From IRA Q 8 Ball
28/06/2012 16:01From IRA Q 8 Ball
The British struggle with terrorism in Northern Ireland was against the Irish Republican Army, or IRA. The parallels with the struggle against IRAQ are almost ludicrously plain. Especially if we add Kuwait to the equation. Then we have the IRA, IRAQ and IRAQ 8, which suggests:
`Wait, while I rack the 8 ball for the cue.`
Navy Seals are anti-terrorist special forces, and going through the black 8 balls or `pupils` of the eyes to get at the `fish`, which is a symbol of the developing `Self` in the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), is what Navy Seals would do to kill a terrorist. However, the same technique could be applied by terrorists who wanted to kill a developing `Self`.
The `I rack, cue 8` metaphor suggests that terrorism has been fostered rather than combated, so that the governments of the Earth can impose a `black beast` regime of bullies masquerading as police with the aim of imposing global terror rather than liberation.
In Revelation `the number of the beast is the number of a man, let he that has wisdom understand.` ` Yes, a man is a `beast`. The number is 666, and the number of most police forces in the world is 999, so 666 is `police` reversed; `bullies`.
The battle for Baghdad would be for the `body bags` that our fathers wanted to put us in as their sons; as in WWI and WWII.
Demi Moore in GI Jane was a Navy Seal raped by her own platoon, and who went in through the eyes to kill her `Self`? Obviously the Navy Seals in her platoon were already brain dead.
In Arabia men aren`t allowed to look into the eyes of women, for fear of `compromise`. The entire culture functions on the hiding of women and the openness of the eyes of men toward each other, so Westerners in Arabia would doubtless need to have seals over their eyes to counter terrorism.
The `Great Seal` of the United States has the legend on its obverse side:
`God`s everlasting approval for the work.`
An eye of God watches over a pyramid`s construction, which is incomplete. The symbol is a guarantor of the USA`s protection for the `Great Work` of God.
Workers in Arabia need the `Great Seal` of the USA to protect them from the eyes of terrorists that would `break the ice` to get at the `fish` beneath, which is a Christian symbol of the Lord Jesus as well as the `Self`, and that`s why it`s a symbol of the Lord Jesus.
The `Great Work` is that of the construction of the individual that works in God for the furtherance of `God`s Plan`, and the building is supervised by the `Great Architect`, represented by the eye over the pyramid. Without eyes, the building is uncompletable, which is what global terrorism wants.
9/11 was the attempt to keep Mankind `under construction`. In Revelation the `hidden` woman of the Earth, protected by the `New Redeemer`, leaves Earth to sow her own `seed` amongst the stars, defeat the evil serpent`s `seed` from Eden, and receive a new heaven and Earth as her reward, while the evil receive perdition as their punishment. This is God`s Plan, and the interesting feature is the `hidden` woman who sows her own `seed`, because she`d have to have her own penis to do that.
Futanarian women do have their own penis, which makes of them half at least of God`s new species and heir to the heavenly realms. Terrorist who`re capable of going in through the eyes to murder the `fish` of the Lord Jesus, aren`t likely to stop at `tonsil hockey`, that is, a woman`s ovaries that may naturally be productive of her own species may routinely be the target of terroristical men as parasitical virus forms that seek to enslave women and use them as `host wombs` in order to continue as blood-sucking leeches.
Tonsil Hockey and the Great Seal
28/06/2012 07:10Tonsil Hockey and the Great Seal
The eyes are the ` windows of the soul`, and `tonsil hockey` is slang for kissing. Hockey, of course, can be played on ice, and Eskimos use a hole in the ice to fish. The joke in `tonsil hockey` is that, beneath the eyes, is the hole where it`s `played`. Fish are `played` in angling, and the eyes, as the `window of the soul` have to be `forced` so that the woman`s `hole`, a slang term for a woman`s sex, can be used.
Beneath the eyes are `fish`, if the developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung is correct (1875-1961), that is, archetypes of the collective unconscious and, in particular, the anima in man that corresponds to the soul, and appears in myth, dream, imagination, and historically, in figures such as Venus, the `wise old woman`, Wonder Woman, and Margaret Thatcher, for example. In Jungian psychology, the contents of the archetypes of the collective unconscious emerge into consciousness as guides to personal growth, and in Christianity the `teacher, guide, helpmeet, and comforter` is the Holy Spirit as the eyes of the individual that accepts God.
Sometimes called the Paraclete, the anima corresponds to the `spirit of God`, the Shekinah of the Old Testament that, dwelling where the Commandments are kept within the Ark of the Covenant with God, effectively emerges again in the New Testament as the `Second Eve` from the `Second Adam` when Jesus` side was pierced by the spear of Longinus after his crucifixion and death.
The `spirit of the law of God`, she`s sometimes called the `Advocate`, and in Islam corresponds to the `hamzad` that records the individual`s actions and prepares to defend the individual`s acts before God. In Jungian psychology `scenes` are archetypal, because there are only so many permutations in terms of human behavior. Consequently, the `Advocate` concept is that of a `recorder` operator who plays archetypal `scenes` so that the `hamzad` can defend her individual before God on the understanding that all scenes are archetypal and so it`s the good acts that are important and the others are abherrations caused by `demonic` influences.
It`s a similar concept to the karma of Hindu philosophy in which acts have to be repeated so that the individual can behave differently a second time and free themselves of the sin they committed the first time in the same scene.The `hamzad` observes what is acceptable in terms of the repeated scenes, and argues before God that the scenes in which the individual performed well are the truth about the personality, which is different to those acts performed when the individual was possessed by `demons`.
The classic Arabian tale of Sheherezade in 1001 Nights illustrates this perfectly. Shah Jehan suspects his brother of an affair with his wife, and so cuts off her head. In Islam he`d claim to have been possessed by a `demon`. Shah Jehan`s wife said she was `innocent`, which he knew, and so he cut off her head because he wanted to. The rest of the tale is of how he had sex every night with a different woman and had her head cut off in the morning. Sheherezade tells him stories and keeps him interested so that he marries her and she and all the rest of the women keep their heads. Shah Jehan should go to hell because he wasn`t possessed by a demon, he just wanted more women. Sheherezade`s stories paint scenes in which Shah Jehan`s reconsidered actions are recorded and so he can be defended by the `hamzad` before God.
The role of the `hamzad` is like a story without a `plot`. Plots are for criminals. But a story without a plot is just a story: it`s not a crime. The classic ending is: `They lived happily ever after.` Stories are archetypal insofar as they`re about development, or what`s best. God is omnipotent good, so the developmental archetypes of the collective unconscious, as psychological instruments of `God`s Plan`, want what`s best for the individual, because that`s what`s desired by God, which is why optimization is the paradigm for Arabia`s `hamzad` and Sheherezade, the archetype of `the storyteller`. Shah Jehan`s a `criminal actor` in a `plot`, and Sheherezade presents him with the best archetypal paradigm, Redemption through love, so that the `hamzad` can record his actions as `improved`.
The hole beneath the eyes isn`t a plot until kissing is described as `tonsil hockey`. Then it`s a story of seals looking for fish. If the Paraclete is an archetype or `fish` swimming behind the eyes, and she`s the Holy Spirit that`s invisible to mortal eyes, then the seal wants to eat her. In Christianity Jesus is symbolized by the `fish`, and describes himself as a `fisher of men`, so the role of the Paraclete suggests she`s the `fish` he wants to place by the side of Mankind as an archetypal `teacher, guide, helpmeet, and comforter`.
In the United States of America, In God We Trust is the legend on the `Great Seal` which has, as an obverse, God`s everlasting approval for the work. The symbol is an eye above an incomplete pyramid. The seal symbolizes America`s protection for the work of God, but it also suggests that the seal is upon the eye of God so that God can`t see that the work is never to be complete because men don`t want to allow the `hidden` woman of Revelation to leave the Earth, as she does at the close of the Bible, because that`s the `Great Work` of God. In Revelation the `hidden` woman leaves to sow her `seed` amongst the stars in heaven where she`ll fight and defeat the evil serpent`s `seed`. God will give her a new heaven and Earth for her `seed` to dwell in forever, and the evil will receive perdition.
The `Great Work` is thwarted by men because futanarian women have a penis of their own, which is why they hide. Men don`t want woman as a species; they want them as breeding slaves for themselves as parasitical viruses: `bottom feeding` off the dying `fish` that is the undeveloped abortion they`ve made of Woman`s `host womb`. In `tonsil hockey` terminology, God`s eye is blinded so that women`s holes will accept the lying tongues of the parasites. As the spirit of God`s womb, and Mankind`s `soul` or anima, Woman is the Earth`s `producer`, and men are the evil creatures that want an endless futility of `almost there` so that they can pretend to be `builders` with God.
The USA gave Saddam Hussein the 3rd largest army in the world so that they could `play soldiers` with him. The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York was a typical `unmaking` so that God would be `hoodwinked`. The `Great Work` would go on despite attacks by the evil `serpent`, symbolized in Revelation by the red dragon waiting to devour the `New Redeemer`, protective of the `hidden` woman of the Earth. But Gulf Wars I and II weren`t against the evil `serpent`; it was a `paper dragon`. Saddam Hussein`s big army, looking good on paper, in reality was a pushover. 9/11 was a boy`s building blocks being knocked down so they could take him to `play soldiers` again, while what he really wanted was to be Britney Spears with a penis in heaven.
Look At My Butt
27/06/2012 13:48Look At My Butt
In Alaska the Eskimos cut a hole beneath the ice to fish. The joke is that, beneath the eyes is the hole where `tonsil hockey` takes place, as a euphemism for `French kissing`. Slang for the penis in fellatio is `tonsil hammer`, so in fellatio `introducing oneself` by `breaking the ice` means the eyes don`t have it because they`ve voted for it: it`s `undemocratic` oral rape.
Basic homosexual perspective is that boys fancy them, even if they`re married. `That woman really doesn`t like you, you know?` `Yes, she does. She`s my wife.` It`s a liars` perspective. Homosexuals aren`t interested in women, because they don`t want them; and would extinguish them. Cigarette smoking is the perception that they don`t want the woman to have a penis, and that`s how they teach them not to want a penis. By substituting a `fire stick`, as the native North American Indians referred to guns, for a penis in their mouths, which is where the settlers put them.
9/11 was Woman`s tonsillectomy because she had throat cancer, from a homosexual`s point of view, that is, she would say: `Yes, you cancer,` if she was asked to perform fellatio. As the North American Indians would have when they recognized the settlers` cigarettes as `fire sticks`. Futanarian women have their own penis, which makes women a species. Creatures who look like each other are invariably categorized as a species, so women are a species because they look like each other and their penis finds them desirable. Men`s problem is that they look in the mirror and don`t see a woman, which means that either they`re homosexuals sexually excited by their own bodies, or a parasitical virus feeding off the `host womb` of the species they`ve enslaved because they don`t want to see a futanarian woman looking back at them from the mirror when they look into it:
`True myths may serve for thousands of years as an inexhaustible source of intellectual speculation, religious joy, ethical inquiry, and artistic renewal. The real mystery is not destroyed by reason. The fake one is. You look at it and it vanishes. You look at the Blonde Hero - really look - and he turns into a gerbil. But you look at Apollo, and he looks back at you. The poet Rilke looked at a statue of Apollo about fifty years ago, and Apollo spoke to him. `You must change your life,` he said. When the true myth rises into consciousness, that is always its message. You must change your life.`
- Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-)
Science fiction writer Ursula K. Le Guin is observing without a mirror. Consequently, she doesn`t see Venus, and can`t imagine her with a penis. She`s looking in the wrong place but recognizes that change is necessary:
`The misogyny that shapes every aspect of our civilization is the institutionalized form of male fear and hatred of what they have denied and therefore cannot know, cannot share: that wild country, the being of women.`
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) there are four functions of consciousness, which require differentiation as the individual grows in knowledge if they are to be in control of themselves. The four functions are `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition`. In undifferentiated form they`re associated with ears, eyes, mouth, and nose or smell. The inferior function is the least differentiated and is usually so because the ego rejects it as offering most resistance in terms of societal usefulness from its perspective as one of the four psychological types. The superior function is identified as offering least resistance and Jung observes women are associated with Feeling (mouth) and Intuition (smell), whereas men are Thinking (ears) and Sensation (eyes) types.
Idiomatically those with a problem due to homosexually oriented `Thinking` are `in fear ear`, that is, they`re frightened of `discovery` insofar as they don`t want to hear that the boy doesn`t like them, but want to believe in their lie that he does. Homosexual anal sex is `in fear rear`, because they`re cowardly back stabbers in the maintaining of their fiction. That`s why 9/11 was perceived as a macho exercise on the part of Islamic Fundamentalists. It`s the lie homosexuals tell. The recent decision to rename `Big Ben` with the name of Queen Elizabeth II is the observation by a Parliamentary democracy that the USA doesn`t elect a government for itself but for the world, and arming Saddam Hussein to the teeth with the 3rd largest army in the world, that is, a prototypically macho homosexual of The Village People style, wasn`t a democratic decision on the part of the Earth`s 50% women. In symbolic terms, the USA lost its tonsils on 9/11 because the women of the world didn`t hear their voice.
