Carl Gustav Jung`s Developmental Symbol and Hungary`s Matriarchy
13/03/2013 13:44Carl Gustav Jung`s Developmental Symbol and Hungary`s Matriarchy
Depth psychologist Sigmund Freud is regarded by many as` the father of psychology` because he perceived that the evil in the world derived from what he defined as penis repression. The subsequent creation of a shadow or subconscious aspect to the personality he saw as the result of the creation of the `id` through repression of the penis, and the `id` wasn`t conscious but became actual in evil human activities.
Many have disagreed with Freud because he argued that everything, that is, art, culture and civilization, was `nothing but` an expression of the repressed penis, and his pupil, Carl Gustav Jung, argued that the penis` libidic energy was transformed in the course of the individuation process from instinctual energy into spiritual or intellectual endeavour, which resulted in the inventions that humans have made for themselves, and art, culture and civilization was inventiveness.
Jung`s concept was that the penis was a tool for living and that art, culture and civilization was the machine that the tool had constructed in order to live better. What he didn`t publish was the obvious, which was that the penis being repressed wasn`t theirs. Jung`s central motif was the ourobouros serpent, which has its tail in its mouth and is called `tail eater` by some, but self-begetter and self-devourer by others. In Revelation the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, who is Jesus in his `Second Coming`, and corresponds to the self-devouring aspect of the `tail eater`, which is the negative meaning of the ourobouros serpent. In Greek and Roman mythology the father god, Chronos and Saturn both endeavour to devour their successors, and Satan is the Christian counterpart, who is depicted as the serpent`s seed from Eden grown into the `red dragon` of Revelation who waits in vain.
In 21st century terms, Kuwait`s in vain because of 9/11 and the eventual deaths of the devourers, Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Ladan, who from 1979 masterminded the war against the United States of America. Both had assisted the Americans to victories. Over the Soviet Russians, when they overthrew the Moscow backed regime in Afghanistan, where the Taliban and Al Qaeda were the successful insurrectionists, and afterwards Saddam Hussein waged war against Iran after the overthrow of the US` supported Shah in 1976 by Islamic revolution.
The United States opposed Saddam Hussein after his invasion of Kuwait in 1990, which was therefore `in vain`, and Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda group hijacked civil aircraft to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York on 9/11, 2001, which precipitated a continuation of the Gulf wars and the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`. The execution of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad and Osama Ben Ladan in Pakistan meant the `red dragon` had waited in vain.
In terms of Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is represented by the statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor after 9/11 with the sun and moon reflected in her birth waters by day and by night. The United States` defeat of the cowardly attack upon her at Pearl harbor in 1941 by the red sun of the flag of Japan would be superceded by the defeat of the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, but Pearl harbor isn`t forgotten. New York harbor after 9/11 is perceivable as God`s providential design insofar as `Liberty` has emerged from Pearl harbor and New York harbor with the `pearl of great price`, which is the `New Redeemer` and Christ, Jesus, in his Second Coming:
`In the early 19th century, oysters were cheap and mainly eaten by the working class. Throughout the 19th century, oyster beds in New York harbor became the largest source of oysters worldwide. On any day in the late 19th century, six million oysters could be found on barges tied up along the city’s waterfront. They were naturally quite popular in New York City, and helped initiate the city’s restaurant trade. New York's oystermen became skilled cultivators of their beds, which provided employment for hundreds of workers and nutritious food for thousands.`1
The image of New York as a seed bed for a pearl is plain. Aphrodite as the pearl from the shell of the oyster is Graeco-Roman, and so is the devourer of the successor, that is, Chronos and Saturn, who are depicted in mythology as attempting to devour Jupiter and Zeus respectively, while the `red dragon`, Satan, is depicted in Revelation as waiting to devour Jesus, who is the `pearl` of knowledge.
Chronos and Saturn are represented as being given a stone to swallow instead of their son by the Earth`s mother, Rhea and Ops, and pearl develops from irritants around which substance accretes over lengthy periods of time. In Christian terms, Jesus is the pearl that emerges from irritating Satan, who in vain tries to swallow Jesus and keep the human species from success .
Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden for unwittingly accepting their proposed self-devouring by the serpent, which is effectively suicide over the eons. Both Pearl harbor, with its Japanese Mitsubishi `zero` suicide pilots crashing into the US Pacific fleet, and the Al Qaeda terrorist hijackers suicidally crashing `civil` airliners into the Twin Towers of New York, represent the United States` refusal to accept devourment. Although ancient Greece is the model for the United States of America and Western civilization, it`s institutions were homosexuality and pederasty. The enslaver of women`s `host` wombs in order to spread its contagion of pederasty and war is the devourer, and self-devouring is what the Gulf wars represent.
Jesus` role as Aphrodite from the shell isn`t purely symbolic. Christ`s birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by `male semen` indicates he`s `woman`s seed`, who receives a `new heaven and Earth` from God, according to Revelation, which is comprehensible because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian` woman and so are the `pearl of great price` arising from the shell of Jesus, which the Messiah himself suggests before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven when he says the Holy Spirit/Paraclete will be `teacher, guide, comfort and helpmeet` after him.
After Jesus` crucifixion the Roman centurion Longinus pierces Christ`s dead side with a spear and, effectively, releases therefrom the Holy Spirit/Paraclete. Just as Eve came from the rib of Adam in Eden, so from the shell of Jesus the Holy Spirit/Paraclete emerges as the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam` and is the `pearl of great price` after Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.
Although the warmongers might argue that their bullet shells are releasing a lot more of Eve`s Holy Spirit, symbolically the birth of Jesus from `Liberty` in New York harbor isn`t the result of shelling peace, but `casting pearls before swine` (Matt: 7. 6) who don`t want them. In Genesis God tells Eve there`ll be `perpetual enmity` (3.15) between her `seed` and the `serpent`s seed` and she`ll crush his head with her heel before she leaves Earth.
In Revelation the woman who gives birth to Jesus in his Second Coming is taken to a place of safety on the` wings of an eagle` while he rules with an `iron scepter` to protect her. In enslaving pederasty and devouring war, which began waging `biological warfare` against woman`s `host` wombs at the end of the 20th century, woman`s penis is taboo, which accords with Sigmund Freud`s observation that evil results from penile repression. The `New Redeemer` is he who protects the woman`s penis because she`s the independent human species whose socio-economic valence is being repressed so that the `serpent`s seed` can devour her in `perpetual enmity`, which is what the parasites are breeding her for.
Jung`s ourobouros symbol accords with his psychological theory of projection, which argues shadow or negative personality traits are falsely perceived as belonging with other people before `introjection`, that is, understanding the projection and its meaning, so the individual can develop. Although devouring` s an aspect of the meaning of the ourobouros symbol, self-begetting is what `Woman` as a species does with her own penis, which means the male is her devourer and her parasite. Recognition is required before `Woman` as the human species can develop.
Jesus` teachings of Redemption suggest that `Man` can be by her side but not from her side, which is God`s way of dealing with pederasty, and so the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah, were destroyed in the Old Testament as a lesson against sodomy and the `coming horror` of HIV/AIDS, which keeps `Woman` in fear, while `the city of the planes`, New York, is the New Testament and God`s further warning against enslaving the `host` wombs of women in pederasty and wars to spread its contagion further:
`Men cursed the god of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.11)
In Eastern Europe Hungary is a matriarchy, but there are little signs of `Woman`. Although the traditional symbol of the Hungarian matriarchy is the double-headed axe, or `librys`, which corresponds to the `double-edged sword that came out of his mouth`, that is, Jesus` commanding `Word` in Revelation, because it`s an executioner`s tool and not a weapon. Just as the desireful penis is the tool `the builders rejected` (Matt 21: 42) because they couldn`t see that a man is a penis and food is what he puts in his mouth, that is, sex and food are the human valences but desire is what causes a man to build, they made the penis taboo to repress `Woman` and her seed, and so the sword is not her tool but the axe of the executioner.
9/11`s terrorists were assassins of the wisdom of Eve at the `Big Apple` because New Yorkers beat their plowshares back into swords (Isaiah: 2. 3-4) but Jesus` sword is his tongue. The axe of the matriarch is the tool raised against the machinery of the `serpent`s seed` that would turn swords into plows and back into swords in endless `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`. What is needed is a better machine and `Woman` with a penis of her own is `the stone that the builders rejected` because they don`t want peace.
God`s executioner is fulfilling the law, and Jesus` tongue is `the double-edged sword that came out of his mouth`, which means his word is law. Saddam Hussein was hung (2006), and Osama Ben Ladan (2011) was assassinated, but the United States of America supported both from 1979, and so the executioner`s axe was never raised because the penis of pederasty was what `the builders` hadn`t rejected.
Woman`s penis isn`t despised by her human species` socio-economic valence, and capacity to transform instinctual libidic energy into spiritual and intellectual inventiveness, which seeks to bear `woman`s seed` from the `place of safety`, where the `hidden` woman that bore Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, was carried on `eagle`s wings` in Revelation, and on to the stars. So far the American `Eagle has landed` on the moon from where it threatens the globe with President Ronald Reagan`s `ray guns` , that is, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which is a ground and space based missile system that effectively keeps `Woman` imprisoned upon the Earth in a `concentration camp` for her `seed`.
Jesus` crucifixion represents the belief that the spirit of `woman`s seed` can be imprisoned and tortured indefinitely to produce for the enslaving and devouring `serpent`s seed`. If the `serpent`s seed` limits woman`s capacity to liberate herself and escape by the evil`s maintaining a low level of technological development. The simplest form of imprisonment is eye contact. As long as men maintain eye contact with `Woman` she can`t escape her imprisoners.
The typical symbol of pederasty in matriarchy is the double headed dragon bracelet of Hungary, which represents men`s antagonistic awareness of their true function, that is, to maintain eye contact with each other so that men don`t remember that `Woman` is the human species and it`s her penis. The parasite has entered into a symbiotic relation with the `host` womb of `Woman` over the eons and symbols such as the two headed dragon staring into its own eyes on a bracelet represents enthusiastic acceptance of pederasty`s periodic devourments of the art, culture and civilization emergent from the `host` wombs of women in its endless wars of `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed`.
In the book of Isaiah a landowner plants a vineyard, puts a wall around it, digs a winepress, and builds a watchtower, which is the work of God because it`s good. Employees see his son there, `This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.` So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.` (Matt: 21. 38) Jesus reproves, `The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes?` Eve was told by God she`d labour in childbirth and Adam was told he`d live by the sweat of his brow, which means `the stone the builders rejected` was Adam`s son, Abel, who was murdered by Cain, his brother, because he was more able.
Christianity`s perspective is that it`s more desirable to have disabled rather than enabled individuals because an able society would at least promote knowledge of the woman`s penis instead of rejecting it as an able bodied person. Humans have two valences; sex and food. They put food in their mouths, which means they only have one other valence - sex - apart from their desire to build, which is what their desire is for; to construct better places in which to enjoy their only human valence apart from food; sex.
Even in feminism, which is supposed to be the liberator of `Woman`, homosexuals in pederasty and its contagion of war and death, and death through the witchery of its mixing blood, shit and semen in anal sex to produce HIV/AIDS` `biological weapon` against women`s host wombs, are accorded equality with lesbians who represent the normal valence of a species with its own penis, whereas men don`t.
Feminist notions that men and women are equal is suicidal, which is what Pearl harbor and 9/11 represent as evil. A species that doesn`t take care of its own penis is brainless, which means `Woman` is a suicide if she hasn`t taken care of her own `futanarian` penis and, if she isn`t taking care of her `hidden` penis now, it`s because she hasn`t taken care of her own penis in the past, which is needed as a tool to build starships if her species were to escape from evil:
`And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.` (Luke 11. 4)
Laziness in defense of woman`s own `futanarian` penis as `woman`s seed` is evil, because it denies freedom of opportunity to equals, and instead reinforces slavery through the false perception that lesbians and homosexuals are equal because men are half of the human species, whereas the evidence suggests they`re a parasite. The concept of equal opportunities is a `shibboleth` because men are actually inferior insofar as they`re not required for reproduction.
God tells Eve she`ll endure pain in childbirth and Adam will live by the sweat of his brow. However, if `building workers` are defined as the penis` energic desire for a better place to have sex, women who don`t take care of their own `futanarian` penis can`t survive as an independent species because they aren`t able bodied enough to build without one, but they`d be outside of enslaving pederasty and its devouring wars of `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed` if they kept theirs.
The argument that women can build without a penis is another feminist `shibboleth`. If women can build without a penis, how`s she to reproduce? By falsely viewing her parasite as a slave, which is what the myth of Eve and the serpent who tempts her with the `fruit of the tree of good and evil`, promising `ye shall be as gods`, represents. Lazily allowing her own species to become extinct in exchange for received brainlessness in the serpent`s seed`s wars of `perpetual enmity` against herself as her own producer`s womb, she`s taking the lives of her unborn sisters and their futures by embracing the role of `passive devourer`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)
The predator doesn`t want women to look away from it, so it has repressed knowledge of her penis from herself and her daughters by forcing her to look upon them alone. If they`re able to look upon themselves and theirb own penis with the desire to build a future together, `futanarian` woman would triumph and leave Earth behind, which is what God says in Genesis when he tells Eve that she`ll `crush the head of the serpent with her heel as she leaves`, and in Revelation `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` while the evil `serpent`s seed` receive unendurable eternal pain, that is, perdition, as a punishment from God for devouring her species in its periodic enslaving wars that further its `perpetual enmity`.
The symbol of the male opposed to Hungarian matriarchy is the double headed dragon that must face the other because there`s no choice for either the male or the female, whereas the ourobouros serpent of Jungian developmental psychology is the hermaphroditic metaphor for `Woman` with her own penis, that is, `futanarian`, and self-reproductive socio-economic valence for independence from men, who are represented within the symbolic structure of the ouroobouros serpent as the devouring `tail eater`, which is crushed by the heel of Eve and her daughters, according to God, as `woman`s seed` leaves. Without Jesus` teachings of Redemption, man and woman are a devourer with its penis in its mouth. Men are a parasite that isn`t interested in women`s reproduction and so oral and anal sex are the taboo valences, which represent what Revelation describes as the `first and second beast`. Devouring pederasty and war`s contagious `biological weapon`; the killers` disease: HIV/AIDS.
Because Christianity doesn`t promote `woman`s seed`, that is, knowledge of woman as a species with her own `futanarian` penis, and socio-economic valence for independence as a species, Christian business is a slavemen`s ring without Redemption. In Islam it`s possible to have four wives in a marriage, which is developmentally sound because, according to Jung, there are four functions of consciousness `Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition`.
The differentiation of the four functions is required in the Jungian individuation process where at least one of the four functions corresponds to the repressed shadow or subconscious aspect of the personality, which corresponds to the penis. Either `Thinking` or `Sensation` in men, or `Feeling` and `Intuition` in women, according to Jung, because `Thinking` and `Sensation` are associated with the male ego, whereas `Feeling` and `Intuition` are associated with the feminine soul or anima in man, which corresponds to the female or stronger aspect of the psyche in women and so either `Feeliing` or `Intution` is associated with the feminine ego because the penis of `Woman`, which might mean an ego correspondence with the male functions of `Thinking` or `Sensation` doesn`t exist, according to received wisdom. Although the fourfold marriage of Arabian Moslems suggests that the fully functioning `Woman` has been thought of, and science fiction writer Frank Herbert had in his Dune series of novels:
`The Breeding Program was a long-term project developed by the Bene Gesserit [Spacing Guild] Sisterhood whereby certain genetic stock was purposefully bred.`2
Christian monogamy amounts to enslavement of the means of production by the `owner`, which is slavery rather than the capitalist meritocratic socio-economic system that the United States of America`s preoccupations with the female `statue of Liberty` purport to espouse. Christian monogamy and enslavement to pederasty and its contagions of war and plague would end if `Woman` married herself in a fourfold Arabian arrangement centering around a fifth woman. In deed, modern society would crumble and fall like the greatest hidden Empire of all history ruled heretofore by the `father of lies` who`d perpetrated its continuance by the simple expedient of hiding the woman`s penis if she were ever able to appear.
Most images of women are media representations and, especially in the movies, the penis remains taboo. But mayhem, death and murder is huge entertainment, or so the program goes, which explains 9/11 `live on CNN` at the `Big Apple` of New York`s Twin Towers as just another Hollywood `blockbuster` promoting `rough trade` at the World Trade Centre. Because the enslaving pederasts of the evil `serpent`s seed`s `perpetual enmity for `Woman` would rather watch itself devouring itself in `action` than allow woman`s penis to be `scene` and - be leaving.
The Poison Ivy League
09/03/2013 10:40The Poison Ivy League
Intravenous injection is known as `IV` amongst doctors, and it denotes the pumping of drugs in solution into the human body for medical purposes. Those who intravenously feed subjects with drugs illegally are known as the `Ivy League`. Sensory deprivation tanks are one method that the `Ivy League` use to keep subjects in states of altered consciousness in which they perceive themselves to be leading ordinary lives with employment and purchase capacity, but the environment they inhabit is constructed out of their imaginations n the same way that virtual reality, that is, `VR`, is perceived to function, but more cheaply.
The term `psychonauts` defines those who have been imprisoned by the `Ivy League`, who wait for their `astrally` projected body to become visible on the `astral plane` and then capture it to perform the same procedure again. Many people live a life of slavery because of the `Ivy League`. In popular mythology there are allusions to `poison ivy` , particularly in the movie franchise Batman (1989-) where `Poison Ivy` is a minor character and denotes the aim of the enslaver to promote its enslaving by means of `direct feed` to the brain that results in the construction of nightmarish `IV` realities for the drugged to flounder in unless they accept enslavement.
In ancient Greece society was homosexual and pederast, and woman`s `host` wombs were enslaved to spread the contagion of war, while in the 20th century HIV/AIDS was its `biological warfare` against the `host` wombs of women, which is in accordance with God`s warning to Eve that the `serpent`s seed` would have `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`. `IV` enslavers are in the `serpent`s seed` tradition of pederasty. In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, and is carried on `eagle`s wings` to a `place of safety` where she is `hidden` until `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` from God. Because women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, `woman` seed` is definable as her own reproductive capability with all the socio-economic valences of an independent species.
HIV/AIDS is a `poison ivy` mode because no one actually knows its origins. Only that it is spread by means of anal sex and the mixing in witchery of blood, shit and semen. Because homosexuality is widely practiced amongst seamen of the merchant navy without a woman aboard ship, which is traditionally unlucky, the likelihood is that seamen are a large part of the `IV` league subject group. Of course, `biological warfare` means that the Russian navy`s interest in `IV` would result in the creation of a Russian `AV`, which is an `anti-virus` to defend its `astral planes` against others, for example, the Arabians and Americans, who have their own `AV`.
