Article archive
The Syllogism Of Pederasty
23/08/2012 12:57
The Syllogism Of Pederasty
Ancient Greek society believed principally that pederasty was good. Older Greek men initiated games and sports to develop their young men, and gave them weapons and armour to make them more beautiful to their eyes, and then sent them off to war where they either...
Is Est Miseratio Versus Inter Ignarus Quod Suscipio Is
19/08/2012 11:27
Is Est Miseratio Versus Inter Ignarus Quod Suscipio Is
`Babylon` is the place of `Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth`, according to Revelation, and someone wanting to be alone in a bar wants to hear the legend of Babylonia.
Nos Es A Morbus
18/08/2012 11:02
Nos Es A Morbus
In Revelation the `red dragon` is a symbol of homosexual pederasty, which was the basis of ancient Greek civilization. Enslaving the `host` wombs of women, Greek society spread its plague of warfare to city states such as Troy, where they employed the device of the `Greek...
Political Correctness and Political Expedience
17/08/2012 10:07
Political Correctness and Political Expedience
Politics in the USA largely devolves from the perspective that it isn`t `godless` Russian, or even Chinese communism in which girls are exposed to die at birth because they aren`t wanted. `Red Russia` was based on the perception, `from each...
Lady Gaga Works Like A Trojan But For The T-Cells Its A Bad Romance
16/08/2012 12:16
Lady Gaga Works Like A Trojan But For The T-Cells Its A Bad Romance
In the video single for Bad Romance Lady Gaga and her dancers emerge from plastic coffins with red crucifixes affixed to them. Wearing white crowns and white jump suits they`re representative of the Resurrection of victims...
Camp Security For Believers
15/08/2012 12:21
Camp Security For Believers
Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`. In Eden Eve is told she will `crush` the head of the `serpent` with her heel before she leaves Earth. Saddam`s name means that `man` is her target. Revelation tells how the `red dragon` waits in vain...
The Red Dragon And The Woman Clothed With The Sun
14/08/2012 12:18
The Red Dragon And The Woman Clothed With The Sun
Jesus was born from a virgin as a sign that women don`t want men`s `seed`, and Jesus remained celibate until he was tortured and murdered by men as a further `sign` that men don`t want women`s `seed`, which is what the figure of the woman of...
Impotencia and Potencia
13/08/2012 13:32
Impotencia and Potencia
The book of Revelation culminates in the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` leaving Earth after a period where she`s protected as the `hidden` woman by the `New Redeemer`. In heaven she `sows` her `seed`, which means that she`s a woman with a...
Friendly Firers
12/08/2012 11:19
Friendly Firers
God didn`t want the `seed` of a man. That`s why Jesus in the New Testament was born of the Virgin Mary. When Er, in the book of Genesis from the Old Testament, said he didn`t want to impregnate his wife Tamar with his `seed`, because it would spoil her beauty, God killed him...
Your Friendly AIDS Virus
10/08/2012 07:17
Your Friendly AIDS Virus
The AIDS virus is a metaphor for evil which is why it is often thought of as the prophesied `blood plague` of Revelation that is virulent because it feigns friendliness towards the cells of the body in order to kill. Of course the concept of the body can be...
Items: 91 - 100 of 144