As psychological types, women are associated with the mouth and smell, which is why men teach them to smoke cigarettes. In Russia fellatio is even called `smoking`, but cigarettes are cancerous. Clearly they`re being attacked psychologically, because their functionality is oral. In the Bible the evil serpent tempts Eve with the poison apple, and she eats it. In homosexual terms, she`s being invited to be a devourer.
In Revelation the red dragon waits in vain to devour the child of the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` because it’s the `New Redeemer` who protects the hidden woman of the Earth before she leaves to sow her seed in heaven and wait to fight and defeat the evil serpent`s `seed`. She receives a new heaven and Earth to dwell in forever, while the evil receive perdition. Dragons breath fire and smoke, because smoking`s a homosexual activity, and that`s why the red dragon `s a symbol of Revelation representing the devouring of Woman as God`s producer on Earth. The woman of Revelation produces her child anyway, and the `New Redeemer` goes on to protect the `hidden` woman, the futanarian with her own penis. In short, women learn not to smoke because it interferes with their psychological functionality and encourages them to be devourers rather than nurturers of themselves as a species with their own penis that they don`t want to smoke down to the butt, which is what men do to her as a futanarian. They remove women`s penises when they find them using their cigarette (secret) search engine metaphor and explain anal sex again, and that`s what the homosexual smokers show their butts for:
`Hit me baby one more time!`
- Britney Spears
In Jungian psychology the mouth is associated with `Feeling` and women as psychological types are associated with `Feeling` (mouth) and `Intuition` (nose, or smell). According to Jung the mouth is duplex because it represents eating and speaking, which accords with his concept of differentiation, that is, kissing is a non-verbal `expression` of love, and although the mouth takes in food and drink, speech indicates greater differentiation of the function. Doctors observe that taste and smell deteriorate in smokers, which suggests an undifferentiated psychological functioning that accords with the biblical perspective in Revelation where the red dragon represents homosexuality`s devourment of the female functions of `Feeling`, which includes the nurturing of the suckling infant at the breast, and `Intuition`, that is, the ability to conceive of a future without men, which they don`t need because they have their own penis. If smoking produces an inability to taste or smell, that means an undifferentiated palate. Smokers will eat anything, which is what dragons do. Fortunately, Revelation explains things simply. The woman does give birth to the New Redeemer who protects the hidden woman, who leaves Earth. Victory is certain. The Bible says so.
After Jesus` crucifixion and death, the Roman soldier Longinus pierced Jesus` side with a spear, from which effectively emerged the Paraclete or Holy Spirit as the `Second Eve` of the `Second Adam`, because Eve was created from the side of the first man Adam, in Eden, by God. Afterwards, the spear of Longinus was known as the Spear of Destiny, and in the United States of America belief in `Manifest Destiny` and the `American Dream` accords with the notion of the Paraclete at their side, and Britney Jean Spears is that symbol:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`
David Soul was once accused and convicted of being a wife beater, and Paul Michael Glaser had AIDS. In the movie of Starsky and Hutch (2004) from the 70s TV show, Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller play the Soul and Glaser roles. If Redemption is the knowledge that women are a species with a penis and they`re Mankind, then Man is Woman.
In Christian terms, although Soul didn`t understand it, because he didn`t have knowledge of the Holy Spirit, effectively he was his wife, which is the meaning of the symbol that is the omnipresent Britney Spears by the side of Mankind. If Glaser died of AIDS, why would he care? Somewhere he`s Britney Spears with a penis of her own, who`s to share in heaven forever. Redemption is merely the observation that the success of woman as a species is inevitable and faith is required to accept that; as is good behavior in accordance with the law of God and its spirit.
Tonsil Hockey
26/06/2012 17:31Tonsil Hockey
Often a tonsillectomy has to be performed to remove the tonsils because of `crypts`, accretions called `stones` which, within the tonsils, cause `cryptic tonsillitis`. `Tonsil hockey` is a euphemism for kissing, which is more or less cryptic, and may be understood more readily by means of a joke:
`How is tonsil hockey played?`
`Through a hole beneath the eyes.`
Eskimos, Indians of the ice tundras, such as the Innuit of Alaska, often cut a hole in the ice to fish. Beneath the ice, of course, there are seals. Innuit`s kill the seals to make clothes and fishing tools so that they can be warm while they catch fish.
The eyes are the `windows of the soul`, and the `fish` is a symbol of the `Self`, according to developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). Because Jesus` symbol is the `fish`, Jesus is archetypal, that is, one of a plethora of heroic `role models` for the ego found in dreams, the imagination, and history. These collective archetypes of the unconscious `Self` in the mind of mankind, swimming like `fish` beneath the ice that corresponds to the ego`s strength in resisting evil, communicate themselves to the imagination and assist the developing soul to grow. The hole beneath the eyes corresponds to the mouth and, as Jesus was a `fisher of men`, we may assume his words are wise, and vision true. Or, to put it another way, speech and looks are, in Jesus` teachings, for the development of the `Self`, which isn`t the case with those who don`t accept the law of God. For these the `windows of the soul` are for `breaking and entering` and the mouth is for deceiving what lives behind the eyes until the demons of deceit possess its house.
To `homosexualize`, for example, is to pervert someone by means of lies to the eyes about the nature of human sexuality. If women had a penis, and they do ( ), then they`re a species, and men are parasites that have enslaved their `host wombs` from which they emerge, as from a cave, as thieves who don`t value her. In Genesis Eve is told she has to have pain in childbirth after Eden, and Adam has to obtain his bread by the sweat of his brow, which means that she`s being taught through `labour pains` to value what she produces, while Adam is to work to produce sufficient to keep her. Homosexuality is the idea that heterosexual women produce, and so homosexuals, feigning heterosexuality, feed off them as parasites and don`t work.
Commentators on the Bible often observe that Jesus is open to the accusation of being homosexual because he doesn`t have a woman, and he`s tortured and murdered. In Eden the serpent tempts Eve until Adam doesn`t have a woman, and God tells Adam that he must die. Effectively, Eve`s been deceived by homosexual lies, which is why Adam and Eve feel naked after eating the tempting fruit of the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil` that God has forbidden to them and which Eve is tempted by. They are being watched by the serpent eyes of the homosexual. Because homosexuals don`t produce, they don`t want reproduction, that is, Adam, Eve, and their descendants must die as ephemerals because the homosexuals want what they produce, but don`t want them to have a future without homosexuals, and so Mankind mustn`t reach a level of technological progress that would allow them to escape. If production is for those who can`t produce, then it`s a system in which the producers must remain ignorant. A paradox because the producers must die young so that the homosexuals can continue not having to work. They won`t have to worry about the producer becoming wise enough, that is, old enough, to develop an `escape programme`, because they`ll make sure that she`ll always be too ephemeral to be wise.
Evidence of God`s hatred for homosexuality is the erasure from the Earth of Sodom, the `city of the plain` in Genesis (16,18) where sodomy, that is, non-productive anal sex was practiced against the will of God whose injunction to Mankind was `be fruitful and multiply`, which means develop. In Revelation development is presented in terms of the `hidden` woman of the Earth leaving to sow her seed amongst the stars, where she defeats evil and receives a new heaven and Earth to dwell in forever, whereas the evil are punished with eternal unendurable pain. Because the hidden woman of the Earth sows her seed in heaven, she`ll need her own penis, which means God`s `chosen people` are, in fact, Woman as a species. God`s injunction to develop doesn`t simply mean breed, which is reflected in the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis, where Cain slays Abel because Abel can cook.
Cain wants to pick fruit, because it`s less effort, whereas Abel is more able in that he`s developing. Or, in other words, Cain is homosexual and doesn`t want to work, whereas Abel wants to have a relationship with God in which, eventually, immortality will be restored to him, and he`s prepared to work towards that. In even simpler terms, Abel is killed by Cain because homosexuals aren`t interested in knowing how to do something, like having heterosexual sexual intercourse productive of the future through educative communications to descendants from memory, or wisdom stored in books, for example.
In The Fox and the Crow by Aesop, a crow is tricked into dropping cheese it has from the tree it is sitting in by a fox who asks it to sing, which is what homosexuals do. What is worked for is a metaphor for a woman`s labour pains in producing a child, which homosexuals don`t do. Consequently, heterosexual women work for homosexuals, but the homosexuals don`t want them to develop to the point at which they`ll extinguish them. It`s in the interests of the homosexuals to kill the heterosexuals, and AIDS is a symptom of this. Adam and Eve are the heterosexual couple from the Bible tricked by the homosexual into accepting death. They die because the homosexual wants them to produce and develop but not to develop to the point at which they can escape from him. Knowledge of starship building, for example, would allow them to leave Earth, and then the homosexual would have to work. So it kills the heterosexual `impulse engine` after it`s produced enough for the homosexual`s enjoyment, and then the homosexual activates the `impulse engine` of sexual libido, which is the desire of the heterosexual woman for its own penis, and the impulse to produce and develop begins anew.
In Revelation the `hidden` woman escapes because she`s protected by the `New Redeemer` born of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, a symbol of space travel. The red dragon that lies in wait to devour her child before its born waits in vain and is a symbol of homosexual devourment of potential that it doesn`t want realized. In the last book of the Bible the homosexual`s symptoms are defined:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
What they have done is refuse to produce and develop, but instead have accepted homosexuality, here refied as AIDS, which is the teleological nemesis of their parasitical life form, in preference for the enslaving of women`s `host wombs` to keep her in heterosexuality rather than let her develop to the point at which she can leave as a species with her own penis, so the homosexuals can continue to live as leeches:
``... the embryo ... obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.`1
In the Gospels Jesus is described as a `fisher of men` because his eyes spoke through the `windows of the soul` and his words came from the spirit of God through the mouth. In the Old Testament of the Bible the Shekinah is the female spirit that resides in the tabernacle where the book of the law is kept, which means that she`s the word of God that comes from the lips of Jesus. Inevitably, because homosexuality is the bane of humankind. God says so, and doesn`t want it speaking from the mouths of humanity.
Because `cryptic tonsillitis` may be understood as deriving from the spirit of God`s desire to communicate from the hole beneath the eyes in the sea of the unconscious `Self` that contains the swimming fish representative of emerging developmental content, `tonsillectomy` constitutes the removal of an encrypted seal from the mouth of a cave. It isn`t yet a tomb, like that where Jesus was before his Resurrection, but the tonsillectomy is, effectively, a loosening of the tongue that, held by the spirit of the stone tablets of the Commandments of God`s law, may speak with the spirit of the word of God, and the relationship of pupil and teacher obtains. In developmental terms, the homosexual procedure is to kill the developmental functionality of the individual once the homosexual goal of having something without working for it is achieved and before the individual can escape. In God terms, Adam and Eve, as an immortal pairing, with Redemption would have achieved spaceflight and, off Earth, away from homosexuals who are only concerned with the simplest development coincident with their desire for `something for nothing`, would be left on Earth to die of their `disease`, which is thievery.
Effectively, in Eden the serpent steals Adam and Eve from God, on the understanding that it`ll kill them and they`ll be productive on Earth but not so productive as to escape with the knowledge and wisdom of how to build starships, for example. In even simpler terms, nuclear missiles are the homosexual`s penis demonstrating its sexuality, whereas the species of woman with a penis, `teased` with camp television shows like Star Trek, in which men, who obviously can`t show their penis because that would encourage the woman to show hers, having built starships in the past perhaps, has been killed by homosexuals until she`s not able to, and now Star Trek mocks her as her emasculator.
In The Cage, the first Star Trek episode, Pike is the captain of the Enterprise starship, a `fish`. Vina is a green-skinned woman of the planet Talos and Pike is taken into what is symbolically `Paradise` to be with Vina. However, the crew of the Enterprise use phasers to get at them, and so the name of the starship has, symbolically, become `prise open` and its phasers, a metaphor for sterility, melt the rockface corresponding to the door of the cave that requires a password, `Open Sesame` in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, the story from A Thousand and One Nights that features a cave in which there`s a thieves` den. In short, if Pike and Vina`s door is forced on Talos, it`s `breaking and entering`, and so the crew of the Enterprise are criminals.
The Cage is a version of The Cave Sura, 18, of the Koran in which the `green one` is Khidr, the `fish`, a representation of wisdom who, fearing pirates, seeks to escape them. Subsequently The Cage was remade as a two part episode featuring the new Captain Kirk, which means `church` in Scotland. Pike, the `fish`, and Vina, the `green one`, are wed by, effectively, Captain Church. The story ends with the couple escaping `piracy on the high seas`, as the door in the rock closes behind them, and the church (Kirk) gives them its blessing as the representatives of Starfleet leave.