In Greek history the huge hollow wooden horse before the walls of Troy was taken into the city as a `gift` by the Trojans, and contained soldiers that emerged to enslave the `host` wombs of the women for spreading the Greek contagion of pederasty and war further. On 9/11 the Arabian terrorists hijacked planes to spread their contagion of fear and terror by crashing their `civil` aircraft into the Twin Towers of New York. The hijacked planes correspond to the `Greek horse`, and because the HIV/AIDS` cell `feigns friendship` for the white cells of the immune system of the body it kills, the terrorists attack corresponds to a homosexual assault designed to promote a `killer disease` on that `astral plane`, which would spread to others and ultimately result in the demise of the human species unless the enslavers were only concerned with culling `woman`s seed` so that it could continue to kill it in its wars of `perpetual enmity` against her.
Jesus` birth presents the problem of contamination by male semen, which essentially is that of pederasty, war and HIV/AIDS. Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary because he represents `woman`s seed`and not male semen, which is why God promises eternal unendurable pain to those who promulgate the disease of pederasty:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
According to Revelation the `red dragon` is unable to devour the `New Redeemer` although it is waiting vainly for the opportunity, and its concomitant mode of attack is the `blood plague`, which is described as a tool of God`s to convert the evil away from homosexuality. God disapproves most severely of pederasty and war, which is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 16, 19) and New York was `the city of the planes` on 9/11 as Sodom and Gomorrah were the `cities of the plains` when God destroyed those for sodomy and the `coming horror` of HIV/AIDS.
In the pop video for the CD single Toxic (2004) Britney Spears has the role of `Poison Ivy` in `the game` of `IV` leagues. As the hostess aboard a passenger plane, she exposes a passenger by removing his `Everyman mask`. Corresponding to the character `False Face` in the Batman movies, Britney`s exposing of him is a metaphor for the `hidden` world of the `Ivy League`, but HIV is genuinely `toxic` and Britney Spears` `Poison Ivy` character is later depicted inside a medical laboratory searching for an AIDS vaccine. `Poison Ivy` is the character in Batman, and the `caped crusader` is the superhero who lives in Gotham City, which is the setting for Batman`s crusading exploits against, amongst others, `Poison Ivy`, and is widely believed to be a fictionalized version of New York:
`Poison Ivy is depicted as one of the world's most prominent eco-terrorists. She is obsessed with plants, botany, and environmentalism. She uses toxins from plants and mind controlling pheromones for her criminal activities, which are usually aimed at protecting the natural environment.`1
From that perspective `Poison Ivy` is positive, because she`s for nature, which is `woman`s seed` and not HIV/AIDS, which tests positive if life is to be negated by the disease. In terms of intentionality, `Poison Ivy` corresponds to the American `AV`, that is, the Navy, because she`s for God`s creation. `Poison Ivy` represents societal schizophrenia because `woman`s seed` is independently reproductive with her own socio-economic valences due to her independence as a species with her own `futanarian` penis:
`Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy,
Late at night while you're sleeping.
Poison Ivy comes creepin' around.` The Lambrettas Poison Ivy (1980)
The battleground is for freedom, rather than slavery to pederasty and war, but without knowledge of herself as a species with her own penis, `Woman` remains transfixed by the male penis` guns and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), which are another manifestation of its contagion The `Ivy League` has the `Justice League` as a precedent in its formation, and the attachment of `Poison Ivy` to the `Task Force X` group of super characters puts her with the CIA, where previous to its replacement of the Office of Strategic Services, the spear was its insignia, which explains Britney Spears` choice of `Poison Ivy` as her character for the Toxic video::
`Following the dissolution of the O.S.S. in October 1945, President Harry S. Truman replaced it with the Central Intelligence Agency in 1946. In 1951, seeking to fill the void left by the retired JSA, Truman created Task Force X and its domestic branch, Argent. The international branch, [was] the Suicide Squad …`2
`Ivy League` football is huge in the United States of America, and the Twin Towers represent the goalposts for the sodomy and `come horror` of HIV/AIDS` related contaminations. The meaning of 9/11 is the hatred that some Arabians had for the General Infantry, that is, the GIs, during the Gulf Wars (1979-). The prototypical victory sign in the United States is the two fingered `V` sign. Hate GI `V` is the one point Arabian terror wanted to make on 9/11 when the Twin Towers were America`s football goalposts, which are usually depicted as `H` in stadia. HIV is Arabia`s hate for the GI victory, and by extension its hate for the New York Giants` `Big Apple`,3 but also its claim to have developed HIV as a biological weapon.
Suicide is an aspect of schizophrenia and the desire to kill oneself is used as a tool by brainwashers who program suicide missions in order to achieve political goals. 9/11 is typical of secret organizations of assassins led by a figure corresponding to the original Islamic displacer of unwanted leaders, the Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan Ben Sabbah (1050s-1124), that is, Osama Ben Ladan, who convinced individuals to attack the United States of America suicidally, much in the way that the Japanese `zero` pilots crashed their planes into the decks of the US Pacific fleet in a cowardly attack at Pearl harbor to begin hostilities that would inevitably lead to the defeat and destruction of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at the end of World War II.
`Liberty`, in New York harbor, is `the woman clothed with the [red] sun [of the flag of Japan] and with the moon [of Al Qaeda, `the base`] at her feet`, which isn`t a symbol of the birth of an HIV/AIDS baby but that of the undevoured and uncontaminated `New Redeemer`. The `Big Apple` was chosen by the terrorists, because it represents the wisdom of the apple of Eve grown since Eden from the `tree of the knowledge of good and evil`. 9/11 was an attempt to poison the relations between East and West permanently by reestablishing the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` in its wars against the Earth `Woman`.
In Toxic Britney Spears is `Poison Ivy` as the Earth`s eco-warrior. Aboard a plane not dissimilar to those `civil` passenger aircraft used on 9/11, Britney exposes a potential HIV/AIDS `terrorist` by removing his Everyman mask, and so her predecessor would be Raquel Welch in Fantastic Voyage (1968), who travels in the bloodstream of a patient inside a microsub to remove a brain clot, which corresponds to Al Qaeda, `the base`, endeavouring to poison the `Big Apple` of wisdom, which is represented in the Hindu chakra ladder depicting human development as the power of the voice in the throat represented by the `Adam`s apple`, which is what New York`s `Big Apple` symbolizes.
Called `Ham` in Hinduism the throat chakra would be the `pig` to Al Qaeda, `the base`, which corresponds to the Muladhara chakra at `the base` of the spine, which is `Vam` in Hinduism and so Al Qaeda were vampires attemping to reduce the level of conscious development on the planet Earth by killing the pig with the apple in its mouth. The higher levels of human development, which include awareness of `Woman` and the American Dream of Manifest Destiny for `woman`s seed`, that is, the eyes of the intelligence seated at the Ajna chakra of the brow, and the imagination seated at the Saharara chakra at the `crown` of the head, would never be actuated if the human species continued to live in fear and terror of the alien enslavers.
Shyness is usually depicted as charming, because it indicates innocence and unconsciousness of evil. Consequently, hate shy `V` (HIV) is a metaphor for the ignorance the evil want to maintain through its victories over those self-awarenesses that have been bought at the cost of raising human consciousness to a level of understanding that the evil are prepared to mount suicide attacks upon internationally admired landmarks to reduce humanity to `beast` level, which is what Al Qaeda, `the base`, represents.
If the `Ivy League` are against the `IV` league, which is intravenous feeding of poisons to those trapped in sensory deprivation until they appear on the `astral plane`, which is effectively what occurs in the movie The Matrix (1999) starring Keanu Reeves as Neo, an anagram of `One`, because he`s the `chosen one` to defeat the `IV` exponents leagued against `woman`s seed`, which is kept as image `batteries` from birth within the energy lattice that creates the matrix from pure imaginations sensorily deprived of anything else. Intravenously fed on drugs, schizophrenic nightmare is what the `IV` league are endeavouring to induce in their imprisoned subjects. Such schizophrenic censoring and policing of the taboo `woman`s seed` as 9/11 are scripted by the aliens` `talk sick` material in which there is only contaminated male semen without `woman`s seed` because what they`re doing is feeding the voice, eyes and imagination of their human victims depictions of man and woman rather than aliens feigning symbiosis, which is what Britney Spears endeavours to depict in Toxic, in order to possess and enslave woman iand maintain its periodic devourments of a human species that has its own independent reproductive capacity, that is, `Woman` with her own penis, while the male parasitical alien virality doesn`t even have a womb of its own.
Without men in the picture the human species can continue uncontaminated by male semen, which is what Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary as `woman`s seed` prefigures, that is, the development of woman with a penis as `futanarian` is independence. God is endeavouring to construct a picture without pederasty, which is why Jesus represents the possibility of Redemption for `Mankind` but `woman`s seed` is God`s preferred alternative. If subjects are kept in sensory deprivation, which amounts to censorship and taboo over the existence of `woman`s seed`, schizophrenic nightmares are induced, which means that everyone could be living in a fiction created by aliens who once invaded Earth and that`s what the loss of Adam and Eve`s `original innocence` represents.
3 The New York Giants were Superbowl winners in 1990, and the game was played at the height of the first Gulf war to remove Saddam Hussein`s invading army from Kuwait, and was the only Superbowl game ever decided by one point. Obviously Al Qaeda were making theirs.
The Big Apple Of Eve`s New York
07/03/2013 14:48The Big Apple Of Eve`s New York
The `Adam`s apple` in the throat is the epiglottis in the voice box which assists the human in swallowing and speech. Consequently, the apple of Eve and the `Big Apple` are associable with the voice. Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden for ignoring the voice of God and listening to the temptation of the evil serpent. God offered the `fruit of immortality` from the `tree of life`, but the serpent tempted Eve to eat of `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` and, because the `wages of sin are death`, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden for rejecting immortality for knowledge. The `Big Apple` of New York is a symbol of great knowledge, and the euphemism being applied by pederasty and war in its terrorist attack on the `World Trade Centre`on 9/11 was `rough trade`.
If the United States of America could be plunged into another seemingly endless war and George Bush`s declaration of a `War On Terror` (2003-) said that it had, the devouring `red dragon` of Revelation grown from the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` in Eden for `woman`s seed`, was unleashed. However, the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, who is not devoured by the `red dragon` that lies in wait to devour him, and the United States of America`s victory over the `red flag` of the sun of Japan at Pearl harbor in 1941 and the `yellow moon` of the flag of Al Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for 9/11, after its attack on `Liberty` in New York harbor in 2001, suggests that the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` was `Liberty`, whose `waters` broke in the harbor of New York on 9/11 and the certainty of the birth of the `New Redeemer`, that is, the `Second Coming` of Jesus Christ, was clear and biblical.
According to God the evil `serpent`s seed` have `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`, and the enmity consists in their enslavement in homosexual pederasty and warfare against `Woman` and the art, civilization and culture that emerges from her `host` womb. In the Bible `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` is the emerging serpent`s pattern since Eden. In ancient Greece the women`s `host` wombs were enslaved by institutionalized homosexual pederasty to spread its contagion of war.
If the `Big Apple` of Eve is New York, and knowledge is what Adam and Eve sacrificed immortality for, when they accepted the serpent`s offer of knowledge rather than immortality, because Jesus promised a `perpetual body`, if his teachings and those of the Holy Spirit were accepted, wisdom is immortality and, as Jesus said, Redemption. In the New Testament Jesus has Resurrection, and Ascension to heaven after his crucifixion and death, which meant that his teachings of a `perpetual body rather than the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for woman`s body and her` seed` was the future. Moreover, born fro the Virgin Mary, Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed`, who tortured him to death. In simple terms, Jesus was `woman`s seed` because he was uncontaminated by semen from the male penis, which suggests that an uncontaminated penis would be `woman`s seed`, and that women would have apenis of their own, and they do as `futanarian` woman. Consequently, `Woman` is a species separate from `Man`, who can only attain Redemption if he repents from enslaving her in pederasty and war.
The information and education system on the Earth precludes `Woman` from knowledge of her own penis, which is the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, and so the `Adam`s apple`, which is the `seed` of Adam in the throat of the woman is the source of her power of communication. Consequently, Jesus in his `Second Coming` speaks with `the two-edged sword that came out of his mouth, because he`s `woman`s seed` and has a functioning `Adam`s apple`. The terrorist attack on 9/11 was an attempt to prevent the `Woman` of the United States of America from speaking, which is why `Liberty` is the symbol of freedom. In Arabia the pig is `haraam` but Western preparations for eating pigs includes placing a `Big Apple` in the mouth of the pig. In Christian tradition `the curse of Ham` falls on the homosexual because Noah was raped by Ham while he was `unaware`, which is a euphemism for `sin`, that is, pederasty and war is homosexuality, so Ham denotes homosexual sex.
In Hinduism the chakra of the throat is Vishuddha, which is `Ham`, and so the `Adam`s apple` in the throat of the voice of the `Woman` at the `Big Apple` in New York represents the woman that can`t be sodomized because sex with her can`t be homosexual. Only sex between men is homosexual, and so the `serpent`s seed` is fertilizing `Adam`s apple` if a man accepts the semen of a man in his throat. However, a woman is less if she doesn`t know that she`s a species with her own penis, and the `seed` of `Adam`s apple` in her throat is the communicator that has been silent.
If the `Adam`s apple` in the throat of `Woman` has `seed` then that`s the reason she has her own penis. In some states of the United States of America fellatio is sodomy, which denotes the `sin` of `Ham` who had homosexual sex with Noah while he was sleeping, and so fellatio is sodomy because it denotes unconscious, and therefore homosexual sex, with a pig thought to be `woman`s seed` but isn`t of the species of `Woman`, which is why the `Adam`s apple` is the promise of woman`s own `seed` from her own penis and `Woman` has the role of `Ham` to Noah, that is, `knower`, with`the `pig apple` of the homosexual`s penis in her throat, because it doesn`t want her to speak. To unredeemed `Man` a woman is just a pig to slay in the wars of `perpetual enmity` the `serpent`s seed` is waging against `woman`s seed` on Earth.
If `Woman` can`t communicate simply, she needs to speak symbolically. In the US television series Buffy The Vampire Slayer Sarah Michelle Gellar is the heroine who slays evil demons with a wooden stake that she hammers into the hearts of her enemies. They`re `Ham` and she hammers a stake into them, because they represent the demons of homosexual pederasty and war that beset the development of `woman`s seed`. In US slang the penis is a `tonsil hammer` because it`s used in fellatio, but if `Woman` isn`t of the species of men, because she has her own penis, fellatio by men is sodomy, which is why fellatio is illegal in some states in the USA.
In terms of Sarah Michelle Gellar`s role of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, a man`s `hammer` is a stake in her future, which is why the vampire is often depicted in movies as a beautiful woman who must be decapitated by the `meat hammer`, which is a butcher`s tool similar to an axe. In pederasty, the man`s penis in the mouth of the woman in fellatio or `oral sex` is a metaphor for the `meat hammer` because men don`t want women to remember that they have a penis, or use their own penis to develop as an independent species, and so their development must be curtailed at the point which Hinduism identifies as the throat chakra and that contains the `Adam`s apple` or epiglottis. The pharynx or `voice box` is called `Ham` by the Hindus because it`s the centre of `spiritual power` in the body. Above the fifth chakra is the Ajna chakra at the brow or `third eye` where intelligence is `seated`.
Further up is the Sahasrara chakra at the `crown` of the head, which is described in Hinduism as the `seat of the imagination`, and neither of which are wanted for `woman`s seed` by the serpent`s seed`, who are her enslavers for the `perpetual enmity` of homosexual pederasty`s wars against her. Consequently, the myth of the vampire is central because the `Big Apple` of New York corresponds to the Vishuddha chakra `Ham`, which is enslavement in pederasty and war, according to the notion of 9/11 as reestablishing `rough trade` with the United States at the World Trade Centre when the terrorist hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers to precipitate further carnage. Al Qaeda is `the base` which corresponds to the Muladhara chakra at `the base` of the spine called `Vam`. Because the bloodthirsty and rending vampires of enslaving pederasty and war don`t want development for `woman`s seed` and so the vampire myth is of the beheaded woman. Because she represents the threat of `futanarian` woman as the female species escaping to independence from enslavement to men, that is, the parasites upon her womb that feign symbiosis but plan her extinction.
To pederasty the `Big Apple` is the penis in the mouth of the woman as its stake in her future, that is, the stake of the vampire killer. In horror movies the audience has its `heart in its mouth`, which is an idiomatic expression for `suspense` as to the `outcome`. In pederasty there is no suspense because the outcome is planned; the woman dies. The `Big Apple` of New York is the penis in the mouth of the `Woman` because the United States of America has the biggest bully boys, who maintain her as a statue without a penis. The vampires have killed `Woman` until she doesn`t have a visible penis, because you can`t see a vampire in the mirror, according to the traditions surrounding the mythology, which means the long-lived wise women can`t see the assailant who has killed her, and is killing her, because it`s the vampires` mirror. The only penis beneath the skirts of `Liberty` is the vampires`, and there they`re drinking secretly.
Jesus` offer of ``bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood` in fellowship, represents the notion that the vampire is a long-lived woman who refuses to die. Because she represents the knowledge of her species and its own penis, which is Jesus born as `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary that, having died, receives heaven from God after Resurrection and Ascension. If the knowledge that `Woman` has her own penis, and is an independent species, is repressed or forgotten because of the `serpent`s seed`s `perpetual enmity` and planned enslavement for an ever deferred extinction of her, then the Gulf war is an aspect of Revelation because it represents God`s attempt to get the parasite`s penis away from the woman and out of her mouth so that she can communicate with her own species.
Western slang for a penis is a chopper, and choppers are slang for helicopters, which is how the US 7th cavalry now `ride` into conflict zones. The chopper is a `rescue vehicle`, for example, in the movie starring Sally Kellerman as Major `Hot Lips` Houlihan, M*A*S*H is the acronym for `mobile army surgical hospital`, and the helicopters with their red crosses bringing wounded soldiers to be treated, while `waiting for the 7th cavalry to arrive` is an idiomatic phrase for those who are speaking of needing to be rescued by the choppers.
The `Big Apple` is a symbol for the `Adam`s apple` and the future of `woman` s seed` if she has her own penis as `futanarian` woman. As a symbol of man`s penis in her mouth, the `Big Apple` is `Sodom`. Because sodomy is defined in some states of the United States of America as fellatio. God destroyed Sodom as a punishment for its sodomy. In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah are the `cities of the planes` destroyed by God, which suggests New York was `the city of the planes` on 9/11 because HIV/AIDS is `come horror`, that is, Gomorrah, as the `biological warfare` of the `serpent`s seed` waged against `woman`s seed` because `come` is a euphemism for ejaculation and semen, but `woman`s seed` has a horror of contamination, which is why Sodom and Gomorrah are the Hiroshima and Nagasaki of the Bible.
Lot was told that his wife would turn to a pillar of salt if she looked back in yearning for Sodom and Gomorrah as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 26), which is both a euphemism for nuclear fall out and the salt that is needed in preserving or `salting` a pig. Lot`s wife represents those who yearn for pederasty and the war of `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent` seed` for `woman`s seed` and its future `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS against her `host` womb is what she yearns for if she`s `preserved` her yearnings since Sodom and Gomorrah.
