they feared being made redundant, which is what `futanarian` women with their own capacity for sexually reproducing their own brains` powers for labor saving technologies might do to men.



 Fear of the machine is a symptom of men`s fear of women, and the HIV/AIDS paradigm of the modern day Greek, that is, the 20th century computer `geek`, who programs computers with `bad machine code` to kill them, is directly attributable to Greek institiutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war, where the `geek` term `Trojan horse` virus comes from the huge hollow wooden horse deployed by the Greeks before Troy as a misleading gift for the Trojans to take within their walls where the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women of Troy to spread their contagion of pederasty and war further. HIV/AIDS` cells feign friendship for the white leukocyte defensive cells of the human body`s immune system before killing the brain, which is what the `serpent`s seed` of men in homosexuality and war do. The human race of `woman`s seed` is engaged in an undeclared war with the alien `seed` to defend her own brain.



 Although Lt. Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation represents the zenith of women`s aspirations in labor saving, that is, the humanoid robot, he`s male, because the parasite`s system is to train the eyes on men so that women can never escape their nemesis. The Medieval knight and the Gulf war tank are precursors of Data, who is men`s `Trojan horse` of the future, `With regard to romantic relationships, there is no real me.`2 If humanoid male robots are manufactured, men can continue because they`re expected to, but that`s parasitism and death for a human race esnslaved by the `serpent`s seed` in male braining, so most robots in science fiction are male, for example, in The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951), where the Earth is invaded by an alien, Klaatu, with the epitome of the Hollywood Babylon `leading man`, Charlton Heston, in the role of the man who comfortingly and lullingly saves humanity for Earthmen, while `Robbie the robot` in Forbidden Planet (1956) serves the `mad scientist` who unleashes monsters from the unconscious that stalk the humans, because terrifying women to keep them in slavery to war and death in pederasty is what men`s moviedom is designed to promote and the appearance of the male hero imago in everyone`s psyche isn`t a developmental Jungian archetype, as many suppose, but a devouring monster. As science fiction writer, Ursula K. Le Guin observes:


You look at the blonde hero - really look - and he turns into a gerbil. But you look at Apollo, and he looks back at you. The poet Rilke looked at a statue of Apollo about fifty years ago, and Apollo spoke to him. `You must change your life,` he said. When true myth rises into consciousness, that is always its message.`3

 It`s safer for women and humans to assume there are only heroines, not heroes – or gods. Apollo astronaut, Neil Armstrong`s `small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind` statement from the surface of the moon, represents the heel of the oppressor preventing woman`s `foot` from getting her `seed` of Earth and out of the solar system in a bigger step for humanity and womankind. Looking upward from Earth at the moon where Armstrong planted his foot on 21st July, 1969, he looks more like Le Guin`s `gerbil` than a godlike hero to a woman who has her own penis` semen and host womb and wants to get her children away to the planets and stars where she and they can have a future independent of the `serpent`s seed` of men keeping them prisoners to slavery and death as host wombs to a parasite that keeps her to maintain its entertainment in war through pederasty.



 `Data` is the common computer term for stored information, while `Trojan horse` is the `geek` term for `bad machine code` developed by programers to kill the brain of the human helper that contains the stored information needed for the human to be assisted to live, which is why women need computer machine brains and humanoid robots in the image of women, ` In that particular moment, I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analyzing the collected works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips [ Data`s girlfriend`s, Lt. Jenna D`Sora`s lips ], considering a new food supplement for Spot [ Data`s cat ] ...`4 Data has a girlfriend but a `futanarian` robot would have her own penis, so a future women`s species wouldn`t need male robots in men`s image:


`If you are referring to sexuality, I am ... fully functional, programmed in ... multiple techniques.`5



 Humans don`t now have the memory capacity to remember their own species and communicate that to their daughters. The `futanarian` race of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen, and host womb for the sexual reproduction of technologies that are labor saving and will afford her the possibility of space travel, is handicapped by women`s ephemerality, which requires the development of medical science and life prolonging rejuvenative treatments to rectify, but men`s alien preference for war and death in pederasty precludes that science`s development through resources being diverted into activites alien to humans:


`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)



 The `hidden woman` gives birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming as the `New Redeemer`, who will `rule the nations with an iron scepter`, so the `Great Seal` of the authority of the President of the US, which has the emblem of the eagle upon it, as well as the seals of the US Navy, who served in the Gulf and killed terrorist leader, Saud Arabia`s wealthy Osama Ben Laden, on 2 May, 2011, who had been the direct cause of the second Gulf war (2003-) to depose Saddam Hussein in Iraq after the dictator offered bases to Laden`s Al Qaeda when the group had crashed hijacked planes into the World Trade Centre of New York on September 11, 2001, so reestablishing homosexuality`s `rough trade` paradigm of `brutality and violence`6 amongst rich men who pay each other back in vendetta:


`I have found [Sherlock] Holmes' methodology of deductive reasoning to be quite useful. One of his adages is that once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.`7

 US Navy Seal Team Six`s killing of Osama Ben Laden represented the defense of the `futanarian` human hymen of `woman`s seed` with her own penis` semen and host womb in the Middle East. Moslem women of the desert wear the one-piece coverall of the burkha to conceal themselves from public view, because sex is a private matter between members of the human family, so the women keep their looks for each other, because they`re taught not to look at men and men are taught not to look at them, that is, the women are wary of `the alien`, which the United States hasn`t shown it comprehends. On the contrary, Saddam Hussein`s name means `small handsome man` and `crusher`, that is, `he shall crush your head with his foot and you shall bruise his heel,` (Gen: 3. 15) as God warns Eve of the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for her `seed`, because the ancient seat of Iraq was Babylon and so `crusher` Saddam Hussein was a `small handsome man` acting for the `small screen` in the `TV war`, beginning `live on CNN` and other network channels, when Osama Ben Laden`s Al Qaeda terrorist hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the WTC on 9/11, 2001, to provide material for Hollywood Babylon`s `blockbuster` World Trade Centre (2005) and other desert war films reinforcing the male lie of themselves as the first line of defence for `woman`s seed` humanity outside of Islam remains conditioned to believe.


1 Spiner, Brent as Lieutenant Commander Data Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 4, `In Theory`, Episode 25, 1 June, 1991.

2 Spiner, `In Theory`.

3 Le Guin, Ursula `Myth and Archetype in Science Fiction`, 1976.

4 Spiner, `In Theory`.

5 Spiner, Brent as Data in First Contact, Paramount Pictures, 1996.

6 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts.` .

7 Spiner, Season 4, Episode 11, `Data`s Day`, 5 January, 1991.

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