The tale is unsatisfactory because Pike isn`t a woman with a penis, although Vina is, symbolically, Khidr, who`s the wise old man of Arabian tradition. In other words, she`s the wisdom of Mankind, which is that a man is a woman with a penis but doesn`t yet know it, and so it`s possible for the story to continue. That, however, only restates the homosexual position, which is that women are receptacles for men`s seed so that men can reproduce themselves a s a replicating virus that enslaves women`s `host womb` and has, as its ultimate goal, species` death for Woman as its victim.
In the Koran, Moses and Joshua lose a fish by the Red Sea, which Joshua had been keeping for Moses` supper. In cryptic terms, Joshua is the loosened `seal`. The `fish`, which is a symbol of Jesus in Christianity, reappears almost instantly in the form of Khidr, the `green one`, who`s `wisdom`. Moses asks Khidr to teach him, but Moses can`t understand because Khidr acts from wisdom, and Moses isn`t wise. In the Talmud of Judaism Moses receives the `tablets of stone`, which are the laws of God, because Moses must be obedient if he isn`t wise.
In terms of `cryptic tonsillitis`, Moses has the stones, or tablets of the law, because they aren`t `cryptic`. Tonsillectomy, however, is the removal of the tablets of the spirit of the law, as a curative, deriving from the knowledge that the Shekinah, or spirit of God that dwells within the law in the Old Testament, is the spirit of Woman, is feminine, and without her it isn`t possible to develop beyond simple adherence to the law. That`s why `tonsil hockey` is a metaphor for sexual activity between men and women that devolves from kissing, and is presented as `normal`, but women are a species with their own penis, so tonsilectomy prefigures true wisdom, because woman as a species with her own penis isn`t for `tonsil hockey` with homosexuals feigning heterosexuality but heterosexual relations with her own `futanarian` species.
The story of Khidr is a description of what happens when people who aren`t wise are given something. The basic Commandment from the ten stone tablets of God is `Thou Shalt Not Steal.` All ten Commandments derive from that basic principle. Taking from others (even murder is defined as `taking life`) is infantile, because the assumption is that, if you want something that belongs to someone else (coveting another`s wife, for example), you can have it. Classic biblical examples are Salome`s demanding the head of John the Baptist, he who baptized Jesus, or she wouldn`t dance, and the taking of Jesus` life.
The story of Khidr is from the 19th Sura, or chapter, of the Koran, which is called The Cave, and it was the removal of the stone from in front of a cave that was necessary for Jesus to emerge from his entombment after his Resurrection. In symbolic terms, he emerges as `Khidr`, the green one`, because green is the colour of Resurrection, and means that Jesus has wisdom so doesn`t need the stone tablets of the law to guide him.
The Cave Sura also contains the story of `The People Of The Cave`, who are an unnamed number of monotheistic youths whom God causes to sleep for three hundred years in a cave during a persecution of monotheists, and when they awaken everywhere is monotheist. Again it`s a Resurrection metaphor but there`s no stone to roll away from the cave mouth, which means they don`t have the stone tablets of the law, while God has caused an elision. Monotheism may have developed, but the `sleepers` might not have. Others have worked for the future, but the sleepers may`ve remained `homosexual` insofar as their perception`s of God and Woman producing for them. Monotheism, in the awakened sleepers` minds, would amount to homosexualism, that is, to exist as parasitical thieves that create nothing.
In the A Thousand And One Nights story Ali Baba`s uncovering of the den of thieves living inside a cave allows him to discover the password `Open Sesame` to enter. When they leave, he uses the password he has overheard and takes some treasure. He tells his brother, but Cassim forgets the password and is dismembered by the thieves when they find him still inside the cave.
The story is reminiscent of Egyptian mythology where Osiris, the incarnation of Ra, the sun god, is dismembered by Seth, his brother, and the goddess Isis collects all of the pieces, but cannot find Osiris` penis. She make a new penis, and Osiris is resurrected as the sky god, Horus. The myth doesn`t go far enough because, if woman as a species has a penis of her own, Osiris should become Isis and the new penis that she fashions is her own.
In symbolic terms, seals are for encryption and, if Jesus had been found in the cave of his tomb by thieves after his resurrection, he`d have been murdered again for his `heavenly treasure`, which would be the knowledge of himself as a woman and would explain why he remains celibate unto death. His recognition is that women are sexually desirable because it`s their penis that desires them. In simple terms, men are undesirable, which is why they`re not sexually excited by themselves in the mirror, whereas women are, because they`re a species with its own penis.
In the story Khidr`s first `teaching` is the rebuilding of a wall so that the person who`s to find the treasure hidden there will find it and not someone else. In the story of `The People Of The Cave` the monotheists sleep and wake, in accordance with God`s wishes, that is, they wake when they`re `resurrected` and the treasure is the future`s development, which they haven`t worked for, and so are homosexual in outlook if they don`t obey God`s law. Similarly, in the story of Jesus, when the seal on the tomb is gone, he`s found resurrected. But God removes the seal because Jesus couldn`t have and so it`s clear that what Jesus has worked for, his `treasure`, is Jesus`.
In the Koran the appearance of Khidr demonstrates that Moses isn`t ready for wisdom but is ready for the obedience that monotheism requires. Or, in simpler terms, the `treasure` of Jesus is genuine and his own, because it arises from development rather than a `homosexual elision`, to coin a literary term, in which someone else is made to produce within God`s law so that the homosexuals can live off women as `bottom feeders ` outside of it.
Dead fish sink to the bottom of the sea where there are parasites that feed upon them, but in order for the `bottom feeders` to live, the fish have to die, which is the archetypal motif of Jesus. Developed minds could escape from the homosexual prison, which is why Jesus was killed. Because of his teaching. Dead fish sink to the sea bottoms, and if fish are a metaphor for those archetypal contents of dream and imagination that assist the development of the `Self`, then Jesus` crucifixion is a metaphor for homosexuality`s seeking low level developmental functioning in the oceans of the spirit, so that their victims can`t escape.
Khidr`s second and third teaching relate of how Khidr kills an evil man and makes a hole in a boat because there are pirates following and Khidr doesn`t want to be caught again. Finally, observing that Moses is a pirate because he wants something that he can`t understand and isn`t his, Khidr tells him to go away and leave him alone.
In the Bible Moses receives the Ten Commandments and makes a Covenant with God for the `Promised Land`, but dies outside of Canaan before the walls of Jericho come tumbling down at the behest of Joshua. Viewed from Khidr`s perspective, Jericho corresponds to the wall that Khidr rebuilt lest someone else find the treasure that was reserved for another. According to the Bible Canaan is the `Promised Land`, but it belonged to the Phoenicians, and from their perspective, as well as modernity`s PLO, it was stolen from them. From Khidr`s point of view, the rebuilt walls of Jericho conceal the treasure that awaits discovery by the one who is predestined, which would be Jesus, the `fish` of the Christian New Testament, and Joshua`s losing of the `fish` represents care in the `will of Allah`, because loss is equivalent to theft, and only the evil steal.
Joshua`s loss of the fish must be the `hand of Allah`. Khidr`s appearance from the `fish` prefigures wisdom, and so he`s a precursor of Jesus, the `fish`, whose life is taken by the evil. In the Gospels Jesus accepts that the `will of God` is his crucifixion because it serves his purpose. His Resurrection is proof of his belief that life cannot be taken from others because it is not theirs to take and so loss that is in accord with the `will of God` is merely a prelude to wisdom, which in Jesus` teachings is the knowledge that the Earth is a prison in which the homosexuals seek to entomb alive the species of Woman as God`s producer in `Tomb Raider 666`. Or, as it says in the Bible, `the number of the beast is the number of a man, and the number is six hundred three score and six; let he that hath wisdom understandeth`. Yes, a man is a beast.
A cave mouth corresponds physically to the mouth of the body, which is below the eyes that are the `windows of the soul` idiomatically. If `tonsil hockey` is kissing and takes place beneath the eyes, then the eyes are the holes through which the `fish` is caught. Jesus described himself as a `fisher of men`, which meant that he wanted them to obey God and have Redemption. Because all men have an anima, that is, an archetypal content of the collective unconscious `Self` that corresponds to an image of woman that is desirable because of the spirit of God which is female, that is, the Shekinah or Holy Spirit of the New Testament, libidic energy is channeled into sex, which includes production. Homosexuals use the image of desirable women to keep Mankind on a low level of development, that is, merely `sexual`, and feed off her species as parasites that don`t work. Consequently, Woman as a species hasn`t yet developed to the point at which her `fish` escapes their eyes.
The basic homosexual position manifests itself as infantilism because they don`t want adults. The homosexuals prevent them from developing, or have killed them if they`re old, beautiful, and immortal, because they`d be wise to them. They conceal the truth, which is that the human body consists of but two activities; eating and fucking. By explaining that fucking is taboo, eating is all that remains. Consequently, all activity is channeled into devouring by homosexuality, because libidic energy, as Carl Jung observed, is transformed by genuine desire for individual growth, from instinctual to spiritual activity, symbolized in the Catholic Mass of transubstantiation. Acceptance of the Holy Spirit, and its teachings, is in the symbolic shape of the bread and the wine. Jesus gave the bread and the wine to his disciples at the `Last Supper`, as a token of his body and blood and symbol of his faith in the Resurrection. The transformation of libidic energy into spiritual worth is what Jesus preaches. In simple terms, eating is bodily sustenance, whereas sexual libido is spiritual. Homosexuality only wants to devour; it doesn`t want to develop. Jesus is sexual and spiritual whereas his murderers were homosexuals who didn`t want his message to be received. In Revelation, Jesus` Second Coming is with the sword, and Woman leaves Earth. She`s developed through Jesus` and the Holy Spirit`s teachings while:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
The opened seal at the mouth of Jesus` cave, or tomb, biologically corresponds to the tonsils, removed after the diagnosis of `cryptic tonsillitis`, a spiritual superceding of the stone tablets of the law in the individual`s developmental functioning. Tonsillectomy, widely recommended as a prophylactic surgery preventative of sore throats and possible disease from kissing is, at least symbolically, an actuating of the spirit of God relating to the biblical Revelation in which `out of his mouth came a sharp sword`. Jesus` ability to command is because he has the Shekinah, the spirit of God from the Old Testament, given to Mankind as the Holy Spirit or Paraclete in the New Testament, and the actuating surgical procedure is, hypothetically, tonsillectomy.
If possession by the spirit of homosexuality is what the law of God is designed to prevent, tonsillectomy would be the theoretical procedure for its removing. In the Bible the Shekinah dwells within the Ark of the Covenant where the tablets of the law are kept. Consequently, she`s the word and the voice of God. After Jesus` death at his crucifixion, his side was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, which effectively preceded the emergence of the Paraclete from Jesus` side; as Eve emerged from the side of Adam in Eden. Jesus describes the Paraclete as a `tutelary spirit` or guide that will continue his teachings after his death and so she must be listened for. In the United States of America, the spear of Longinus is a symbol of the self-perceived `Manifest Destiny` of the USA`s `American Dream`. Longinus` spear came to be known as the Spear of Destiny because the Paraclete effectively emerged from the side of Jesus after it was pierced by the spear. The USA`s Paracletian symbol of the `tutelary spirit` that`s everywhere present by our side is Britney Jean Spears:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`
Without the Paraclete, the ability to hear Jesus` teachings and the word of God is lost, which corresponds to Joshua`s losing of the fish in the Koran, where Moses receives wisdom but can`t understand it because he isn`t developed enough to have it.
Khidr`s story of Moses the pirate is an allegory of how to deal with those who can`t bear with the fruits of others` development, which in science fictional terms would be the difference between nuclear missiles and space rockets. Moses receives the law, and Jesus teaches in the spirit of the law in the Gospels, and in Revelation commands in the spirit of the law, because men don`t use wisely what is discovered by them.
Ali Baba learns the secret of the cave in Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, but his brother, who forces out of him the `Open Sesame` password, doesn`t value the knowledge enough and is trapped where the thieves can kill and dismember him. The meaning is that memory and remembering are symbols (and , indeed, actuals) of Resurrection, that is, tools belong to those who have worked for them, and not to thieves who don`t value them because they haven`t.
Ali Baba loses the treasure, which in science fictional terms corresponds to starships, because his `brothers` (Cassim and the thieves) in Islam don`t want to build starships, they want to steal them, but they don`t have the knowledge to build more, and so the dismemberment symbolism signifies the loss of memory that precludes the construction of starships when the `pirates`, having taken them by force, that is, `murdered`, those who`d built them, and for whom they were built, don`t have the skills to repair, that is, resurrect, the ships when they`re worn out from use.