9/11 presages the victory of `woman`s seed` because `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is `Liberty` after her defeat of the red sun of the flags of Imperial Japan at the end of World War II in 1944 and in New York harbor after the yellow moon of Al Qaeda`s attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11, 2001.
Jesus is depicted as born of the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah. The Twin Towers were cut down by planes on 9/11, which were seen by New Yorkers and the rest of those watching `live on CNN`, and so it was the `plane saw` of the carpenter and not the axe of the headsman. That`s why it was the work of God as the `Great Architect`, and Jesus, who was the son of a carpenter, and who described himself as `the Son of Man`, unpalatable as that Revelation might be.
To a student of the Bible who isn`t a pastor, the terrorist attack on the `Big Apple` by Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda means `Ham` because the `Adam`s apple` is in the throat chakra while `hammering the tonsils` is a euphemism for fellatio and Ham had unconsensual oral sex with his father Noah while he was asleep, which resulted in `the curse of Ham`. Because `Woman` has her own penis, the Big Apple` and `Ham` represents the power of the voice in her throat that is prevented from rising by terror, that is, to her mind and imagination, which `seats` are at the brow, or Ajna chakra, and Sahasrara or `crown` chakra respectively, and are blocked because women aren`t taught about their own species` development.
In the Bible `Ham` was the `knower` of Noah in the sense that Ham had homosexual relations with him, while he was unconscious or unknowing, and `knowing` is a euphemism in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuals who want to have sex with the innocent. In other words, from a woman`s point of view `Ham` is her power to speak, imagine and create, and `Ham` is the pig who wants stop her mouth with his chopper. If `Adam`s apple` is freedom of speech, and `futanarian` woman is the `woman`s seed` from the apple of Eden, which is woman with a penis as an independent species, the `seed` of Eden is `Liberty` for `Woman` as a species, and in Revelation God gives a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed`.
The famous Arabian story collection One Thousand Nights And One Nights presages the fate of `Woman` from the 8th century onwards and before the notion of Christian Redemption was first conceived. Shah Jehan beheads his wife because he believes she`s unfaithful to him with his brother, and Sheherezade tells stories each night to him to prevent his marrying a new bride each day and beheading her the next. The meaning is that Shah Jehan is perceived to have a demon that causes him to behead his wife, but God tells Eve in the Bible that the `serpent`s seed` has `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed` and so what Shah Jehan does is what men do because they`re the enslavers of the species `Woman` and not her friend. The events of 9/11 represent a turning point in human history, because the `Big Apple` isn`t the penis of the man`s `tonsil hammer`, which is his `chopper` or `meat hammer` waiting to silence the mouth of the woman, but the Gulf wars and the `War on Terror` (2003-) do suggest the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent` seed` in its hammering of `woman`s seed`. In Revelation a `two-edged sword came out of his [Jesus`] mouth` because Jesus` commands are God`s. In the New Testament the disciples try to forbid a woman`s bathing of Jesus` feet on the eve of his death because the oil is too expensive, which means he wasn`t trying to stop her. Those who do correspond to the Gadarene swine, who were demons. Jesus replied to the disciples, one of whom, Judas, was to betray him to his crucifiers:
`Leave her alone.`
Because `Woman` has a penis of her own and the male`s is a `meat hammer` preparing to kill the `salted pig` of the `woman`s seed`. In matriarchal societies, such as Hungary`s, the `librys` or double headed axe is the symbol of `Woman` and, like Jesus` `two-edged sword that came out of his mouth`, is against the evil and for the good. Men`s swords only have one point. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) woman`s spirit is depicted as a crowd of male admirers, while the male ego is described as needing heroes as role models, whereas both descriptions are evil because one picture is repression of `woman`s seed` and her penis, while the other is enslavement to pederasty and war, because `Woman` is a species and heroes are her devourers.
According to Jung the animus and the hero are archetypes of the human species` collective mind, which function as projections for the developing ego to understand so that it can integrate its knowledge and, having introjected the meaning of the projection, the projection loses its power to influence. Consequently, the male archetype isn`t an archetype at all; it`s an aspect of the parasite`s symbiosis with the `host` species, `Woman`, which has been taught to accept its parasitism through its censorship and policing of her capacity to grow and obtain knowledge of herself.
If `Woman` doesn`t know to ask for her own penis` seed, she`s blind because of the censor, which is what `policing` is. In socio economic terms, a woman`s penis is her independence as a developing species, and so slavery requires that she be policed to enforce the status quo, which is that of an alien occupier of her womb. The species of humanity has only two valences, eating and sex, and so continuation of the periodic devouring of `Woman` in its wars against her and preventing `woman`s seed` from reproducing as an independent species with her own `futanarian` penis is what censorship and police are for.
If `Woman` has her own penis, the unredeemed male is an alien because it doesn`t have a womb, qhich the creature`s emergence from the belly of actor John Hurt in the movie Alien (1979) and its sequels underscores. The censor and its police are there to ensure that `Woman` can never escape from the aliens and live from her own womb by making the penis taboo, which is why the alien emerging from the belly of John Hurt in the movie Alien is designed to resemble a male penis. Most Hollywood movies are `action` films based on violence and war, while the penis remains discretely enticeable and invisible, even in sex scenes. Of course, none of the glamorous leading ladies have their own penis, which wouldn`t be seen anyway because of the taboo against the penis being seen, and so the status quo is maintained through censorship and the policing of Hollywood `s potential for producing `pornographic material`. Without a `politically correct` positive reinforcement of imagery associated with `woman`s seed` and the futanarian penis of woman, a paucity of female pop stars or media personalities and film actresses with their own penis will result in the extinction of `Woman` as a species, which is what current `politically correct` feminist perspectives are for.
Lesbians are defined as homosexuals or `gay`, whereas they`re women who haven`t seen a woman`s penis, and so don`t know that their sexual orientation is normal for their species. If enslavement of the `host` womb of `woman`s seed` in pederasty is what the male alien parasitical virality that has produced the `biological warfare` of HIV/AIDS against the human species with its preference for mixing blood, shit and semen in sterile non-productive anal sex with itself is, men are aliens and uneducated women can be turned into the enemies of their own species, which is what censoring and policing is for; divide and rule:
`Give me time to realize my crime.
Let me love and steal.
I have danced inside your eyes.
How can I be real.
Do you really want to hurt me.
Do you really want to make me cry.
Precious kisses, words that burn me.
Lovers never ask you why.` Boy George Do You Really Want To Me (1982)
Media figures such as lesbian US chat show host Ellen Degeneres and `gay` pop star Boy George are much vaunted for their `liberated` ideological perceptions with regard to sexual freedom, but without knowledge of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis, societal schizophrenia is the choice being offered to the young. Either a young woman is persuaded that she isn`t a lesbian, or that she is, because of normal sexual feelings towards her own species, or a young man is persuaded that his penis is God and he uses it to coerce the planet into submitting to him. As the USA have been doing with their intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) penis extensions since they developed space technology to put Neil Armstrong on the moon in 1969, `One small step ..,`1 and promptly abandoned space exploration in favour of ringing the planet with a `defensive` missile system with the capacity to exterminate `Woman` as a species several times over if she won the divorce.
1 July 20 20: 18 UTC.
The Shell Game
04/03/2013 15:47The Shell Game
In Greek tradition, Aphrodite is born from the ocean and is depicted as the pearl within the oyster as she surfaces. In Roman tradition, the picture is of Venus, but the shell still features. In Christian tradition, `… the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. (Matt: 13.45-6) In Western military tradition, a soldier who`s `bought it` has been killed in action, and in the United States of America it`s called `buying the farm` because `to buy` means `to believe`. In other words, the dead soldiers have believed in the reproduction system implemented by `the farm`, which says that they`re bullets and they make shells for more bullets.
In the Bible Eve and her daughters, that is, `woman`s seed`, have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, as God says, and so the human reproduction system is for `Woman`, who has her own penis and `seed` as `futanarian` woman with her own penis. Consequently, if `woman`s seed` is `Woman` and God`s species, men are the `serpent`s seed`, and so they`re bullets, who want to produce bigger shells for their bullets, because that`s what cowardly bullies do.
In The Lord Of The Rings (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkein, the giant female spider `Shelob` has to be fought before the evil Sauron`s ring of slavery can be `unmade` in the volcano, Mt. Doom, which takes place in the second part of Tolkein`s trilogy, The Two Towers, and the 21st century analogy is of the terrorist hijacked planes crashing into the Twin Towers of New York, that is, the `Big Apple` of the wisdom of `woman`s seed` garnered since Eden.
Tolkein`s Shelob represents `Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth`, who is made to produce bullies, that is, Shelob`s bullets. The 9/11 terrorists threw away their lives, as the Japanese mitsubishi zero airpane pilots similarly suicided as they crashed their planes into the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor in 1941. Men are parasites who want bigger shells for their bullies, which is what enslaved `Woman` in pederasty and war, and the suiciding aircraft pilots represent.
Before ancient Troy the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse, which the Trojans accepted as a gift and the Greeks emerged after the Trojans took it into the city of Troy to capture the city for their homosexual mode of enslaving the `host` wombs of women and spreading their demons` contagion of pederasty and war, which is the abomination of pederasty that has been with us ever since. The attack on New York on 9/11 by terrorists who hijacked `civil` aircraft to use as guided missiles to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre was a `Greek horse` because the Arabs pretended to have accepted a welcome before betraying their host, `Liberty`.
At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus offered the `host` to his disciples, that is, `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood` which, in the Catholic Communion service, renews the Old Testament Judaiac `Covenant` with God of a `land of milk and honey` for the `chosen people` on Earth while affirming Jesus` promise of immortality in the New Testament for those who accept the Holy Spirit, which was Adam and Eve`s original immortal nature before they were expelled from Eden for accepting enslavement to the `serpent` and pederasty, and will be restored to humanity in the `new heaven and Earth` that `woman`s seed` receives in Revelation from God.
The Holy Spirit represents Jesus and friendship rather than Jesus` disciple, Judas, who told the Jewish police, that is, the Pharisees, where Jesus could be arrested. The Arabian terrorists on 9/11 were criminals, but no one informed the police, which means they were given the `host` too, but betrayed `Liberty`.
Moses led the Jews out of their slavery in Egypt and to the `Promised Land` that Moses saw, but died before he could enter, which is a metaphor for visionaries. The land of Canaan had to be fought for, which meant the Jews had brought Cain, that is, blindness and death, to Cannan, which was also the name of the grandson of Noah and was cursed by him because Canaan`s father was Ham, who homosexually raped Noah. Consequently, the Jews arrival in Canaan relates to the original Ark and the promise of God to Noah for having built that ship so that his family and the creatures of the Earth should survive the flood.
In psychological terms, the flood that God had determined to drown the Earth and its transgressors in homosexual pederasty, corresponds to the `waters of Lethe` in Greek mythology, which bring forgetfulness and represent unconsciousness. Because God doesn`t want the enslavers in pederasty to remember and reestablish themselves. Consequently, the Jews removal from slavery in Egypt is their escape from pederasty and the homosexually accurséd Ham represents the disease of enslavement through pederasty, which God had mercifully drowned in the `waters of forgetfulness`.
Canaan was cursed by Noah who built the first Ark of the promise of God, that is, a ship of hope, and Moses` second Ark was fulfillment of God`s promise to the enslaved Jews of freedom, but Canaan was the son of the homosexual Ham, who had raped Noah, and so Canaan was falsely accused by Noah`s cursing of him. God is posing the Jews a question. If Noah cursed Canaan, can you accept the land as promised? You can`t escape pederasty and war if you take it with you, `Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you ..,` (Josh: 1. 7) and that includes the Commandment, `Thou shall not kill.` But Joshua attacked the land of Canaan, because of Noah`s falsely cursing of Canaan, the son of the homosexual Ham who had raped him, in psycho-symbolic terms. God had told Joshua to be strong and God would give it to the Jews but the `curse of Ham` was stronger.
In Canaan the Jews didn`t wait to see if they were welcome, because although Canaan isn`t directly the land of Cain, who was a murderer, it represents pederasty to the Jews because of Ham`s homosexual attack on Noah and the Patriarch`s subsequent cursing of Ham`s son Canaan. Although pederasty and war is perceivable as `Canaanite` if used as a description, Ham represents the latency of homosexual pederasty. Consequently, the Arabian terrorists on 9/11, 2001, who knew they were welcome because they had permission to be in the United States of America, attacked New York, which was worse than Joshua ordering his army into Canaan, and Saddam Hussein`s ordering his army into Kuwait in 1990, because God had given Canaan to Joshua who didn`t believe he was welcome, and Saddam Hussein hadn`t been given Kuwait by God and knew he wasn`t welcome.
In terms of the Hindu chakra system `Ham` is the name for the power of the spirit at the throat, which contains the `Big Apple` of the epiglottis, or `Adam`s apple`, that facilitates speech in humans. The Arabian terrrorists didn`t give the Americans of New York a chance to speak, after they`d decided they were pigs. In biblical terms, the Arabians were saying they didn`t like ham, and that the Americans were homosexuals because it isn`t a taboo for them. It could therefore be argued that the subsequent Gulf wars (1979-2012) were East and West proving they were homosexual, whether they liked ham or not.
Traditionally, pig is cooked with an apple in its mouth, which suggests that the terrorists` attack on 9/11 was because they perceived the USA as a homosexual pig with a big mouth. In the Bible Ham was homosexual, but Cain was the murderer of Abel, who was praised by God because he could cook, whereas Cain grew food. Cain killed the more able Abel, and so had disabled the visionary human`s development, and by analogy had prevented humanity from developing. Abel could cook a pig with an apple in its mouth, because a cooked pig is ham and that`s human development, but a human isn`t a pig. The history of the `serpent`s seed` is Cain`s. Abel wasn`t a homosexual pig, so Cain killed him.
The ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex relates how Oedipus is metaphorically blind because he can see but he can`t understand, and he blinds himself at the drama`s end because he`s been taught that he shouldn`t see and he shouldn`t understand. Because Oedipus wasn`t a homosexual pig who couldn`t see that he wasn`t. Oedipus Rex is the `Greek` version of the Christian Abel, and the Jews fighting for the land of Canaan is a metaphor for their blindness in refusing to accept God`s gift of the `Promised Land` to escape from pederasty and war.
In the movie Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981) Harrison Ford, in the role of Indiana Jones, represents the demons` bully, that is, the evil spirit of unconsidered action, which derives from homosexual pederasty and the impulse to further it through violence and war:
`The scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark as shot for the film was dramatically shortened; the original script intended Indy to fight the swordsman with a lengthy choreography and usage of his whip. However, Harrison Ford along with most of the crew were suffering from dysentery, and could not wear their trousers for more than a few minutes. Ford then suggested they `just shoot the fucker`. Steven Spielberg agreed resulting in the biggest laugh of the film and one of its most memorable sequences.`1
The perception of the audience is that Arabs aren`t brothers of the Americans, although in 1981 when the film was released, Saddam Hussein`s Iraqi army were fighting the Iranians, who had overthrown the American backed Shah of Iran in 1976 to establish Islamic fundamentalism, which threatened the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine, and the American backed Taliban were fighting the Soviet Russian backed Afghanistan regime in Kabul.
The movie audience is blind. Indiana`s perspective is `Who cares what it owns, it can`t see?` The nature of the evil is that they want what belongs to others, but they`re not in situ, whereas the truth is that, if you are welcome, your brother is in situ, which the evil don`t want you to be able to understand and so they kill.
`Indy` has a bully `hidden` inside the shell of his body, which is a coward. Raiders Of The Lost Ark is about Nazis from the 1930s stealing the `Ark of the Covenant` from `Indy`, who has rediscovered it as an archaeologist explorer. The denouement is of the Nazis being killed by divine agencies arising from the Ark. Because the Nazis weren`t welcome, or welcoming to the Jews. They sent 6,000,000 to be exterminated in `concentration camps`.
The `tablets of the law` were kept in Moses` `Ark of the Covenant` , the foremost of the Ten Commandments being, `Thou shall not kill.` In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the `pearl of great price` is knowledge through the female soul or anima, which is difficult to `shell` if you have to fight with a sword, and so Indy evinces his bullying demon and shells her without reflection, that is, he doesn`t perceive that the anima or soul is `wielding her sword of power`, as Carl Jung describes woman`s spirit or animus. Indy doesn`t perceive that both he and the swordsmen are the shell of Aphrodite-Venus, and he`s supposed to respect her shell, so that she can continue her programme of human development through `Man`.
The Shekinah, or `Glory of God`, dwells within the tent where the` Ark of the Covenant` (Ex: 40. 35) is kept during the Jews journey out of slavery in Egypt to the promised `land of milk and honey` and corresponds to the Holy Spirit, which effectively emerged from the side of Jesus as the `Second Eve` from the `Second Adam` after his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. According to Jesus` teachings in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is his continuator as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, which suggests the Holy Spirit is the renewed `spirit of the law`, that is, the Shekinah, which emerged from the side of Jesus after he was `shelled` by the spear of Longinus` cutting him open. The name Cain means `spear` , so although Jesus` spiritualized female soul or Jungian anima is released from the `cage` of his ribs, Longinus` spear is a blind man`s tool, that is, he ghoulishly wants to see what`s inside Jesus` body:
`Surely this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27.54)
Longinus is Cain because that`s the name of his spear. He wants the Holy Spirit, but he doesn`t see that she is `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet,` and he only wants her to guide him while he pretends that his spear is a blind man`s cane, so that he can see to kill more. Because of the `perpetual enmity` of the evil `serpent`s seed` for `woman`s seed`, that is, her indwelling spirit, which the Romans wanted to kill to prevent the antidote to enslaving homosexual pederasty and war from working through the Christian church.
A bullet in a shell is a bully within, if the individual accepts the spirit of an evil bullying demon, rather than Jesus` teachings of the Holy Spirit, because the bullies only want to `shell` the soul from the body. At Gadarene Jesus drove demons out of two men into pigs, which immediately ran into the river and drowned themselves. As the Japanese mitsubishi zero pilots, and the Arabian terrorist hijackers, suicided when they crashed their planes into the ships of the US fleet at Hawaii`s Pearl harbor in 1941 and into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001.
The statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor represents the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who, according to Revelation, gives birth to the `New Redeemer`, who is Jesus in his `Second Coming` and `rules with an iron scepter` after the United States of America`s defeat of the red sun of Japan`s flag and the yellow moon of Al Qaeda`s terrorist flag. Jesus is the protector of the `hidden` woman who has the United States` `wings of an eagle` that carry her to a `place of safety`, where she waits while the bullying demons of pederasty and enslavement are `shelling` humanity.
