Article archive

Manhattan Transfer

09/07/2012 06:52
  Manhattan Transfer   Giving HIV/AIDS to someone who doesn`t want it is difficult. In effect the one attempting to transfer the HIV/AIDS virus would have to fake wearing a Trojan condom, for example. 9/11 was Manhattan Transfer, that is, an attack by a parasitical viral life form over...

Why Is A Transvestite Called A TV?

08/07/2012 16:48
Why Is A Transvestite Called A TV?   Watching television was the main home activity of the 20th century, including sex. At the dawn of the 21st century, sexuality was the forefront issue, with AIDS. Despite the TV Wars of the Gulf taking centre stage,  sex wa s never off the TV...

Who`s Eaten Madeleine McCann?

07/07/2012 09:34
Who`s Eaten Madeleine McCann?   The English disease is often defined as `paedophilia`, which is `fear of development`. Society in England is based on the sole premise that every living high school leaver wants to have sex with small children. The solution is to present everyone as infants and...

Malien Psychology

04/07/2012 13:07
Malien Psychology   The basic problem of men on the planet Earth has been how to keep women unaware of the fact that men are parasitical aliens that have enslaved her `host womb`  because they`re afraid that she`d become aware that she`s a species of her own with her own penis. Even in...

New Yorker-Plunk

03/07/2012 10:51
9/11 was The New Yorker-Plunk, because the Twin Towers were constructed from a basic cost-cutting materialist viewpoint that perceives that it`s not what you put in, it`s what you leave out of the building, that makes it economic to build it. Similarly, if women are a species with her own penis,...

Paris Hilton`s Clothes Horse

03/07/2012 07:22
Paris Hilton`s Clothes Horse   On 9/11 New York was the `City of the Planes`, whereas Sodom and Gomorrah were the `Cities of the Plains` that God destroyed in the Bible because they practiced homosexuality and sadism. The destruction of the Twin Towers by disguised civilian aircraft resembles...

My Baby Jesus

02/07/2012 13:42
My Baby Jesus   Infantilism is the perception, on the part of others, that there are things that you can`t do but they can, which produces individuals that aren`t able to do those things that they want to do, and that are desirable for them in terms of their personal growth, but they`ve been...

The Genie of the Bush

01/07/2012 12:37
The Genie of the Bush    According to the Koran, God created the djinn or genies from flame that does not burn, which is very different from the perdition promised the evil by God and is eternal unendurable pain described as `fire that burns but does not...

If You Seek Amyjism

30/06/2012 18:16
If You Seek Amyjism Whirl up, sea— Whirl your pointed pines, Splash your great pines On our rocks, Hurl your green over us— Cover us with your pools of fir.   The `heart of the ocean` in Imagist poetry is the `objective correlative`, according to T. S. Eliot, and relates to Plato`s mimesis and...


29/06/2012 01:03
Defamy   Britney Spears` single If You Seek Amy is interpreted as F*U*C*K Amy, which may be `well def` in some quarters, but that`d be `defamy`. Understanding requires thought, and I don`t want to be deaf Amy. It`s an `old wives` tale that `wanking makes you deaf`, which is important if you...
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