The `fall of Man` is the beginning of the story in Eden when Adam and Eve preferred the homosexual to God in the form of the apple of temptation, so accepting their own devourment rather than the libidic transformation of sexual energy into intellectual and spiritual endeavour that`d take them to the stars and heaven. Instead, they`ve preferred to live as the flesh off which homosexual parasites feed. Pornographers, who stimulate meager developmental achievement, suggest the penis alone represents the heights of human desire, so that something is produced upon which they can feed as parasitical leeches. Khidr`s story in the Koran is the simpler observation that thieves who don`t have the wisdom to build shouldn`t have the buildings, and it`s better to escape from the pirates than to help them, so better care should be taken of the `fish`, which in The Cave Sura is the symbol of the spirit of God that, if lost, may leave; as Woman does at Revelation`s end.
1 Ibrahim, I. A., A Brief Illustrated guide To Understanding Islam, Darussalam, Houston, Texas, USA, 1997, pp. 74, p.6.
The Magic of Advertising
24/06/2012 13:52The Magic of Advertising
Advertisers use symbols and symbolic imagery in the promotion, sales, and marketing of ‘product’ - whatever that might be - from cars to sweaters, to the latest software or professional expertise. All is grist to the advertiser’s mill, as it were. The concept of ‘targetting’ and ‘target groups’ of consumers is central to the ‘mythos’ surrounding advertising ‘lore’. The archaic language is not misplaced, advertising is replete with symbolisms from mythological sources, be they ancient or modern. An ancient form, for example, would be the ‘love goddess’ motif in all her various erotic guises and disguises as she is used to sell anything and everything from chocolate bars or cosmetics to aeroplanes or holidays, other archetypal figures include those of the hero, the wise old man and the magician. So, is there a difference between, let’s say, James Dean in ‘Rebel Without A Cause’ and Gilgamesh in the Babylonian epic or between Madonna in ‘Desparately Seeking Susan’ and Helen of Troy? Perhaps the only real difference is that, as an archetypal heroine, Madonna or Dean would sell more jeans than Helen or Gilgamesh because they are instantly identifiable by a large segment of the world’s population.
What do we mean by the term ‘archetypal’? The science of archetypes belongs in the realm of psychology. Jungian psychology in particular, that is, as developed by the Swiss philosopher Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). According to Jung, human consciousness consists of three basic levels, the conscious ego, the subconscious corresponding to memory, and the unconscious, which is common to all mankind, that is, collective, universal, and containing all possible archetypal configurations and imagery in potentiam. What is important from the point of view of advertising is that archetypes, be they symbolic designs like the seal of Solomon or the wheel of the zodiac, or figurative such as those of the Virgin Mary or Diana, the virgin huntress and moon goddess in Greek mythology, all have a developmental function in terms of the growth of individual consciousness, a process described by Jung as individuation. Mechanistically, archetypes - at periodic intervals in the course of an individual’s development - emerge from the collective unconscious, for example, the hero or goddess, to ‘possess’, as it were, the individual for that short period of time which is necessary for he/she to develop an aspect/facet of personality. One example might be that of the hero archetype which, in adolescence, is useful in developing that ‘heroic’ ego-consciousness necessary to overcome such ‘simple’ difficulties as ‘passing exams’ or ‘asking a girl for a dance.’
Of course, noone would recommend Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator as a model for teenage behaviour, but the hero archetype is central to the characterisation and it also helps to sell chocolate bars. The situation with regard to the usage or non-usage of archetypal material in advertising is, therefore, problematical. On the one hand, George peppard’s role in the A-Team might promote the sales of a particular brand of cigar, but noone wants to see their child driving a jeep into a shopping mall and terrorising local residents because they ‘saw it on t.v.’. Obviously, there is a distinction to be made, and it is possible to make one. The emotive power of a film like Batman or Predator is undeniable and some of the material may be archetypal but it isn’t developmental in the sense that the makers/actors use them - either consciously or unconsciously - to create ‘submyths’, which have a powerful emotional effect but are not concerned with individual growth. The danger is at this crossover point between archetypal ‘triggers’ hero and goddess, crucifix and Star of David, and role models like Brad Pitt or Sophie Marceau.
Archetypes have a symbolic logic of their own and their function in, for example, a film about Vampires or the Third Reich might have an impact beyond the level of entertainment and, if the actors who play the characters in these films become associated with those roles, they become ‘icons’ like the recently suicided lead singer of Nirvana or ex-world heavyweight boxer-rapist Mike Tyson who represent dangerous configurations of submythical materials rather than having any correspondence with archetypally developmental symbol systems.
The concept of ‘symbol system’ is an important one. The world religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc., have their ‘maps’, that is, each has a ‘path’ for the individual to follow, for example, in Hinduism each chakra is associated with symbols and signs which, as it were, give directions to the individual as he/she comes to understand/develop their individual consciousness in the course of meditation/yoga. Directional indicators which they can use to orient themselves both internally and externally, that is, the world becomes a system of signposts, pointing them in the direction they need to go in order to achieve ever higher levels of consciousness (each stage of development corresponding to one of seven chakras or symbol maps situated at one of seven energy points along the spine or chakra ladder up to the ‘crown’ of the head or lotus chakra). The point here being that, through a process of comparison of the different ‘symbol systems’ such as the Sefirotic system of Kabbalah in Judaism and that of Hinduism, for example, then we can arrive at an understanding of what we are doing with the submythic materials in our ‘artistic creations - be it film entertainment or advertising promotions - and, if not regulate, at least monitor what is done in the name of Mammon. Unless we know, for example, the effects of putting Egyptian symbolism with the multi-armed figure of the Hindu goddess Kali and the light-sword of Darth Vader in the film Star Wars, we are simply creating emotional/psychological effects/disturbances that may be entertaining but may also have contributed to escalating scales of violence - and violence worship (no violins please) - in society.
Which brings us back to ‘target groups’ and ‘target markets’, the gun metaphor is, perhaps, not an inappropriate one. Figures like Dean, Monroe, Madonna, Schwarzenegger etc., are media ‘icons’ whose appeal is related to the roles that they play - be they archetypally heroic (Arnie in Hercules, Maddy in Evita) or mindlessly submythical (Arnie in Terminator, Maddy in...pick any video), and they each have ‘targets’ in terms of that appeal which the advertisers and the movie moguls want to ‘hit’. As a psychologist, my interest is in healing and, it seems to me that ‘icons’ like these represent - or can be made to represent through PR and image-makers - archetypally developmental configurations of symbol-toned images that can have a beneficial effect on the development of the ‘target groups’ over and above the mindlessly submythical roles that they may have to play in order to make money for themselves and the media industries of which they are a necessary part.
To take the analogy a step further. In psychiatry we have combinations of chemical compounds which - thanks to the science of pharmacology - we use to treat what are often euphemistically described as ‘chemical imbalances’ in the brains of patients suffering from problems like schizophrenia or mania. From a psychological perspective it should be possible to ‘trigger’ the release of those same healing chemicals through the use of developmentally archetypal material, whether it be in the shape of chakra meditation or iconographically in the shape of an archetypal figure (thanks to the Hollywood image-makers) playing a character or role in a submyth such as the Wise Old Man figure of Alec Guiness as Obi Wan Kenobi in George Lucas’ original Star Wars. Simply put, archetypal characters in mythical or submythical roles can, as ‘icons’ for certain ‘target groups’, function as ‘healers’ in the sense that they, in themselves, represent combinations or configurations of archetypally developmental material that can have the same therapeutic effect treatment-wise for, let’s say, depression or mania, as prozac or lithium. This is not to say that every Hollywood film is a cure-all or panacea, but is an indication that the role of cinema, television, video, computer technology and virtual reality is going to be of paramount importance for the future of clinical psychology. I can foresee a situation not too distant in which a doctor will prescribe some form of interactive therapy for the patient involving any or all of the above mentioned media forms, but not just that! He or she would be able to determine precisely which genre and with exactitude the course of treatment.
”What’s your problem son?”
”I just broke up with my girlfriend, and I feel like killing her and myself.”
”I prescribe ‘Gone With The Wind’, ‘Psycho’, ‘Duck Soup’ and Madonna’s ‘Makin’ it Big for Momma’.”
The Magic of Psychology
24/06/2012 13:40The Magic of Psychology
The use of Jungian archetypes and symbolic motifs in the analysis of the unconscious is widespread even amongst those not expert in the fields of psychology/psychiatry. Their role as an indicative framework with which to measure the level of consciousness/neurological functioning in an individual is not. It is, for example, well known that the unconscious of a woman from Manchester may contain elements from symbolic structures/systems as diverse as Egyptian mythological fragments and Tibetan mandalas, as well as images from the Judaeo-Christian tradition that constitutes her background. The point here being that knowledge of the various symbol systems/frameworks, which is the task of a Jungian analyst, is essential in mapping the level of development/functioning. The chakra system of energy points and their associated mental images/symbols in Kundalini yoga and the system of Sefiroths in the Judaic system of Kabbalah are but two instances of models available for the purposes of such mapping.
The importance of the channelling of sexual libido in ensuring developmental progress cannot be over-emphasised. Consultations with experts in the fields of pediatrics, particularly with regard to the linking of movement therapy with speech articulation suggest that concentration upon correct body posture with regard to the crown of the head produces normal individuals at the expense of their creative potential. In Kundalini yoga the third chakra in the vicinity of the solar plexus is described rather poetically as a plenitude of jewels, a reference to its in potentiam character, corresponding in psychological parlance to the wealth of psychic contents waiting to receive actualization in the psyche of the individual, the fruition of which is symbolized in alchemy as the cauda pavonis or peacock’s tail but which might also be described as the ‘crown jewels’, a suggestion that has both a sexual connotation - in the English vernacular a reference to the male genitalia - and a psycho-physical dimension in terms of the crown of the head or lotus chakra in yoga. Sex or Tantric yoga is, therefore, indicated as a useful form of therapy in assisting individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to realise their blocked potential due to socio-economic conditioning which tells them that work, marriage and the raising of a family - a situation associated with the third or solar plexus chakra in the Hindu system - should be the zenith of their aspirations, and is in fact ‘normal’.
Of course, vested interests may have a role to play. There are elements of society - Freemasons, for example - whose goal is to maintain the status quo and keep the mass of people at a low level of consciousness because they are easier to manipulate that way. Emphasis in Christianity, for example, upon logic in the form of Logos rather than Eros may have been necessary for the channelling of libido into the creation of a technological approach, but at the expense of the brain’s as-yet unmapped capacities (a human being we are told uses only 10% of its potential); in other words, the field of Eros is a territory which needs to be opened up and fully explored if an individual is to maximize his/her intellectual/creative potential.
Recent experimental studies in the field suggest that the use of symbolic structures and archetypal frameworks in the environment can be useful in producing a therapeutic relationship between individuals and what often seems an alien and hostile world surrounding them. Results indicate that the use of symbols in the externality as iconographical tools - just as one might ‘click’ on icons in a computer - by focusing one’s energies upon a particular motif, produce effects associated with that particular ’icon’, thus creating a more creative, playful and harmonious relationship between ‘patient’ and his/her reality. A concept which has far reaching possibilities with regard to future scenarios.
In theoretical physics there is a very famous experiment in which an electron gun is fired at a target. A camera placed next to the target records that each electron arrives as if travelling in a straight line. However, further observation reveals that, in spite of appearances, if the electrons are watched by technical apparatus at a point mid way between gun and target, they show signs of deviating from the direct path and, as it were, choosing one amongst many alternative paths to the goal, that is, each electron chooses from a plethora of possibilities within what the physicists describe as a ‘probability wave’, a notion that gave birth to the theory of parallel universes or multi-realities and which has some significance for us in our concerns with transcendent consciousness or higher levels of neurological functioning. In short, the extrapolated conclusion would be that, if human consciousness can be said to be responsible for determining the reality which it inhabits, then it must also be possible, by changing the level of consciousness or neurological functioning - either developmentally organic, biochemically, or some kind of fusion of the two approaches - to choose which world to inhabit or even produce alternative worlds through the power of what Jung referred to as creative imagination. The notion of world-as-computer offers the further possibility of individuals being able to simply ‘ask’ for and obtain what they require by, as it were, ‘clicking on the icons’ around them, which raises another question. What constitutes an ‘icon’?
The classical figure of Madonna and Child is archetypal and iconographical whereas the figure of Madonna the pop-singer isn’t - although what she represents probably is, that is, meditating upon her image of pop-icon would probably produce effects of the ‘Whore of Babylon’ variety. A further question would involve discussions of whether or not moving objects can be categorised as having the attributes of an icon, a contention that brings us into the areas of behavioural psychology and what I have described elsewhere as ‘human hieroglyphics’, an ancient form of symbolism familiar to us from Egyptian temples and, to take a rather less well known example, the Tarot deck of the seer in which the posturings of the characters depicted in the twenty two major arcana are associated with the hieroglyphical forms of the twenty-two characters of the Hebraic alphabet. And what of Yin and Yang, the male and the female? Indian temples celebrate the acts of physical love in three-dimensional stone carvings, so what would a study of the ‘hieroglyphics of human sexuality’ reveal?