If Jesus was `casting pearls before swine`, and `Liberty` is `woman`s seed` pearl born from the waters of New York and Pearl harbor, the `Big Apple` is the storehouse of knowledge produced by the `host`, that is, `Woman`, from her womb since Eden, and the demon swine don`t want it. Jesus is a `lesson` of history and those who fail to learn are doomed to repeat the lesson, but you can`t have what you don`t want. God`s apple of immortality was what Adam and Eve rejected after they were offered `knowledge of the fruit of the tree of good and evil`, which was enslavement to the `serpent` and its `seed`, pederasty and war.
As it is written in scripture, `the wages of sin are death` (Rom: 6.23). But Jesus` teaching is that `Redemption` and eternal life is for those who want Salvation. If they don`t want it, they can`t have it. The apple of immortality is a good apple, and you can`t have what is good if you aren`t good, because you don`t want it. 9/11 is the `lesson` that those who don`t want the `Big Apple` can`t have it, because it`s a good apple, and only those who are good would want it. The Arabian terrorists were welcome until they hijacked American `civil` airlines` planes, and crashed suicidally into the Twin Towers of the `Big Apple` of New York`s Eve. Because they didn`t want God`s `seed` for heaven. They wanted to crash the `pearly gates` by suiciding before God could give to `woman`s seed` the `new heaven and Earth` that is promised in Revelation, and that the evil serpent`s seed`s `perpetual enmity` for `Woman` would seek to deny.
Although Jesus wasn`t casting pearls before the Gadarene swine, it`s `the pearl of great price`, that is, wisdom, which he illustrates. The two men from whom he cast demons were possessed by the `bullies` inside their human `shells`, that is, the `serpent`s seed` that would have `shelled` Jesus in a traditional stoning after his betrayal to the bullies of the Pharisees, that is, the Jewish police, but the Roman judge Pontius Pilate decreed a crucifixion so that the Roman centurion Longinus could pierce the side of Jesus with his spear after his being tortured to death by the police.
Jesus was a convicted criminal by Roman law, and so Revelation describes 666 as the `number of the beast`, which isn`t the number of the police, that is, 999, but the number of the Anti-Christians, who need the `mark of the beast` that is `the name of the beast or the number of his name` (Rev: 13.17) to `buy or sell`. Police corruption is what the evil `serpent`s seed` need to maintain their enslavement of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth. The demons murder her in their periodic wars of `perpetual enmity` to prevent her from receiving the `new heaven and Earth` promised by God in Revelation. The demons` `blood plague`, that is, the `biological weapon` of HIV/AIDS, enforces faithful monogamy, and enslavement to pederasty`s `perpetual enmity` against `woman`s seed` by maintaining ceaseless preparations for war upon the Earth.
Jesus` teachings of `Redemption` are dependent on acceptance of the Holy Spirit, whereas the notion of `shelling` is of the bullying spirit of the evil demon, which is the `serpent`s seed`, and Jesus was cut open by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus to `shell` the `Messiah`, that is, allow the spirit of the evil bullying demons to have access to his soul. But Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is evidence of the success of Jesus` teachings of the Holy Spirit. The evil `serpent`s seed` weren`t able to `shell` and possess Jesus.
In his `Second Coming` Jesus is depicted as having `a sharp two-edged sword that came out of his mouth`, because he commands. Jesus has the spirit that doesn`t accept the `shelling`. The evil interpret Jesus as a coward who suicides. Consequently, the Japanese mitsubishi suicide pilots and the Arabian 9/11 terrorists were evil, whereas the swordsman in Raiders Of The Lost Ark isn`t, but it`s made to look like suicide by the `Hollywood` police. Just as Jesus` crucifixion and death was made to look like suicide. Because that`s `police` control, which is control by the bullies, because they don`t accept Jesus` command:
`Leave her alone.`
Jesus` words were to the disciples while they tried to prevent a woman from washing his feet with `too expensive` oil on the day before his crucifixion. Neither of them had HIV/AIDS but the disciples seemed to think that there was a problem, `Thou shall not bear false witness.`.Freddie Mercury was a star of `Live Aid`, which was a benefit concert for `third world` poor, but he died of HIV/AIDS. Jesus` disciples saw the woman as a rival because they were in pederasty. The disciples were Jesus` boys, who weren`t men because they didn`t accept him as their `teacher`. They couldn`t leave the woman alone with Jesus when he told them to. Freddie was homosexual and `Live Aid` was a benefit for the wasted lives of `third world` famine victims, and predated `Live Aids`, which was a benefit concert for those men, like Freddie, who were educated Western `wasters` and had contracted the `wasting` disease of HIV/AIDS through mixing blood, shit and semen in nihilistic anal sex. `Woman` is the `host` womb for `woman`s seed` and Jesus` words telling the disciples not to bother the woman suggest he doesn`t see her as a `waster`, or that the expensive `spikenard` oil is `wasted on him. In other words, he`s a teacher, not a homosexual, and so he isn`t a waster of women. Although the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the `police`, supported the Imperial Roman legions, in their efforts to frame Jesus for `perversion and corrupting` (Luke: 23. 2). The disciples` attempt to forbid the woman from washing Jesus` feet presages Judas` role as the Pharisees` `secret policeman` preparing to betray Christ to the occupying security forces of the invader, on the understanding that he was promoting immorality:
`Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.` (Rev: 13.18)
999 is the number of the police and not 666, which is the number of the police that are the bullies. 9/11 took place because 911 is the number of the police in the United States of America, where the Pharisees were trying to make it look like suicide: `Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.`2 In Revelation the `hidden` woman waits for the war against `woman`s seed` waged by the evil `serpent`s seed` to end. 9/11`s attack on the World Trade Centre was `rough trade` and the reestablishment of pederasty and war as the enslaving parasitical aliens` unrepentant mode:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.11)
On 9/11, 2001, the hijacked `civil` aircraft soared on to crash imprecisely into the World Trade Centre. Because it was Sauron and Shelob, that is, cowardly Sauron was Saddam Hussein and Shelob was Al Qaeda `lobbing shells` roughly to reimplement `rough trade`. J. R. R. Tolkein`s prequel to The Lord Of The Rings was The Hobbit, which was about Bilbo Baggins, who asked `What have I got in my pocket?` The answer was the ring of slavery, which was Sauron`s that he had found, and Bilbo asked the question, because the character Gollum was trying to win it from him by means of a `guessing game`. Saddam Hussein was Sauron, because his is the `riddle` of the United Nations` weapons` inspectors, what`s in your Baghdad?
Frodo was the `heir` of Bilbo Baggins, and was charged with the destroying of the ring of slavery, which Bilbo was loathe to give up, although it was enslavement for him too. 9/11 wasn`t a `talky`, that is, a Tolkein picture, but the planes crashing into the Twin Towers `live on CNN` told the audience that pederasty and war was to be reestablished. HIV/AIDS was the `biological warfare` that still remained in the bag of those worshipping the war god of homosexuality.
Saddam Hussein, Babylon`s moustached gay biker`s glamour boy, was the `red dragon` of Revelation, but the war had been going on since the USA`s support for Iraq`s war against Ayatollah Khomeini`s Iran and Osama Ben Ladan`s Taliban`s insurgence against the Soviet Russian backed regime in Afghanistan since 1979 when HIV/AIDS was first diagnosed by medical science in the West as the `perpetual enmity` of the serpent`s seed`s `biological warfare` against `Woman`. The main fear of the Western alliance against Saddam Hussein was that he had `weapons of mass destruction`, including biological weapons, and although he didn`t seem to have, 9/11 was Revelation 9.11 which describes the `beast`: `And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon.` (Rev: 9.11)
Baghdad is where the `bag dads` live, and all of the women in Arabia wear the `black bag` of the burkah. If the bullying demons of pederasty want poison `shells`, the `bag dad` puts a bomb on the woman`s back under the `black bag` of her burkah and sends her to make a suicide attack.
In Tolkein`s The Lord Of The Rings Frodo Baggins went to destroy the slave ring. In English idiom, if something is `in the bag` it`s certain. In terms of the slave ring, that is, pederasty`s enslavement of `woman`s seed`, Frodo wasn`t certain to be in dad`s bag, because of the burkahs.
It`s a tradition of the British and Indian military to share the Gurkahs, which are regiments made up of men from Hindu Nepal. Burkhas are worn by Shi`ite and Suni Moslems, and Pakistan Is a Moslem country that, along with the United States of America, supported the Taliban against the Soviet Russian backed Afghanistan regime in Kabul from 1979 until their victory in 1989 and the end of `puppet` rule from Moscow. When Osama Ben Ladan`s Taliban group, Al Qaeda, attacked the Twin Towers on 9/11, the United States of America`s special forces found and executed him in 2011 in Pakistan as the Taliban leader responsible in 2001. In terms of `woman`s seed`, the burkhas were hiding him in Pakistan, and the Gurkhas were seeking him in India.
Because the Gurkhas are Hindu and the burkhas are Moslem, and 9/11 was an attack on the throat chakra of the United States of America because it was the `Big Apple`, the least that can be said is that the United States of America and the rest of the world has a `hidden` problem with `woman`s seed`. Moslem women desire freedom, so there are Moslem burkhas in Pakistan and Hindu Gurkhas in India, which has been almost constantly at war with Pakistan since Independence. Because Hindu India separated from the British Empire in 1948 and agreed to share the Gurkhas with the British, but not Moslem Pakistan, which had been a part of India too, 9/11 was the West being told by Arabia`s men that they wouldn`t share their Burkahs at McDonalds or anywhere else.
Al Qaeda means `the base`, and the Muladhara chakra at `the base` of the spine in Hinduism is where the `waters broke` for `Liberty` in New York habour. In Hinduism the seven chakras represent developmental stages in the growth of the individual`s consciousness. If the `Big Apple` of New York is the `Adam`s apple` or epiglottis in the `voice box` of America, it`s the Vishuddha chakra of Hinduism, which is called `Ham`, and the `Big Apple` in the throat of the Americans is the symbol of the power of `Ham`, which in normal development rises to the Ajna chakra at the brow and further to the Saharara chakra at the `crown` of the head.
If the apple is perceived to be in the mouth, it means that the pig is `prepared`, which is how Al Qaeda, `the base`, that is, those at the `Vam` or Muladhara chakra that represent the vampires in the human system, perceived the United States of America. In human development terms, the vampires at `the base` don`t want humanity to progress, which is why they infected the United States of America on 9/11, 2001, with the desire for blood vengeance.
In the Mafia `Camorra` is vendetta, but the reason New York was chosen is `the cities of the plains`, that is, Gomorrah and Sodom, which denote enslavement to pederasty, and God destroyed them (Gen: 16, 19). New York, the Pentagon at Arlington, and the site of the plane crash at Shanksville Pennsylvania, before it could reach Washington, were `the cities of the planes`, and `blood feud` was the contagion that enslaving pederasty and war was spreading through terror.
Arabians have their own Burkhas and `meat at McDonalds` isn`t a joke to `woman`s seed`. Al Qaeda is `the base` of the spine and Vishuddha is the throat, while the plane that crashed into the Pentagon corresponds to the Ajna chakra, or eyes of the United States of America, and the plane that crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, before it reached the Whitehouse, represents a threat to the Sahasrara chakra or `crown` of the developmental functionality of `woman`s seed`.
In Arabia the pig is `haraam` or forbidden, because it`s traditionally unclean, which is true in Judaism, and the Indian Mutiny amongst Moslems in the British Army in 1857 was because pig grease was rumoured to be used in the preparation of cartridge cases for bullets and it was the custom to: `… bite off the … top, pour the powder down the muzzle [of the rifle], put in the paper, and then the shot, tamping it all down to the bottom.`3 Jesus` casting of the demons out of the possessed into the Gadarene swine, which immediately ran into the water and drowned, suggests suicide is how evil spirits ascend, whereas Jesus` Ascension to heaven was that of a human.
Both the Japanese mitsubishi `zero` fighters crashing into the ships of the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor in 1941 and the planes hijacked by the Arabian terrorists that crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11 were suicide, which suggests demons. Jesus` identifies `demon` as the bully in the body of the shell of the possessed human, which wants to be a bigger bullet. The `Ham` chakra was the target of `Al Qaeda`, `the base`, because aliens don`t want human development, which is why 9/11 is the new birth of the `woman`s seed` from `Liberty`.
The woman `clothed` with the red sun and moon is `Liberty` in her triumph over the red sun of the flag of Japan and the yellow moon of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, `the base`. The evil throat rending vampire from `the base`, or Muladhara chakra, that is, `Vam`, rose on hijacked wings to fly at the Vishuddha chakra of New York`s `Big Apple`, which is symbolically the `Adam`s apple` or epiglottis in the `voice box` of America that helps to formulate words the enslaving vampires don`t want to hear, and suggests the woman of Revelation corresponds to the pig that Arabian men and others are taught is `haraam` or unclean to stop them from killing her. Not because they`re cannibals, but because women aren`t vampiristic parasites.
The butcher`s term is `salted` because it`s how meat is preserved, and in cryptography `salted password` means a `seal` that can`t be `broken`, which is why the United States of America has a `Great Seal` with the `wings of an eagle` upon it, because in Revelation it protects the `hidden` woman in her `place of safety` while the evil define her as a pig. Jesus` driving out of the demons from the pigs is a `lesson`. The demons don`t want the pigs, and Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary as `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen, and the demons don`t want the pigs.
9/11 wasn`t Jesus and Mary, but Sauron and Shelob roughly `lobbing shells` at the Twin Towers to reestablish `rough trade` with the United States of America. The `compatible` novel is the second part of J. R. R. Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings, that is, the Two Towers, and Sauron and Shelob are, psychologically, the characters to be overcome before the ring of enslavement to homosexual pederasty and war is `unmade`.
Pearl harbor and 9/11 were suicide terrorist attacks, and it`s spiritual suicide to murder someone. Because that`s a `successful` terrorist attack by demons `hidden` inside the `shell` of the human, which Pearl harbor and 9/11`s suicide terrorist plane attacks were a metaphor for. Suicide is a `mortal sin` in Catholicism . Because terrorist suicides are the demons who`ll receive perdition as a punishment, according to Revelation and God`s promise to `woman`s seed`, who receive a `new heaven and Earth`.
`Liberty `, in New York harbor, represents Hermaphrodite emerging as `the pearl of great price` from the oyster shell, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own `seed` and penis` socio-economic valence for the future of humanity, who is protected by Jesus` `iron scepter` in his `Second Coming` while his mother, the woman carried to a `place of safety` where she is `hidden` by the `wings of an eagle`, that is, the `Great Seal` of the United States of America, waits.
The `Messiah`, Jesus, born from the Virgin Mary, and so uncontaminated by male semen, is `woman`s seed`, and he advocates acceptance of the Holy Spirit, which is good, and the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from what isn`t good, so that the evil receive perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, and the good `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` as a reward from God.
Jesus` crucifixion is a torturing to death because he isn`t a shell. He has the `pearl of great price`, which the alchemists call `wisdom`, and in the developmental psychology of Carl Jung, knowledge is associated with the soul or anima, which is `the eternal feminine` principle, and corresponds to Aphrodite-Venus, or the Virgin Mary, who produced a pure pearl in Jesus and not a male shell contaminated by the `serpent`s seed` of the bullying demons of pederasty and war:
`In the beginning was the word and the word was God.`
God withdraws the Holy Spirit from what the author doesn`t want to publish. Onan was killed by God for masturbating, according to a layman`s interpretation of Genesis (38.9) but Onan was observing that the `woman`s seed` was what God wanted to publish and he was only admiring the artist`s intention:
`Archbishop Thomas Cranmer … inserted the phrase `with my body I thee worship` … into the wedding vows, which survive in the 1662 version of the Book of Common Prayer.`4
`Thou shall have no other gods before me` (Ex: 20. 3) is the Commandment of God that would seem to conflict with `with my body I thee worship`, which is important for women who have never experienced coitus with their own species. If `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own is `woman`s seed`, it isn`t possible for a woman with a man to `worship` if the worship of God requires coitus with her own own `futanarian` seed, that is, woman with a penis of her own as a species. Consequently, for repressed `woman`s seed` and her penis, lesbianism is the only form of coitus with her own species that is possible, which is definable as masturbation if the penis of the `woman`s seed` isn`t present.
Basic misogyny is that women can`t worship God because they don`t have a penis, whereas they do have their own penis. The popular opinion about onanism is that `masturbation makes you blind`, and so you would be if God killed you for it, as God did Onan. In misogyny women don`t have a penis, and so cannot worship God. Consequently, if they don`t want a man, they`re liable to the same punishment as Onan who, according to the BIble, was killed by God for unspecified wickedness and coitus interruptus with his brother`s wife, Tamar, whom God had ordered Onan to impregnate, and God had already killed Onan`s brother for more unspecified wickedness.
Onan `cast his seed upon the ground` because he didn`t want to impregnate Tamar, as it would spoil her beauty to be pregnant and he wanted to continue to find her admirable, which is how women feel about their own species. In the popular mind, masturbation produces blindness, and masturbators are killed because Onan was killed by God for masturbating. In simple terms, from misogyny`s point of view women should be worshipping them because they have a penis, which isn`t a Christian perspective:
`Thou shall have no other gods before me.`
In God terms, those who marry are penis worshippers, which is blasphemy. The presupposition is that the penis is God, whereas it isn`t. The fact that women are presupposed not to have a penis of their own as a `futanarian` species, means they can only be defined as masturbators in misogyny, inside or outside marriage, and so their punishment is to be killed or blinded until they`re dead, which explains why the information and education system, apart from the internet ( ), precludes `woman`s seed` from learning about themselves as an independent species.
If the `serpent`s seed` blind, it can see and God, which is definable as `Woman`, because her own penis wants to see her, can`t see or be seen. Consequently, `the game` is adulterating, because the adulteraters don`t want the `cuckolded` to see. If `Woman` is blinded to the truth about `woman`s seed`, they lose their property, and their partner, that is, `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own, because they can`t be `scene` with them. Michael Douglas` movie The Game (1997) is a metaphor for criminals and whores in misogyny and pederasty: `Starting with the merely invasive and rapidly escalating to the potentially criminal, Nicholas believes that his business, reputation, finances, and safety are at risk.` The less the humans are able to see, the more the `serpent`s seed` have for themselves, which is how they operate: `Christine realizes that Nicholas' gun is not a prop and is terrified. She frantically tells Nicholas that the conspiracy is a hoax, a fiction that is just part of the Game, that his finances are intact and that his family and friends are waiting on the other side of the door.` If Nick hadn`t objected, he may`ve recovered, according to the movie`s theme, but he might not have. As his brother Conrad opens the door with the champagne, Nick shoots:
`Nicholas' life passes before his eyes as he falls. He smashes through a glass roof and lands on a giant air bag. Emergency medical technicians carefully remove him, warning him to keep his eyes closed until they remove the fragments of breakaway glass. Nicholas finds he is in a ballroom full of his friends, family, and every figure involved in his Game; it had been just a game all along. [His brother] Conrad is alive and well, and explains that he initiated the game to get his brother [Nick] to embrace life and not end up like their father. Nicholas breaks into tears, relaxes, and begins to enjoy the party once his shock has dissipated. Later, Nicholas splits the bill for the game with Conrad (and is surprised to discover how expensive it all was). When he sees that Christine has left the party, he follows her outside to her cab. He asks her to dinner, and she offers to enjoy a private coffee with him now before her flight takes her to her next Game assignment.`5
Nick can see Christine, and he has some money left, so he still can see where he lives, but if his wife is where he lives and he can`t see her, how will he find his door? As Jesus says: `Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Sir, open the door for us.' But he will answer, 'I don't know you or where you come from.' Then you will say, 'We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.' But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from.` (Luke: 13. 24-27)
Jesus knew `the game`, which is to for the criminals and whores to take everything you have and lock you out of your own house. He is the owner of the house, and the door is narrowed to those who are faithful. But not faithful to the penis, faithful to God, which is why `with my body I thee worship` is Godly and doesn`t break the Commandment:
`You shall have no other gods before me.`
If `woman`s seed` has a penis, and it`s repressed in homosexual pederasty and enslavement, the misogynist idea would be that she can`t worship because she shouldn`t have a penis, because she should be faithful to `Man`, but that`s not what God says, `Men cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Mankind is `woman`s seed`, and Jesus is the `Messiah` because he was born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary, that is, his birth prefigures the `futanarian` woman with her own penis that doesn`t need men, but Jesus` teachings of Redemption don`t preclude `Man` from heaven because he presupposes that `woman` seed` will accept her. In other words, `Man` is faithful to God but not to men`s penis.
The rumour was that Michael Douglas was admitted into rehabilitation for `sex addiction` before he married actress Catherine Zita Jones. Although Michael denied the notion, without understanding that `Woman` is a separate species with her own penis as `futanarian`, the role of the penis isn`t clear in misogynistic enslavement of `woman`s seed` to pederasty and war, whereas knowledge of `Woman` as a species explains male `sex addiction` as the developing parasite`s desire for Redemption and human contact rather than parasitical behaviouralism with the rest of the alien enslavers of the `host` womb of the species `Woman` for enslavement in homosexual pederasty, and its `entertainment system` of violence and war.
2 Santayana, George The Life Of Reason, Vol. 1 Reason In Common Sense, 1905-6,
4 `The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony` in The Book Of Common Prayer, 1662,
The Grim Reproduction and the Future of Production
28/02/2013 15:35The Grim Reproduction and the Future of Production
The play by Greek dramatist, Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, is famous for the theories of human nature propounded by the developers of depth psychology in the early 20th century, which emerged first with Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), as an explanation for the psyche and, secondly, with Freud`s `pupil`, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), as a `path for self-improvement`. In Freudian psychology, Oedipus` unwitting murder of his father, and unwitting marriage to his mother, represents the son`s desire to have sex with the mother, which is repressed in civilization because exogamous marriage, that is, marriage with a `stranger`, is enforced by making endogamous marriage, that is, incest, taboo. In Sophocles` drama about ancient Egypt, the city of Thebes is a dangerous place because of the Sphinx which, with the face and breasts of a woman, and with the wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, devours all those who cannot answer her `riddle`, which is:
`What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`
Oedipus doesn`t know the answer, but receives it as a `cheat`, and the solution is `Man` but, having unwittingly murdered his father, and unknowingly married his mother, Oedipus is metaphorically blind. When he discovers that he is `guilty`, in Freudian terms, of breaking the taboo of incest, he blinds himself. Freud argued that the self-inflicted punishment was a metaphor for the consequences of unreflecting action based on orders, which was what ensured the continuance of the death camps of the Nazis in World War II when almost everyone understood that it was `alien` to humanity. Freudians argue that the incest taboo is what produces the `id`, which in `scifi` movies, such as Forbidden Planet, is depicted as what happens when the imagination is out of control. In Forbidden Planet (1956) `monsters from the id` are described as having been the original inhabitants of the planet, but they increased the powers of their imaginations until they were devouring monsters. Most critics of science fiction view the movie as a critique of mankind`s preoccupation with the destructive capabilities of their intelligence rather than with human development.
In Jungian psychology, the eyes are associated with the `Sensation` function, which is one of the four functions of consciousness; `Sensation` (eyes), `Thinking` (ears), `Feeling` (mouth) and `Intuition` (nose, or smell). The masculine ego is usually associated with either `Sensation`, that is, the eyes, or `Thinking`, which are the ears that allow the individual to process information received auditorily, because `Sensation` and `Thinking` are masculine, whereas `Feeling` and `Intuition` are feminine.
In the myth of Oedipus the superior function is `Sensation`, because it`s about the eyes, whereas the inferior or feminine function would be `Intuition`, because Oedipus has to be told the answer, can`t intuit. In simple terms, Oedipus represents the devouring monster of the `id`, which doesn`t want eyes, because eyes represent the egos , that is, the `I` of others.
The desire for endogamy, that is, marriage with the mother, is the desire not to be devoured by `alien eyes`. Because the incest taboo is male, the `alien eyes` are those of the father, who doesn`t want the mother to see with the eyes of her child. Although the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx is `Man`, the meaning is that `Man` is Cain, who slew his brother in the Bible story, because Cain wasn`t Abel, that is Abel, could see how to cook, and so was more able, which was why Cain killed him.
`Man` walks on three legs in the evening because he`s Cain, that is, he has the stick of a blind man, which is either the gun of the murderer, or the cane of those who are humanity`s blinding by the murderers, and so are feeling (feminine `Feeling` function) their way by intuition (feminine `Intuition` function), and through acceptance of what Jesus` teachings describe as the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, that is, the `teacher guide, comforter and helpmeet,` which Jesus prophesied would teach mankind after his torture, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.
Through the power of the spirit Freud was able to reveal that the repressed `id` was the result of mankind`s desire that others not see, which was defined as `alien`. Interestingly, Freud defined the `Woman` as a `victim of penis envy`, and any 21st century glance at internet pornography would tell you that `futanarian` woman, that is, woman with her own penis, is enviable.
Jung`s acceptance of the spirit of `Woman` allowed of his perceiving the feminine functions as associable with the soul or anima, which was female and so differentiation of the four functions of consciousness, that is, the development of a conscious, or actualized `Self`, was dependant on species` recognition. Because Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, as a prefiguration of the `futanarian` woman with her own penis,he was the `woman`s seed`, which receives heaven from God in Revelation, while the evil `serpent`s seed` receive perdition as a punishment. In simple terms, Jesus` recognition of `Woman` was dependant on his `Intuition` and `Feeling` for the soul or anima as a tool allowing him to recognize his own species as different from men, who represented the devourer of Freudian psychology because they didn`t want `Woman` to see that she was a species.
Jung describes the Sphinx as the `Terrible Mother`, but the meaning is not that she`s against incest, but that she`s against blindness and taboo. Because `Man` is `Woman` if she has her own penis, and lifts her leg to deliver her child. Because she births alone. As the Virgin Mary did. Jesus is the `Son of Man` because he is able to recognize `woman`s seed`, but recognition without acceptance is devourment for `woman`s seed` instead of shadow-integration, which is what Jung terms the recognition of negative aspects of oneself, insofar as they had previously been perceived as residing within the other person. Jung terms this the negative `projection making factor`, which is the shadow or repressed and subconscious desire of the male to devour the female, which surfaced in the Japanese and Nazi death camps of in World War Two between (1939-45) and is indicative of the unnatural fact that `Woman` is a species and men are her parasite, which in its final stages becomes `viral` and kills her art, culture and civilization in its wars against her.
The story of Oedipus` mother Jocasta is of the `woman`s seed` that wants its own eyes to see her. It`s as if all of the eyes aboard the Starship Enterprise in the US `scifi` television series, Star Trek (1965-), were to be the same person, and the `pirates` were those who wanted to wrest control of the ship from her human species. The crew of the Earth`s `ship` would be replaced by what God tells Eve in the Bible is the `serpent`s seed` and its `perpetual enmity` for hers (Gen: 3. 15), which simply means that thieves are murderers because they don`t work for what they get.
The phrase `robbed blind` is the apposite description of what has happened to humanity. In works such as Eric Von Daniken`s Gold Of The Gods (1973) objects d`art from the age of the Incas in South America are found to be exact replicas in shape of the US space shuttles, for example, the Enterprise, and so the replica is the archetypal basis of the recreation of what the people of the Earth have constructed before. In Jungian psychology, the archetypes are facultas praeformandi, which exist in the collective unconscious of humanity in dreams, art and imagination, and represent the inventiveness of human creativity, which the `cargo cult` uses to enslave the spirit and reproduce what it already had but has wasted in blind contempt for itself and those who had originally produced it. In simple terms, if the Enterprise space shuttle exists in the mind of mankind as an archetype, it will be recreated by those who have seen it. Consequently, the `aliens` are those men who have enslaved the human species, which corresponds to `Woman`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis, and so independent as a species from men, so that she will reproduce: but nothing original.
On the cover of her CD single, `Piece Of Me`, from the album Blackout (2007) which means `censorship`, or blindness through the sudden losing of consciousness, Britney Spears appears on the cross as Jesus crucified, which isn`t `original` insofar as it presents `woman`s seed`, but serves to reinforce the perception of the species of `Woman` as multiple, but one:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.`
An earlier `sex symbol`, Raquel Welch, had also appeared upon the crucifix as a promotional image for her role as the `cave woman`, in One Million Years BC (1966), which represented the development of `Woman`, but not of `woman`s seed`. Britney Spears` own career lifted off into space with her video single Oops I Did It Again (2000) where she appears in a red plastic body suit and represents the furthering of `woman`s seed`. Visited on Mars by a spaceman in the `period costume` of a NASA astronaut, in her red suit she attaches a hook to his spacesuit and winches him above herself in a white bikini dress to film her with the camera attached to his spacehelmet. The meaning is of `woman`s seed`, as an independent species, because she can reproduce. Although Britney Spears` penis isn`t present beneath her red plastic body suit, herself in the white bikini dress might have a penis of her own, because it`s possible and so isn`t `scifi`.
In previous mass extinctions of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth men sought to replace the depleted stock by placing boys in plastic suits with their faces turned to the back of the suit so that they couldn`t see out of the face opening and, employing the boys` anuses for coitus, `made women of them`, until they grew eyes in the backs of their heads and their anuses became vaginas. Britney Spears` Oops I Did It Again represents Britney`s description of how `Woman` is enslaved in pederasty, which exists only to censor knowledge of her own penis and seed, and keep her a prisoner upon the Earth, so that she can`t escape from the `monster` of the idiot, `Man`, which is what `id` is.
In the movie Fantastic Voyage (1966) Raquel Welch is a `scifi babe` travelling through the body`s blood stream to perform brain surgery in a micro-submarine, which prefigures the threat of the `blood plague` of the HIV/AIDS virus that kills `woman`s seed` for homosexual pederasty so that the enslaver can reestablish its `cargo cult` of reproduction. In ancient Greece women`s `host` wombs were enslaved by pederasty to spread its contagion by means of war, which means that Britney on Mars is the `woman`s seed` that has triumphed over Mars, the war god of homosexual pederasty. In Revelation God warns men of their desire to infect:
`Men cursed the God of heaven because of their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.11)
Infection is the basis of modern civilization. The desire to infect computers with viruses is a symptom of homosexual pederasty`s `biological warfare` against `woman`s seed` and the desire of `Woman` to be bigger. The main method of pederasty has been betrayal. Jesus was betrayed by Judas to the torturers of the spirit and enslavement of `woman`s seed`, and the Greek pederasts` huge wooden horse before the walls of Troy was used to insert its virality of enslavement for the Trojans` `host` wombs.
Leaving the hollow horse outside the walls, the Greeks emerged when the Trojans accepted` the horse as a `gift` and took it into the city. Similarly, the 9/11, 2001 terrorists were welcome, but betrayed the USA by using `civil` aircraft as `Trojan horses` to crash themselves into the World Trade Centre`s Twin Towers of New York`s `Big Apple` of Eve`s garnered wisdom since Eden and precipitate the Earth into a global war of `rough trade`, which is a euphemism for pederasty. In terms of `computer hacking`, the Arabian terrorists were pederast viruses that `hacked` the US` Defence system in an attempt to reestablish the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `Woman` and her own seed.
The original dictionary definition of `paedophile` is of someone who `likes children`, and the reason is that adults want children to be bigger, and that`s parenting. Infantiles don`t want to grow, and so they don`t want what is `bigger`, which is why the terrorist attack on the `Big Apple` on 9/11 was infantilism. Pediatricians have been taught that paedophiles are adults that want sex with children, whereas they represent the knowledge that children are reincarnations of what has been produced before.
In a `cargo cult`, the children are abandoned to reproduce, which is effectively what happens in the movie sequels to the Planet Of The Apes (1968) where the astronauts find themselves alone on a planet with simians who are mirroring human development. The stranded spacemen discover that the world is the future of their United States of America and that the apes are reconstructing it. In `parenting` terms, Planet Of The Apes is the pattern of the `cargo cultist` who returns to the `scene of the crime` to steal what the abandoned children have produced. By force and murder if coercion isn`t enough, and because the infantile thief doesn`t want to work. As God tells Eve, she will experience `pain in childbirth` after Eden (Gen: 3. 16), but Adam must live by the sweat of his brow. Because Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise for accepting an `owner`, that is, the `serpent` and its `seed` of `perpetual enmity` for humans and desire to be their enslaver.
The `Big Apple` represents the possibility of freedom for the enslaved 2000 years after Jesus. But the infantile doesn`t want the `Big Apple` for `woman`s seed` because `futanarian` woman has her own penis and socio-economic valence, which would allow her to develop technology, and escape from the Earth as an independent species, which the infantilist `cargo cult` operator doesn`t want to happen. 9/11 was an attempt to reimplement the `cargo cult` and reproduce through the `rough trade` of pederasty. Although a new World Trade Centre wouldn`t be a reproduction, it represents `cargo cult` theory, which is that children should believe in freedom and independence, and shouldn`t see that they don`t have any.
The adult that is congratulated for having produced a work of art or inventiveness is a child if the plaudits of the individual congratulator are based on the perception that the producer has recreated what the congratulator has previously produced. Britney Spears` perception with the album Blackout, and herself on the cover of the CD single `Piece Of Me` rather than Jesus, is that she doesn`t want to reproduce for men because she`s a species, that is, `woman`s seed`, who has her own penis, and so Blackout means `censorship` and `loss of consciousness`:
`Guess I can't see no harm
In working and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
I'm still an exceptional earner
You want a piece of me...`
Britney Spears was snapped by photographers near Central Park in New York after her child`s hat had fallen off and she didn`t pick it up. Running for a car near her hotel she was labeled an unfit mother and lost her fortune to the courts.1 Declaring herself bisexual didn`t help her, but the knowledge that `Woman` has her own penis does help women. Not generally aware that `Woman` constitutes an independent species enslaved by their pederasts, Britney Spears` `lesbian` declaration helped Americans. The legend on the `Great Seal` of the USA, e pluribus unum, which is `the many and the one`, refers to the `hidden` woman of Revelation who, like Oedipus` Sphinx and `Terrible Mother`, has `wings of an eagle` to carry her to a `place of safety`, while the `New Redeemer`, to which she the `hidden` woman has given birth independently, `rules with an iron scepter`, to ensure the ultimate success of `woman`s seed`, while the evil receive eternal unendurable pain from God for preferring enslavement to a virus.
1 Alaska Report, , February 16, 2008.
The Scepter and the Eye
20/02/2013 16:17The Scepter and the Eye
In Revelation,`the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth while the devouring `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, that is, `he who shall rule the nations with an iron scepter`. In the Old Testament the symbol of the rainbow is God`s `Promise` (Gen: 9. 12-15), which he made after `the flood`: `… God, saddened at the wickedness of mankind, sent a great deluge to destroy all life, but because Noah was `righteous in his generation` God instructed him to build an Ark and save a remnant of life. After the Flood Noah offered a sacrifice and entered into a covenant with God regulating the shedding of blood, that is, mankind's permission to kill under regulated circumstances. As a sign and witness of this covenant, the rainbow was adopted and set apart by God as a sure pledge that never again would the earth be destroyed by a flood.` 1 In Exodus, when the `chosen people` were leaving slavery in Egypt, they constructed the Ark of the Covenant to contain the Commandments of God and the `spirit of the law`, which was the female Shekinah, who dwelt in the tent of the tabernacle wherein the Ark was kept.
In Roman mythology, Iris is the `goddess of the `rainbow` and, in 20th century medical terminology, the iris is the coloured part of the eye that contains the the `cones` and the `rods` of the pupils: `Rod cells, or rods, are photoreceptor cells in the retina of the eye that can function in less intense light than can the other type of visual photoreceptor, cone cells. Rods are concentrated at the outer edges of the retina and are used in peripheral vision and are almost entirely responsible for night vision.2 In Revelation the `New Redeemer` is described as ruling with an iron rod, and rods are a symbol of Emperors since Imperial Rome when the fasces bundle of rods with axes inside represented the travelling soldiers of Rome who slept and worshipped on the rods and used the axes to make a camp fire with dead wood, much in the way that the carpet in Islam is used to worship God as `Allah` and Arabian tales describe the `magic carpet` as facilitating travel to distant places.
As Alexander the Great once observed to his troops, his horse Bucephalus was more important than any other item in his campaign to conquer the known world before he was 20 years of age, because it facilitated his travelling. An observation that was lost on the Trojans at Troy because they`d accepted the huge hollow wooden horse of the Greeks into their citadel and Greek soldiers emerged to enslave the city. The adage `Beware Greeks bearing gifts,` might also be understood as, `Look after your own horse.` If you can`t see, you can`t travel. Alexander was Greek and Greece`s art, civilization and culture was based on the spreading of its contagion of war by means of the enslaving of women`s `host` wombs in homosexual pederasty, which is what happened at Troy, where the Greeks may be understood as viral rather than virile, and their disease of homosexual pederasty prefigured the 20th century disease of HIV/AIDS, which assisted in the enslaving of women in enforced faithful monogamous marriages.
In Japan the symbol of fascism is the binding of women`s feet, which means that the slave can`t travel. Just as Jesus` crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was a direct consequence of Imperial Rome`s denial of the rebellious woman`s seed`s desire to escape, where Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by male semen prefigures the `futanarian` woman with a penis of her own and her own `seed`, so the Nazis of the 1930s pogroms against the Jews masked their real intention. In Judaism, it is not possible to be born a jew unless you are born from a woman, that is, `woman`s seed`, which means that the `chosen people` are `woman`s seed`. Moreover, because you can`t be a jew if you`re not born from a woman, only jewesses are jews. Because Jesus was a rebellious jew who founded Christianity, women are the `chosen people`, and so God is described in Revelation as giving a `new heaven and Earth` to `woman`s seed`. Jesus represents care of the horse because mankind can`t go anywhere without women. That`s why Jesus is the `host` in the Catholic Communion service in which `bread and wine` are given to the parishioners as symbols of the `body and blood` of `woman`s seed`, which is what Jesus offered to the disciples at the `Last Supper` before he was betrayed by Judas to his crucifiers. The `host` womb of `Woman` carries either her parasitical devourer, or `woman`s seed`, and her destiny is to travel further.