Ethical questions remain to be resolved for advocates of both the biochemical and developmentally organic approaches. On the one hand, at what point is it appropriate to intervene pharmacologically in the growth processes of an autonomous individual? On the other hand, at what point is it desirable for an individual’s awakening libido to be channelled into sexual or mental activity? What is the correct balance? What, as Karl Marx once asked, is to be done?
Study requires the stimulation and observation of the creative imaginations of patients or subjects in relation to the available symbol maps in order to ascertain what, if any, correlations exist between the ‘map[s] and the territory’ of the collective unconscious. The implementation of a programme resulting in a description of the effects produced in the environment by a creative interface between human consciousness and the world-as-computer hypothesis. The use of hypnotherapy to facilitate the unlocking of the individuals self-awareness and requirements in terms of his/her potential and goals. An examination, involving aspects of behavioural psychology in connection with Jung’s concept of imaginatio to discover the effects produced in the environment by ‘human hieroglyphics’. A study of the effects produced by the ‘hieroglyphics of human sexuality’ involving sex therapists/therapy and analysis of the static image as found in pornography of the ‘Playboy’ or ‘Leo’ type as well as cinematographically. The study might also be extended to what might be described as ‘archetypal archaeology’, that is, the use of archetypal icons to ‘access’ racial memories - perhaps involving regression therapy - to, as it were, ‘visit’ the past; or, and which might be more exciting, if certain products of the past were, as some contend, designed/constructed by ‘visitors’ from other worlds/dimensions, either discover something of that alien psychology/psyche through the aforesaid techniques - what might we discover about alien psychology by observing the effects produced by intense meditations upon the god Anubis, for example, a figure linked in Egyptian mythology with the binary star system of Sirius and, traditionally, telepathy? - or make contact with the psyches of the now-living ancestors of those visitors both here-and-now and, who knows, out-there-somewhere too through what might be described as projection therapy, that is, visiting or producing/creating the future by accessing the developmental archetypes of perhaps alien psychologies as preserved in myth, folklore, stone and image.
The Magic of Technology
24/06/2012 13:19The Magic of Technology
In theoretical physics there is a very famous experiment in which an electron gun is fired at a target. A camera placed next to the target records that each electron arrives as if travelling in a straight line. However, further observation reveals that, in spite of appearances, if the electrons are watched by technical apparatus at a point midway between gun and target, they show signs of deviating from the direct path and, as it were, choosing one amongst many alternative paths to the goal, that is, each electron chooses from a plethora of possibilities within what the physicists describe as a ‘probability wave’, a notion that gave birth to the theory of parallel universes or multi-realities and which has some significance for us in our concerns with transcendent consciousness or higher levels of functioning. In short, the extrapolated conclusion would be that, if human consciousness can be said to be responsible for determining the reality which it inhabits, then it must also be possible, by changing the level of consciousness or neurological functioning - either developmentally organic, biochemically, or some kind of fusion of the two approaches - to choose which world to inhabit or even produce alternative worlds through the power of what psychologist Carl Gustav Jung referred to as creative imagination.
A famous science fiction writer, when asked about ‘Virtual Reality’ (William Gibson) replied with a question of his own, ”What’s the difference between reality and ‘virtual reality’?” He supplied the answer himself in the form of a further question: ”Is there one?” From the point of view of a physicist, the world is a ‘hard light system’, that is, each thing in it is a ‘wave form’ - complicated in the case of human beings and not-so-complicated in the case of a table or chairs, the point being that ‘wave forms’ are not ‘solid’, they fluctuate constantly; or, in other words, their status is merely one of - to coin a phrase - ‘constant probability’. What this means is that the world each of us thinks we perceive might not be the world as it is or could be (or is the same for me as it is for you - although we might be able to agree about its content we might not be agreeing about the same thing). To put it another way, it is possible that the world behaves in a completely different way when we’re not looking than it does when we are’ and, furthermore, in connection with the ‘parallel worlds’, ‘probability wave’ theory, ‘what we see’ - or, perhaps, what we are is ‘what we get’, that is, by changing our consciousness we can change the reality we inhabit.
From an educational standpoint, the Japanese have a concept of ‘Mu’ in which what appears in one’s field of vision/experiential domain is, in fact, ‘for us’ and, in a very real way, the creation of our minds - ‘we get’, as it were, ‘what we want’ in terms of our developmental requirements. I remember being told at school about America for the first time, for example, and then for me it existed - it became part of my ‘Mu’, as it were. Did it exist before I was told, or did the telling create America? If one told a different history with different countries etc., would that ‘reality’ exist for the child instead of ours, that is, would that reality be brought into being by the telling? In the parlance of Jungian psychology, what happens is that the archetype of the ‘Self’, corresponding in religious terms to ‘God’, provides opportunities for personal growth and enrichment, which is where the educator becomes important - as an interface between the child and its internal ‘mission’. The usual approach is for the child to be taught that the world is separate, apart from them, but if the growing infant is taught that, for example, the world is his/hers, like a virtual reality film script - to use the latest techspeak - in which the child can ‘write’ his/herself, but because he/she is small and vulnerable, its parents will guide and care for it until it is sufficiently developed enough to access the medium, the child’s relationship to, as it were ‘God’ is of a directly developmental or ‘personal’ one, that is, what happens to the child as it grows is aimed directly at him/her in terms of his/her development or progress.
The ‘particle gun’ situation is applicable, of course, to the visual interface between, let’s say, viewer and screen (be it television or computer) or camera/video technology, that is, it might also be possible to produce changes in one’s environment by interfacing with these media in the ways suggested; or, to put it another way, changes in one’s ‘directional consciousness’ (desires) can result in a ‘collapse of the wave form’ which is the t.v. or monitor screen to produce something akin to ‘telepathy’ but what might truly be called ‘television’ in the sense that ‘what we see’ or ‘produce’ on the screen/monitor in our homes is somehow communicated/translated into external reality by the power of the archetypal ‘Self’, i.e., God, in which case satellite dishes and other forms of aerial/cable would replace the crucifix as the mediator between man and the divine. So, is it simply a question of desiring or ‘wishing’ for ‘things’ using the medium of a t.v. screen? Not exactly, although there is a limited success factor in such an approach. However, much greater results are produced by using what might be called ‘the technology of archetypal psychology’, that is, the use of archetypal symbolism both to programme oneself to reach different/higher states of consciousness (thus changing one’s perceptions of reality/reality itself) by means of the ‘what we want is what we get’ scenario in which the environment that contains it is treated as a ‘computer system’ containing archetypal symbols/motifs that can be made to function as ‘icons’ much in the way that ‘clicking’ on icons in a computer programme can give access to different ‘windows’ or aspects of the ‘system’.
How would this work? A Hungarian scientist working on the structure of the benzine molecule dreamt one night of a serpent eating its own tail, a central motif in Jung’s theories of self-actualization or individuation, and the next day - as if by magic - the helical structure of the benzine molecule appeared in his mind. The point here being that, if we juxtapose archetypal symbolism or imagery associated with, let’s say maths or chemistry, then those images can stimulate the creativity of the brain/consciousness; or, in other words, by using appropriate archetypal material within the framework of textbooks or computer programmes - including the ”world-as-computer” - these images can act as catalysts for inner and outer developmental/environmental impulses.
Educational level is, of course, important in terms of access to the ‘multiverse’ of alternative realities/systems available to the individual, for example, a woman from Manchester may have elements from symbolic structures as diverse as Egyptian mythological fragments, Tibetan mandalas, as well as imagery from the Judaeo-Christian tradition in her subconscious/unconscious mind. The point here being that knowledge of the various symbol systems/frameworks, which is the task of a Jungian ‘systems’ analyst, is essential both in providing ‘maps’ of the system(s), for example, the chakra system of energy points and their associated mental images/symbols in Kundalini yoga and the system of Sefiroths in the Kabbalah are but two such ‘maps’, ‘guides’ for the ‘user’ of such maps. In short, the greater one’s knowledge of the ‘symbolic territory’, the more possibilities you have for ‘access’ into ‘multiversal reality’.
In the Occident, the emphasis has been upon logic in the form of Logos rather than Eros, which may have been necessary for the channelling of libido into the creation of a technological approach, but at the expense of the brain’s as-yet unmapped capacities (a human being, we are told, uses only 10% of its potential); in other words, the field of Eros is a ‘territory’ which needs to be opened up and fully explored if an individual is to unlock his/her ‘access’ potential. In Kundalini yoga the third chakra in the vicinity of the solar plexus is described rather poetically as a ‘plenitude of jewels’, a reference to its in potentiam character, corresponding in psychological parlance to the wealth of psychic contents waiting to receive actualization in the psyche of the individual. Unfortunately, it often represents the zenith of an individual’s aspirations, corresponding as it does to the results of socio-economic conditioning which says that work, marriage, and the raising of a family is ‘fulfilment’. Sex or Tantric yoga is, therefore, indicated in individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to realise their blocked potential, which brings us into an area which I have called the ‘hieroglyphics of human sexuality’, an ancient form of symbolism familiar to us from Indian temples, Playboy and the Kama Sutra. If the ‘hieroglyphics of humanity’ can also be categorised as iconographical in the ways suggested - and the Tarot deck of the seer, in which the posturings of the characters depicted in the twenty-two major arcana are associated with the twenty-two letters of the Hebraic alphabet, suggests that they are - what might an analysis of their effects in terms of the ‘world-as-computer’ hypothesis reveal?
Research would involve the stimulation and observation of the creative imaginations of subjects in relation to the available symbol maps in order to access correlations between ‘maps’ and ‘territory’ - both internally in terms of the collective unconscious and externally in terms of the affects produced by the use of archetypal ‘icons’. The implementation of a programme resulting in an understanding of the effects produced in the environment - involving possible computer technology/televisual audio linkages between human consciousness and the ‘world-as-computer’. An examination, involving aspects of behavioural psychology to discover the effects produced by ‘human hieroglyphics’ - possibly involving sex therapists/pornography. The use of hypnotherapy or hypnagogic drugs to ‘unlock’ or ‘unchain’ the consciousness of the subject - though not recommended - is not ruled out. The use of ‘archetypal archaeology’, that is, the use of archetypal ‘icons’ to ‘access’ racial memories - perhaps involving regression therapy - to, as it were, ‘visit’ the past; or, and which might be more exciting in terms of the implementation of futuristic technologies, if certain products of the past were, as some contend, designed/constructed by ‘visitors’ from other worlds/dimensions, ‘accessing’ that alien psychology/psyche to make ‘contact’ with their now-living ancestors through what might be described as projection therapy, that is, producing/creating future technology by accessing the developmental archetypes of perhaps alien psychologies as preserved in myth, folklore, stone and image.
Magicians or Teachers
24/06/2012 10:31Magicians or Teachers
The Japanese have a concept of man in relation to the externality, the concept of 'Mu'. Everything that exists outside the individual is, potentially, part of his/her 'Mu'; or, to put it another way, what appears in one's field of vision/experiential domain is, in fact, 'for us' and, in a very real way, the creation of our minds - 'we get', as it were, 'what we want' in terms of our developmental requirements.
In the parlance of Jungian psychology what is happening is that the archetype of the `Self`, corresponding in religious parlance to 'God', is providing opportunities for personal growth and enrichment, which is where the educator becomes important - as an interface between the child and its internal 'mission'. The usual approach is for the child to be taught that the world is a difficult and dangerous place against which it - and its parents - need to protect it. The result being that the child sees the outside world as a threatening, hostile, alien 'thing', a situation complicated by parents who have problems of their own; child abuse, violence, psychoses, neuroses etc., possibly due to previous problematical educations of their own including false conditioning and social maladaptation. On the other hand, if the growing infant is taught that, for example, the world is his/hers - like a virtual reality film script - to use the latest techspeak - in which the child can write his/herself, but because he/she is small and vulnerable, its parents will guide and care for it until it is sufficiently developed enough to access the medium, the child's relationship to, as it were, 'God' is of a directly developmental or 'personal' one, that is, what happens to the child as it grows is aimed directly at him/her in terms of his/her development or progress.
The use of archetypal symbolism/imagery in pediatrics does not end there, however. It also has a role to play in the developmental understanding of children with dysfunctionalities; for example, a Hungarian scientist working on the structure of the benzine molecule dreamt one night of a serpent eating its own tail, a central motif in Jung’s theories of self-actualization or individuation, and the next day - as if by magic - the helical structure of the benzine molecule appeared in his mind. The point here is that, if we can juxtapose archetypal symbolism or imagery associated with, let's say mathematics or chemistry, then those images could help the student grasp the subject more easily - to say nothing of the possibilities for creativity.