If homosexual pederasty prevents the `woman`s seed` from technological development, she`ll remain a slave, which is why 9/11 was representative of its spreading of its contagion. The Arabian terrorists used hijacked aircraft as Greek horses to breach the defences of the city of New York and attack the World Trade Centre`s `spires of Ilium` in an attempt to reestablish `rough trade`, which is the term used to define enslavement in homosexual pederasty. If human resources are devoted to war, the machinery of homosexual pederasty remains well oiled, but the space rockets that would carry `woman`s seed` off Earth and to `heaven` are now intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), which ensure either the imprisonment and enslavement of `woman`s seed`, or the success of the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed`s desire for her extinction.
Beginning with the `temptation of Eve` by means of homosexual pederasty`s `apple of Eden`, and ending with the unsuccessful attempt upon New York of Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda, Eve`s `Big Apple` of the United States of America`s wisdom garnered since Eden, and Jesus` new promise of success for `woman`s seed` 2000 years previously, prefigures the birth of the `New Redeemer`. In New York harbour the statue of `Liberty` is the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. Because she`s the symbol of freedom`s victory over the red suns of Japan`s Imperial Japan after their `sneak attack` on Pearl harbor in 1941, and America`s Declaration of Independence from the British Empire, `upon which the sun never sets`, in 1776, whereas the moon reflected in her broken waters in New York harbour is a symbol of her triumph over the yellow moons of the flags of Al Qaeda`s terrorism, which sought to prevent `woman`s seed` from getting further than the moon by diverting resources to resolving greater conflict issues. Rather than address homosexual pederasty`s enslavement of `woman`s seed` to spread its contagion upon the Earth, homosexual pederasty and its contagion of war seeks to extinguish `Woman`, and the human species here, before she escapes imprisonment beneath the cold eye of the `man in the moon` who sees `woman` seed` as the `Greek horse` of its parasitism rather than as the `host` of God,
`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`3
Pederasty doesn`t want bipeds to travel. The motor car was invented in the 18th century and we still have to use our feet to pedal, `The history of the automobile typically begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steam engined automobiles capable of human transport.`4 In human terms, pederasty is the denial of the horse that carries, and so the car carries the pederast, and has pedals to preserve the illusion that travel is possible without `Woman`, although she carries the `host` of mankind in her womb. Pederasty is a treadmill created by homosexuality for the bipeds and they want humanity to go nowhere slowly while pedaling as quickly as possible. The ancient riddle of the sphinx for Oedipus is `What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?` The answer is `man` and the usual explanation is that, towards death, the individual needs a cane. However, as the story of Oedipus unfolds in Oedipus Rex, the actual meaning is of the cane which the blind person needs to use because men don`t want him to see. The `New Redeemer` can be understood as having a strong will to see, which is why he rules with an `iron rod`, and he wants `woman`s seed` to go to heaven.
In optometry, the `cones` of the retina help human eyes to see by day, and the `rods` by night, which suggests the `New Redeemer` will have strong `vision` to convince. Because of homosexual pederasty mankind`s vision has been darkened, so the `New Redeemer` will bring light from the darkness, that is, the rods are all that humanity has left to see with, which is why the fasces or `rods` are a symbol of fascism. Although the axes of fascism are a traditional symbol of the traveler who chops dead wood for the camp fire, the fascists of the 20th century attempted to burn `woman`s seed` in their ovens at places such as Dachau, Auschwitz and Belsen. This darkening of the pupils of the `woman`s seed` is because the evil serpent`s seed`s `perpetual enmity` for `Woman` doesn`t want her to see her path clearly to escape from its enslaving pederasty. Consequently, in the darkness that remains to human vision, the `New Redeemer` must have a very strong will to bring light out of the blackness, which is why he is described as ruling with a `rod of iron`. The `rods` of the pupils of the retina are the eyes of the unawakened who, living in darkness like Oedipus, will either travel slowly, as bipeds with a cane, to tap their way upon the serpent`s seed`s path to perdition, or journey as `woman`s seed` with eyes that have been opened through the stronger vision of the `New Redeemer` who rules with an `iron rod` over those who would close the eyes of others and for the eyes of those who want to see.
The Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire because it accepted Jesus, God, and `woman`s seed`, which is why Catholicism venerates the figure of the Virgin Mary as the progenitor of the `Messiah`. Although the Roman Centurion Longinus said, `Surely this was the Son of God,` after Jesus` death, Jesus called himself `The Son of Man,` because the Virgin Mary was his mother. The reason Jesus denied being `the Son of God` was that he didn`t want pederasty, and men associate themselves with God, the father, whereas those who crucified him weren`t being `fatherly`, and Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary prefigures `futanarian` woman with her own penis and `seed` as the human species `fathered` by God. A `fatherer` is a `fartherer`, especially if she`s `woman`s seed`, because she represents the `host` that will carry her species to the stars. However, as Oedipus` story indicates, mankind`s fate is the blind man`s. Oedipus marries his mother Jocasta, who doesn`t mind even when he discovers his `crime`. The incest taboo is so strong that he blinds himself, which is a metaphor for those who don`t want others to see. Jocasta is just a woman before Oedipus` discovery, and remains a woman afterwards. The incest taboo is designed to ensure that she remains unremarkable because the notion that she`s the human species is something to which Jesus alludes, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` Jesus` words, and his advocacy of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as the disseminator of the law of `God`s love`, that is, the Shekinah, as the `spirit of the law` from the Old Testament, is testimony that Oedipus is `Woman` too. But pederasty doesn`t want mankind to be able to see, and so Oedipus` ancient Greek perspective that incest is taboo and punishable by blindness is the god of homosexuality`s perception that humanity must be kept in ignorance if `woman`s seed` is to remain its slave.
Compromise is against God to the faithful because it suggests that the promise of God isn`t true, and so the vision of the `New Redeemer` will be uncompromising, because `woman`s seed` with her own penis as `futanarian` woman isn`t taught in schools as a species independent of men, and the emphasis upon heterosexuality denies `woman`s seed` freedom to perceive herself as the human species. Unless heterosexual man accepts `Redemption`, which is acceptance of the propogation of `woman`s seed` and the promulgation of information about `woman`s seed`, as an independent `branch` of the human species, it`s perdition for the serpent`s seed that is practicing `perpetual enmity` for `Woman` in its wars against the Earth. The fasces or `rods`, and the axes encased within, when the sleeping mat is furled, are the ancient symbol of independence in Empire before Jesus. In his `Second Coming`, Jesus is the `New Redeemer` who rules with a single rod, which means he brings light from the darkness. But the fascist axes are symbols of the dead wood that is chopped to burn, because Jesus` vision isn`t compromising, and the `faggots` of homosexual pederasty`s `gay boy sons` that have produced the `gay poisons` of their witchery in mixing blood, shit and semen to produce HIV/AIDS and wage `biological warfare` against the `host` wombs of `woman`s seed` are for the fires of hell, because Jesus` Holy Empire is God`s.
In the Moslem faith the `red crescent` is the symbol of charity and healing, as the `red cross` is the equivalent symbol for the West, and just as the carpet and the scimitar is a metaphor for the spreading of Islam, so the mat of the fasces and the axe is a symbol for the spreading of Western power. Although the `red crescent` is associable with the sword of Islam, that is, the scimitar, the `fertile crescent` is, `… the cradle of civilization; it saw the development of many of the earliest human civilizations. Some of its technological inventions … are writing, glass, and the wheel.` In fact the fertile crescent, which is close to the red sea, contains the rivers of Eden, or Paradise, according to many biblical scholars, that is, the Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, and Gihon.6 The name `fertile crescent` suggests agriculture, which devolves from the knowledge that `woman`s seed` is a grower, whereas Cain killed Abel in the Bible for being `able` to cook, that is, develop, and so Cain is an `Oedipal` symbol of the blindness of men who`ll need a cane to walk with. Because they`ve hampered the development of `woman`s seed`.
The `red crescent` is a symbol of the `fertile crescent`, but also of the crescent moon, which in its fullness is a symbol of the cycle of growth that is represented by the sickle for the corn at harvest. However, `the sickle` could also symbolize `sickle cell anaemia`, which is the dying of the body through the deterioration of the oxygen distributing `red` cells. Homosexual pederasty`s enslaving of the species `Woman` to keep her at a low level of technological advancement to ensure her imprisonment, precludes her acceptance that Jesus` `body and blood`, symbolized by the `bread and wine` of fellowship, represents the spiritual/intellectual antidote to sickle cell anaemia, or even to the destruction of the `white cells` of the immune system`s defences by HIV/AIDS. The Holy Spirit/Paraclete was Jesus` `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet` to assist the development of `woman`s seed` through desire for those technological advancements necessary for the health of `woman`s seed`, and subsequent liberation from Earth`s parasites but, without recognition of her enslaved status in pederasty, she`ll never be able to free her eyes to see `farther`.
3 Armstrong, Neil Coordinated Universal Time, 2:26, July 21st, 1969.
6 Ethiopians have long identified the Gihon with the Blue Nile, which becomes the Nile after confluence with the white Nile.
The Thin King, The Prince Of Darkness, and The Glass Slipper For Cinders` Foot
17/02/2013 11:36The Thin King, The Prince Of Darkness, and The Glass Slipper For Cinders` Foot
In the early days of the `killer disease` HIV/AIDS, which is spread by mixing semen, blood and shit in anal sex, but it isn`t `politically correct` to blame homosexual pederasty, the `gay plague` was called the `thin disease`, which made it the `Thin King`, in terms of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, as described in Revelation, that is, `war, plague, famine and death`:
`This disorder was first observed in Africa … when it was described as `The Thin Disease` because of the progressive development of … [a wasted appearance through] … repeated infections and the fatal [wasted] outcome.`1
Although HIV/AIDS was called `plague`, its etiology is `famine`. The aim of pederasty is to maintain the faithfulness of women in monogamous misogyny. Because `futanarian` woman has her own `woman`s seed`, that is, her own penis, denial of her role as the mother of the human species is sex starvation. What comes from the `host` womb of `Woman` is the art, culture and civilization of humanity, so `Woman` is the human species. Whether her penis is visible or not. However, the enslaving of `Woman` to homosexual pederasty`s alien virality through monogamy is HIV/AIDS` enforcing of faithfulness to a parasite not of her own species, and is the model for Western civilization. In ancient Greece, women were `host` wombs for homosexual pederasty`s cycle of enslavement and devouring war, which first spread the `Greek` contagion to nearby city states, and on to Western culture.
In Genesis God tells Eve there`ll be `perpetual enmity` between the `serpent`s seed` and `woman`s seed`, and she`ll receive a `new heaven and Earth` while the evil receive perdition as a punishment, that is, eternal unendurable pain. In Revelation, `men cursed the God of heaven because of their sores but refused to repent of what they had done,` which is sex starve the `woman`s seed` by spreading their contaminated male semen, which is not the uncontaminated `seed` of Jesus, who was born from the Virgin Mary, that is, the prefiguration of `futanarian` woman with her own penis.
Men prefer homosexual pederasty`s cycle of enslavement and devouring of the art, culture and civilization of `Woman` in the evil alien parasitical virality`s periodic wars against her. Their biblical `sores` represent acceptance of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, that is, `war, plague, famine and death`, which is promulgation of the evil spirit of homosexual pederasty`s cycle of devourment of `woman`s seed` and the propogation of its enslavers` contagion. The Advent of the evil spirit of homosexual pederasty in the HIV/AIDS` virus restored woman`s seed`s faithful conditioned response to misogyny`s monogamy, rather than allow her to reject the `four horsemen` and accept the Holy Spirit/Paraclete as fourfold `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`. Because homosexual pederasty denies `woman` seed` an education and information system that teaches her she`s a species in truth.
HIV/AIDS` enforcing of monogamous marriage with an alien parasitical virality for her `host` womb isn`t only to ensure her faithfulness to misogyny`s cycle of enslavement and devouring but to `sex starve` the species, `Woman`, of its own desired sexual partner. We know that `Woman` is the desired sexual partner of herself, because `futanarian` woman with a penis knows where it goes. However, homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` against `woman`s seed` is a biblical sign that men don`t want the penis to go where God wants it to. Consequently, `woman`s seed` receives a `new heaven and Earth` in Revelation while the evil `serpent`s seed` receive perdition for `sex starving`, and so `famine` is numbered amongst `the four horsemen of the apocalypse`.
The Earth`s education and information system for `woman`s seed` is that men are the only ones with a penis, which is why the `red dragon` of Revelation grown from the `serpent`s seed` since Eden is the `father of lies`. In the Bible, `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` gives birth to the `New Redeemer` despite the attentions of the `red dragon` waiting to devour her child, that is, `he who is to rule the nations with an iron scepter`. According to God, `woman`s seed` will receive a `new heaven and Earth`, while the evil receive unendurable eternal pain for not allowing the human species to use her own penis, and for imposing misogynistic monogamy upon her `seed` for the purposes of enslaving her `host` womb and devouring her art, culture and civilization periodically through its alien parasitical virality`s wars against her Earth.
Sexual starvation is `famine`, one of `the four horsemen of the apocalypse`, while the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS is another. Because the ancient Greeks enslaved women`s `host` wombs to spread their contagion of homosexual pederasty by means of war, `Greek` sex is the horseman of the apocalypse associated with `biological warfare`, while `wasting` is a euphemism for killing, and so the fourth horseman is identifiable as any and all murderous wasters of human lives.
In 2001, 9/11, Arabian terrorists emulated both the HIV/AIDS virus and the army of ancient Greece before Troy, whose huge wooden horse was, like the `civil` aircraft` flown to New York by Al Qaeda`s `terrorist cells`, a `friendship gift` from which emerged terror. HIV/AIDS similarly `feigns friendship` for the cells of the body before the `terrorist cells` kill it, which means that 9/11 was a biblical sign of Revelation and that it is the beginning of the end for the enslaving and devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war.
Sexual starvation is woman`s seed`s `famine` because of the `gay plague` of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS `biological warfare` forcing `Woman` into a misogynistic relationship with the evil alien parasite that seeks to destroy her, and which God tells Eve in Eden is the `serpent` seed` that will have `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the `Thinking` function is predominantly masculine, while the `Sensation` function is the predominantly masculine function that is the auxiliary to the superior function, which is usually `Thinking`. According to Jung, `Thinking is associated with the ear, and `Sensation` is associated with the eye, which means that the male ego is associated with ears and eyes. Consequently, as the disease associated with homosexual pederasty, HIV/AIDS attacks the `Thinking` function because it`s the `Thin King` of the four horsemen of the apocalypse:
`As the disease progresses, the muscles tend to shrink and the body tends to thin out. In other words, one starts to lose weight involuntarily.`2
In Christianity, the antidote to the four horsemen is the fourfold Holy Spirit/Paraclete, `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, which accords with Jungian psychology, in which there are four functions of consciousness. `Feeling` and `Intuition` are associated with the soul or anima that, spiritualized, corresponds to the Holy Spirit/Paraclete that Jesus` teachings advise humanity to accept as the Messiah`s continuator after his crucifixion, death, and subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.
In Islamic tradition the character of `Iblis` from the Koran whispers into the ears of the individual as an evil tempter but, according to Moslem thinking, Iblis has no power. However, the spirit of homosexual pederasty is whispering into our ears, and HIV/AIDS is the result of what it has put into our rears, which means that `Thin King` has changed our `Thinking` function. By means of its whisperings into our ears, that is, the `Thinking` function, the evil spirit of homosexual pederasty tempts our rears with anal sex. Because the male ego is associated with the eyes and the ears, that is `Thinking` and `Sensation`, in Revelation God shows it to the eyes of men that they have accepted `Iblis` into their ears, and so on into their rears. The ass as sins of homosexual pederasty have a knife and a penis at our backs:
`Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.`
The `woman`s seed` won`t pay for arrears, which is the `state of being behind` in socio-economic terms, that is, in terms of homosexual pederasty, she`s `backward`. The attack on the `World Trade Centre` was an attempt to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, homosexual pederasty and war, by silencing the voice of `Liberty` emanating from Eve`s `Big Apple` of New York. `Adam`s apple` is the common term for epiglottis, which assists in the formulation of speech and, according to Jungian psychology, is associated with `Feeling` and the mouth, but is associated with the soul or anima and is feminine, which means the aim of terrorism would be to prevent the voice of Eve from being audible.
Because `futanarian` woman with a penis has her own socio-economic valence, the attack on the World Trade Centre ensured the continuation of war`s evils and that the human species of `woman`s seed` would remain backward. Unable to escape from arrears, that is, the `state of being behind`, her demon would drive her to produce more `gay boy sons` for its wars, or `woman`s seed` would receive the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS as homosexual pederasty`s perdition for her:
It`s no mystery that the demons and devils of homosexual pederasty are the enslavers and devourers of `woman`s seed`, but Babylon`s greatness is that she withstands them. Her debt to homosexual pederasty is her `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons` that kill her, but which she wouldn`t pay if `woman`s seed` weren`t reproducing. In other words, the `woman`s seed` of `futanarian` woman with her own penis wouldn`t produce any of the `boy sons` that would `poison` her, and so New York`s Big Apple of Eve`s `state of being behind` was chosen by homosexual pederasty to reestablish its `rough trade` at the World Trade Centre on 9/11 by silencing her voice and blinding her eyes at the USA`s Department of Defense at the Pentagon.
`Woman` is in a `state of being behind` in New York`s `Big Apple` of Eve`s, according to homosexual pederasty`s theoreticians. Although she isn`t in arrears, in economic terms, she`s backward in her understanding and should be in her rears. But she hasn`t listened to her `ears`, where `Iblis` is speaking of the socio-economics of enslaving and devouring homosexual pederasty and war. Jesus` birth was without contamination by male semen, which means that the `hidden` woman of the Earth, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis, is similarly uncontaminated by male semen. If the homosexual pederasts are unable to contaminate her `seed` and force her to produce `boy sons` for its `gay wars` against `woman`s seed`, she`ll have kept her ears clean. Although, from the `poisons` point of view, that is, the `gay boy sons` of the `serpent`s seed`, `futanarian` woman with her own penis could be in her rears, and theirs, which is what the `gay boy sons` want.
The homosexual pederasts would rather teach `woman`s seed` to stab itself in the rear than give it HIV/AIDS themselves, because that`d be `forward`, and cowards are what the alien parasitical viralities are. Consequently, mankind has been devoured as `cannon fodder` in the `great wars` of the 20th century, that is, WWI, WWII and the Gulf wars I and II, as a preliminary to homosexual pederasty`s devouring of `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman with her own penis, and socio-economic valence of the human species` future, which homosexual pederasty has already identified as its enemy in the World Wide Web war (WWW) for the human freedom to educate `woman`s seed` in pictures of her own penis` future as a new species.