The use of Jungian archetypes and symbolic motifs in the analysis of the unconscious is widespread, but their role as a framework with which to measure/enhance the level of consciousness is not. It is, for example, well known that the unconscious of a woman from Manchester may contain elements from symbolic structures/systems as diverse as Egyptian mythological fragments and Tibetan mandalas, as well as images from the Judaeo-Christian tradition that constitutes her background. The point here being that knowledge of the various symbol systems/frameworks, which would be the task of a Jungian educator, is essential in mapping the level of development/functioning - the chakra system of energy points and their associated mental images/symbols in Kundalini yoga and the system of Sefiroths in the Kabbalah are but two instances of models available for the purposes of such mapping - and also in his/her task of monitoring, gauging and guiding the child's creative potential, that is, through the literary/artistic products of its 'imagination'.
The role of sex as an educative medium cannot be ignored. The importance of the channelling of libido in ensuring developmental progress cannot be overemphasised. Consultation with experts in the field of pediatrics, particularly with regard to the linking of movement therapy with speech articulation, suggest that concentration upon correct body posture with regard to the crown of the head produces normal individuals at the expense of their creative potential. In Kundalini yoga the third chakra in the vicinity of the solar plexus is described rather poetically as a plenitude of jewels, a reference to its in potentiam character, corresponding in psychological parlance to the wealth of psychic contents waiting to receive actualization in the psyche of the individual, the fruition of which is symbolized in alchemy as the cauda pavonis or peacock's tail, but which might also be described as the 'crown jewels' a suggestion that has both a sexual connotation - in the English vernacular a reference to the male genitalia - and a psycho-physical dimension in terms of the crown of the head or lotus chakra in yoga. Sex or Tantric yoga is, therefore, indicated as a useful form of therapy in assisting individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to realise their blocked potential due to socio-economic conditioning which tells them that work, marriage and the raising of a family - a situation associated with the third or solar plexus chakra in the Hindu system - should be the zenith of their aspirations, and is in fact 'normal'. Of course, vested interests may have a role to play. There are elements of society - Freemasons, for example - whose goal is to maintain the status quo and keep the mass of people at a low level of consciousness becuase they are easier to manipulate that way. Emphasis in Christianity, for example, upon logic in the form of Logos rather than Eros may have been necessary for the channelling of libido into the creation of a technological approach, but at the expense of the brain's as-yet unmapped capacities (a human being we are told uses only 10% of its potential); in other words, the field of Eros is a territory which needs to be opened up and fully explored if an individual is to maximize his/her intellectual/creative potential.
With regard to youth culture and, in particular, the taking of drugs and the need to find a solution to the problem of those seeking to recover from substance abuse, recent experimental studies in the field suggest that the use of symbolic structures and archetypal frameworks in the environment can be useful in producing a therapeutic relationship between individuals and what often seems an alien and hostile world surrounding them. Results indicate that the use of symbols in the externality as iconographical tools - just as one might 'click' on icons in a computer - by focusing one's energies upon a particular motif, produce effects associated with that particular 'icon', thus creating a more creative, playful and harmonious relationship between 'subject' and his/her reality. The therapeutic applications for those experimenting with drugs is great - and I am not an advocate of such methodologies, but if it's going to occur isn't it better to give those undertaking this self-examination or research exploration into inner space all the information they might need in order to survive it?.
But there are further far reaching possibilities with regard to future scenarios in connection with this concept. In theoretical physics there is a very famous experiment in which an electron gun is fired at a target. A camera placed next to the target records that each electron arrives as if travelling in a straight line. However, further observation reveals that, in spite of appearances, if the electrons are watched by technical apparatus at a point midway between gun and target, they show signs of deviating from the direct path and, as it were, choosing one amongst many alternative paths to the goal, that is, each electron chooses from a plethora of possibilities within what the phsicists describe as a 'probability wave', a notion that gave birth to the theory of parallel universes or multi-realities and which has some significance for us in our concerns with transcendent consciousness or higher levels of functioning. In short, the extrapolated conclusion would be that, if human consciousness can be said to be responsible for determining the reality which it inhabits, then it must also be possible, by changing the level of consciousness or neurological functioning - either developmentally organic, biochemically, or some kind of fusion of the two approaches - to choose which world to inhabit or even produce alternative worlds through the power of what Jung referred to as creative imagination. The notion of world-as-computer offers the further possibility of individuals being able to simply 'ask' for and obtain what they require, which quite possibly is the area of experimentation for those elements of the drug culture with enquiring minds?
The question of whether or not moving objects can be categorised as having the attributes of icons is one which brings us into the areas of behavioural psychology and what I have described elsewhere as 'human hieroglyphics', an ancient form of symbolism familiar to us from Egyptian temples and, to take a rather less well known example, the Tarot deck of the seer in which the posturings of the characters depicted in the twenty-two major arcana are associated with the hieroglyphical forms of the twenty-two characters of the Hebraic alphabet. And what of Yin and Yang, the male and the female? Indian temples celebrate the acts of physical love in three-dimensional stone carvings, so what would a study of the 'hieroglyphics of human sexuality' reveal?
Ethical questions remain to be resolved for advocates of this biochemical and developmentally organic approach. On the one hand, is it appropriate to intervene pharmacologically in the growth process?. On the other hand, is it desirable for an individual's awakening libido to be channelled into sexual rather than mental activity and vice versa? In the end the decision has to be for the individual concerned, the task of the developer or educator being one of guidance and as a facilitator of choices already made.
The stimulation and observation of the creative imaginations of patients or subjects in relation to the available symbol maps needs to happen in order to ascertain what, if any, correlations exist between the ‘map[s] and the territory’ of the collective unconscious, and the implementation of a programme resulting in a description of the effects produced in the environment by a creative interface between human consciousness and the world-as-computer. To ascertain in infants whether they are highly developed in terms of mental activity - or they are mentally deficient, an archetypal methodology using sound and visual stimuli of an archetypal nature - and the careful monitoring/gauging of the reactions on the part of the infant to this input – would both determine the level of mental activity and, perhaps, assist in facilitating the infants' education; particularly in early language learning or TESOL. The same techniques can, of course, be applied in organically assisting the developmental progress of 'normal' children. By using appropriate archetypal material within the framework of textbooks or computer programmes alongside the usual illustrations and diagrams etc., these images can act as catalysts for developmental/individuational impulses. To take an old example of the sort of thing I mean, a Hungarian scientist dreamt one night of a serpent eating its own tail, a central motif in Jung's theories of individuation, and the next day he was able to model the structure of the benzine molecule he was working on.
The use of hypnotherapy and, perhaps, hypnotic hallucinogens to facilitate the unlocking of the individual's self-awareness and requirements in terms of his/her potential and goals (part of the battle for individuational growth is discovering just what the person concerned wants from life) is indicated, before using techniques like archetypal imaging and hypnotic autosuggestion to get them moving away from whatever they thought their problem was and towards their self-discovered and, if the Jungian educator is doing his/her job properly, self-programmed destiny.
Applying aspects of behavioural psychology in connection with Jung’s concept of imaginatio, the effects produced in the environment by ‘human hieroglyphics’ could be analysed, including thpse effects produced by what might be described as the ‘hieroglyphics of human sexuality’ through analysis of the static image as found in pornography of the ‘Playboy` or 'Leo' types as well as cinematographically. This might be extended to an ‘archetypal archaeology, the use of archetypal icons to ‘access’ racial memories - perhaps involving regression therapy - to, as it were, ‘visit’ the past; or, and which might be more exciting, if certain products of the past were, as some contend, designed/constructed by ‘visitors’ from other worlds/dimensions, either discover something of that alien psychology/psyche through the aforesaid techniques - what might we discover about alien psychology by observing the effects produced by intense meditations upon the god Anubis, for example, a figure linked in Egyptian mythology with the binary star system of Sirius and, traditionally, telepathy? - or make contact with the psyches of the now-living ancestors of those visitors both here-and-now and, who knows, out-there-somewhere too through what might described as projection therapy, that is, visiting or producing/creating the future by accessing the developmental archetypes of perhaps alien psychologies as preserved in myth, folklore, stone and image.
23/06/2012 11:07Demonique
When Madonna made her book Sex she took the role of Dita as an alter ego through whom she could examine her desires. In the single Erotica released with the book inside its silvery plastic bag, she sings the lyric: `My name is Dita, I'll be your mistress tonight.` The concept of the alter ego isn`t unusual with pop divas:
Oh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
Because I'm so
I can't get her off of my brain
I just want to go to the party she gonna go
Can somebody take me home
Ha ha he he ha ha ho
Britney Spears - If You Seek Amy
Britney`s preoccupation with sex follows Madonna`s role as a mother producing herself as a woman from its infant state. The danger for most individuals is that of infantilism, which is often confused with paedophilia. In essence the mother`s relationship with the child is one of preparedness for the infant`s growing sexual activity, and so the child has the role of the paedophile who wants to have sex with an adult, who is described as a paedophile for making sex available to the growing individual. The mother who denies the child sexual access is infantile because she`s refusing to facilitate growth:
With a taste of your lips,
I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a ... [boy son] ... paradise
I'm addicted to you,
don't you know that you're toxic?
- Britney Spears Toxic
The infantile perspective has much in common with Satanism, where the Satanist perceives development as a process of food in, excrement out, that is, the individual personality has no function other than the biologically obvious one of moving water from one place to another (the human body is 60% water, and the brain is 70% water). To a Satanist urine is what people are for. From Satanism`s perspective, no matter what the individual creates, he or she is reducible to urine and shit, and so that`s what the collected works of humanity are. It is no accident that the incurable disease of AIDS is contracted from shit, urine, and blood. Because urine and shit is what Satanists believe human beings to be. By promoting the sterile evil of anal sex with the anus that is not a sexual organ, and denies the woman`s clitoris as the only organ of the human body that is solely concerned with the production of physical pleasure, Satanism has found a way of infecting our blood.
In refusing to facilitate the normal sexual growth of their perceivedly `paedophile` children because they want to have sex when `too young`, parents are in fact practicing infantilism. Parents who`re condemned for having sex with undeveloped children who don`t want to have sex, are practicing paedophilia, which is the frightening of children in order to prevent normal growth, and so these adults or parents are in fact not paedophiles, which is definable as children`s awakening desire for sexual activity, but infantiles who`re seeking to make another individual as infantile as they.
In England students are educated from kindergarten to PhD level, in English literature, without anyone ever explaining that women have a penis of their own, which is infantilist. But where is the education system anywhere on Earth that provides such information? Apart from the internet, which is condemned for showing `dirty` pictures almost routinely by infantile minds who don`t want personal sexual growth:
Want to get dirrty
It's about time that I came to start the party
Sweat dripping over my body
Dance and getting just a little naughty
Want to get dirrty
It's about time for my arrival
Christina Aguilera - Dirrty
Christina Aguilera is a woman attempting to give birth to herself, the `arrival` of her baby, as it were. Infantilism denies her species` authenticity, and schizophrenia is the concomitant of a woman`s understanding that she has her own penis as a species, so where is she?
I can't get her off of my brain
I just want to go to the party she gonna go
Britney Spears - If You Seek Amy
The connection between infantilism and nihilism is evident. If infantilism is the denial of personal growth, then human beings are reducible to shit. Because the infantile assists the nihilist in denying personal growth to others, infantilism is desired by the evil, because it facilitates the process of reducing humanity to shit, that is, `crop`, fertilizer. Anal sex is infantile because it`s nihilist. An infantile is an individual who`s been educated to believe that personal growth is undesirable, and anal sex doesn`t represent growth, so it`s become an acceptable place to put a penis for the infantile.
AIDS indicates that anal sex, resulting from nihilism`s promotion of infantilism, has facilitated the achieving of the nihilist manifesto of physical and spiritual species` death for humanity. However, because women have a penis of their own ( ), they are the species on the planet, and men are parasites leeching from their `host wombs` from birth, which the holy book of the Moslem peoples, the Koran, recognizes:
``... the embryo ... obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others.`1
Infantilism may be understood as a `plot` by men as parasitical leeches to keep women in ignorance. Nihilists manipulate concepts such as `paedophile`, defined by dictionaries as `one who likes children`, and not eliminating children themselves from that `liking`, to prevent the `paedophile` child who likes itself from receiving appropriate sexual care to facilitate personal growth. It`s the English `nanny knows best` system in which infantilism, anal sex, and AIDS are molly coddled into birth by nihilistic species` killers masquerading as `carers`. In Womanizer Britney Spears rejects infantilism because she perceives it to be parasitical vampirism:
Must mistake me, you're a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Britney Spears - Womanizer
If women have a penis, then looking in the mirror and finding yourself sexually desirable as a girl requires some parental explanation. If it isn`t forthcoming, a woman is lost to her own species. Similarly, a boy looking at his erect penis in the mirror and not seeing anything he fancies needs to have it explained that the penis belongs to the woman, in fact, and that`s why he has an erection. Because she`s the species and he isn`t. That`s why girls find themselves sexually desirable in their mirrors and spend so much time with jewellery and make up. Explaining that they`re dressing for a future husband isn`t even close to half of the story, and the woman`s penis hasn`t even been invited to the discussion, irrespective of a possible wedding between a woman with a penis and her own species.