It`s the homosexual pederasts` position that `Woman` hasn`t listened with her ears, or her rears, and is in arrears because she has to learn to stab herself in the back, with or without the aid of a penis, so that `woman`s seed` will always be `behind` in her payments to homosexual pederasty. But the `woman`s seed` will continue, despite the serpent`s seed`s wars of `perpetual enmity` against her, and ears that don`t listen to the voice of the serpent develop their own `Thinking`.
`Mystery, Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth` has had her secrets penetrated in Revelation by the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` to `rule the nations with an iron scepter` while she remains `hidden` as the `woman`s seed`. The `New Redeemer` is the enemy of homosexual pederasty and war, which has enslaved the `woman`, `Babylon the Great`, as `producer`, in Hollywood terms, while the `hidden woman` waits to receive the `new heaven and Earth` that God gives her and her `seed` before the enslavers and devourers of God`s human species receive perdition:
`Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.`
Although Matthew 6.12 uses the word `debts`, the older Bible uses `trespasses` because payment isn`t the issue, which is forgiveness for mistakes, and this is borne out in Jesus` words in the Gospel of Matthew, `For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.` (6.14) In other words, the word `debts` is used by the evil in socio-economic terms to justify their punishment of debtors. In Revelation, economics is mafia based,
`And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13.17)
You won`t receive bread if you make a mistake, because vendetta or `blood feud` is what the mafia is for. Mafia families have false values, which is `Camorra`, and God destroyed `Sodom and Gomorrah` for the same reason. Mafia is polite pederasty, but if you`re not polite they`ll kill you, and that`s how homosexual family values prevail. In Revelation `blood plague` is identifiable as HIV/AIDS, but `blood feud` and vendetta is the idea of payment for a `mistake` to the mafia, which is what `Sodom and Gomorrah` represent for `woman`s seed`, that is, the `perpetual enmity` of the `serpent`s seed` for `futanarian` woman with her own penis, because she`d escape from her slavery.
In Jungian psychology libidic sexual energy or instinct is transformed into spiritual or intellectual creativity and inventiveness, which is why Jesus` celibacy is so celebrated in Christianity. Because it represents the denial of animal instinct in favour of liberating technology, but also the notion of enslavement for those with a heterosexual valence. Consequently, `futanarian` woman`s sexual valence is much stronger. Because her penis is much larger, on average, than the male. This suggests her inventive and creative capacity would be much greater also, and so would her species` socio-economic viability, which would mean her escape from enslavement and devourment by what Revelation describes as the `red dragon` is certain because of her ability to develop her own species` valence technologically.
If the demons and devils of homosexual pederasty and war`s terrorism against New York is an attack on Eve`s `Big Apple` of garnered wisdom since Eden, which would include her growing awareness of herself as `woman`s seed` due to the resource of the internet and the availability of erotic pictorial imagery depicting her species, then New York would represent `the state of being behind` because `Liberty` was valued. Moreover, the state of being behind` would be a term more appositely applied to the state of homosexual pederasty and war, which would treacherously lie behind New York`s state.
Although Al Qaeda`s flag is the yellow moon and the flag of Japan is the red sun, which suggests that `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer` is `Liberty` after her eventual victory over the Imperial Japanese `sneak attack` at Pearl Harbor (1941) and Al Qaeda`s terrorism at New York harbor (2001), the Empire `upon which the sun never sets`3 was the British, which the Americans had been defeating since 1776 and the United States of America`s Declaration of Independence from George III. Behind New York state is London, Canada, but not so `forward` or it`d be in Lake Erie, which in 1814 was still the focus of the United States of America`s War of Independence against the British Empire:
`With the majority of the British army and naval forces tied down in Europe fighting the Napoleonic Wars until 1814, the Americans gained control over Lake Erie in 1813, but with the defeat of Napoleon in 1814 , the British adopted a more aggressive strategy, sending an army to capture and burn Washington, D.C.`4
The Arabian terrorist hijack attack that failed on 9/11 was `Flight 93`, which crashed after it was `retaken` by passengers at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, before it was able to reach its target, the Whitehouse, in Washington D.C., which would mean `Liberty`, as the biblical `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, was consolidating her victory over the British Empire, `upon which the sun never sets`, because she was no longer `in a state of being behind`, but had defeated the British Empire after the `no taxation without representation` Boston Tea Party protest and, after George W. Bush`s declared `War On Terror` (2003-), would defeat the Boston hijackers of Al Qaeda`s yellow terrorist moon to be the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, `Liberty`, with the moon reflected beneath in her broken waters at New York harbor where she gave birth to indomitability as the `New Redeemer`.
The vendetta of the `serpent`s seed` of homosexual pederasty, which is the `Camorra` of the `blood feud`, is the mafia that want the ears of `woman`s seed` to listen to their whispers of enslavement and devourment of art, culture and civilization. Infected, the `woman`s seed` will pay arrears of `gay boy sons` to pederasty, or death through her rears from the `gay poisons` of HIV/AIDS.
In Hinduism consciousness has levels marked by energic centres along the spine, which are called chakras, and `the base` chakra is Muladhara at the base of the spine and represents that level of development associated with sexuality and the family. However, if heterosexuality between man and woman is a falsely pederastical convenience designed by homosexuality`s perpetual enmity` for the `woman`s seed` to preserve its alien parasitical virality from extinction, `the base` is false. Consequently, Al Qaeda means `the base`. Because the family values of mafia families, such as those of the super rich family of Saudi Arabia`s, and to which Osama Ben Ladan belonged, are false. `Camorra` is mafia for `family quarrel`, and Al Qaeda, that is, `the base`, represents the false family values based on `blood feud` and vendetta, which are those of the super rich hoodlums of the mafia at `the base` of society. In Hindu terms, the `Big Apple` of New York`s Eve is the `Adam`s apple` in the throat chakra and represents the `voice of America` that the mafia want silenced. Because the Pentagon represents the `all seeing third eye` of the Ajna chakra located at the brow, the crashing of `Flight 77` into the `eye` of the United States of America`s Defense Department by its hijackers was designed to divert attention away from the real threat, in the same way that the `Eye of Sauron` was `diverted` in the `Hollywood` movie of J. R. R. Tolkein`s The Return Of The King:
`… one moment only it stared out ... stabbed northward … a piercing Eye ... not turned on them, it was gazing north ... `5
Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings was a trilogy, and The Return Of The King was Part Three, while Part Two, The Two Towers, features the story of the destruction of the one ring, `The Ring remains hidden. And that we should seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams.`6 The `One Ring` is a slave ring, which suggests the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre was an attempt to reestablish `rough trade`, that is, homosexual pederasty and war. But the ring of enslavement and devourment would be broken. If the socio-economic valence of the `woman`s seed`, that is, the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` libido and energic chakra levels of transformative developmental capacity were to prevail in the truly human system.
In Jungian psychology, the functions of `Feeling` and `Intuition` are associated with the soul or anima, that is, the Holy Spirit/Paraclete in her `fourfold` role as `teacher, guide, comforter and helpmeet`, which presupposes woman`s development of the formerly masculine ego oriented functions, `Thinking` and `Sensation`. To develop `Thinking` she`d have to escape from homosexual pederasty, which is the whisperer in her ears, and she`d have to learn to love herself. Consequently, her picture of sexuality would have to change so that her eyes would see only herself as what is to be desired within her environment.
Without `Intuition` it would be impossible to perceive that women have a penis of their own, but for God who tells Eve that she`s `woman`s seed`, and Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary uncontaminated by `man`s seed`. Because Jung associates `Intuition` with the nose and smell, the question is for `Cinders` after 9/11, 2001. The `fut` of the `woman`s seed`, that is, `futanarian` woman, can`t be protected by the `New Redeemer` if the `prince of darkness` puts a glass slipper on her.
The predominant symbol of the 20th century is the smelly cigarette, because it represents the consumption of the smaller by the greater. If the `fut` of the woman is visible when she`s small, that is, as a new or rediscovered species, the `red dragon` will consume her child, the `New Redeemer`, that is, `he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter` to abolish `smoking`.
In the 20th century fellatio was defined as `smoking`, and so was murder, which suggests `woman`s seed` would be killed by homosexual pederasty`s evil `serpent`s seed` if her `fut` were seen through a glass slipper. However, although 9/11 was a failed attempt to prevent `Cinders`, she doesn`t need a prince`s balls to make her go. Just as Adam and Eve didn`t need their pederast in Eden, `futanarian` woman doesn`t need to be seen either, which suggests the smoke in the nostrils of the evil `serpent` seed` on 9/11 was their `scene` at the `Big Apple`, but the `prince of darkness` won`t be there to put a glass slipper on Cinderella`s `fut` so that she can be blamed for leaving the scene of his crime.
Although Jesus` birth from the Virgin Mary prefigured `futanarian` woman with her own penis, that is, conception without contamination by male semen, and its `seeds` of death, that is, HIV/AIDS which Revelation calls `blood plague`, it constitutes the `blood feud` of `biological warfare` against the `host` womb of the human species, which is discernible as mafia maintenance of false homosexual family values of pederasty and vendetta against those who would free `woman`s seed` from her enslavement to misogyny`s monogamy. God destroyed `Sodom and Gomorrah`, in an early attempt to eradicate homosexual pederasty, and `Camorra` is the false mafia family that are the evil murdering alien parasites of the `serpent`s seed`, and homosexual pederasty`s `perpetual enmity` against Liberty`s `First Family` in the Whitehouse in Washington D.C.
5 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord Of The Rings, Part Three, `Mount Doom` in The Return Of The King (1955), Boston, Massachussetts, Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
6 Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings, Part Two, The Two Towers (1954), Boston, Massachussetts, Houghton, Mifflin, 1987.
Tarot Woman
02/09/2012 15:52Tarot Woman
Women have been engaged in warfare with men for generations over who has the right to develop her penis. Indicating the women with the body of a sex goddess and saying `This is what we have been fighting for,` is standard jingo nonsense from soldiers who, in biblical terms, represent homosexual pederasty`s devouring `red dragon` of Revelation depicted as waiting to devour the child of the hidden `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who is giving birth to the `New Redeemer` who`ll protect her until she leaves Earth to `sow` her own `seed` in heaven.
Ancient Greek society was based on the principle that women`s wombs were to be enslaved by men so that they could spread their `boy sons` through warfare. Men`s `boy sons` are `poisons`, a metaphor for HIV/AIDS, and other STDs, as the `blood plague` of Revelation and the `devourer` of woman and her Earth.
The typical modus operandi is the `Greek horse` of Troy in which the Greeks, `feigning friendship` as the HIV/AIDS virus `feigns friendship` for the white cells of the citadel of the body`s defense in order to kill them and it, hid and emerged to enslave the `host` wombs of the Trojan women so that they could continue to practice their `plague games` of producing more `boy sons` to be `poisons` and take more citadels, kill more women, and produce more poisons, which is what the devouring virus of homosexual pederasty`s HIV/AIDS `blood plague` does.
The condom is the shield designed to protect the woman from the disease which prefers the sterile blood, shit and semen mixture from which the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty has developed its psychological and biological weapon of warfare and terrorism against women and her `womb`.
The alien parasitical viral life form that is men again used its `Greek horse` of virality masquerading as machismo when, `feigning friendship`, terrorists bought tickets in Boston, Massachussetts, and were carried as passengers aboard `civil` aircraft, before hijacking them and crashing them into the Twin Towers of New York`s Ilium, so precipitating the global Greek `plague games` of the `War On Terror` subsequently declared by President George W. Bush of the United States of America from 2003 onwards.
Penetration of the USA`s shield against the virality of homosexual pederasty`s disease of the devouring `blood plague` of the devouring `red dragon` of warfare precipitated global fear of the spy, represented by a further genuine terror, which was that of the USA`s global surveillance in the Orwellian shape of `Big Brother Is Watching You`, that is, the intelligence gathering organizations of the NSA, CIA, FBI, etc., irrespective of Britain`s MI6, Israel`s Mossad, South Africa`s BOSS, and so on.
The `shield` concept relates to law enforcement, and so `Desert Shield` was the name given to the defence of Israel, and the interests of the Western powers and her allies, in the first Gulf War (1990-1) precipitated by Saddam Hussein`s Iraqi army`s invasion of Kuwait. The fact that the USA armed Hussein indicated that their `shield` was the problem.
Feminism introduced the concept of `political correctness` into government, but those Trojans from upstate New York`s city of Troy on 9/11 may`ve concluded that defining `working like a Trojan` was viral and that the `Greek horse` of the `friendly` aircraft crashed into the Twin Towers of their Ilium was a direct result of the failure of `political correctness` to identify devouring homosexual pederasty as inalienably opposed to women as a species with her own penis, which is what the `hidden` woman of Revelation who leaves to `sow` her own `seed` in heaven is. In refusing to define the devouring disease of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty as `Greek` rather than `Trojan` because of `political correctness`, and defining lesbianism, which is the correct valence of the species woman, as the same as homosexual pederasty, that is, `gay`, feminism and `PC` USA dropped their shield.
For a woman her shield is her bikini briefs, which means that genuine protection for her, resembles the femidom, which is inserted into the vagina. Male symbolism devolves from swords and spears, whereas female symbolism devolves from pentacles and cups, according to the Tarot, which is often described as a `portable Torah, that is, the Judaiac book of the law of God, and was saved from the accidental burning of the library of Alexandria by the Romans and Julius Caesar, according to tradition, in 48 BC.
Spears are interpretable as the penis, and cups are interpretable as the vagina. Swords are interpretable as the male penis, if we know that women as a`futanarian` have a penis, and pentacles are comprehendable variously as shields or coins, that is, in economic terms, defense. Consequently, the saving of the Torah at Alexandria was necessary for defence because it depicts, in symbolic and pictorial terms, as a `deck` of cards that `know the future`, how to defend it.
The pentacle is often depicted as a protective star in a circle, which suggests that the `New Redeemer` that protects the `hidden` futanarian woman before she leaves Earth is a part of the symbolic interaction with the mind.
In Christianity, and the myth cycle associated with King Arthur and the knights of the round table, the Grail is central, that is, the bowl from which Jesus ate and drank at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, is a symbol of friendship, and of course Judas` betrayal is a symbol of the virus, that is, `feigning friendship` in order to kill `friendship`, which is what the 9/11 terrorists did to the Arab world.
At the `Last Supper` Jesus offered the contents of his bowl, that is, the `bread and the wine`, as `symbols` of his `body and blood`, which meant `friendship` and the teachings of the Paraclete or Holy Spirit of God to those who were Christians after Jesus` crucifixion.
According to the New Testament, the Paraclete or Holy Spirit emerged after the spear of Longinus pierced the side of Jesus upon his death at the crucifixion, which meant that she emerged as the `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam` as the `guide, teacher, comforter and helpmeet` of woman.
In the 20th century the USA adopted Longinus` Spear of Destiny` as the symbol of the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, and in the 21st century the sex symbol of the American Dream and Manifest Destiny was Britney Spears, because the Paraclete or Holy Spirit that effectively emerged from Longinus` spear to be at the side of woman as `guide, teacher, comforter and helpmeet` is e pluribus unum, or `the many from the one` spear, which is the legend upon the Great Seal of the United States of America:
`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Piece Of Me
In God We Trust is what we find on a `piece`, which is a US dollar, and that`s why a pentacle is a coin in terms of Tarot symbolism. Defence is a `shield` and not a `gun`, but a gun is called a `piece` and a `peacemaker` by homosexual pederasty`s parasitical viral aliens representing the `red dragon` enslaving women`s `host` wombs through the perpetuation of a secret war against her.
For those who worship war on Earth with the gun, the `red planet`, as the Roman war god Mars, is their astrological or Tarot `ruler`. In believing the propaganda that they have `planetary rulers` in the heavens, the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s alien virality accepts Mars, the Roman god of war, as its `ruler` rather than Jesus.
For homosexuality, `War Is God`, which George Orwell observed in his novel Nineteen Eighty Four (1948), where propaganda promulgates the nonsensical belief that `War is Peace`. Homosexuality has even `hijacked` the language of preparation for holy wedlock by referring to `rules of engagement` that delimit defence to `bows and arrows technology` rather than the shields of starships that deal with meteor showers, as depicted by the USS Enterprise from the TV series Star Trek (1965-) so that men can continue producing `boy sons`, that is, the `poisons` of marriage, rather than acknowledging woman as a species and accepting she should leave for her stars in heaven, which contain more than Mars, god of war.
Defence spending is an issue in the United States and President Ronald Reagan`s 1980s `Strategic Defence Initiative` (SDI), which effectively envisaged space missile technology shielding the USA with a `nuclear umbrella` deterrent, and George Bush Snr`s patriot missile `Desert Shield` for the state of Israel prior to the commencement of hostilities with Iraq over its invasion of Kuwait (1990), which is now become a proposed `missile shield` for the Western powers, indicates the flaw in military thinking.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the sword is a symbol of egotistical masculine thinking, while the cup or Grail is a symbol of the feminine `Feeling` function. According to Jung there are four functions of consciousness, that is `Thinking, Feeling, Sensation, and Intuition`. Whereas `Thinking` is associated with the sword, and cup is `Feeling`, `Sensation` is the pentacle, in Tarot or Torah symbolism, and `Intuition` is the spear. Male thinking associates the spear with the missile whereas, in terms of woman as a species, the spear is her penis. Because the pentacle is both coin and shield, it represents defence spending, and according to Jung, `Sensation` is a masculine function, because man and woman are a species, so sword and defence go together. However, if we suppose the Torah or Tarot to refer entirely to women as a species exclusive of men, the male element simply refers to the penis of the woman, which is only male in contradistinction to women. In other words, from the perspective of woman as a species, the penis is female but God insofar as it corresponds to the `fatherer` in heaven, which is to come after she leaves Earth for the stars.
Defining missiles as shields is an aspect of the propaganda of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s devouring that defies credulity but is hypnotically believed by billions, which suggests that the world`s religions and educational media amount to a global network of telepathic coercion. How many women are educated in the knowledge that they are a species with their own penis? How many PhD students have emerged from Universities throughout the world, even on gender studies programmes, as Annabelle Chong the pornstar did, without even an inkling that women have a penis of their own? Because the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty wants to continue with its `plague games` of enslaving women`s wombs as `hosts` to further spread its alien parasitical virality in the form of devouring war, HIV/AIDS` biological and psychological warfare against woman, and `blood plague` vendettas of physical misogynist terrorism against woman and her Earth masquerading as machismo in a moustache or beard.
The Tarot as Torah is a socio-historical depiction of a history determined by swords, spears, and the desire for fellowship and the companionship of women symbolized by the cup or Grail, whereas the pentacle as the symbol of economics represents men`s `rules of engagement`, that is, you can`t build a shield to protect yourself against men because they will deny you the wherewithal to construct it. However, if men are denied marriage with women, the socio-historical message is simple. Without swords and spears, the `Grail` is woman as a species, and the shields of the starship Enterprise or Voyager in the TV series Star Trek represent the shield that would facilitate her escape from the swords and spears of Earthmen, who are her alien parasitical viral enemies constantly seeking to penetrate her shields and reinstate their `plague games` of enslavement of her `host` womb, and so war through `boy sons`; as the `poisons` from her womb and the `poisons` of HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` to destroy her species before it emerges. As they do in China, for example, where girls are aborted or `exposed` at birth so that they`re unable to inherit.
The picture of swords, spears, cups, and shields is socio-historical, but isn`t a deterministic blueprint for the future insofar as the presupposition is for woman as a `futanarian` species with a penis of her own to outgrow the sword and spear, which is masculine, and leave Earth, as the Grail, inside a starship`s shield.
Although the Grail is the goal of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table, because it represents fellowship, as Jesus` discipleship did, the table is an alternative symbol for the pentacle, which represents fare, that is, women eating food and drinking together, and not men`s treachery and warfare against her.
Treachery and warfare is the symbolism of Judas, and Judas` rejection of the `body and the blood` of Jesus, symbolized by Jesus` offer of the `bread and the wine`, represents acceptance of the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and its `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, which is antithetical to food and drink as women`s fare, and that`s why women accept the role of `cook`. Because they aren`t warfare, that is, poison, whereas men are and daughters want to live.
The round table is a symbol of the ship`s vessel which contains, as a dish contains meat, or a shield contains the starship and its contents. It doesn`t presuppose attack, but only protective containment. In simple terms, shields relate to woman`s escape into her future and not warfare, which is the `disease` that the alien parasitical virus that is men want her to `carry` there.
In the Arthurian myth cycle the Grail is represented as attainable or achieveable but not posessable, because it is the thing itself and can be perceived as a guiding principle, which is that of the woman with a penis of her own. In Christian terms, the exhortation `love thy neighbor` is Jesus` distillation of the law of God, because it contains the perception that a man is a woman and, if a woman has a penis and she is the `hidden` woman whose destiny is the stars and escape from men and the Earth, it isn`t for a man, which is why the Grail can be achieved or attained, that is, man can perceive, in Christian terms, that a woman with a penis is a man, but the Grail cannot be possessed by a man, who can only perceive wisely that a man is a woman, and she is attained, because she is achieved.
Spear and cup symbolism is directly related to Jesus` promise of immortality to those who accept the Paraclete or Holy Spirit, which is the feminine principle. Amongst the stars the penis of the woman may be understood as reproductive but, if she is immortal, as Jesus promises, the penis would only be a `fatherer` in heaven if the survival of the species of woman were threatened. In which case ploughs might be swords again and, in Revelation, the `seed` of the woman who leaves Earth fights a war in heaven against the serpent`s `seed`, and the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, which sweeps away `a third of the stars of heaven`, is defeated. It and its `seed` receive unendurable eternal pain forever as a punishment from God, while the `seed` of woman as a species receive a new heaven and Earth in which to forever dwell. It`s fulfillment of the Old Testament promise to the `chosen`, who are usually perceived as Jews. However, you can only be a Jew if you are born from a woman, which means that women are the `chosen`, and so the symbol of the rainbow, as a symbol of God`s promise, is a symbol of no return of woman to man:
`I'll never return, how do you know
Tarot woman, I don't know, I don't know` – Rainbow Tarot Woman (1976)
Herod`s Chinese
30/08/2012 08:40Herod`s Chinese
In the Bible Herod is the King that had all of the newborn male children put to death, because he feared that one of them might be Jesus, who Herod`d been told would be `the King of the Jews`, that is, their prophesied Messiah, and Herod ruled over the Jews on behalf of the Roman Empire. In 20th century China it was common practice to expose girl children to the elements so that they would die when they were born, because inherited property was through the male line, and so there had to be a male issue to ensure an inheritor, but daughters were a liability due to payments to strangers associated with marriage dowries, etc.
In Revelation the `New Redeemer` is depicted as ruling with an iron rod so that the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` that gave birth to the `New Redeemer` remained protected while she hid upon the Earth prior to leaving to sow her seed in heaven. Having fought a war against the `red dragon` that had waited in vain to devour her child, the `New Redeemer`, she receives a new heaven and Earth, while the evil serpent`s `seed` are given eternal unendurable pain as a punishment. Because she `sows` her own `seed` in heaven, she is futanarian woman with a penis of her own, which means that woman is the species of the Earth, and the serpent`s `seed` is men as alien viral parasitical leeches upon her `host` womb.
In ancient Greece the valence of the serpent`s `seed` is represented by the enslavement of women`s wombs by homosexual pederasty for the purpose of producing more `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, to spread its `disease` of war. The prototypical device was the `Greek horse`, a huge structure built of wood inside which the Greeks hid and left it as a `friendship gift` at the gates of Troy. The Trojans took it within the walls, and the Greeks emerged to enslave the host wombs of the women to further what the Bible defines as the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague`.
In biology the `Greek horse` corresponds to the HIV/AIDS virus which, `feigning friendship` with the white cells of the body`s immune system, kills them so that the body dies. HIV/AIDS is the `red dragon`, because it is a valence of homosexual pederasty`s psychological and biological warfare against the wombs of women, that is, the `blood plague` of Revelation, which doesn`t want the futanarian woman with a penis to be born, and red China`s exposure of girl children to death at birth is another instance of male homosexual pederasty`s devouring `red dragon` seeking to prevent the `hidden` woman of Revelation from living and escaping from men. Her `rod` is the `New Redeemer` that wants to protect her, and is the antithesis of Herod who didn`t want any newborn male children to live because one of them might be Jesus. The irony, of course, is that male children are no longer required because the woman as a futanarian has a penis of her own, and the `boy sons` are only the `poisons` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague` anyway, so God will not miss them.
9/11 in 2000 was a typical `Greek horse` of virality masquerading as `friendship`. The Al Qaeda terrorists bought tickets to visit New York in Boston, Massasschussets, before hijacking their `civil` aircraft and crashing them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, so precipitating global war on anyone deemed to be `suspicious`. In Revelation `the number of the beast is six hundred three score and six`, which is 666, the reverse of the number of the police in the former British Empire and Commonwealth, and 9/11 is the reverse of the number of the police in the United States of America, 911. According to Revelation noone can live without the `mark of the beast`, because anyone deemed to be suspicious after 9/11 has the `mark of the beast`, which is why 9/11 occurred, so that the beast can watch, and decide who lives and who dies. Revelation is often thought of as difficult to understand, and even as a piece of `black humour`, but the spectre of terrorism has been with the Earth for many years:
`The Red Brigades (Brigate Rosse in Italian, often abbreviated BR) was a Marxist-Leninist organization, based in Italy, which was responsible for numerous violent incidents, assassinations, and robberies during the so-called `Years of Lead`. Formed in 1970, the organisation sought to create a `revolutionary` state through armed struggle, and to remove Italy from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The Red Brigades attained notoriety in the 1970s and early 1980s with their violent attempts to destabilise Italy by acts of sabotage, bank robberies, and kidnappings.`
In the light of religious understanding, based on a thorough knowledge and observation of the meaning of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `blood plague` of war and terror, the Italian Red Brigades may be reinterpreted as the `Red Prick AIDS`, which means either that God has a sense of humour or the evil do, or the beast of Revelation is the police who enjoy a good joke amongst themselves, and want everybody to die of a homosexual disease while watching them:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
In the Bible `Babylon, the great, Mystery, mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth` is `fornication`. Her `host` womb enslaved by the alien parasitical virality of homosexual pederasty, her `boy sons` are the devouring warfare of the `red dragon`, which are the `poisons` of Revelation and the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS. Whereas `false friendship` is the valence of the `Greek horse`, which the 9/11 Al Qaeda terrorists employed to buy tickets to `visit` New York, `fornication` is the `Greek whores` who produce the `boy sons` of homosexual pederasty, and the enslaving of the wombs of women and, because `futanarian` women have their own penis, her species.
In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) libido or instinctual energy is transformed into spiritual and intellectual work through the medium of the archetypes of the collective unconscious which appear abstractly or personified in dreams, art, and the reverie of imagination as impulses to consciousness or individual personal growth that Jung terms individuation. The figure of the woman drinking from her cup of `fornication and abominations` is the archetype of the valence of homosexual pederasty, which produces `boy sons` in order to devour `boy sons`, and so her `poison` cup is full. The function of the archetype here is to show that the `mother` is blameless insofar as she is enslaved by homosexual pederasty, and the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` who protects her with a rod of iron before she leaves Earth represents woman as a species` freedom from the vermin.
`The Great Whore Of China` is the title of porn star Annabel Chong`s video on You Tube, which details how she had sex with 70 men 251 times in 10 hours. Wikipedia contains the further information that `Annabel went on to graduate work in gender studies at USC and presented her work in pornography as an attempt to challenge the settled notions and assumptions of viewers about female sexuality. For example, her conception of a gang bang was based on the example of Messalina, a wife of the emperor Claudius ... [who] suffered a poor reputation, a fact that some attribute (at least partly) to gender bias. Chong sought to question the double standard that denies women the ability to exhibit the same sexuality as men, by modelling what a female stud would be.` However, `While in the United Kingdom ... she met a man and agreed to have sex with him in an alleyway. He brought along other men, and she was gang raped and robbed ... `1
`Chongian` psychology is that a woman who has sex with 70 men 251 times in 10 hours is independent and is `liberated`, whereas the robbery, because she was known for making `gang bang` porn movies, indicates that men`s perception of her role is that of the woman who takes `boy sons` in order to produce `poisons`, which is what the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war, and the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS represents. Annabel had understood `gender` but she hadn`t understood `species`, that is, women with a penis are the futanarian aspect of the species woman and freedom and independence consist in working with that valence, which lesbian pornstars such as Sophie Moone from Hungary in fact do. Challenging assumptions is threatening the status quo, which was why Annabel was raped. Young women like Lady Gaga (Judas), Christina Aguilera (Dirrty), and Britney Spears (Criminal) challenge assumptions also, but living is the real challenge, and `drawing fire` from the `virus`, when the work is the challenge and we don`t want it to `fire us`, is counter productive. Annabel has described herself as a worker in the `sex industry`, but although pornography is about gender it isn`t about woman`s species, which means that `gang bangs` with men become violent if they `see red`, that is, the `red dragon` of the `snuff movie` where the women are casualties of the war against the valence of homosexual pederasty and HIV/AIDS` `blood plague`. Annabel`s having sex with 70 men 251 times in 70 hours was `policed`, but her rape was condoned by the fact of her accepting `gang banging` as a legitimate valence. Without security in London she didn`t have the `mark of the beast` which allowed her to work:
`... no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13: 16-17)
Annabel was robbed during a `gang bang` for which she wasn`t paid, and needed the police, which is what the `number of the beast`, that is, 666, has been interpreted as since 9/11. 911 is the number of the police in the USA and so 9/11 was a reversal for good where the `bullies` or evil, that is, `666`, triumphed over the `police`, 999, which is the reverse of the number of the police in the former British Empire and Commonwealth. If the police become `bullies` after 9/11, which is the most obvious concern for those familiar with George Orwell`s 1948 Nineteen Eighty-Four and its `Big Brother is watching you` scenario of constant police surveilance, `PC Plod` will have become `PC Plod plague`. The failure of the USA to recognize the threat of terrorism as a `Greek` virus while `working like a Trojan`, and protection for upstate New York and its city of Troy, is symptomatic of the `PC Plod Plague Games` (PG) system in which `gang bangs` are a metaphor for the threat of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS, and Towering Inferno is a devouring `red dragon` Hollywood `blockbuster`, until the gangs are really banging, the blocks are really busted, and 666 is the only number that will call. Because it can see that you wouldn`t call it.
Political Censorship
26/08/2012 11:47Political Censorship
The censor wasn`t able to prevent the viewer from watching the two aircraft, hijacked by terrorists, from crashing into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre at Manhattan Island on 9/11, 2000. Seeing the scene of the Twin Towers` destroyed on CNN brought it home to the American household that Hollywood, Babylon, had programmed 9/11 by providing such `disaster movies` as media entertainment for the previous 100 years. Prior to 9/11 the American censor had been able to keep the individual from perceiving the reality of Hollywood programming, and its consequences, from the eyes of the public.
Essentially, 9/11 represented a failure of the `PC` which, in England, and much of the rest of the world, because of the influence of the former British Empire and Commonwealth policing, means `police constable` as well as `personal computer`. 9/11 revealed the `PC` had failed to provide `parental guidance` (PG), which resulted in the playing of an uncensored `game`. In the biblical book of Revelation such scenes represent `plague games`. The `blood plague` of the `red dragon` is depicted as the disease of homosexual pederasty, that is, the Marquis De Sade`s AIDS, which God destroyed at Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18,19), the `cities of the plains`, but that reemerged on 9/11 to `plague games` at the `cities of the planes`, New York and the Pentagon, Arlington; Virginia.
The city of Troy is upstate from Manhattan, and the `Greek horse` was the device used by the Greeks to breach the walls of ancient Troy. Presenting the huge wooden horse to the Trojans as a `gift`, the Greeks hid inside and captured the city when the duped Trojans took it inside the city. The Greeks used war as a device to spread their disease of homosexual pederasty by enslaving the wombs of the women to produce more `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, and create a valence that became, in biblical terms, the red dragon`s `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS had had been preparing since God told Eve that there`d be `perpetual enmity` between hers and the serpent`s `seed` in Eden. In the New Testament Jesus` crucifixion, torture and murder represent that valence of the `red dragon` that is the Marquis De Sade`s, and the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty`s `mark of the beast`, which is AIDS as sadism:
`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)
The Marquis De Sade`s advocacy of torture as pleasure, and the sores of the disease AIDS, that is, Sade`s, are present in the `pains` and `sores` of Revelation, and death and hell is the concomitant for those who refuse to give up homosexual pederasty and sadism, which is what the symbol of the red dragon that lies in wait to devour the New Redeemer born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` represents. 9/11 was a manifestation of the Marquis De Sade`s `Greek horse` of terrorism masquerading as friendship, which is how the HIV/AIDS virus functions when it attacks the body`s defences. The HIV/AIDS virus pretends to be friendly to the white cells, just as the `friendly` terrorists bought tickets to visit New York in Boston, Massachussetts. When the white cells that defend the red cells of the body`s health accept the HIV/AIDS virus` offer of friendship, the HIV/AIDS virus kills them and, unable to protect itself, the body dies.
911 is the telephone number of the police in the USA and, in Revelation, `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which means 666 is the reverse of the number of the police in the former British Empire and Commonwealth, that is, 999. In other words, 9/11 was `the number of the beast` because the terrorists were censoring.
In Revelation the New Redeemer protects the woman who is `hidden` upon the Earth until she leaves to sow her `seed` in heaven. She fights a war against the evil serpent`s `seed` and wins. God gives her a new heaven and Earth and the evil receive perdition as a punishment. The new heaven and Earth is necessary because the woman has a penis of her own and so is `futanarian` because she has `seed` of her own. 9/11 was chosen by the yellow moon of Al Quaeda, `the base`, because they perceived themselves as the `censor` continuing to prevent the woman`s penis from ever being seen on or off the Earth.
The association of the `number of the beast` with the police is significant because God`s is omniscient. In Europe and other places across the Earth the police are `polizei`, which sounds like `pull its eye`, that is, a reference to censorship and blindness. Although the `eye` of the penis can`t itself see, in developmental psychology libidic energy is transformed into spiritual and intellectual inventiveness that produced, for example, the visual mediums of TV, cinema, video, the internet, 3-D movies, and virtual reality. But police surveillance systems are so that they can see you, and so are not designed to help you to see, which means the medium designed by the inventive and creative to be visually usable is only used to be useful in blinding the creative and inventive users of the medium.
Masturbation or onanism is traditionally associated with blindness. In fact Onan was killed by God in the Bible for masturbating rather than performing coitus with his dead brother`s wife Tamar, which is why masturbation is termed onanism and is associated with blindness. Obviously Onan wouldn`t see if he were killed. In fact Onan was prescient insofar as he could see that men were women`s virus, because maintaining the beauty of Tamar, by not burdening her with the labours of childbirth, was Onan`s rationale for not impregnating Tamar. Although he couldn`t see her as futanarian woman, that is woman as a species with her own penis, in human terms he was endeavouring to pierce the veil of censorship. The blinding of those whose eyes are opened is familiar from Sophocles` Oedipus Rex in which Oedipus blinds himself because he`s inadvertently broken the taboo of incest and married his mother, Jocasta.
Jocasta hangs herself because anoxia represents the starving of the body of oxygen, which allows the brain and penis to function. In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a symbol of unified brain and penis functionality. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) libidic or instinctual sexual energy is transformed into spiritual or intellectual energy, but requires oxygen to function. The penis needs blood oxygenation to inflate, and assist the brain`s desireful thought. If the libido is strangled, development is prevented, which is why Oedipus blinds himself and Jocasta hangs herself. Sophocles` play is about censorship and uses the incest taboo to examine how the `censor` aborts. The drama takes as its example the woman with a penis that the `censor` doesn`t want to be born.
The incest motif is important because the futanarian woman that remains hidden upon the Earth and gives birth to the New Redeemer as her protector appears to be a self-ferilizer in the same way as the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus without the semen of a man. In other words, she is an unmarried mother who is able to fertilize herself with her own penis, irrespective of whether or not the birth of the New Redeemer is parthenogenetic or not. Put simply, incest denotes the futanarian woman who has both penis and vagina, which means that incest symbolically represents woman as a former species that the censor of the alien parasitical viral life form of homosexual pederasty doesn`t want recovered, and that`s why the incest taboo is so strongly ingrained.
In Revelation famine is described as the fourth horseman of the apocalypse, alongside war, plague, and death. Because famine is starvation and sexuality is a valence of libidic transformation, the `censor` wants to strangle and starve a unified libidic developmental functionality, but that would be difficult to justify to anyone but misogyists, and so the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS secretly endeavours to `censor` woman`s growth valence by killing the futanarian woman in her own womb by means of HIV/AIDS and other STDs.
The concept of `the number of the beast` as polizei or `pull its eye` refers to the idea that masturbation of the penis should be punishable because it shouldn`t see, as Oedipus` and Jocasta`s incest is self-punished by blinding and anoxia respectively, because that`s how libidic development is curtailed by the `red dragon` of the `censor` that is homosexual pederasty`s `blood plague`. 9/11`s terrorism resulted in global `police` surveillance, so that those who were trying to see couldn`t, which was the goal of the `red dragon`. The woman with a penis of her own is a virile psycho-physical complexio oppositorum indifferent to men`s virality, and blindness and anoxia is the future that men have planned for her or anyone else who wants to see the truth.