In fact Satanism isn`t the correct word to describe what Satanists are. It`s perfectly justifiable to define a Satanist as someone who accepts that women have a penis of their own and are a species independent of Man, or even of God, which makes the practice of sex between women rebellious in the same way that Satan was, traditionally, removed from the heavenly realm, for refusing to acknowledge God and Man`s superiority in the development of Mankind. The emergence of Woman with a penis as a species may be viewed as the Redemption of the penis of Satan upon his prison, the Earth, and in the biblical Revelation, at the Bible`s close, the woman of the Earth, who is `hidden` because she has her own penis, leaves to sow her seed amongst the stars and receives a new heaven and Earth from God while the evil receive perdition as their punishment.
The Redemption of Satan is the penis of the species` Woman, and in fact that`s why Satanists are confused. What is described as Satanism is actually nihilism, which is the principle that its adherents believe in the negation and extinction of all living things, and in Revelation these receive eternal unendurable pain from God, who is wise to them. Britney Spears implicitly recognizes the evil of men as parasitical leeches, but she`s a sucker too if she finds it acceptable:
He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun
But mama I'm in love with a criminal
Britney Spears - Criminal
The Egyptian myth of Osiris explains this on its simplest level. Ra, the sun god, incarnates upon the Earth as the corn god Osiris, who is dismembered by Set, the evil one, and in spring the corn god is resurrected once more. In other words, the corn is threshed, made into bread, and eaten by the people, who shit it out which fertilizes the crops for the next spring. When the people die, they`ll be fertilizer, which is what everyone in fact becomes, from the perspective of nihilists who don`t want the Resurrection of Jesus or heaven, and so every sucker has to be made to believe and understand, until they`re suicidal, that their lives are pointless and nihilistic:
I'm Miss Bad Media Karma, another day, another drama
Guess I can't see the harm in workin' and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm, I'm still an exceptional earner
You want a piece of me?
Britney Spears – Piece Of Me
In Sudan those who imposed Islamic Sharia law on a man caught having sex with a goat and forcing him to marry the goat were ridiculed, but it makes more sense than to take custody of Britney Spears` children because one of them dropped his hat in the street while she was being hounded by the paparazzi and someone accused her of `negligence`.
Princess Diana, similarly hounded by the paparazzi, as if she were the Actaeon her goddess` namesake rejected in the myth, was found dead in the Pont D`Alma tunnel in Paris while the paparazzi were inextricably implicated in the public mind with her murder.
In Piece Of Me Britney spears tacitly observes that the media view her as their `bad karma`, that is, she`s a mother and a rich pop star. Prophetically, Piece Of Me predicts the paparrazi`s attack on her. It`s newspaper law, which is worse than the Sharia law of the Moslem`s, which teaches us from what`s ridiculous rather than being ridiculous. Effectively, the newspaper law that took away Britney`s kids, represents an infantile perspective, rather than the received wisdom that it`s `parental`.
In refusing to accept the individuality and personal integrity of the `other`, such paternalism promulgates a vision in which all individuals and their products are childlike, and so susceptible to a nihilist reduction in which everyone who seeks personal growth is `nothing but` urine, excrement and, should they resist, blood:
It’s getting late
To give you up
I took a sip
From my devil's cup
It’s taking over me
Britney Spears - Toxic
Normal sex, whether heterosexual or futanarian is actually species` resistance on the part of those who are prepared to fight against the infantile nihilists. AIDS represents a battleground where blood is being spilt. The nihilists have presented their manifesto of everyone as `nothing but` urine and shit in the numerous wars and bloody conflicts of the preceding centuries; Little Big Horn, Gettysburg, the Somme, Iwo Jima, Kosovo and, in the final biblical analysis, Revelation`s Armageddon. Now they`re attacking the nascent species of Woman by attempting to infect our blood and kill us on the inside too:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
1 Ibrahim, I. A., A Brief Illustrated guide To Understanding Islam, Darussalam, Houston, Texas, USA, 1997, pp. 74, p.6.
The Non-Interactive Society
22/06/2012 14:07The Non-Interactive Society
If women have a penis, and they do ( ), then the policy of non-interaction is their definitive mode. In the Moslem nations women are `hidden` behind the cloistered existences of the abiyah, which is a full length sack with eyeholes that prevents them from being seen or spoken with. In Western societies the norm is one woman one man although polygamy isn`t illegal, while In Arabia the rule is that each man can have four wives.
In Hollywood a sight of the male penis is the main taboo of mainstream pictures, on `moral` grounds. However, because women have a penis, the taboo against its revealing is a prohibition against women`s being seen, which is `immoral` on moral grounds. Moslem societies are criticized for their non-interactivity, but women in the West are deactivated because they`re not able to function as a species with its own penis.
In Claude Levi Strauss` structuralist anthropology the world is a phenomenological instruction kit. Milk is observed to curdle and produce cheese, for example. This is the model for inventiveness from man`s perspective. Vehicles are stable because they have four wheels, which derives its form from structuralist anthropological observations of a world in which most creatures have four legs. The idea of fourness is, therefore, a structuralist anthropological given in terms of nature, which is what structuralism is about.
The structural anthropologists argue that the world is perceivable by the brain because it corresponds to the structure of the brain. The developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) posits the `God archetype`, which exists as a natural facultas praeformandi that produces archetypes in dreams and imagination that are discernible in art and life as manifestations of the soul and spirit which seeks development and personal growth for the individual, or individuation.
In simple terms, the phenomenological world is observable as inventive naturally, which is what men conceive as nature in their conservative approach towards reality, whereas the world of the soul, which is descried as spiritual produces archetypal phenomenon, which are natural but alien to the way that men think because they`re conservatively preventing women`s penis from emerging and being seen. Because men are a parasite due to their seeking to prevent women from knowing their own penis, and enslaving her as a `host womb` in which to be born and feed upon her as leeches, the fourfold marriage of Arabian society is an archetypal structuralist manifestation of the four functions of consciousness that Jung describes as being necessary for an individual`s perfect functionality.
According to Jung, Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition are the four functions of consciousness, and the four wives of Moslem society correspond to the building of an individuated self from the perspective of the marrying, in the Shakespearian sense of `understanding`, central male who corresponds to the ego controlling the four functions. In short, the archetypal structure of the brain, which is natural and from nature, in women, and is perceivable as actuating spiritually in the phenomenological world, is not anthropological structuralist, which would correspond to the brains of men. In their concern with how to have nature produce so that they can feed upon it as parasitical organisms, men aren`t concerned with God because the archetypal structuralist female brain isn`t necessary for the production of bread and wine, for example, which can be `invented` simply by observing nature, whereas fourfold marriage can`t be presupposed from the natural world and so is a phenomenologically realized `spiritual` creation of God`s that, appearing in the natural world, has also arisen from it, which forms the basis for a perception of women as structuralist unifiers of nature.
In Christianity, Jesus uses the bread and the wine, as high level products of civilization and culture, to indicate that soul and spirit are productive of `fellowship`. Bread and wine are structuralist anthropological, that is, they are naturally phenomenological and can be observed deriving simply from nature, which facilitates men`s feeding as parasites upon the Earth because they`re concerned with maintaining themselves through least effort. The soul, as the ultimately `emanatory` intellect of the archetypes of God`s spirit, insofar as the phenomenological world contains signs of them, is archetypal structuralist, or female. If women have a penis, and men don`t produce breast milk, then women`s selfless nurturing of their offspring is an archetypal stucturalist manifestation of God`s spirit in the phenomenological world, a `structuralist` sign of nature`s inventiveness and spirituality.
From men`s structuralist anthropological point of view milk produces cheese, and women produce men, which means that men are parasites whereas women are producers. Because women are archetypal structuralist they`re developmental whereas men are stucturalist anthropological, which means that they`re parasitical. It`s the analogy of the fruit in the garden of Eden. Fruit is picked without effort, and men`s structuralist anthropological approach, determined by their brains, is to feed upon nature rather than assist it to develop spiritually, which is what breast-feeding women do with their milk.
During Jesus` crucifixion he was given vinegar, which is rotten wine, and according to Levi-Strauss` structuralism vinegar is a higher form of culture than wine because, although grapes ferment to produce wine, and that`s structuralist anthropology insofar as its phenomenologically descryable by men and so implementable as a mass productive process, the sourness of vinegar tells us that fruit juice tastes better than wine and vinegar is consequently a symbol, in Jesus` crucifixion, of what`s wrong with men`s brains. They`re rotten and crucify Jesus because they don`t want God to produce anything more difficult than a structuralist anthropological reality in which observation is inventive enough for men to live parasitically.
Jesus was murdered because he was suggesting an archetypalist structuralist approach to production in which the victim wasn`t tortured to produce more, but produced because that`s what producers do. Because Woman is God`s producer, that is, everything comes from her enslaved `host womb`, men as her anthropological structuralist parasites would be frightened that Jesus` advocacy of the Holy Spirit as the `tutelary guide`, that is, the Shekinah or female spirit of the law from the Covenant with God in the Old Testament, would result in freedom for women to produce, as God`s chosen people, without men as her torturing parasites.
In The Wasteland poem T.S. Eliot observed that the world had lost soul and spirit. Eliot posited that archetypal material existent within the psyche could be reactivated so that the soul and spirit of modernity could revivify life. A simple analogy is that of bars where alcohol is drunk, and Eliot refers to it specifically:
`When Lil's husband got demobbed, I said -
I didn't mince my words, I said to her myself,
Now Albert's coming back, make yourself a bit smart.
He'll want to know what you done with that money he gave you
To get yourself some teeth. He did, I was there.
You have them all out, Lil, and get a nice set,
He said, I swear, I can't bear to look at you.
And no more can't I, I said, and think of poor Albert,
He's been in the army four years, he wants a good time,
And if you don't give it him, there's others will, I said.
Oh is there, she said. Something o' that, I said.
Then I'll know who to thank, she said, and give me a straight look.
If you don't like it you can get on with it, I said.
Others can pick and choose if you can't.
But if Albert makes off, it won't be for lack of telling.
You ought to be ashamed, I said, to look so antique.
(And her only thirty-one.)
I can't help it, she said, pulling a long face,
It's them pills I took, to bring it off, she said.
(She's had five already, and nearly died of young George.)
The chemist said it would be alright, but I've never been the same.
You are a proper fool, I said.
Well, if Albert won't leave you alone, there it is, I said,
What you get married for if you don't want children?
Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon,
And they asked me in to dinner, to get the beauty of it hot -
Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight.
Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night..`
The last line is from Shakespeare`s Hamlet in which Hamlet, Ophelia`s boyfriend, kills her father and she drowns herself after saying goodbye. If she`s a species she doesn`t need them anyway. Eliot`s stanzas are concerned with the drowning of one`s self in alcohol, which has already reduced Lil to a toothless whore at 31 and Eliot`s refrain of `HURRY UP PLEASE IT`S TIME` relates to the need for a `spiritual` change, which would include the recognition by drunken Woman that she`s a species.
The Wasteland contains the bars of the prison to which men go in order to rot their brains, practice rottenness and return to the bars of the prison to rot their brains. Women`s milk, like fruit juice, isn`t brain rotting, and neither is vinegar. But the Roman soldier gave Jesus vinegar at the crucifixion rather than water because he was rotten, although vinegar is actually sustaining of life. The soldier wanted to prolong Jesus` torture. Nature isn`t spiritually rotten, whereas alcoholic men and their brains are, which is why they imbibe the `demon drink`; they like to. It makes them more demoniacal.
Apples can be picked from trees, and eaten. That`s `prison behavior` in accordance with perceptions of the structuralist anthropological phenomenology of nature as men`s prison. Vinegar, produced from fermented wine that`s left a little longer, may be used to sustain a victim under torture, and is rotten; but nature isn`t. In short, men prefer prison and torture because it`s easier; even though they may become the imprisoned and tortured.
Britney Spears in a cage suggests that she`s a slave, whereas she`s a billionaire; but it`s the image that`s powerful and so the structural anthropologist observer doesn`t envision himself there. Consequently, going to the bars to rot their brains with alcohol so that they can live in the prison is what men do. Because they can`t see themselves living outside of the bars, but they can see Britney Spears on the inside of a cage during her Circus tour, which gives them the illusion of power. Or, as they say in the United Kingdom, when they go to the bars:
`A couple of Britney Spears, please.`
Inside the bars they can order beers, and understand that Britney Spears is a billionaire in a cage on her Circus tour, whereas they`re free to order `Britney Spears`, rot their brains with alcohol, and plan to torture the woman, as they tortured Jesus, because of their alcohol fuelled delusion that she`s producing under torture while they`re free to imprison her and make her produce.
Alfred Lord Tennyson`s In Memoriam contains the line `nature red I tooth and claw`, which relates to the nature philosopher and anthropologist Sir Charles Darwin`s Origin Of Species` thesis that `the fittest survive`, and that has been used by conservative ideologists to deny archetypal structuralism, that is, the development of women as a species with her own penis. On structuralist anthropological grounds men perceive their brains superior because parasitical. Women`s brains are archetypal structuralist because developmental. Consequently, conservatism`s thesis that the `fittest survive` is, from an archetypal structuralist perspective, rotten. Women`s breast milk is a natural sign that, because they have a penis of their own and are a species, they`re prevented from surviving by `conservative thinkers`. In political terms, the British Labour party`s name is archetypal structuralist, because it indicates `work` and `birth` rather than parasitism, whereas conservatism only preserves the parasite.
Feminists, in subscribing to the theory of equality in socialism, perceive that homosexuals and lesbians are `politically correct` insofar as they`re `the same`, whereas homosexuals aren`t a species under development and lesbian women are the manifestation in the natural world of the spirit of God seeking physical and spiritual actuation for women as a species. In short, homosexuality isn`t politically sound feminist ideological thinking, because women`s brains aren`t the same as rotten homosexual conservatives who don`t want life, and who`ve given us their AIDS as a reification of their parasitical cannibalistic desire to devour Woman as the creature of which they`ve made an enslaved symbiote and which Revelation descries as precursing the woman `hidden` upon the Earth leaving for the stars to sow her `seed`, with her own penis, amongst the heavens prior to her final battle and defeat of the evil `seed` who receive a punishment of eternal unendurable pain as a consequence of their refusal to repent of their rotten parasitical cannibalism:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
In political terms, socialism`s advocacy of sameness as a criteria for PC is, paradoxically, strengthened by conservatism`s advocacy of the superiority of men`s structuralist anthropological brains, amounting to conservatism`s unopposed embracing of rottenness and parasitism as a political platform. Women`s espousal of socialist PC criteria means that they`ve accepted de facto inferiority because they don`t have a platform that`s archetypal structuralist enough to counteract the structuralist anthropological vision from the brains of men. To be sufficiently archetypal structuralist they`d have to deny that homosexuality is `the same` as lesbianism and promote themselves as the `soul species` of God`s spiritual Earth.
Because there`s a spirit in nature which is developmental and not inert, nature isn`t merely biological, but psychological. When a woman has four wives in Arabia because she`s a species with her own penis it`ll be obvious that the archetypal structure of Jung`s four functioned psyche is phenomenologically present in the world and so the `God archetype` of nature`s spirit is as real as the structuralist anthropologically derived `invention` of drinking straws from reeds, which in fact amounts to parasitism rather than invention, because even a chimp can pick an apple from a tree. In other words, the God archetype doesn`t `invent`, it exists phenomenologically as a manifestation of the design of the creator for creativity from within the creation, which is why Eve is depicted as emerging from the side of Adam in Genesis. The Earth may be perceivable as phenomenologically presupposing anthropological structuralist `inventiveness` such as the `traffic light` where `red for danger` is structurally nature, but woman from the side of man is `inventive` and not presupposed by nature but, archetypal structuralist, developmental.
In Saudi Arabia`s predominantly Sunni Moslem city of Al Riyadh, `the Garden`, green, orange, and red, in terms of their traffic light system`s `symbolic logic`, is perceivable as the `Red Sea` by which Joshua and Moses lost a fish, the symbol of Jesus, and which heralded the appearance of Khidr, the `green one`. In Moslem tradition there are Sunnis, which would be symbolized here by the sun as the orange daystar, and amber of the `traffic light`, and Shi`ites, who are different primarily because of their preference for particular Suras of the Koran, which was dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by angels, according to tradition, and is the holy book of the Moslem world. The story of Khidr is from Sura 18 and relates Khidr`s teaching of Moses by means of three stages that would also correspond to the red, orange and green of the `traffic light` symbolism. Khidr does three things that Moses doesn`t understand. He rebuilds a wall, kills someone and knocks a hole in a boat. Explaining, Khidr says he did all these things to prevent something evil from occurring, and escape. Moses doesn`t understand because he doesn`t. In the Talmud Moses is therefore given the law of God to obey so that he doesn`t have to understand. He does as he`s ordered to do. In simple terms, the traffic light is the law, which is structuralist anthropological, whereas Khidr is the wisdom that doesn`t need the law. Moses is stupid so he needs the law, which is for stupid people who use the law to tell wise people what to do, but that`s not what the law if for, and that`s why much Sharia law is criticized because it`s used by stupid people:
A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.
The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.
They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.
"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.
Mr Alifi, of Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with his goat.
"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up."
Mr Alifi then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.
"They said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife," Mr
Alifi told the newspaper. 1

The meaning of the traffic light is that the law helps people to go forward, whereas the wise person goes forward in understanding. Moslem societies, on the whole, are sensible. When asked about `worship`, the Prophet Mohammed said: `I fast and I eat, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women.` Mohammed`s precept was `do good` and, when asked about Mohammed, his wife Ayesha said `His character was the Koran.`2 Most Moslem`s would observe that the Sudanese man needed a wife and not a goat.
From a Jungian perspective, four wives, which is the number feasible in Moslem culture, is archetypally developmental because it corresponds to the number of the functions of consciousness. In Jungian terms, a woman with a penis with four wives would, archetypally, be God in the natural phenomenology of the world. This suggests that, although previously men`s structural anthropological parasitism has imposed itself upon the world, and what we are able to see of it is what remains from their enslaving of women as a `host womb`, the archetypal structuralist perspective is God`s, who is omnipotent, and can`t be denied forever. Men don`t want God because they want parasitism. Like paratroopers landing on the roof of your house to steal the family silver, it`s because they don`t have any and it seems easier in the short term; but God isn`t.
Jesus` teaching presupposes culture and civilization in the form of corn and grapes being transformed by structural anthropological inventiveness, that is, bread and wine are phenomenologically derivable from a perfunctory study of nature by men. The story of the serpent in Eden is that of the parasite that observes the apple can be plucked from the tree without effort, and so advises Eve to take the fruit of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which results in her expulsion from the garden. Henceforth Eve experiences the pain of childbirth and has to obtain what she needs by the `sweat of her brow`. The history of civilization and culture is of men`s desire to obtain what they want without working, and the infestation of women`s wombs by men is a manifestation of that parasitical desire. In other words, the story of Eve from Eden is that of the woman`s enslavement, and Adam is her torturer.
Jesus` offering of the bread and the wine to the disciples in fellowship precedes his torture and murder by men who represent the structuralist anthropological approach to production. From a structuralist anthropological reading of nature it`s possible for the parasites to discover how to make bread and wine. However, wine requires more observation insofar as it`s rotten fruit. Held up as a mark of civilization and culture it actually denotes the `mark of the beast`,3 because the structuralist anthropological brains of men view the producer as their victim, symbolized at the crucifixion scene by Jesus being given vinegar to sustain life so that the torturers can continue. In simple terms, the anthropological structuralist method is to torture the soul and spirit of nature so that it produces more of itself, so that it produces more of itself ... The solution to this is the archetypal structuralist approach to development, which is that the spirit of God and the soul of Womankind are a unity that works together for production without parasitism.
In the 1961 science fiction story Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) the central protagonist Michael Valentine Smith is torn apart by a mad crowd in a Christ-like scene at the close of the book. His body is eaten by his disciples in a symbolic meal reminiscent of Jesus words about the bread and the wine: `This is my body and my blood.` Because women are a species with their own penis, their devourment of Smith isn`t cannibalism, whereas men`s eating of his body is, which means that, in terms of the production process, the parasites that are men are cannibals. Or, in other words, they should eat each other.
In biology the AIDS virus is largely perceived as a homosexual disease deriving from monkeys, and AIDS lives by fooling the immune system into thinking that it`s a white cell from the immune system that attacks and destroys foreign bodies which would kill red blood cells. In fooling the body into believing it’s a part of the immune stytem`s defences, the AIDS virus kills the defending white cells and stops the body from living. Men are similarly parasitical cannibals that, fooling the `host womb` of the body of women, are an infestation replicating itself upon the Earth with her destruction or devourment as its teleological aim. In other words, men are a virus and women are a species with their own penis, but they`re susceptible to deception by men`s `camouflage`, which is the penis they have, in faith, from a developmentally archetypal structuralist `mother nature` or Spirit of God, which is spiritually present in Womankind as the archetypes, but not logically and necessarily present in men whose brains seem structuralist anthropological rather than archetypally developmental.
In effect men are imprisoned by their structuralist anthropologically determined brains, which preclude them from being anything other than parasites; because they are. As a virus, AIDS is a structuralist anthropological manifestation of men`s killing of the women in the cells of their prison, which is the Earth. The solution to AIDS is archetypal structuralist, that is, the discovery by someone, with enough feminine soul or spirit from nature, of a cure derived from imagination. But structuralist anthropological men`s brains perceive that the solution is to torture the genius to produce a cure, and then continue torturing:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
It`s a feature of replicating diseases that they kill themselves in killing the body they replicate within. Consequently, men are women`s disease because men have adopted structuralist anthropological nature as a methodological paradigm for the easiest route of parasitism upon women and the phenomenological natural environment which, because men are the torturers of women and nature as their victim, tells them that all they have to do is enslave the `host womb` of the planetary species, torture it to make it produce, and pick off its fruit from its developed branches while preventing it from any developmental functioning that would allow its escaping them, which is what the Bible ends with insofar as the escaping `hidden` woman of the Earth is given a new heaven and Earth by God for her `seed` while the evil receive perdition.
If women are a species, and men are parasitical cannibals which seek to devour her and the Earth because they`ve achieved symbiosis with her flesh, then it explains why they`re gnawing on their own tongues. As cannibals, they`d be presupposed to. Similarly, as homosexual parasites that aren`t a species, but like the ancient Greek pederasts merely using women to replicate themselves, they`re supposed to die of their own diseases (AIDS, cannibalism) rather than give it to women, who are archetypal structuralist, and whose white cells mirror the milk their breasts produce for their baby, Womankind, as naturally and incontrovertibly pure.
Aryan thinking has often been criticized for racism, but the whiter the cells, the whiter the spunk, and the whiter the milk, the purer the species of Womankind. This is a truism that applies to perception of women as a species with her own penis, and so the `Aryan path` is the path of the species of Woman. In simple terms, black babes with healthy white cells, testicles full of white spunk, and tits full of white milk are Aryan women, and it has nothing to do with colour of skin or creed:
`.. a nucleus of universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color; to study ancient and modern religions, philosophies, and sciences, and to demonstrate the importance of such study.`4
The obvious problem with the Aryan path is that, in presupposing brotherhood, sisterhood is precluded because that presupposes brotherly and sisterly relations between a parasitical non-species, that is, men, and a species, that is, women with their own penis. In simple terms, men are `hoods` and Womankind is a better description of what humanity should be. This explains why the Nazis were `hoods` who, in their brotherly way, exterminated 6,000,000, Jews. Judaism presupposes that, as one can only be a Jew if born from a woman, so Jews can only be women. Nazism, in exterminating Jews, presupposes that women are produced for men`s cannibalistic devouring of its symbiote.
The whiter the woman, the closer she approximates to men`s target of destroying the white cell`s of the body of Womankind by means of themselves as a virus that corresponds, in structuralist anthropological terms, to AIDS. Nazism`s advocacy of the creation of white blonde ubermenschen on their `love farms` was merely a device to get closer to white blonde Woman and exterminate her as a species with her own penis. Because the `Aryan path` is Woman`s penis` path, the Nazis extermination of the Jews was men`s parasitical `behaviouralist` phenomenology. Judaism defines Jews as women, insofar as Jews can only be born from women, so Woman is God`s developing `chosen` species, which the Nazis didn`t want and so exterminated her in their concentration camps at Belsen and Auschwitz et al. The final conclusion would have to be that men aren`t human, because their `final solution` to women as a species is visibly all they`re preoccupied with.
2 Characteristics of The Prophet, National Guard, The Organisation of Religious Guidance and Moral Direction, Prepared By: Educational Department in Madar Al-Watan, Saudi Arabia, 2006,
3 The mark of the murderer Cain in Genesis and which is used to identify men in Revelation by the simple expedient of observing that `the number of a man is the number of the beast`, that is, men are beasts.
4 Indo-Asian Culture, Vol. 20, Indian Council For Cultural Relations, January 1, 1971, p.86.